How to update workspace with a defunct element in stream in Accurev - accurev

I am facing a problem while updating my workspace. One user has defuncted a file and promoted that. Now when I am trying to update my workspace, error occured, it says: "Element would be stranded .----------\abc.txt
Some elements would be stranded as a result of an update.
You will need to resolve this prior to trying update again.
Display the File Browser Incoming Changes mode to see what
might be causing elements to become stranded.
Update failed."
How to resolve it.

Select the file abc.txt -> right click -> Revert To Basis version.
Once you have purged this file, you can update your workspace.

A file or directory becomes (stranded) when the parent directory has been defuncted. So in your case you're working on the file abc.txt and someone else has defuncted the directory, or parent directory where this file resides.
To resolve this you will either have to accurev mv abc.txt ../someplace/where/the/directory/exists or undefunct the directory where abc.txt resides.


how to properly remove files added under "My Project" in solution explorer?

I deleted the file Form1.vb on folder/explorer because I accidentally created it under MyProject in the solutions explorer. but when I tried to rebuild it I'm having below error already.
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Unable to create a manifest resource name for "My Project\Form1.resx". Could not find file 'C:\Users......\My Project\Form1.vb'.
all data of files is stored in the solution itself, Go to Solution Explorer, Select the file
1.) Right click the folder, Click Delete, Confirm Deletion Process if prompted.
2.) Left click the folder and hit the Delete key on your keyboard.
Do either of these will remove it from your solution and thus, the project. If you have folders being sync'd with git hub it will also update it this way, don't just straight up delete folders from the actual windows explorer though, this could cause pointer issues for reference.
I found the solution.
I created same file with same filename confirmed to replace this with the missing.
then added it again on "MyProject". Project -> Show All Files from the main menu.
I think what I needed was just the Project > show all files.
thank you to everyone who answered above it made me search for this

How to add a file to version control in IntelliJ?

When I create a new file in IntelliJ IDEA, it gets automatically ignored by Subversion, no matter what, and it is impossible to commit the file. While in Spring Tool Suite all I need to do is right click and select Team>Add to version control in order to commit that new file. I have try several approaches with no success since many options are disabled.
When I create a new file in IntelliJ IDEA, it gets automatically ignored by Subversion
What do you mean by automatically? There is no any automatic rules - file is either configured as ignored, or not. Make sure there is no svn:ignore property set on the folder (probably not since other tools work).
Also, make sure nothing wrong is added to Settings | Version Control | Ignored Files. The description looks like you have the entire project or sources folder added there as ignored
Finally I found a solution: the problem was that a parent directory was being ignored by SVN, so I searched directory by directory starting with the current directory until I found a parent directory that had a configuration to ignore all directories, for this task I used tortoise, just right click and select TortoiseSVN>Properties look for ignored files and delete the directory you want to synchronize, if no you donĀ“t find the directory look for (*).

IntelliJ not registering file type with correct plugin

Edit: Making title more generic as this situation could apply to any file type.
I am brand new to Puppet and was given the task of adding a new Puppet configuration file. I added a new file, but it either contained a syntax error, had the wrong extension or both (I don't remember), and I believe that caused the file to not register with the plugin. However, even after fixing the syntax error and ensuring the .pp extension, the file is not registering. If I add a new .pp file, it registers right away.
I tried deleting the file and adding it again, but it still won't register, which leads me to believe there is a metadata file somewhere keeping track of which files to register and which to ignore.
I've looked through the the .idea folder for mentions of the file but all I see are entries in the workspace.xml under the ChangeListManager and FileEditorManager.
I also tried cloning the repository again but it still doesn't register. Any ideas?
As it turned out, the entire file name had somehow been associated with a text file.
File -> Settings -> File Types -> Recognized File Types -> Text
Located the file name and removed it. The file registered as a Puppet file.

SSIS File System Task Deleting Directory Leaves Directory and Removes all Permissions

I have a rather bizarre issue with an SSIS package I have. After processing some files within a Directory I am removing the Directory so my For Each Loop doesn't process the same files again.
It fails to Delete the Directory but yet leaves it in the folder and then tells me I do not have access to this folder, I cannot take ownership of it or even move it to another directory.
I have even tried a VB.NET Script tasks to try and remove it and I get the same result.
A reboot of the server makes the folder disappear - has anyone experienced this before.
Sounds like the directory is "in use" still but with the deletion pending. When you reboot, the lock on the directory is cleared and the deletion completes. The discussion at
try ing to move a file "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."
may be helpful.

Accurev - why file status is incorrect?

I have modified few files locally by windows copy command but when I saw the status of modified files in AccuRev it is still shown as backed. Eventhough the file is modified then why it show the status as backed.
Any clue?
You copied a file into your workspace that has an older timestamp than the workspace scan threshold time.
If you turn off "Timestamp Optimization" and click refresh, the file will appear as modified.
Or if you run the command "accurev touch " and then hit refresh, the file will appear as modified.