Select all unique names based on most recent value in different field - sql

I have an access database with a table called SicknessLog. The fields are ID, StaffName, [Start/Return], DateStamp.
When a member of staff is off work for sickness then a record is added to the table and the value in the [Start/Return] field is 1. When they return to work a new record is added with the same details except the [Start/Return] field is 0.
I am trying to write a query that will return all distinct staff names where the most recent record for that person has a value of 1 (ie, all staff who are still off sick)
Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks in advance

Here's one way, all staff that has been sick where it does not exist an event after that where that staff is "nonsick":
select distinct x.staffname
from sicknesslog x
where Start/Return = 1
and not exists (
select 1
from sicknesslog y
where x.StaffName = y.StaffName
and y.DateStamp > x.DateStamp
and y.Start/Return = 0

You can use group by to achieve this.
select staffname ,max(datestamp) from sicknesslog where start/return = 1 group by staffname
it will return all latest recored for all staff. If ID column is autogenerated PK then you can use it in max function.

select staffname,MAX(datestamp)
from sicknesslog
where [start/return]=1
group by staffname
order by max(datestamp) desc,staffname
This will retrieve latest records who is sick and off to work

This should be close:
select s.StaffName, s.DateStamp, s.[Start/Return]
from SicknessLog s
left join (
select StaffName, max(DateStamp) as MaxDate
from SicknessLog
group by StaffName
) sm on s.StaffName = sm.StaffName and s.DateStamp = sm.MaxDate and s.[Start/Return] = 1


select where maximum date

I have a table table1 where I want to do a case statement that selects an employee ID based on the most recent hire date. An employee can have 2 separate user ID's in the system, I wanted to grab the user ID that was most recent. I tried approaching this by joining the fica_nbr of the employee from another table (table2), that way if it shows up more than once, I know the employee has 2 different hire dates and I can go
WHEN COUNT(table2.fica_nbr) > 1
THEN SELECT(table1.employeeID)
WHERE employeeID is MAX date /*->This is the line im having trouble on, how would I get the employee ID that is the most up to date using the where clause*/
Thank you
you need to do something like this
change colunms with your required colunms
SELECT report_id, computer_id, date_entered
FROM reports AS a
WHERE date_entered = (
SELECT MAX(date_entered)
FROM reports AS b
WHERE a.report_id = b.report_id
AND a.computer_id = b.computer_id

SQL Display record of non equal to

We have a single table with 2 columns, name & check_in_date
Every employee will check-in daily for every working day.
But if I want to find out on a specific day, who did not check in, how do I go about it?
select name from table
where check_in_date <> '2021-06-17'
The above will not work for me as it will display records outside of 2021-06-17.
I wanted to see only the names that did not check in on that date.
Many thanks in advance.
You need a table of employees. Then you would use not exists:
select e.*
from employees e
where not exists (select 1
from checkins ci
where = and = ?
The ? is a placeholder for your date.
If you don't have a separate table, you can use aggregation instead:
select name
from checkins
group by name
having sum(case when = ? then 1 else 0 end) = 0;

SQL - Count new entries based on last date

I have a table with the follow structure
ID ReportDate Object_id
What I need to know, is the count of new and count of old (Object id's)
For example: If I have the data below:
I want the following output grouped by ReportDate:
I thought a way doing it using a Where clause based on date, however i need the data for all the dates I have in the table. To see the count of what already existed in the previous report and what is new at that report. Any Ideas?
Edit: New/Old definition- New would be the records that never appeared before that report run date and appeared on this one, whereas old is the number of records that had at least one match in previous dates. I'll edit the post to include this info.
managed to do it using a left join. Below is my solution in case it helps anyone in the future :)
SELECT table.ReportRunDate,
-1*sum(table.ReportRunDate = new_table.init_date) as count_new,
-1*sum(table.ReportRunDate <> new_table.init_date) as count_old,
count(*) as count_total
((SELECT Object_ID, min(ReportRunDate) as init_date
FROM table
GROUP By OBJECT_ID) as new_table)
ON table.Object_ID = new_table.Object_ID
GROUP BY ReportRunDate
This would work in Oracle, not sure about ms-access:
SELECT ReportDate
,COUNT(CASE WHEN rnk = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) count_of_new
,COUNT(CASE WHEN rnk <> 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END)count_of_old
,RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Object_id ORDER BY ReportDate) rnk
FROM table_name)
GROUP BY ReportDate
Inner query should rank each occurence of object_id based on the ReportDate so the 1st occurrence of certain object_id will have rank = 1, the next one rank = 2 etc.
Then the outer query counts how many records with rank equal/not equal 1 are the within each group.
I assumed that 1 object_id can appear only once within each reportDate.

