SQL - Must there always be a primary key? - sql

There are a couple of similar questions already out there and the consensus seemed to be that a primary key should always be created.
But what if you have a single row table for storing settings (and let's not turn this into a discussion about why it might be good/bad to create a single row table please)?
Surely having a primary key on a single row table becomes completely useless?

It may seem completely useless, but it's also completely harmless, and I'd vote for harmless with good design principles vs. useless with no design principles every time.
Other people have commented, rightly, that you don't know how you're going to use the table in a year or five years... what if someone comes along and decides they want to duplicate the configuration -- move it to a distributed environment or add a test environment by using a duplicate configuration string or whatever. Having a field that acts like a primary key means that whenever you query the table, if you use the key, you'll be certain no matter what anyone else may do to your table, that you're getting the correct record.
You're right there are a million other aspects -- surrogate keys vs. intelligent keys, indexing, partitioning (silly on a single row table, I know), whatever... but without getting into that I'd vote add the key rather than not add it. You could have done it by the time you read this thread.

Short answer, no key, duplicate records possible. Your planning a single row now, but what about six months in the future when you single row multiplies. Put a primary key on the table, even for single row.

You could always base your primary key on the name of the setting. Then your table would become a key-value store.
But no, in many RDBMS you are not REQUIRED to have a primary key per table.

Having declared a primary key on a single row table in SQL will ensure that there will be no duplicates. Whether it is useless depends on your requirements. Usually it is a good idea to avoid duplicates.


SQL Server, does the id change if an element gets deleted?

I wondered if I insert, let's say, 10 entries into a SQL Server table.
If i then delete one of them, will the id/index change correspondingly?
1 | Simon Cowell | 56 years
2 | Frank Lampard| 24 years
3 | Harry Bennet | 12 years
If I delete #2, will Harry Bennet's index change to 2?
Thanks :)
Sorry for my outrage, had a bad day. And yes, I should have researched it myself, I deserve to be downvoted.
I don't ask for anything, I just want to say that I'm sorry :|
Since you seem to be conflating "id/index" let's talk a little but about the primary key and indexes in the context of a relational database.
The "id" or primary key assigned to a row in a SQL database is the unique identifier for that row. It can consist of one or more columns. (When more than one column is involved it is known as a "composite" or "multi-part" key.) The primary key should really do nothing more than be a unique handle for addressing a row: the primary key should not contain any information about the entity represented by the row, especially if that info has the potential to be mutable; an example would be a part number that has a suffix that stands for the type of metal the part is made from; if that metal can possibly change from titanium to unobtainium, say, that part number would make a bad choice as a primary key; it would be better to have another column to store the type of metal than to make the metal-type suffix part of the primary key. "Meaningful" primary keys might have made some sense in legacy non-relational databases but in a relational database they are to be avoided.
When seeking to enforce the uniqueness of a primary key, a database engine can make use of an index so it can rapidly test whether the key value exists. It could use a binary algorithm to find the value, avoiding the need to scan the actual data "brute force", row by row, looking for the value. But the index that is used behind the scenes by the engine to assist it with the primary key housekeeping is not the same as the primary key itself.
If you have a simple sequential integer as your primary key, there's an infinite number of them, so there is no need to reuse an integer when it becomes available when the row to which it was assigned has been deleted. So the relational database engine won't automatically attempt to reuse it, and it won't by any means change the primary key values that have been assigned to all other rows in the table when "gaps" in the number sequence are created by a deletion. Many other rows in other tables could be referencing those values and having them be mutable would create either chaos or a huge inefficiency.
Hashing algorithms are another very efficient way a database engine can quickly test for the existence of a key value. It computes the location in the hashed-file where the key would be if it did exist, and then looks there for it. The rows are stored in no particular order, so such schemes are optimized for instant finding of records in a large table, not for culling records that have a common characteristic, such as all customers in zipcode 10023.
No. You can set up triggers or logic to do it if you want; however, it will not automatically do this.
No it will not change automatically
No, it wont. And hopefully, that's the answer you're hoping for. For any auto-generated identifiers (such as IDENTITY columns), you should, so far as possible, ignore the data type and treat it as an opaque "blob" of identity information.
It gets assigned during insert, and you can use it for cross-referencing purposes, but the fact that it's numeric is not something you should use or rely upon. It's just a stable identifier for the row.

