C code for interpreting Java HelloWorld byte code - jvm

What is a simple C/C++ code which can interpret a java class file (byte code) which only contains System.out.print() statements.(I had a look at simple opensource JVMs but they are bit complex because of the completeness.)
Or where can I find a well explained guide to make an interpreter (i.e explanation of Java byte code)

Perhaps you're looking for the Java Virtual Machine Specification.
While your question may seem trivial at first, this is only because of how well a facade the JVM places over the internal aspects of even a simple class like this:
final class WorldGreeter {
public static void main(final String[] argv) {
System.out.println("Greetings, Earth!");
Reading through the fifth chapter of the specification, namely Loading, Linking, and Initializing, you'll see there is plenty of work a virtual machine must do to run even the most simple programs.
To point out the necessity of all of these complex stages, I'll be assuming you're using the standard Oracle JDK; according to this blog post, you'll expect the initialization of System.out to require quite a bit of work -- namely, the loading of several various classes, and more importantly a working JNI layer.
Now, there's no reason you'd need to be using the Oracle JDK implementation... sure, you could use a more simple setup, but most of the structure and work put into the loading, linking, and initialization stages still stands. It's not as easy as your hunch might tell you.


Find Self-Referential Code in IntelliJ

In IntelliJ when code is not used anywhere it will be "grayed out." Is there any way to see if a set of classes aren't used anywhere?
I have this set of classes with references to each other so IntelliJ is counting this set of classes as being used. In this case I know the code is useless but it would be nice to have the ability to automatically detect this sort of thing. The logic to do this isn't amazingly difficult... Does anyone know if this is possible in IntelliJ?
This "greyed out" mark simply reflects declaration usages in other source code files or framework configuration files. Declaration usage search cannot detect orphan clusters of classes as these classes are formally referenced.
There is a technique, that may help here: define some root set of entry points (main() methods, web.xml declarations, etc) and trace all the references, effectively building a graph of used classes/methods. Once graph is completed, you can treat unvisited classes as dead code. Pretty similar to what Java garbage collector does during young gen collection. It is quite difficult and resource consuming for on-the-fly code analysis, so Intellij has it implemented as a separate inspection one can run manually.
To demonstrate it let's create a fresh project containing the following code:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new Used());
class Used {}
class ObviouslyUnused {}
class TrickyUnused1 {
TrickyUnused1() {
System.out.println(new TrickyUnused2());
class TrickyUnused2 {
TrickyUnused2() {
System.out.println(new TrickyUnused1());
In the editor we can see, that only ObvoiuslyUnused is greyed out. Let's run an "Unused declaration" inspection:
and here we go, inspections shows, that our unused self-referenced class cluster is not reachable:
You should be aware, though, that there are always means of referencing code in implicit ways: reflection, native calls, runtime code generation, SPI implementations, references from framework configuration files, etc. So no static anlisys tool can be 100% accurate when detecting dead code.

Mocking C library functions in Objective-C

I'm a beginner to Objective-C, but I've used jUnit a fair bit.
For unit testing my code, I need to be able to mock the network, which I'm using through the CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost function.
Per the answer to How to mock a C-function using OCMock, this is impossible in OCMock. Are there any frameworks or techniques that allow this?
I'd rather not commit to using some overcomplicated Java-esque IoC framework just to make my code easier to test, but I must say that one of the benefits of Spring is that issues like this rarely come up when you use everything through an interface and configure the implementations through dependency injection. Is that the way forward here, or is there a simpler solution?
You can rebind system(all) function pointers in memory for testing. There are multiple techniques to do it(e.g. DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES), but the easiest way is to use convenience library from Facebook:
#import "fishhook.h"
static void *(*orig_malloc)(size_t __size);
void *my_malloc(size_t size)
printf("Allocated: %zu\n", size);
return orig_malloc(size);
/* .. */
- (void)testMyTestCase
//hook malloc
rebind_symbols((struct rebinding[1]){{"malloc", my_malloc, (void *)&orig_malloc}}, 1);
char *a = malloc(100);
//restore original
rebind_symbols((struct rebinding[1]){{"malloc", orig_malloc, NULL}}, 1);
I don't know of any way to mock a C function. If it can be done, it would have to be a feature in the C compiler you're using.
As far as I know, Clang does not have any such feature, so you can't do it.
The CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost() function is at a fixed location in memory and it cannot be moved nor can anything else be placed at the memory location - it's a system function shared by every app running on the device, changing it would break every other app that is currently executing.
The inability to do things like this with C function is the reason why C executes faster than most other programming languages. If you want to be able to mock functions, then do not write your code in the C language. Use objective-c instead, make a class MyCFStream with a method createPairWithSocketToHost, with a single line of code calling the C function use that everywhere in your app. You can easily mock the method in the class.
Your wrapper function will, however, be much slower than using the built in C function directly.
Another option would be to create a macro that renames the C function and calls your wrapper function in debug and the system C function in prod. This would allow you to mock/swizzle the Objective-C function for unit testing, but preserve the speed in prod.
There is one serious concern with this approach in that it changes your implementation between debug/prod, but it is a choice. In this case, I'd highly suggest having some integration tests and run them in a prod environment to confirm, to a pretty high degree of certainty, that the code is functioning as intended.
Anyway, if this interests you, please know/learn what you're doing as this can be a fairly dangerous approach if done incorrectly.

Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?

