Find Self-Referential Code in IntelliJ - intellij-idea

In IntelliJ when code is not used anywhere it will be "grayed out." Is there any way to see if a set of classes aren't used anywhere?
I have this set of classes with references to each other so IntelliJ is counting this set of classes as being used. In this case I know the code is useless but it would be nice to have the ability to automatically detect this sort of thing. The logic to do this isn't amazingly difficult... Does anyone know if this is possible in IntelliJ?

This "greyed out" mark simply reflects declaration usages in other source code files or framework configuration files. Declaration usage search cannot detect orphan clusters of classes as these classes are formally referenced.
There is a technique, that may help here: define some root set of entry points (main() methods, web.xml declarations, etc) and trace all the references, effectively building a graph of used classes/methods. Once graph is completed, you can treat unvisited classes as dead code. Pretty similar to what Java garbage collector does during young gen collection. It is quite difficult and resource consuming for on-the-fly code analysis, so Intellij has it implemented as a separate inspection one can run manually.
To demonstrate it let's create a fresh project containing the following code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new Used());
class Used {}
class ObviouslyUnused {}
class TrickyUnused1 {
TrickyUnused1() {
System.out.println(new TrickyUnused2());
class TrickyUnused2 {
TrickyUnused2() {
System.out.println(new TrickyUnused1());
In the editor we can see, that only ObvoiuslyUnused is greyed out. Let's run an "Unused declaration" inspection:
and here we go, inspections shows, that our unused self-referenced class cluster is not reachable:
You should be aware, though, that there are always means of referencing code in implicit ways: reflection, native calls, runtime code generation, SPI implementations, references from framework configuration files, etc. So no static anlisys tool can be 100% accurate when detecting dead code.


How to access top level functions referring to the file they're declared in?

If you have a file MyUtils.kt in app/utils/:
package app.utils
fun log(message: String) {
And you want to access this log() function from another file App.kt at app/, you will do this:
package app
import app.utils.log
fun main() {
But I don't like how the log() function is imported from the /utils package and not from the MyUtils.kt file explicitly.
One alternative would be to declare MyUtils.kt with package app.utils.MyUtils but I don't think it's a good practice to declare files in packages that don't have a matching folder.
Is there a way around this?
Edit: declaring an object or class wouldn't be a good solution either because of memory issues.
You can't.
Long answer
You seem to have a misconception that a class or object somehow adds some memory issues to your application.
That's not the case.
In fact, if you're running on the JVM, your log function will compile to the following:
public final class UtilsKt {
public static final void log(#NotNull String message) {
Intrinsics.checkParameterIsNotNull(message, "message");
You can hit Meta+Shift+A on IntelliJ, then do Show Kotlin bytecode if you don't believe me.
Also, you seem to believe it should be possible to refer to a file name explicitly in a Kotlin import. There isn't a way to do that. Files have almost no bearings on the Kotlin compiled-code (it's kind of an accident that the file name actually reflects on the generated Java class name, as shown above).
Packages in Kotlin are usually arranged to meet the directories they are in... but that's not mandatory, by the way. You can write classes in several packages under the same directory. This means that the file names and even directory names do not really affect Kotlin runtime types and imports.
If you are worried about not being able to quickly find out where your functions are declared, I suggest you use the Java convention of calling the files by the name of the class that live in it, and then wrap all functions into an object (there's absolutely no runtime costs associated with that).
package app.utils
object MyUtils {
fun log(message:String) => println(message)
File: app/utils/MyUtils.kt
But notice that with any decent IDE, navigating to the declaration of a function is trivial (Meta+B in IntelliJ, usually) regardless of in which file it is in, so this problem is not normally an issue when you work with an IDE.

Define a missing method through AOP?

