change type of a computed column to uncomputed in sql - sql

I have some computed columns in my DB with data. Is there anyway to change type of those columns to uncomputed without dropping and copying their data into new uncomputed columns?
For example I want to change
[Fee] AS CONVERT([decimal](19,4),(case when [Quantity]=(0) then (0) else [Price]/[Quantity] end)) PERSISTED,
[Fee] [decimal](26, 16) NOT NULL,

The exact answer is "it depends." MySQL doesn't even have computed columns. In SQL Server, I don't think it is possible. In Oracle it can be done with alter table t1 modify fee DECIMAL( m, n ).
However, even when allowed, the DBMS is probably behind the scenes creating a new column, moving the computed value to the new column, dropping the computed column and renaming new column to computed column name. So even if the conversion is not explicitly allowed, you can still get it done.

Computed Columns do not store data in themselves.
When you try to select the column in a query it computes the data and shows you. Also you can not modify computed columns to uncomputed columns.
But you can do this instead:
Create Table Temp (ID BigInt, value Computed_Column_DataType)
Insert Temp(ID, Value)
Select ID, ComputedColumnName
From Your_Table
Alter Table Your_Table Drop Column ComputedColumnName
Alter Table Your_Table Add ComputedColumnName Computed_Column_DataType
Update Your_Table Set ComputedColumnName = A.Value From Temp A Where A.ID = YourTable.ID


Common methods for doing select with computation by need?

I would like to be able to add columns to a table with cells who's values are computed by need at 'querytime' when (possibly) selecting over them.
Are there some established ways of doing this?
EDIT: Okay I can do without the 'add columns'. What I want is to make a select query which searches some (if they exist) rows with all needed values computed (some function) and also fills in some of the rows which does not have all needed values computed. So each query would do it's part in extending the data a bit.
(Some columns would start out as null values or similar)
I guess I'll do the extending part first and the query after
You use select expression, especially if you don't plan to store the calculation results, or they are dependant on more than one table. An example, as simple as it could be:
SELECT id, (id+1) as next_id FROM table;
What type of database are you asking for? If it is SQL Server then you can use the computed columns by using the AS syntax.
create table Test
Id int identity(1,1),
col1 varchar(2) default 'NO',
col2 as col1 + ' - Why?'
insert into Test
default values
select * from Test
drop table Test
In the SQL world it's usually expensive to add a column to an existing table so I'd advise against it. Maybe you can manage with something like this:
UnitPrice*Quantity AS "Regular Price",
UnitPrice*Quantity-UnitPrice*Quantity*Discount AS "Price After Discount"
FROM order_details;
If you really insist on adding a new column, you could go for something like (not tested):
ALTER TABLE order_details ADD column_name datatype
UPDATE order_details SET column_name = UnitPrice+1
You basically ALTER TABLE to add the new column, then perform an UPDATE operation on all the table to set the value of the newly added column.

sql - retain calculated result in calculated field

certain fields in our database contain calculated functions e.g.
select lastname + ', ' + firstname as fullname from contact where =$contact$
when viewing the field the correct data is shown (i assume this is because when you open the record, the calculation is executed). however, the data is not 'stored' to the field, and therefore is null until the record is opened. is it possible to 'store' the result to the field, making it possible to search the data?
many thanks
it is not possible for me to create computed_columns using our software.
the above field is a text feild where either 1) a user can manual type in the required data or 2) the database can generate the answer for you (but only whilst you are looking at the record). i know that if I run the following:
Select * from contact where =$contact$ for xml auto
i only get lastname, firstname - so i know that the fullname field does not retain its information.
If you are using computed columns in sql server, the column is already searchable regardless of whether the calculation result is stored or not. However, if you would like to make it so that the calculation is not run each time you read the row, you can change that under row properties in your Modify Table GUI.
Use the PERSISTED key word when you create the column
From BOL:
Specifies that the SQL Server Database Engine will physically store the computed values in the table, and update the values when any other columns on which the computed column depends are updated. Marking a computed column as PERSISTED lets you create an index on a computed column that is deterministic, but not precise. For more information, see Creating Indexes on Computed Columns. Any computed columns that are used as partitioning columns of a partitioned table must be explicitly marked PERSISTED. computed_column_expression must be deterministic when PERSISTED is specified.
This isn't the way computed columns work in SQL Server, so I suspect this is something your client application is doing. How are you looking at the data when the value is computed correctly? Does it work when you view the data in SSMS?
Take a look at to see how to create computed columns properly.
create table TestTable
(a int,
b int,
c as a + b)
insert into TestTable (a,b)
values (1,2)
select * from TestTable
where c = 3
This query is based on the computed column and it returns the row that's been inserted.
You need to use the PERSISTED option on a column when you use CREATE TABLE e.g.
CREATE TABLE test (col_a INT, col_b INT, col_c AS col_A * col_B PERSISTED)

