Can two Hive Partitions Share One Set of Files? - sql

A typical question is can a Hive partition be made up of multiple files. My question is the inverse. Can multiple Hive partitions point to the same file? I'll start with what I mean, then the use case.
What I mean:
Hive Partition File Name
20120101 /file/location/201201/file1.tsv
20120102 /file/location/201201/file1.tsv
20120103 /file/location/201201/file1.tsv
The Use Case: Over the past many years, we've been loading data into Hive in monthly format. So it looked like this:
Hive Partition File Name
201201 /file/location/201201/file1.tsv
201202 /file/location/201202/file1.tsv
201203 /file/location/201203/file1.tsv
But now the months are too large, so we need to partition by day. So we want the new files starting with 201204 to be daily:
Hive Partition File Name
20120401 /file/location/20120401/file1.tsv
20120402 /file/location/20120402/file1.tsv
20120403 /file/location/20120403/file1.tsv
But we want all the existing partitions to be redone into daily as well, so we would partition it as I propose above. I suspect this would actually work no problem, except that I suspect Hive would re-read the same datafile N times for each additional partition defined against the file. For example, in the very first "What I Mean" code block above, partitions 20120101..20120103 all point to file 201201/file1.tsv. So if the query has:
and partitionName >= '20120101' and partitionName <= '20120103"
Would it read "201201/file1.tsv" three times to answer the query? Or will Hive be smart enough to know it's only necessary to scan "201201/file1.tsv" once?

It looks like Hive will only scan the file(s) once. I finally decided to just give it a shot and run a query and find out.
First, I set up my data set like this in the filesystem:
Note that even though I have many files, this is equivalent for Hive to having one giant file for the purposes of this question. If it makes it easier, pretend I just pasted a single file above.
Then I set up my Hive table with partitions like this:
alter table tableName add partition ( dt = '20130101' ) location '/tableName/201301/' ;
alter table tableName add partition ( dt = '20130102' ) location '/tableName/201301/' ;
alter table tableName add partition ( dt = '20130112' ) location '/tableName/201301/' ;
The total size of my files in tableName/201301 was about 791,400,000 bytes (I just eyeballed the numbers and did basic math). I ran the job:
hive> select dt,count(*) from tableName where dt >= '20130101' and dt <= '20130112' group by dt ;
The JobTracker reported:
Counter Map Reduce Total
Bytes Read 795,308,244 0 795,308,244
So it only read the data once. HOWEVER... the query output was all jacked:
20130112 392606124
So it thinks there was only one "dt", and that was the final "partition", and it had all rows. So you have to be very careful including "dt" in your queries when you do this, it would appear.

Hive would scan the file multiple times. Earlier answer was incorrect. Hive reads the file once, but generates "duplicate" records. The issue is that the partition columns are included in the total record, so for each record in the file, you would get multiple records in Hive, each with different partition values.
Do you have any way to recover the actual day from the earlier data? If so, the ideal way to do things would be to totally repartition all the old data. That's painful, but it's a one-time cost and would save you having a really weird Hive table.
You could also move to having two Hive tables: the "old" one partitioned by month, and the "new" one partitioned by day. Users could then do a union on the two when querying, or you could create a view that does the union automatically.


Get the most recent Timestamp value

I have a pipeline which reads from a BigQuery table, performs some processing to the data and saves it into a new BigQuery table. This is a batch process performed on a weekly basis through a cron. Entries keep being added on the source table, so I want that whenever I start the ETL process it only process the new rows which have been added since the last time the ETL job was launched.
In order to achieve this, I have thought about making a query to my sink table asking for the most recent timestamp it contains. Then, as a data source I will perform another query to the source table filtering and asking for the entries having a timestamp higher than the one I have just recovered. Both my source and sink table are time partitioned ones.
The query I am using for getting the latest entry on my sink table is the following one:
SELECT Timestamp
FROM `myproject.mydataset.mytable`
It gives me the correct value, but I feel like if it is not the most efficient way of querying it. Does this query take advantage of the partitioned feature of my table? Is there any better way of retrieving the most recent timestamp from my table?
I'm going to refer to the timestamp field as ts_field for your example.
To get the latest timestamp, I would run the following query:
SELECT max(ts_field)
FROM `myproject.mydataset.mytable`
If your table is also partitioned on the timestamp field, you can do something like this to scan even less bytes:
SELECT max(ts_field)
FROM `myproject.mydataset.mytable`
WHERE date(ts_field) = current_date()