I'm in a situation where the implementation of a library we are using is newer than the implementation one of our dependencies was coded against. E.g. Dependency uses MyLibrary-1.0 and we're using MyLibrary-2.0.
In the newer implementation a deprecated method has been removed, which causes run-time errors for us.
I'm trying to use AOP (Spring-AOP to be specific) to intercept calls made to the missing method, and proxy them into an existing method... but I can't seem to get the Aspect right.
It feels like Java is raising the 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError' exception before my Aspect has an opportunity to intercept. Is there some trick I'm missing, or is this just not feasible (e.g. the method must exist in order to aspect it)?
#Before("execution(* com.mylibrary.SomeClass.*(..))")
Fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
#Around("target(com.mylibrary.SomeClass) && execution(* missingMethod(..))")
Fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
Assuming that your are talking about a 3rd party library which is independent of Spring, you cannot use Spring AOP with its proxy-based "AOP lite" approach which only works for public, non-static methods of Spring components. Please use the more powerful AspectJ instead. The Spring manual explains how to integrate full AspectJ with load-time weaving (LTW) into Spring applications. If your application is not based on Spring so far and you just wanted to use the framework because of Spring AOP, you can skip the whole Spring stuff altogether and use plain AspectJ.
The feature you want to use is an inter-type declaration (ITD), more specifically AspectJ's ability to declare methods for existing classes. Here is some sample code:
3rd party library:
package org.library;
public class Utility {
public String toHex(int number) {
return Integer.toHexString(number);
// Let us assume that this method was removed from the new library version
public String toOct(int number) {
return Integer.toOctalString(number);
Let us assume that the method I commented out was just removed from the latest version your own project depends on, but you know how to re-implement it.
Project dependency depending on old version of 3rd party library:
package com.dependency;
import org.library.Utility;
public class MyDependency {
public void doSomethingWith(int number) {
System.out.println(number + " in octal = " + new Utility().toOct(number));
Because the previously deprecated method Utility.toOct does not exist anymore in the version used by your own project, you will get NoSuchMethodError during runtime when calling MyDependency.doSomethingWith.
Your own application:
import org.library.Utility;
import com.dependency.MyDependency;
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("3333 in hexadecimal = " + new Utility().toHex(3333));
new MyDependency().doSomethingWith(987);
As you can see, the application also uses the same library, but a different method which still exists in the current version. Unfortunately, it also uses the dependency which relies on the existence of the removed method. So how should we repair this?
Aspect using ITD:
AspectJ to the rescue! We just add the missing method to the 3rd party library.
package de.scrum_master.aspect;
import org.library.Utility;
public aspect DeprecatedMethodProvider {
public String Utility.toOct(int number) {
return Integer.toOctalString(number);
If you compile this project with the AspectJ compiler Ajc, it just works. In your real life scenario, compile the aspect into its own aspect library, put the weaving agent aspectjweaver.jar on the JVM command line in order to activate LTW and enjoy how it weaves the method into the library class via byte code instrumentation during class-loading.
Log output:
3333 in hexadecimal = d05
987 in octal = 1733
Et voilà! Enjoy. :-)
When the JVM load a class, it resolves all dependencies in a "linker" phase : external classes, properties and method. You can't pass this phase in your case, because methods are missing.
There are two modes on (Spring-)AOP: Proxy, and weaving.
Proxy create... a proxy around a class: the targeted class must exist and be loaded
Weaving can happen before a class is loaded: when a classloader load a class, an array of byte[] is passed to the weaver, which can manipulate the class bytecode before the class is really reified. This type of aop can work in your case. However, it will not be an easy task.