Getting all rows from a Table where the column contains only 0

I got a little problem
i need a sql query that gives all rows back that only contains 0 in it.
the column is defined as varchar2(6)
the values in the column looks like this:
Row Value
1 0
2 00
3 00
4 100
5 bc00
6 000000
7 00000
my first solution would be like this:
substr('000000' || COLUMN_NAME, -6) = '000000'
SQL Server:
right('000000' + COLUMN_NAME, 6) = '000000'
is there an other way?
(it needs to work on both systems)
the output would be the row 1,2,3,6,7
This is the simplest one:
select * from tbl where replace(col,'0','') = ''
If you will not make computed column for that expression, you can opt for function-based index(note: Oracle and Postgres already supports this; Sql Server as of version 2008, not yet) to make that performant:
create index ix_tbl on tbl(replace(col,'0',''))
I just keep the answer below for posterity, I tried to explain how to make the query use index from computed column.
Use this:
select * from tbl
where ISNUMERIC(col) = 1 and cast(col as int) = 0
For ISNUMERIC needs on Oracle, use this:
#Charles, re: computed column on Oracle:
For RDBMSes that supports computed column but it doesn't have persisted option, yes it will make function call for every row. If it supports persisted column, it won't make function call, you have real column on the table which is precomputed from that function. Now, if the data could make the function raise an exception, there are two scenarios.
First, if you didn't specify persist, it will allow you to save the computed column (ALTER TABLE tbl ADD numeric_equivalent AS cast(col as int)) even if the result from the data will raise an exception, but you cannot unconditionally select that column, this will raise exception:
select * from tbl
this won't raise exception:
select * from tbl where is_col_numeric = 1
this will:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0 and is_col_numeric = 1
this won't (Sql Server supports short-circuiting):
select * from tbl where is_col_numeric = 1 and numeric_equivalent = 0
For reference, the is_col_numeric above was created using this:
is_col_numeric AS isnumeric(col)
And this is is_col_numeric's index:
create index ix_is_col_numeric on tbl(is_col_numeric)
Now for the second scenario, you put computed column with PERSISTED option on table that already has existing data(e.g. 'ABXY','X1','ETC') that raises exception when function/expression(e.g. cast) is applied to it, your RDBMS will not allow you to make a computed column. If your table has no data, it will allow you to put PERSISTED option, but afterwards when you attempt to insert data(e.g. insert into tbl(col) values('ABXY')) that raises an exception, your RDBMS will not allow you to save your data. Thereby only numeric text can be saved in your table, your PERSISTED computed column degenerate into a constraint check, albeit a full detoured one.
For reference, here's the persisted computed column sample:
numeric_equivalent AS cast(col as int) persisted
Now, some of us might be tempted to not put PERSISTED option on computed column. This would be kind of self-defeating endeavor in terms of performance purposes, because you might not be able to create index on them later. When later you want to create index on the unpersisted computed column, and the table already has data 'ABXY', the database won't allow you to create an index. Index creation need to obtain the value from column, and if that column raises an exception, it won't allow you to create index on it.
If we attempt to cheat a bit i.e. we immediately create an index on that unpersisted computed column upon table creation, the database will allow you to do that. But when we insert 'ABXY' to table later, it will not be saved, the database is automatically constructing index(es) after we insert data to the table. The index constructor receives exception instead of data, so it cannot make an index entry for the data we tried inserting, subsequently inserting data will not happen.