Using string as PK vs using GUID or int Id with Unique Constraint for Names

Hi I was wondering what is the best practice for tables in which you have a record that must be unique. I've seen the two ways of doing that: use a Primary Key or add a Unique constraint to the column.
If you use a primary key, is it bad practice to have a primary key such as "UserName" that is varchar(*)? Does that impact performance enough that it is problematic? Is it best to use an integer id with a unique constraint on the username?
I see some other factors that may impact choosing a column as PK vs Unique. Am I right about these?
- Column should be one that doesn't ever need to be changed
- Column could be changed later on
Having a primary key on the UserName is not the best idea, but it isn't so bad in performance as you maybe think.
The best idea would be using a ID (INT) as PRIMARY KEY and the UserName as UNIQUE.
Usernames change over time, that is why they are a bad candidate for a PK especally since it is extremely likely you have child records associated with the username. For instance suppose my username included some variation of my real name. If I then got divorced and returned to my maiden name, the last thing I want to do is be reminded of that SOB I was married to and so I change my username. Do you really want to change the 2 million posts I've made in the last ten years as well? I didn't think so.
Yes string comparisons are slower but this may or may not be an issue depending on the overall amount of action the database will get. Small copmany database with less than 200 users, probaly not a problem, Internet site with millions of users, much more likely to be a problem.
It may or may not be a good idea as others have already discussed. Let me just add one more detail...
I see some other factors that may impact choosing a column as PK vs Unique.
The main difference is usually related to clustering. Most DBMSes (that support clustering) automatically use PK as a clustering index. For example MySQL/InnoDB always clusters data and you can't event turn it off, while MS SQL Server clusters by default (you have to use special syntax to turn it off).
Should you choose to use clustering (or are forced by your DBMS), having fewer indexes is usually better (e.g. see "Disadvantages of clustering" in this article), even when leading to "fatter" foreign keys.

Is ID column required in SQL?

Traditionally I have always used an ID column in SQL (mostly mysql and postgresql).
However I am wondering if it is really necessary if the rest of the columns in each row make in unique. In my latest project I have the "ID" column set as my primary key, however I never call it or use it in any way, as the data in the row makes it unique and is much more useful for me.
So, if every row in a SQL table is unique, does it need a primary key ID table, and are there ant performance changes with or without one?
EDIT/Additional info:
The specific example that made me ask this question is a table I am using for a many-to-many-to-many-to-many table (if we still call it that at that point) it has 4 columns (plus ID) each of which represents an ID of an external table, and each row will always be numeric and unique. only one of the columns is allowed to be null.
I understand that for normal tables an ID primary key column is a VERY good thing to have. But I get the feeling on this particular table it just wastes space and slows down adding new rows.
If you really do have some pre-existing column in your data set that already does uniquely identify your row - then no, there's no need for an extra ID column. The primary key however must be unique (in ALL circumstances) and cannot be empty (must be NOT NULL).
In my 20+ years of experience in database design, however, this is almost never truly the case. Most "natural" ID's that appear to be unique aren't - ultimately. US Social Security Numbers aren't guaranteed to be unique, and most other "natural" keys end up being almost unique - and that's just not good enough for a database system.
So if you really do have a proper, unique key in your data already - use it! But most of the time, it's easier and more convenient to have just a single surrogate ID that you can guarantee will be unique over all rows.
Don't confuse the logical model with the implementation.
The logical model shows a candidate key (all columns) which could makes your primary key.
Great. However...
In practice, having a multi column primary key has downsides: it's wide, not good when clustered etc. There is plenty of information out there and in the "related" questions list on the right
So, you'd typically
add a surrogate key (ID column)
add a unique constraint to keep the other columns unique
the ID column will be the clustered key (can be only one per table)
You can make either key the primary key now
The main exception is link or many-to-many tables that link 2 ID columns: a surrogate isn't needed (unless you have a braindead ORM)
Edit, a link: "What should I choose for my primary key?"
For many-many tables: SQL: Do you need an auto-incremental primary key for Many-Many tables?
Yes, you could have many attributes (values) in a record (row) that you could use to make a record unique. This would be called a composite primary key.
However it will be much slower in general because the construction of the primary index will be much more expensive. The primary index is used by relational database management systems (RDBMS) not only to determine uniqueness, but also in how they order and structure records on disk.
A simple primary key of one incrementing value is generally the most performant and the easiest solution for the RDBMS to manage.
You should have one column in every table that is unique.
This is one of the fundamentals of database table design. It's the row identifier - the identifier identifies which row(s) are being acted upon (updated/deleted etc). Relying on column combinations that are "unique", eg (first_name, last_name, city), as your key can quickly lead to problems when two John Smiths exist, or worse when John Smith moves city and you get a collision.
In most cases, it's best to use a an artificial key that's guaranteed to be unique - like an auto increment integer. That's why they are so popular - they're needed. Commonly, the key column is simply called id, or sometimes <tablename>_id. (I prefer id)
If natural data is available that is unique and present for every row (perhaps retinal scan data for people), you can use that, but all-to-often, such data isn't available for every row.
Ideally, you should have only one unique column. That is, there should only be one key.
Using IDs to key tables means you can change the content as needed without having to repoint things
Ex. if every row points to a unique user, what would happen if he/she changed his name to let say John Blblblbe which had already been in db? And then again, what would happen if you software wants to pick up John Blblblbe's details, whose details would be picked up? the old John's or the one ho has changed his name? Well if answer for bot questions is 'nothing special gonna happen' then, yep, you don't really need "ID" column :]
Also, having a numeric ID column with numbers is much more faster when you're looking for an exact row even when the table hasn't got any indexing keys or have more than one unique
If you are sure that any other column is going to have unique data for every row and isn't going to have NULL at any time then there is no need of separate ID column to distinguish each row from others, you can make that existing column primary key for your table.
No, single-attribute keys are not essential and nor are surrogate keys. Keys should have as many attributes as are necessary for data integrity: to ensure that uniqueness is maintained, to represent accurately the universe of discourse and to allow users to identify the data of interest to them. If you have already identified a suitable key and if you don't find any real need to create another one then it would make no sense to add redundant attributes and indexes to your table.
An ID can be more meaningful, for an example an employee id can represent from which department he is, year of he join and so on. Apart from that RDBMS supports lots operations with ID's.