reduce the amount of data scanned by Athena when using aggregate functions

The below query scans 100 mb of data.
select * from table where column1 = 'val' and partition_id = '20190309';
However the below query scans 15 GB of data (there are over 90 partitions)
select * from table where column1 = 'val' and partition_id in (select max(partition_id) from table);
How can I optimize the second query to scan the same amount of data as the first?
There are two problems here. The efficiency of the the scalar subquery above select max(partition_id) from table, and the one #PiotrFindeisen pointed out around dynamic filtering.
The the first problem is that queries over the partition keys of a Hive table are a lot more complex than they appear. Most folks would think that if you want the max value of a partition key, you can simply execute a query over the partition keys, but that doesn't work because Hive allows partitions to be empty (and it also allows non-empty files that contain no rows). Specifically, the scalar subquery above select max(partition_id) from table requires Trino (formerly PrestoSQL) to find the max partition containing at least one row. The ideal solution would be to have perfect stats in Hive, but short of that the engine would need to have custom logic for hive that open files of the partitions until it found a non empty one.
If you are are sure that your warehouse does not contain empty partitions (or if you are ok with the implications of that), you can replace the scalar sub query with one over the hidden $partitions table"
select *
from table
where column1 = 'val' and
partition_id = (select max(partition_id) from "table$partitions");
The second problem is the one #PiotrFindeisen pointed out, and has to do with the way that queries are planned an executed. Most people would look at the above query, see that the engine should obviously figure out the value of select max(partition_id) from "table$partitions" during planning, inline that into the plan, and then continue with optimization. Unfortunately, that is a pretty complex decision to make generically, so the engine instead simply models this as a broadcast join, where one part of the execution figures out that value, and broadcasts the value to the rest of the workers. The problem is the rest of the execution has no way to add this new information into the existing processing, so it simply scans all of the data and then filters out the values you are trying to skip. There is a project in progress to add this dynamic filtering, but it is not complete yet.
This means the best you can do today, is to run two separate queries: one to get the max partition_id and a second one with the inlined value.
BTW, the hidden "$partitions" table was added in Presto 0.199, and we fixed some minor bugs in 0.201. I'm not sure which version Athena is based on, but I believe it is is pretty far out of date (the current release at the time I'm writing this answer is 309.
EDIT: Presto removed the __internal_partitions__ table in their 0.193 release so I'd suggest not using the solution defined in the Slow aggregation queries for partition keys section below in any production systems since Athena 'transparently' updates presto versions. I ended up just going with the naive SELECT max(partition_date) ... query but also using the same lookback trick outlined in the Lack of Dynamic Filtering section. It's about 3x slower than using the __internal_partitions__ table, but at least it won't break when Athena decides to update their presto version.
----- Original Post -----
So I've come up with a fairly hacky way to accomplish this for date-based partitions on large datasets for when you only need to look back over a few partitions'-worth of data for a match on the max, however, please note that I'm not 100% sure how brittle the usage of the information_schema.__internal_partitions__ table is.
As #Dain noted above, there are really two issues. The first being how slow an aggregation of the max(partition_date) query is, and the second being Presto's lack of support for dynamic filtering.
Slow aggregation queries for partition keys
To solve the first issue, I'm using the information_schema.__internal_partitions__ table which allows me to get quick aggregations on the partitions of a table without scanning the data inside the files. (Note that partition_value, partition_key, and partition_number in the below queries are all column names of the __internal_partitions__ table and not related to your table's columns)
If you only have a single partition key for your table, you can do something like:
SELECT max(partition_value) FROM information_schema.__internal_partitions__
WHERE table_schema = 'DATABASE_NAME' AND table_name = 'TABLE_NAME'
But if you have multiple partition keys, you'll need something more like this:
SELECT max(partition_date) as latest_partition_date from (
SELECT max(case when partition_key = 'partition_date' then partition_value end) as partition_date, max(case when partition_key = 'another_partition_key' then partition_value end) as another_partition_key
FROM information_schema.__internal_partitions__
WHERE table_schema = 'DATABASE_NAME' AND table_name = 'TABLE_NAME'
GROUP BY partition_number
-- ... Filter down by values for e.g. another_partition_key
These queries should run fairly quickly (mine run in about 1-2 seconds) without scanning through the actual data in the files, but again, I'm not sure if there are any gotchas with using this approach.
Lack of Dynamic Filtering
I'm able to mitigate the worst effects of the second problem for my specific use-case because I expect there to always be a partition within a finite amount of time back from the current date (e.g. I can guarantee any data-production or partition-loading issues will be remedied within 3 days). It turns out that Athena does do some pre-processing when using presto's datetime functions, so this does not have the same types of issues with Dynamic Filtering as using a sub-query.
So you can change your query to limit how far it will look back for the actual max using the datetime functions so that the amount of data scanned will be limited.
WHERE partition_date >= cast(date '2019-06-25' - interval '3' day as varchar) -- Will only scan partitions from 3 days before '2019-06-25'
AND partition_date = (
-- Insert the partition aggregation query from above here
I don't know if it is still relevant, but just found out:
Instead of:
select * from table where column1 = 'val' and partition_id in (select max(partition_id) from table);
select a.* from table a
inner join (select max(partition_id) max_id from table) b on a.partition_id=b.max_id
where column1 = 'val';
I think it has something to do with optimizations of joins to use partitions.