So how can we attain index nirvana on computed column? First of all, we make sure that the computed column is PERSISTED, doing this will ensure that errors kicks-in immediately; if we don't put PERSISTED option, anything that could raise exception will be deferred to index construction, just making things fail later. Bugs are easier to find when they happen sooner. After making the column persisted, put an index on it
So if we have existing data '00','01', '2', this will allow us to make persisted computed column. Now after that, if we insert 'ABXY', it will not be inserted, the database cannot persist anything from computed column that raised an exception. So we will just roll our own cast that doesn't raise exception.
To wit(just translate this to Oracle equivalent):
create function cast_as_int(#n varchar(20)) returns int with schemabinding
begin try
return cast(#n as int);
end try
begin catch
return null;
end catch
Please do note that catching exception in UDF will not work yet in Sql Server, but Microsoft have plans to support that
This is now our non-exception-raising persisted computed column:
numeric_equivalent AS cast_as_int(a) persisted
Drop the existing index, then recreate it:
create index ix_num_equiv on tbl(numeric_equivalent)
Now this query will become index-abiding-citizen, performant, and won't raise exception even the order of conditions is reversed:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0 and is_col_numeric = 1
To make it more performant, since the numeric_equivalent column doesn't raise any more exceptions, we have no more use for is_col_numeric, so just use this:
select * from tbl where numeric_equivalent = 0
Do you like:
This would also work in Oracle (but not in SQL Server):
REPLACE(column_name, '0') IS NULL
This will work in Oracle (and perhaps also in SQL Server, you will have to check):
LTRIM(column_name, '0') IS NULL
Alternatively, since it is a VARCHAR(6) column, you could also just check:
column_name IN ('0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000')
This is not pretty but it is probably the most efficient if there is an index on the column.
Building off KM's answer, you can do the same thing in Oracle without needing to create an actual table.
FROM YourTable y
WHERE YourColumn IN
(SELECT LPAD('0',level,'0') FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 6)
FROM YourTable y
(SELECT LPAD('0',level,'0') zeros FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 6) z
ON y.YourColumn = z.zeros
I think this is the most flexible answer because if the maximum length of the column changes, you just need to change 6 to the new length.
How about using regular expression (supported by oracle, I think also MSSQL)
Another SQL version would be:
where len(COLUMN_NAME) > 0
and len(replace(COLUMN_NAME, '0', '')) = 0
i.e., where there are more than 1 characters in the column, and all of them are 0. Toss in TRIM if there can be leading, trailing, or embedded spaces.
try this, which should be able to use and index on YourTable.COLUMN_NAME if it exists:
--SQL Server syntax, but should be similar in Oracle
--you could make this a temp of permanent table
CREATE TABLE Zeros (Zero varchar(6))
INSERT INTO Zeros VALUES ('00000')
INSERT INTO Zeros VALUES ('000000')
FROM YourTable y
or even just this:
FROM YourTable
WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN ('0','00','000','0000','00000','000000')
building off of Dave Costa's answer:
FROM YourTable
WHERE YourColumn IN
(SELECT LPAD('0',level,'0') FROM dual CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 6)
SQL Server 2005 and up:
;WITH Zeros AS
CONVERT(varchar(6),'0') AS Zero
SELECT '0'+CONVERT(varchar(5),Zero)
FROM Zeros
WHERE LEN(CONVERT(varchar(6),Zero))<6
select Zero from Zeros
FROM YourTable y