Do I need a primary key if something will NOT be changed?

If I had a site where a user can flag another user post and it cannot be undone or changed, do I need to have a primary key? All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
It seems to me from some of your other posts that the reason you are trying to avoid adding a primary key to your table is to save space.
Stop thinking like that.
It's a bad idea to make non-standard optimizations like this without having tested them first to see if they actually work. Have you run some tests that shows that you save a significant amount of space in your database by omitting the primary key on this table? Or are you just guessing?
Using a primary key doesn't necessarily mean that you will use more space. Depending on the database, if you omit the primary key it might add a hidden field for you anyway (for example if you don't have a PK in MySQL/InnoDB it adds a hidden clustered index on a synthetic column containing 6 byte row ID values (source)). If you do use a primary key, rather than adding a new column you can just choose some existing columns that you know should be unique anyway. It won't take up any more space, it will just mean that the data will be stored in a different order to make it easier to search.
When you add an index, that index is going to take up extra space, as an index is basically just a copy of a few columns of the table, plus a link back to the row in the original table. Remember that hidden column the database uses when you don't have a PK? Well now it has to use that to find your rows, so you'll get a copy of it in your index too. If you use a primary key then you probably don't need one of your indexes that you would have added, so you're actually saving space here.
Besides all this, some useful database tools just won't work well if you don't have a primary key on your table. You will annoy everyone that has to maintain your database after you are gone.
So tell me, why do you think it's a good idea to NOT have one?
A primary key has nothing to do with whether data can be changed - it's a single point of reference for an entire row, which can make looking up and/or changing data faster.
All my selects would be on the post_id and with a where clause to see if the user already flagged it.
You need to provide more information about business rules. For example, should the system support more than one user flagging the same post?
If the answer is "no", then I would model a POST_STATUS_CODE table and have a foreign key to the table in your POSTS table.
If the answer is "yes", then I would still have a POST_STATUS_CODE table but also a table linking the POSTS and POST_STATUS_CODE tables - say POSTS_STATUS_XREF.
I have a post_flag table with post_id, user_id (who flagged it) and flag_type (ATM as a byte). I don't see how PK will make it faster in this case but I imagine it will take up 4 or 8 bytes per row. I was thinking about indexing post_id. If I do should I still create a PK?
At a minimum, I would make the primary key to be a combination of:
The reason being that a primary key ensures that there can't be duplicates.
A primary key can be made up of more than one column - this is called a compound key. It means that the pair of values is unique. IE: You can't have more than one combination of 1, 1 values, but you could have 1,2, 1,3, etc (and vice versa). Attempts to add duplicates will result in duplicate primary key errors.
Primary keys help speed up lookups and joins, so it's always nice to have if you can.
You don't need a primary key, not even if users are going to modify rows. A primary key optimizes the performance every time you query that table though. If you think your table will grow larger than about a thousand rows or so, then setting a primary key will give a noticeable performance boost.
The only advantage in not creating a primary key really is that it means you don't have to create one, which is fair enough I suppose :-P
You could just not bother creating one for now. You can always add one later. Not a big deal. Don't let anyone bully you into thinking you absolutely must create a primary key right now! You'll see it being horribly slow soon enough :-P and then you can just add the primary key at that point. If you don't have too many duplicates by then :-P
Best have one, if just because you may have to delete the occasional record manually (e.g. duplicates) and one should have a unique identifier for that.
The simple answer is yes. every table should have a primary key (made of at least one column). what benefit do you get for not having one?
In such a situation, you might be able to get away without one, but I'd be inclined to throw a primary key on there anyway, simply because it's relatively simple to do and will save rework if the requirements change.
The software requirements may change rapidly. The customer may introduce new requirements. So having a primary key may be useful because you can eliminate totally unnecessary data migrations in such a situations.
Read this: "Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don’t Need one?"
Yes, you do need a primary key.
You may as well use text files for storage if you don't think you do because it means you don't understand them...

