Birt: Retrieve user information from session - session-variables

Can someone please give a bit detail on how can I retrieve the user information in report parameter in Birt. I have implemented form based authentication in tomcat and I am using birtviewer as a standalone app. I have not embedded it into any application
How can I retrieve the session information like username etc. Is there any default variable where the birt stores session info? If I was embedding it into a servelet or any application, I could have set the session variable but in this case how can I retrieve the session info like username?

i acquired with;
ref: Eclipse forums


Handling auto-assign of project and members role for LDAP Users in Report Portal

I want to auto-assign a few of the Projects to the user who is logging in using the LDAP credentials. Currently, if LDAP user logs in, I have to go in Report Portal using super admin credentials and assign Member Role and Projects to that specific member.
I have recently tried this LDAP feature and facing this issue of the new user gets creating and assigning projects and members to each one of them. I wan some auto-assignment (like can we passed while setting LDAP setting in Report Portal)
Below is my LDAP user nperiwal with which I logged in Report Portal. But as you see this got created a new user and no project got assigned to it automatically. I want some process or code or settings which can fulfil my requirement.
FYI, see the below snapshot where I manually assigned projects and admin role.
Please help.
Simple way:
It can be done via scripting, see which requests are send to server in browser Network tab and put the same into the bash/shell script. Parametrize according to username and required access.
Long way: wait until our team will implement it within ReportPortal as feature, based on regular priority
Best way: request payed support from our team, and we will implement this capabilities for your company with highest priority. Drop mail at

Use Liferay to authenticate users from separate standalone application

I'm trying to get my standalone webapplication to use my Liferay 6.2 as "user store". That means I want the user to log in to Liferay and then be able to move on to another application with some credentials and user specific information passed as well. Moving on and passing information is already working, the issue I'm having right now is making sure the user-object that is passed on is the user that is actually logged in right now.
I use the LFR_SESSION_STATE_ cookie do determine the logged in user. But when I log in again with another user I get a second cookie with a different user-id. So now I need to make sure that I'm passing the correct user. The USER_UUID cookie does not contain the same uuid as provided by Liferay (as of now I didn't check if it's a hash of the uuid).
Long story short, I'm looking for a way to recognize the currently logged in user and be able to pass the credentials and additional information to my application.
I will take care of security concerns like manipulated cookies etc. subsequently. Maybe that will raise another question wenn I get to that point ;-)
I'd really appriciate any help or push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance guys ... sebastian
Some possibilities:
Make your application a portlet application
Publish your Liferay Database through LDAP (EE only) and use a separate SSO application
Create a Liferay-Hook that sets a cookie (to "/") containing the required user information - encryption and signatures are on yourself. You can create hooks that get executed on every successful login

Salesforce UserInfo session type in APEX

I would like to know if there is a way to find out in APEX when an particular user is logged in directly or via the "Login As" feature from the organization's user list.
The UserInfo class doesn't seem to provide any methods for this purpose and i need to know this in my apex code.
thanks in advance
Something is tracking that your session previously belonged to another user so that the "Logged in as XYZ (" message can be displayed in the Salesforce UI.
I suspect this would be cookie based. If this is the case, you could try and isolate it by tracking the cookie changes when you login as another user. If you can find it then you can check for the presence of this cookie in Apex using
Cookie counter = ApexPages.currentPage().getCookies().get('loginAsCookieHere');
As far as I know this isn't possible with salesforce.

ExtJs:How to get Session variable

In my Java web application,when a user gets logged in,i store the user name and other details in session as follows,
I am using ExtJs4 for UI.How to get the session variables in extJs?
I can second #Geronimo approach. You need to get user Id and/or permissions when you authenticate the user. However...
You can't rely just on the username/permissions that you store somewhere in your JS code because it can't be easily spoofed. If you present user with some information that can be different for different levels of access you still need to do server side validation of the user identity.
You can't get session variables off the server web container using javascript only.
I do the same thing (storing userId as a session variable in java). I use Ext.Request to perform an Ajax request to a java servlet to get it (along with other data about the user like permission settings for the webapp to enable or disable features they wouldn't be able to use).
I second sha's answer also, the only reason I pass the authentication information back to the client is for cosmetic reasons - so that user doesn't think he can use a feature in javascript that would be denied by my server side authentication. If he were to spoof the userId or permissions and try to use the feature, the real authentication on the server side would stop him.
I understand that the question has been asked for a long time ago, but despite the large number of views and the absence of an plain answer, I decided to offer this answer:
Assume that the session variable is registered like /index.php?PHPSESSID=9ebca8bd62c830d3e79272b4f585ff8f
In this case, you can get the variable PHPSESSID through JS object "location" and transform it through Ext.Object.fromQueryString()
console.log( Ext.Object.fromQueryString( ) );
will prepare PHPSESSID variable for your needs.

How to get username from openSSO/openAM system?

I'm currently using openAM to protect a small webapp of mine using a Java EE web agent. Someone tries to access the app, they get redirected to the openAM instance, they login, they go to the app. Simple stuff.
What I'd like is for openAM to pass the username that was successfully used to the web app. It's my understanding that "session attributes" should be used for this. When in the admin, I go to my Java EE webagent and open up the "Application" tab to see the "Session Attributes Processing". I see that HTTP_COOKIE is a choice for fetching.
1) is it the case that I should expect to see the username, if properly set up, as plaintext in the cookie?
2) what value do I enter in the session mapping to get the username? How do I find what value in the data store corresponds to this?
We are using HTTP_HEADER with our agents. So if you are already using agents (which sounds like you are), then the following should work for you. In OpenAM web console:
Access Control > Top Level Realm > Agents > Web / J2EE / etc. > click on an agent
Application tab > Profile Attributes Processing section > Profile Attribute Fetch Mode:
Click on the "HTTP_HEADER" choice
Profile Attribute Mapping:
Map Key: [uid] ... Corresponding Map Value: uid
Click Add. It should look like [uid]=uid once you've added it. Add any other mapping you need that matches attributes to your backend authentication system. Ours is ldap.
In your web application, retrieve the HTTP Header elements and look for the token. It should look something like this: AQIC5wM2LY4RfckcedfzxGrgVYevbKR-SgBkuemF4Cmm5Qg.AAJTSQABMDE.
You can then use the OpenAM REST interface to validate and retrieve attributes associated with the token such as user name, password, cn, etc. To retrieve all attributes, the URL would be like this:
You can also specify attributes you want like this:
1) yes, the agent will create plaintext cookies (and if the user sends malicious ones it will recreate them just fine), however using HTTP_HEADER method to pass on attributes is considered as a better solution (since it's not stored on the client side).
2) Session Attributes Processing only works if you actually stored something in the session. For that you can either use the "User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute" feature in Authentication All Core Settings or write some custom module to save derivative values. Otherwise if you just want to get the uid of the user, then use Profile Attributes Processing (uid key HTTP_UID value and your app will see a HTTP_UID cookie/header).