SQL - How to ALTER COLUMN on a computed column

I'm working with SQL Server 2008. Is it possible to alter a computed column without actually dropping the column and then adding it again (which I can get to work)? For example, I have this table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Prices](
[Price] [numeric](8,3) NOT NULL,
[AdjPrice] AS [Price] / [AdjFactor],
[AdjFactor] [numeric](8,3) NOT NULL)
Later realizing that I have a potential divide by zero error I want to alter the [Adjprice] column to handle this, but if I just drop the column and add it again, I lose the column order.
I want to do something like:
ALTER TABLE dbo.[Prices]
ALTER COLUMN [AdjPrice] AS (CASE WHEN [AdjFactor] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE [Price] / [AdjFactor] END)
But this isn't correct. If this is possible, or there is another solution, I would appreciate the help.
Unfortunately, you cannot do this without dropping the column first.
From MSDN:
Specifies that the named column is to be changed or altered. ALTER COLUMN is not allowed if the compatibility level is 65 or lower. For more information, see sp_dbcmptlevel (Transact-SQL).
The modified column cannot be any one of the following:
A computed column or used in a computed column.
if you must maintain order, copy the data into a duplicate table, then rebuild the table to keep your column order, then copy the data from the duplicate table back in.
Just be sure to do this when there is no activity going on.
if it is computed, what is the big deal dropping it and adding it again? is it PERSISTED and there are million of rows?
I do not think you can alter this column with out dropping.
So drop the colum then add new column.
If you find out any other way to do this please tell me.
its easy to overcome divide by zero error
( 100 / NULLIF( 0, 0 ) ) AS value
it will return a null, if 0 is in that column,
instead of alter go for update by using the above example
Also read the 3rd normalization for computed column

Insert into ... Select *, how to ignore identity?

I have a temp table with the exact structure of a concrete table T. It was created like this:
select top 0 * into #tmp from T
After processing and filling in content into #tmp, I want to copy the content back to T like this:
insert into T select * from #tmp
This is okay as long as T doesn't have identity column, but in my case it does. Is there any way I can ignore the auto-increment identity column from #tmp when I copy to T? My motivation is to avoid having to spell out every column name in the Insert Into list.
EDIT: toggling identity_insert wouldn't work because the pkeys in #tmp may collide with those in T if rows were inserted into T outside of my script, that's if #tmp has auto-incremented the pkey to sync with T's in the first place.
INSERT command
As identity will be generated during insert anyway, could you simply remove this column from #tmp before inserting the data back to T?
alter table #tmp drop column id
UPD: Here's an example I've tested in SQL Server 2008:
create table T(ID int identity(1,1) not null, Value nvarchar(50))
insert into T (Value) values (N'Hello T!')
select top 0 * into #tmp from T
alter table #tmp drop column ID
insert into #tmp (Value) values (N'Hello #tmp')
insert into T select * from #tmp
drop table #tmp
select * from T
drop table T
See answers here and here:
select * into without_id from with_id
union all
select * from with_id where 1 = 0
When an existing identity column is selected into a new table, the new column inherits the IDENTITY property, unless one of the following conditions is true:
The SELECT statement contains a join, GROUP BY clause, or aggregate function.
Multiple SELECT statements are joined by using UNION.
The identity column is listed more than one time in the select list.
The identity column is part of an expression.
The identity column is from a remote data source.
If any one of these conditions is true, the column is created NOT NULL instead of inheriting the IDENTITY property. If an identity column is required in the new table but such a column is not available, or you want a seed or increment value that is different than the source identity column, define the column in the select list using the IDENTITY function. See "Creating an identity column using the IDENTITY function" in the Examples section below.
All credit goes to Eric Humphrey and bernd_k
Not with SELECT * - if you selected every column but the identity, it will be fine. The only way I can see is that you could do this by dynamically building the INSERT statement.
Just list the colums you want to re-insert, you should never use select * anyway. If you don't want to type them ,just drag them from the object browser (If you expand the table and drag the word, columns, you will get all of them, just delete the id column)
set identity_insert on
Use this.
Might an "update where T.ID = #tmp.ID" work?
it gives me a chance to preview the data before I do the insert
I have joins between temp tables as part of my calculation; temp tables allows me to focus on the exact set data that I am working with. I think that was it. Any suggestions/comments?
For part 1, as mentioned by Kolten in one of the comments, encapsulating your statements in a transaction and adding a parameter to toggle between display and commit will meet your needs. For Part 2, I would needs to see what "calculations" you are attempting. Limiting your data to a temp table may be over complicating the situation.