Is it OK not to use a Primary Key When I don't Need one

If I don't need a primary key should I not add one to the database?
You do need a primary key. You just don't know that yet.
A primary key uniquely identifies a row in your table.
The fact it's indexed and/or clustered is a physical implementation issue and unrelated to the logical design.
You need one for the table to make sense.
If you don't need a primary key then don't use one. I usually have the need for primary keys, so I usually use them. If you have related tables you probably want primary and foreign keys.
Yes, but only in the same sense that it's okay not to use a seatbelt if you're not planning to be in an accident. That is, it's a small price to pay for a big benefit when you need it, and even if you think you don't need it odds are you will in the future. The difference is you're a lot more likely to need a primary key than to get in a car accident.
You should also know that some database systems create a primary key for you if you don't, so you're not saving that much in terms of what's going on in the engine.
No, unless you can find an example of, "This database would work so much better if table_x didn't have a primary key."
You can make an arguement to never use a primary key, if performance, data integrity, and normalization are not required. Security and backup/restore capabilities may not be needed, but eventually, you put on your big-boy pants and join the real world of database implementation.
Yes, a table should ALWAYS have a primary key... unless you don't need to uniquely identify the records in it. (I like to make absolute statements and immediately contradict them)
When would you not need to uniquely identify the records in a table? Almost never. I have done this before though for things like audit log tables. Data that won't be updated or deleted, and wont be constrained in any way. Essentially structured logging.
A primary key will always help with query performance. So if you ever need to query using the "key" to a "foreign key", or used as lookup then yes, craete a foreign key.
I don't know. I have used a couple tables where there is just a single row and a single column. Will always only be a single row and a single column. There is no foreign key relationships.
Why would I put a primary key on that?
A primary key is mainly formally defined to aid referencial Integrity, however if the table is very small, or is unlikely to contain unique data then it's an un-necessary overhead.
Defining indexes on the table can normally be used to imply a primary key without formally declaring one.
However you should consider that defining the Primary key can be useful for Developers and Schema generation or SQL Dev tools, as having the meta data helps understanding, and some tools rely on this to correctly define the Primary/foreign key relationships in the model.
Each table in a relational DB needs a primary key. As already noted, a primary key is data that identies a record uniquely...
You might get away with not having an "ID" field, if you have a N-M table that joins 2 different tables, but you can uniquely identifiy the record by the values from both columns you join. (Composite primary key)
Having a table without an primary key is against the first normal form, and has nothing to do in a relational DB
You should always have a primary key, even if it's just on ID. Maybe NoSQL is what you're after instead (just asking)?
That depends very much on how sure you can be that you don't need one. If you have just the slightest bit of doubt, add one - you'll thank yourself later. An indicator being if the data you store could be related to other data in your DB at one point.
One use case I can think of is a logging kind-of table, in which you simply dump one entry after the other (to properly process them later). You probably won't need a primary key there, if you're storing enough data to filter out the relevant messages (like a date). Of course, it's questionable to use a RDBMS for this.