I was wondering, why does Math.sin(double) delegate to StrictMath.sin(double) when I've found the problem in a Reddit thread. The mentioned code fragment looks like this (JDK 7u25):
Math.java :
public static double sin(double a) {
return StrictMath.sin(a); // default impl. delegates to StrictMath
StrictMath.java :
public static native double sin(double a);
The second declaration is native which is reasonable for me. The doc of Math states that:
Code generators are encouraged to use platform-specific native libraries or microprocessor instructions, where available (...)
And the question is: isn't the native library that implements StrictMath platform-specific enough? What more can a JIT know about the platform than an installed JRE (please only concentrate on this very case)? In ther words, why isn't Math.sin() native already?
I'll try to wrap up the entire discussion in a single post..
Generally, Math delegates to StrictMath. Obviously, the call can be inlined so this is not a performance issue.
StrictMath is a final class with native methods backed by native libraries. One might think, that native means optimal, but this doesn't necessarily has to be the case. Looking through StrictMath javadoc one can read the following:
(...) the definitions of some of the numeric functions in this package require that they produce the same results as certain published algorithms. These algorithms are available from the well-known network library netlib as the package "Freely Distributable Math Library," fdlibm. These algorithms, which are written in the C programming language, are then to be understood as executed with all floating-point operations following the rules of Java floating-point arithmetic.
How I understand this doc is that the native library implementing StrictMath is implemented in terms of fdlibm library, which is multi-platform and known to produce predictable results. Because it's multi-platform, it can't be expected to be an optimal implementation on every platform and I believe that this is the place where a smart JIT can fine-tune the actual performance e.g. by statistical analysis of input ranges and adjusting the algorithms/implementation accordingly.
Digging deeper into the implementation it quickly turns out, that the native library backing up StrictMath actually uses fdlibm:
StrictMath.c source in OpenJDK 7 looks like this:
#include "fdlibm.h"
Java_java_lang_StrictMath_sin(JNIEnv *env, jclass unused, jdouble d)
return (jdouble) jsin((double)d);
and the sine function is defined in fdlibm/src/s_sin.c refering in a few places to __kernel_sin function that comes directly from the header fdlibm.h.
While I'm temporarily accepting my own answer, I'd be glad to accept a more competent one when it comes up.
Why does Math.sin() delegate to StrictMath.sin()?
The JIT compiler should be able to inline the StrictMath.sin(a) call. So there's little point creating an extra native method for the Math.sin() case ... and adding extra JIT compiler smarts to optimize the calling sequence, etcetera.
In the light of that, your objection really boils down to an "elegance" issue. But the "pragmatic" viewpoint is more persuasive:
Fewer native calls makes the JVM core and JIT easier to maintain, less fragile, etcetera.
If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
At least, that's how I imagine how the Java team would view this.
The question assumes that the JVM actually runs the delegation code. On many JVMs, it won't. Calls to Math.sin(), etc.. will potentially be replaced by the JIT with some intrinsic function code (if suitable) transparently. This will typically be done in an unobservable way to the end user. This is a common trick for JVM implementers where interesting specializations can happen (even if the method is not tagged as native).
Note however that most platforms can't simply drop in the single processor instruction for sin due to suitable input ranges (eg see: Intel discussion).
Math API permits a non-strict but better-performing implementations of its methods but does not require it and by default Math simply uses StrictMath impl.

Is it really a limitation to use interfaces such as IList<T>.someMethod in AOT code?

In the mono project documentation this limitation is outlined:
Limitation: Generic Interface Instantiation
The following class of interface dispatch is not supported in FullAOT
interface IFoo<T> {
void SomeMethod ();
Since Mono has no way of determining from the static analysis what
method will implement IFoo.SomeMethod this particular pattern is
not supported.
We have been using code like this unbeknownst to this limitation, and are currently attempting to figure out if some stability issues and this are related. This seems to function as expected, and so we are skeptical this is an issue still. Our code compiles to AOT with no errors, and runs without throwing any errors. Is this just old documentation?
An added bonus question: If this isn't supposed to work...why does it work for the built-in C# classes such as IList without issue but it shouldn't work otherwise?

Creating an Objective-C API

I have never made an API in objective-c, and need to do this now.
The "idea" is that I build an API which can be implemented into other applications. Much like Flurry, only for other purposes.
When starting the API, an username, password and mode should be entered. The mode should either be LIVE or BETA (I guess this should be an NSString(?)), then afterwards is should be fine with [MyAPI doSomething:withThisObject]; ect.
So to start it [MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:#"BETA"];
Can anyone help me out with some tutorials and pointer on how to learn this best?
It sounds like what you want to do is build a static library. This is a compiled .a file containing object code that you'll distribute to a client along with a header file containing the interface. This post is a little outdated but has some good starting points. Or, if you don't mind giving away your source code, you could just deliver a collection of source files to your client.
In terms of developing the API itself, it should be very similar to the way you'd design interfaces and implementations of Objective-C objects in your own apps. You'll have a MyAPI class with functions for initialization, destruction, and all the functionality you want. You could also have multiple classes with different functionality if the interface is complex. Because you've capitalized MyAPI in your code snippet, it looks like you want to use it by calling the class rather than an instance of the class - which is a great strategy if you think you'll only ever need one instance. To accomplish this you can use the singleton pattern.
Because you've used a username and password, I imagine your API will interface with the web internally. I've found parsing JSON to be very straightforward in Objective-C - it's easy to send requests and get information from a server.
Personally I would use an enum of unsigned ints rather than a NSString just because it simplifies comparisons and such. So you could do something like:
enum {
And then call:
[MyAPI username:#"Username" password:#"Password" mode:MYAPI_MODE_BETA];
Also makes it easy to check if they've supplied a valid mode. (Must be less than NUM_MYAPI_MODES.)
Good luck!