SQL: multiple counts from same table

I am having a real problem trying to get a query with the data I need. I have tried a few methods without success. I can get the data with 4 separate queries, just can't get hem into 1 query. All data comes from 1 table. I will list as much info as I can.
My data looks like this. I have a customerID and 3 columns that record who has worked on the record for that customer as well as the assigned acct manager
1-------1374----------Bob Jones--------Mary Willis------Bob Jones
2-------1375----------Mary Willis------Bob Jones--------Bob Jones
3-------1376----------Jay Scott--------Mary Willis-------Mary Willis
4-------1377----------Jay Scott--------Mary Willis------Jay Scott
5-------1378----------Bob Jones--------Jay Scott--------Jay Scott
I want the query to return the following data. See below for a description of how each is obtained.
Employee___Created__Modified__Mod Own__Created Own
Bob Jones--------2-----------1---------------1----------------1
Mary Willis------1-----------2---------------1----------------0
Jay Scott--------2-----------1---------------1----------------1
Created = Counts the number of records created by each Employee
Modified = Number of records where the Employee is listed as Last User
(except where they created the record)
Mod Own = Number of records for each where the LastUser = Acctman
(account manager)
Created Own = Number of Records created by the employee where they are
the account manager for that customer
I can get each of these from a query, just need to somehow combine them:
Select CreatedBy, COUNT(CreatedBy) as Created
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] GROUP By CreatedBy
Select LastUser, COUNT(LastUser) as Modified
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where LastUser != CreatedBy GROUP By LastUser
Select AcctMan, COUNT(AcctMan) as CreatePort
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where AcctMan = CreatedBy GROUP By AcctMan
Select AcctMan, COUNT(AcctMan) as ModPort
FROM [dbo].[Cust_REc] Where AcctMan = LastUser AND NOT AcctMan = CreatedBy GROUP By AcctMan
Can someone see a way to do this? I may have to join the table to itself, but my attempts have not given me the correct data.
The following will give you the results you're looking for.
create_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.createdby=e.employee),
mod_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.lastmodifiedby=e.employee),
create_own_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.createdby=e.employee and c.acctman=e.employee),
mod_own_count=(select count(*) from customers c where c.lastmodifiedby=e.employee and c.acctman=e.employee)
from (
select employee=createdby from customers
select employee=lastmodifiedby from customers
select employee=acctman from customers
) e
Note: there are other approaches that are more efficient than this but potentially far more complex as well. Specifically, I would bet there is a master Employee table somewhere that would prevent you from having to do the inline view just to get the list of names.
this seems pretty straight forward. Try this:
select a.employee,b.created,c.modified ....
from (select distinct created_by from data) as a
inner join
(select created_by,count(*) as created from data group by created_by) as b
on a.employee = b.created_by)
inner join ....
This highly inefficient query may be a rough start to what you are looking for. Once you validate the data then there are things you can do to tidy it up and make it more efficient.
Also, I don't think you need the DISTINCT on the UNION part because the UNION will return DISTINCT values unless UNION ALL is specified.
Created =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE Cust_REc.CreatedBy=Employees.EmployeeID),
Mopdified =(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE Cust_REc.LastUser=Employees.EmployeeID AND Cust_REc.CreateBy<>Employees.EmployeeID),
ModOwn =
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE AcctMan=Employees.EmployeeID)
CreatedOwn=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Cust_REc WHERE AcctMan=Employees.EmployeeID AND CReatedBy=Employees.EMployeeID)
IsManager=CASE WHEN EXISTS(SELECT AcctMan FROM CustRec WHERE AcctMan=EmployeeID)
SELECT EmployeeID=CreatedBy FROM Cust_Rec
SELECT EmployeeID=LastUser FROM Cust_Rec
SELECT EmployeeID=AcctMan FROM Cust_Rec
AS Employees
I had the same issue with the Modified column. All the other columns worked okay. DCR example would work well with the join on an employees table if you have it.
SELECT CreatedBy AS [Employee],
COUNT(CreatedBy) AS [Created],
--Couldn't get modified to pull the right results
SUM(CASE WHEN LastUser = AcctMan THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Mod Own],
SUM(CASE WHEN CreatedBy = AcctMan THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [Created Own]
FROM Cust_Rec
GROUP BY CreatedBy

How to get records from both tables using ms access query

I have 2 Tables in Ms Access
I want to show all the employees in the employee table linked with employee salary table
to link both table the id is coluqEmpID in both table
In the second table, I have a date column. I need a query which should fetch records from both tables using a particular date
I tried the following query:
select coluqEID as EmployeeID , colEName as EmployeeName,"" as Type, "" as Amt
from tbl_Master_Employee
union Select b.coluqEID as EmployeeID, b.colEName as EmployeeName, colType as Type, colAmount as Amt
from tbl_Emp_Salary a, tbl_Master_Employee b
where a.coluqEID = b.coluqEID and a.colDate = #12/09/2013#
However, it shows duplicates.
EmployeeID EmployeeName Type Amt
1 LAKSHMANAN Advance 100
2 PONRAJ Advance 200
How would I rewrite my query to avoid duplicates, or what would be a different way to not show duplicates?
The problem with your query is that you are using union when what you want is a join. The union is first going to list all employees with the first part:
select coluqEID as EmployeeID , colEName as EmployeeName,"" as Type, "" as Amt
from tbl_Master_Employee
and then adds to that list all employee records where they have a salary with a certain date.
Select b.coluqEID as EmployeeID, b.colEName as EmployeeName, colType as Type,
colAmount as Amt
from tbl_Emp_Salary a, tbl_Master_Employee b
where a.coluqEID = b.coluqEID and a.colDate = #12/09/2013#
Is your goal to get a list of all employees and only display salary information for those who have a certain date? Some sample data would be useful. Assuming the data here: SQL Fiddle this query should create what you want.
Select a.coluqEID as EmployeeID, colEName as EmployeeName,
b.colType as Type, b.colAmount as Amt
FROM tbl_Master_Employees as a
LEFT JOIN (select coluqEID, colType, colAmount FROM tbl_EMP_Salary
where colDate = '20130912') as b ON a.coluqEID = b.coluqEID;
The first step is to create a select that will get you just the salaries that you want by date. You can then perform a join on this as if you were performing a separate query. You use a LEFT JOIN because you want all of the records from one side, the employees, and only the records that match your criteria from the second side, your salaries.
I believe you will need a join, however as to your question on Unique names.
select **DISTINCT** coluqEID as EmployeeID
Adding the distinct operator would give only uniquely returned results.