C code for interpreting Java HelloWorld byte code

What is a simple C/C++ code which can interpret a java class file (byte code) which only contains System.out.print() statements.(I had a look at simple opensource JVMs but they are bit complex because of the completeness.)
Or where can I find a well explained guide to make an interpreter (i.e explanation of Java byte code)
Perhaps you're looking for the Java Virtual Machine Specification.
While your question may seem trivial at first, this is only because of how well a facade the JVM places over the internal aspects of even a simple class like this:
final class WorldGreeter {
public static void main(final String[] argv) {
System.out.println("Greetings, Earth!");
Reading through the fifth chapter of the specification, namely Loading, Linking, and Initializing, you'll see there is plenty of work a virtual machine must do to run even the most simple programs.
To point out the necessity of all of these complex stages, I'll be assuming you're using the standard Oracle JDK; according to this blog post, you'll expect the initialization of System.out to require quite a bit of work -- namely, the loading of several various classes, and more importantly a working JNI layer.
Now, there's no reason you'd need to be using the Oracle JDK implementation... sure, you could use a more simple setup, but most of the structure and work put into the loading, linking, and initialization stages still stands. It's not as easy as your hunch might tell you.

FxCop (/VS2010 Code Analysis), possible to flag method result as "callers responsibility now" for IDisposable?

If I write the following code:
public void Execute()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
then code analysis will flag this as:
Warning 1 CA2000 : Microsoft.Reliability : In method 'ServiceUser.Execute()', call System.IDisposable.Dispose on object 'stream' before all references to it are out of scope. C:\Dev\VS.NET\DisposeTest\DisposeTest\ServiceUser.cs 14 DisposeTest
However, if I create a factory pattern, I still might be required to dispose of the object, but now FxCop/Code Analysis doesn't complain. Rather, it complains about the factory method, not the code that calls it. (I think I had an example that did complain about the factory method, but the one I post here doesn't, so I struck that out)
Is there a way, for instance using attributes, to move the responsibility of the IDisposable object out of the factory method and onto the caller instead?
Take this code:
public class ServiceUser
public void Execute()
var stream = StreamFactory.GetStream();
public static class StreamFactory
public static Stream GetStream()
return new MemoryStream();
In this case, there are no warnings. I'd like FxCOP/CA to still complain about my original method. It is still my responsibility to handle that object.
Is there any way I can tell FxCOP/CA about this? For instance, I recently ventured into the annotation attributes that ReSharper has provided, in order to tell its analysis engine information it would otherwise not be able to understand.
So I envision something like this:
public static class StreamFactory
[return: CallerResponsibility]
public static Stream GetStream()
return new MemoryStream();
Or is this design way off?
There is a difference between FxCop 10 (which ships with the Windows 7 and .NET 4.0 SDK) and Code Analysis 2010 (which ships with Visual Studio Premium and higher). Code Analysis 2010 has a set of additional rules, which includes a highly improved version of the IDisposable rules.
With Code Analysis 2010 under Visual Studio Premium, the Factory isn't being flagged (as the rule now sees the IDisposable variable is returned to the calling method). The Receiving method, however, isn't flagged either, due to one of the corner case exceptions to the rule. There is a list of method names that will cause the rule to trigger. If you rename your GetStream method to CreateStream, suddenly the rule will trigger:
Warning 4 CA2000 : Microsoft.Reliability : In method 'ServiceUser.Execute()',
call System.IDisposable.Dispose on object 'stream' before all references to it are out
of scope. BadProject\Class1.cs 14 BadProject
I was unable to locate the list of method pre-fixes that will work. I've tried a few and Create~, Open~ trigger the rule, many others that you might expect to work, don't, including Build~, Make~, Get~.
Additionally there is a long list of bugs surrounding this rule. The rule was altered in Visual Studio 2010 to trigger fewer false positives, but now it sometimes misses items it should have flagged (and would have flagged in the previous version). There wasn't enough time to fix the rules in the Visual Studio 2010 time frame (check the bug report comments).
With the upcoming Roslyn compilers, Code Analysis will probably see a major upgrade, until then there are only minor updates to be expected. The current build of Visual Studio Dev11 does not trigger where you want it.
So concluding, no your attribute wouldn't help much, as the rule already detects that you're passing the IDisposable as a return value. Thus Code Analysis knows it's not good to dispose it before returning. If you're using the undocumented naming rules, the rule will trigger. Maybe an attribute could extend the naming rules, but I'd rather have Microsoft would actually fix the actual rule.
I created a connect bug requesting the naming guideline to be documented in the rules documentation.
Comment from Microsoft:
Posted by Microsoft on 1/19/2012 at 10:41 AM
Thank you for taking the time to investigate this and file the request for the documentation update. However after some discussion with our documentation team, we have decided to not document the naming convention as you requested.
As you indicated on the stackoverflow thread, there have historically been a lot of reliability issues with this rule, and keying off of the names was an internal implementation detail added to try to reduce the number of false positives. However this is not considered prescriptive guidance for how developers should name their methods, it was added after a survey of common coding practices. We believe the long-term fix is to improve the reliability of the rule, not add naming guidance to our public documentation based on internal implementation details that will continue to change as the rule is improved.
Best Regards,
Visual Studio Code Analysis Team

