Original Image Size - vb.net

Using interop.powerpoint in VB.Net I am inserting an EMF file with the code:
' add picture shape to slide
AvailableSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(FileName:=file, LinkToFile:=MsoTriState.msoFalse, _
SaveWithDocument:=MsoTriState.msoTrue, Left:=SlideHorizontalPosition, Top:=SlideVerticalPosition)
' save original image size
mOriginalImageWidth = CurrentShape.Width
mOriginalImageHeight = CurrentShape.Height
' if EMF then crop the bottom
CurrentShape.PictureFormat.CropBottom = mCropValue
I have the original size saved before cropping. However, if I'm using a selected image in a PPT file I didn't save, I can't figure out where the original image size is stored in the selected "shape" object (5.49" by 4.13" in the image below). I assumed it would be in the PictureFormat somewhere.

Set the shape's .ScaleHeight and .ScaleWidth to 1 to return it to the original size.

This may or may not work but it's worth a shot (I can't test because I don't have Powerpoint). After a little bit of research on the PictureFormat interface, it has a few members that might be useful to you. I didn't exactly see anything that specified the picture's original size, but there were these four properties that seemed helpful: CropLeft, CropRight, CropTop, and CropBottom. They return the number of points cropped off each side respectively. A way to get the original size of the object would be to add the Width to CropLeft + CropRight and add the Height to CropTop + CropBottom. Try that and let me know if it works. Documentation is found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.office.interop.powerpoint.pictureformat_members(v=office.14).aspx
Try getting the shape's ScaleWidth and ScaleHeight properties. I couldn't find it in the documentation, but awhile ago, I had a student work with me to create an application to format powerpoint presentations that were imported into microsoft word. Here's the code that dealt with the scale size of the shape.


How can I convert a graphic into a form by program as I can do it in PowerPoint UI from context menu?

In the PowerPoint UI I can convert a graphic into AutoShapes using the Group>Ungroup command in the context menu. It is converted into a group of shapes.
Additionally it is possible to regroup them.
Why are these methods either missing (in case of conversion) or raising errors (in case of ungrouping) for msoShapeType = 28?
Here's an example that works here. Note that some of the shapes in ungrouped SVGs can be edited using Edit Points but the EMF version cannot. I don't know why that'd be. A limitation of EMF, perhaps.
Sub TestConvert()
' Ungroups the currently selected icon shape
Dim oSh As Shape
Dim oSl As Slide
Set oSh = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
Set oSl = oSh.Parent
' Copy the shape then paste it back as an EMF
ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial ppPasteEnhancedMetafile
' At this point you might want to oSh.Delete to remove the original shape
' get a reference to the newly pasted EMF
Set oSh = oSl.Shapes(oSl.Shapes.Count)
' Ungroup it
Set oSh = oSh.Ungroup(1)
' Ungroup it again
End Sub
Maybe I need to dig a little further:
The original use case was to export a graphic shape originally inserted from svg file back again into an svg file.
We were facing two problems:
Exporting a powerpoint shape to an svg file from the UI creates a vector graphic wrapper for a pixel graphic even if the shape was originally inserted from an svg file. If you insert the new svg file again into powerpoint it is still recognized as graphic but it does not behave as before. The vector benefits are lost. For example you cannot colour its frames.
No svg option was given to the almost not documented vba shape.export method.
For the first problem we found the workaround to "Convert To Shape" first. Exporting the group of shapes creates a proper svg file, which after inserting again into powperpoint behaves like the originally inserted svg file.
For the second problem we tried some third party libraries, but all exported the shape into a similar vector graphic wrapper for a pixel graphic as Powerpoint UI did before and working fine with prior converted group of shapes.
So the idea was to combine both workarounds and convert the graphic into a group of shapes and exporting it into an svg file with help of a third party library.
But converting a graphic (type=28) unfortunately cannot be converted by vba (see above).
Exporting to emf does not make a difference. It creates a vector graphic wrapper for a pixel graphic inside. The advantage of the svg file was that you can open it with a text editor and have a look what is inside.
Maybe someone has an idea, how to solve the original use case with a completely different approach. Thank you for reading ...

How to make long text fit into a text_frame? Python-pptx

I'm working with python-ppt to create a portfolio of candidates in a Powerpoint presentation. There is one candidate per slide and each of them has provided information about themselves like name, contacts and a minibio (the problem I'm here to solve)
The text_frame, created with values of height and width, must fit the slide but must a contain all lenght of minibios, which is not happening.
In a long phase (>200 char, with font size 12) it exceeds the size of the text box and get "out" of the slide, so, in presentation mode or a PDF file, the "overrun" of text is lost
Is there any way to confine the text to the shape/size of the text_frame? (extra help if the solution wont change font size)
Just found one parameter that helped to find the answer
When creating a text_box object with slides.shapes.add_textbox() and adding a text_frame to it, the text_frame.word_wrap = True limits the text to be contained inside the dimentions of the text_box
The code shows it better
# creates text box with add_textbox(left, top, width, height)
txBox = slide.shapes.add_textbox(Cm(16),Cm(5),Cm(17),Cm(13))
tf = txBox.text_frame
tf.word_wrap = True
Before word_wrap parameter
After word_wrap parameter
The short answer is "No". PowerPoint is a page-layout environment, and much like the front page of a newspaper, text "story" content needs to be trimmed to fit the allotted space.
We're perhaps not used to this because word-processing, spreadsheet, and web-page content is "flowed" into a (practically) unlimited space, but the area of a PowerPoint slide is quite finite. Also, using it for large text blocks is somewhat of an off-label use. There is a certain amount of flexibility provided by reducing the font size, but not as much as one might expect. Even accommodating 20% additional text requires what appears as a pretty radical change in font size.
I've encountered this problem again and again, and the only solution I have ever seen work reliably is hand-curating the content to fit.
python-pptx has one experimental feature to address this but its operation has never been very satisfactory and it's tricky to get working. https://python-pptx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/text.html#pptx.text.text.TextFrame.fit_text
The business of fitting text is the role of a rendering engine, which python-pptx is not.

