iPad simulator font installation - objective-c

How can I know "Helvetica Neue Lt Std" font is installed in my ipad 7.1 simulator. If it is not installed , how can i install it?

use this code and see console while debug you will get all the font family which is there in your ipad
NSLog(#"%#",[UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:#"Helvetica LT"]);
if font is not there then you add font name in your plist file like displayed in attached screenshot and add font in your projects resource Directory

You can not install custom front to iOS device or simulator. Please correct me if I am wrong.
But you can use custom fonts in your app.


Unrecognised font family after backgrounding the app

I am using Noto Serif Medium font. Everything works as it should, when I launch the app with a fresh start.
The issue happens when I background the app and open anything that has not been rendered yet.
The classic "Unrecognised font family" error appears.
This error happens on iOS emulator and iOS physical devices.
I have checked targets, resources and Info.plist file in Xcode. Everything is there. Still this error happens.
I suspect that there could be an issue with the .ttf file itself, as you're not able to get this font from Google Fonts directly, even though it is a free to use font.
Is there anyone that can provide a lead to a solution?
This one was a dozzie.
Turns out, that it shouldn't have been working in a first place. It was a classical iOS font name issue. I don't know why it was working when the app wasn't backgrounded, but hey atleast the problem is solved.
Just use the PostScript name, not the real name tag in iOS fontbook.

'Chalet' Family fonts doesn't work in React Native iOS app

I have used to 'chalet' fonts in react-native app. This font doesn't work in 'iOS build', but it works fine in Android build. I have tried with other fonts , but it's works fine in both the builds iOS and android.
Can you please check this link for Font-family .ttf files.
If you guys found any solution, please help me !!
Usually font name is different for iOS and android,
Please follow below link to know the name of font for iOS,
and apply font according to platform name

Xcode 6.1 not showing launch image on ios 8.1

Recently I updated my Xcode version to 6.1 and ios to 8.1 . Now while launching my app on my iphone 5 its not showing me my launch image instead its showing a blank white screen only.
Selected app and launch image section is shown in image. Please tell me where am I going wrong?
Launch images are now managed in a xib file rather than an xcassests file. This is because there are more devices all with different screen sizes and Xcode has to be able to manage them.
Set up a xib file called LaunchScreen.xib with just one view in it's hierarchy and with no owner. Put your images in that view. Then in the general settings for your iOS target change Lauch Screen File to LaunchScreen.xib
If your Splash Screen not showing in Ios 8.1 then you have to check only for ios 8 or latter
just follow this....
1- click on Launch Image Source (Arrow) (You show in screenshot)
2- open Inspector and Check ios 8 or latter.
3- Add our Splash Images accordingly

Custom fonts are not working for UILabel in attributed text mode

Got a font problem on iOS8 SDK in Xcode6.
Custom fonts are not working for UILabel's in Attributed text mode.
For all other UILabel's in Plain Text mode fonts are working.
When I'm building with iOS7 SDK everything working just fine.
(I'm setting fonts in storyboard, moarfonts not active, have been using moarfonts in before)
This problem is perhaps caused by bugs in XCode6 beta version.
Try to run your project in XCode5, but using iOS 8 SDK.

How to specify newsstand icon for iOS 7 in .plist?

Hello everyone I am trying to specify newsstand icon for iOS 7.0. Where should i specify it in the app .plist file. I have Icon Files ( iOS 5) set for the newsstand shelf icon, and its working perfectly under iPad iOS 6.1 but not under iOS 7.0 .
check the references to the icons, make sure you are adding the image you will be using as icons as a separate reference, if you are adding a folder the icons wont display.
Try to remove "App Icons Source" catalog. In Target=>"General" tab.