BigQuery - Max Partiton Date for a Custom Partitioned Table

Is there a metadata operation that can give me the max partitioned date/timestamp in use (for custom partitioned table not Ingest partitioning), such that I do not need to scan a whole table using MAX function? Or some other clever SQL way? Our source table is very large, and it gets a fresh snapshot of data most days - but then that data is generally for current_date()-1...but all in all I cant rely on much except for a query to tell me the max partition in use that doesnt cost the earth for a large table? thought?
SELECT MAX(custom_partition_field) FROM Y
SELECT MAX(partition_id)
FROM [project:dataset.your_table$__PARTITIONS_SUMMARY__]
It is documented at Listing partitions in partitioned tables

How can I avoid and/or clean duplicated row in BigQuery?

How should I import data in BigQuery on a daily basis when I have potential duplicated row ?
Here is a bit of context. I'm updating data on a daily basis from a spreadsheet to BigQuery. I'm using Google App Script with a simple WRITE_APPEND method.
Sometimes I'm importing data I've already imported the day before. So I'm wondering how I can avoid this ?
Can I build a sql query in order to clean my table from duplicate row every day ? Or is this possible to detect duplicate even before importing them (with some specific command in my job definition for example...) ?
thanks !
Step 1: Have a sheet with data to be imported
Step 2: Set up your spreadsheet as a federated data source in BigQuery.
Step 3: Use DML to load data into an existing table
(requires #standardSql)
INSERT INTO `` (id, data)
WHERE id NOT IN (...) ensures that only rows with new ids are loaded into the table.
As far as I know, the answer provided by Felipe Hoffa is the most effective way to avoid duplicate rows since Bigquery do not normalize data when loading data. The reason is that Bigquery performs best with denormalized data [1]. To better understand it, I’d recommend you to have a look in this SO thread.
I also would like to suggest using SQL aggregate or analytic function to clean the duplicate rows in a Bigquery table, as Felipe Hoffa's or Jordan Tigani's answer in this SO question.
If you have a large-size partitioned table, and only want to remove duplicates in a given range without scanning through (cost-saving) and replacing the whole table.
use the MERGE SQL below:
-- WARNING: back up the table before this operation
-- FOR large size timestamp partitioned table
-- -------------------------------------------
-- -- To de-duplicate rows of a given range of a partition table, using surrage_key as unique id
-- -------------------------------------------
DECLARE dt_start DEFAULT TIMESTAMP("2019-09-17T00:00:00", "America/Los_Angeles") ;
DECLARE dt_end DEFAULT TIMESTAMP("2019-09-22T00:00:00", "America/Los_Angeles");
MERGE INTO `your_project`.`data_set`.`the_table` AS INTERNAL_DEST
SELECT ARRAY_AGG(original_data LIMIT 1)[OFFSET(0)] k
FROM `your_project`.`data_set`.`the_table` AS original_data
WHERE stamp BETWEEN dt_start AND dt_end
GROUP BY surrogate_key
AND INTERNAL_DEST.stamp BETWEEN dt_start AND dt_end -- remove all data in partiion range

Why Hive use file from other files under the partition table?

I have a simple table in my Hive. It has only one partition:
show partitions hive_test;
Time taken: 0.124 seconds
But when I execute a simple query sql, it turns out to find the data file under folder 20130805000000. Why doesn't it just use the file 20130805000000?
SELECT buyer_id AS USER_ID from hive_test limit 1;
and this is the exception: /group/myhive/test/hive/hive_test/pt=20130101000000/data
doesn't exist!
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.listPathWithLocations(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem.listLocatedStatus(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ChRootedFileSystem.listLocatedStatus(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.viewfs.ViewFileSystem.listLocatedStatus(
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.Yunti3FileSystem.listLocatedStatus(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat.listLocatedStatus(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat.getSplits(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient.writeOldSplits(
And my question is why does hive try to find file "/group/myhive/test/hive/hive_test/pt=20130101000000/data", but not "/group/myhive/test/hive/hive_test/pt=20130101000000/"?
You are not getting error because you have created partition over your hive table but not assigning partition name during select statement.
In Hive’s implementation of partitioning, data within a table is split across multiple partitions. Each partition corresponds to a particular value(s) of partition column(s) and is stored as a sub-directory within the table’s directory on HDFS. When the table is queried, where applicable, only the required partitions of the table are queried.
Please provide partition name in your select query or use your query like this:
select buyer_id AS USER_ID from hive_test where pt='20130805000000' limit 1;
Please see Link to know more about hive partition.