Getting Text To Fit A Shape

I am coding using PowerPoint VBA and am trying to place text inside a rectangle shape, but ensure that the text fits (so there is no overflowing). I do not want the shape itself to resize, but the text to resize.
I have seen that I can use
oShp.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape
However, the problem with this is that the text will only resize after the user has clicked on the textbox when PowerPoint is in normal mode. I want this functionality when the PowerPoint is running!
I would be grateful to know is there a way to get the text automatically resized or do I need to find an alternative method?
Thank you for any comments!
I thought I would answer my question and close the thread.
After doing much research I found that there was no apparent method to get the text to auto-resize itself when the PowerPoint Show runs. I tried a number of approaches e.g. inserting text, trimming the text and turning word wrap off and on - however, none of these worked. I note (Bhavesh) I was fully aware of how to select the auto-size text settings via PowerPoint's GUI.
In the end my solution was to make a do loop and change the size of the text.
Below I pasted my key lines in the hope that it might help someone else who is trying to do the same. I made a variable overflow which attempts to assess if the height of the shape's textbox is bigger than the size of the rectangle.
Dim overflow As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
counter = 0
With ActivePresentation.Slides(i).Shapes(stringToTest)
overflow = CInt((.TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight) - (.Height - .TextFrame.MarginTop - .TextFrame.MarginBottom))
Do While overflow > 16 And counter < 50
'*** I note that the shape is overflowing when its value is >0 but I found 16 to be the most "aesthetically pleasing" number!
'*** Also using a counter prevents the code from potentially getting stuck in an infinite loop
If .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size > 20 Then
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size - 1
.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size = .TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Size - 0.5
End If
'**** By reducing the font size by 0.5 this provided a better fit for the text _
'**** (even better than using on PowerPoint's auto-size function!)
counter = counter + 1
overflow = CInt((.TextFrame.TextRange.BoundHeight) - (.Height - .TextFrame.MarginTop - .TextFrame.MarginBottom))
End With
In shape format, under text options, choose the option to shrink text on overflow.
Then, using .Shapes("Title 1").TextFrame.TextRange we input text via VBA.
The text automatically changes its font size.

How to change data label width in an Excel chart with VBA?

I want to change a label width in Excel chart by VBA code:
set lbl = SERIES1. points(1).datalabel
msgbox lbl.width 'this is working
lbl.width = 40 ' compile error: wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment
I can get the label width but cannot change it. What am I doing wrong?
AFAIK, the width of a chart data point label is not configurable. Even though the width can be retrieved with VBA, it's not possible to set or change it with a VBA command or property.
According to the documentation, the DataLabels.Width property is read only.
Returns the width, in points, of the object. Read-only.
Excel chart labels remain stubbornly uncooperative and resist formatting attempts, be it with VBA or with the UI.
That's (unfortunately) just how Excel works.
Don't shoot the messenger.
If you want to make a difference, consider raising an idea at excel.uservoice.com
This works in Excel 2016, you'll just need to adjust the series collection and point numbers to fit your needs. ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Points(1).DataLabel.Width = 363.314.

VB.NET: Preserve image metadata when moved to clipboard as an image

Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, VB.NET
I am writing a little program to convert LaTeX snippets to images which can be pasted into whatever program one can paste images into. It's working alright but the next obvious step is to include the source LaTeX code as a piece of metadata in the image so that the results can be modified without having to retype everything.
I have succeeded in adding a title PropertyItem with the latex encoded as an ASCII byte array as its value (id=800, type=2, value=System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(codestring)). I verify that the PropertyItem is really there before trying to put the image on the clipboard.
Then I do Clipboard.SetImage(myImage). The result is all of the PropertyItems are removed (my title plus anything else that was there)! I check this by doing MsgBox(Clipboard.GetImage.PropertyItems.Count.ToString) which gives zero.
This makes me very sad. Anyone know what's up?
Thanks in advance!
Update: I have figured out how to move the image onto the clipboard and then back off while preserving the PropertyItems like so:
Format = DataFormats.GetFormat(GetType(Image).FullName)
Dim dataObject As New DataObject
dataObject.SetData(Format.Name, image)
Dim copiedImage As Image = CType(Clipboard.GetDataObject.GetData(Format.Name), Image)
This way, the copiedImage has the same PropertyItems as the original. However, new problem:
Other programs don't recognize what's on the clipboard as an image anymore, which defeats the whole purpose. I.e., if I put an image on the clipboard this way, when I try pasting into some context that accepts pasted images, nothing happens.
What to do?!
I believe the Windows clipboard image has no metadata. If you change the format of the image to add metadata, it is no longer a clipboard image. If the other programs can accept it, you could copy and paste the image file (instead of the image) to the clipboard, and the metadata will of course be intact when it's read by the target app.
Have you tried Clipboard.SetData or Clipboard.SetDataObject? SetImage only copies the image in bitmap format, so I am not surprised that it strips the property items. You might try:
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.EnhancedMetafile, myImage)
Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.MetafilePict, myImage)