Is there anything in the C++0x standard to support separate compilation of templates?

In current g++, I typically include all my templated functions that take the template parameter as an argument because they have to be compiled for each instance.
template<typename T>
class A {
void f() { ... }
So in a different source, I would write:
#include <A.hh>
A<int> a1;
A<double> a2;
Sometimes, when I've been desperate to not inline big methods, I've manually specified which classes will be used in the source file, but it's really obnoxious:
template<typename T>
A::A() { ... }
template<typename T>
void A::f() { ... }
A<int>; // manually trigger code generation for int and double
Obviously different IDEs and compilers have mechanisms to support this. Is there anything standard that has been mandated, and/or does g++ support anything like this?
There's nothing in the proposed C++0x standard. In fact, export template has been removed (few compilers implemented it anyway).
As far as inlining is concerned, it's a total non-issue. The compiler is smart enough not to inline functions which are too big, even if they're marked inline and put into a header file.
If you're looking at increased compile times from header files grown bloated from templates, use precompiled headers. These aren't standard, but almost all current compilers provide such a mechanism.
C++0x does have extern template, which allows you to prevent the instantiation of certain templates in a compilation unit. So if you have a template class SomeClass, you can put this in the header:
extern template SomeClass<int>;
extern template SomeClass<double>;
This will prevent users from instantiating the template. In the .cpp file for the template, you can force instantiation with this syntax:
template SomeClass<int>;
template SomeClass<double>;
I've manually specified which classes will be used in the source file, but it's really obnoxious:
A<int>; // manually trigger code generation for int and double
This is not legal (I assume you meant to declare dummy variables here, and missed their name). We will see below why
Is there anything standard that has been mandated, and/or does g++ support anything like this?
C++03 had something called export, but which turned out to be a misfeature. The EDG implemented that feature, and their experience with it indicated that it's not worth the trouble implementing it. And it doesn't provide a useful feature separate compilation usually gives you: Hiding of the code of templates which you once compiled. export still requires the code of templates, be it in raw form or encoded into a mid-level compiler-specific language. See Why we can't afford export. A short example is given by EDG worker David Vandevoorde here.
For C++0x and for C++0x sans export, we have
A function template, member function of a class template, or static data member of a class template shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is implicitly instantiated (14.7.1) unless the corresponding specialization is explicitly instantiated (14.7.2) in some translation unit; no diagnostic is required
As this indicates, the only way you can achieve separate compilation is to explicitly instantiate the template you want to have separately compiled. By defining dummy variables, you merely implicitly instantiate the class template. And you do not instantiate the member functions of the class templates that way - you would need to do dummy calls or take their address. And to all this, you are not guaranteed that an implicitly instantiated function won't be discarded if it's not used in the translation unit it was instantiated by, after optimization, based on the above quote.
So you explicitly instantiate the class template, which will explicitly also instantiate its member functions the following way:
template class A<int>;
template class A<double>;
This feature, called export is present even in the current standard of C++. Unfortunately, most compilers, including gcc, do not support it. See here