Strophe js in Titanium Appcelerator? - titanium

I want to create a chat application in Titanium appcelerator using Strophe.js library. I have gone through strophe js libraries and their documents as well. I believe we can use strophe.js to build xmpp based chat app in web.
Thanks in advance, Can anyone please clarify the following doubts,
Is it possible to use strophe js inside our Titanium Appcelerator,If yes please suggest me how to use it. I tried to include the strophe js inside the titanium it shows can't find module error
Here's the code i tried with.
connection.register.connect("localhost:5280", callback, wait, hold);
var callback = function (status) {
if (status === Strophe.Status.REGISTER) {
connection.register.fields.username = "newuser";
connection.register.fields.password = "123456";
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.REGISTERED) {
} else if (status === Strophe.Status.CONNECTED) {
console.log("logged in!");
} else {
// every other status a connection.connect would receive
Can you please suggest to use any other libraries that can be used inside the Titanium Appceleartor to build chat application using XMPP

Looks like Strophe is created to be used inside browser and modifying it to work inside Titanium is rather risky.
The only XMPP module for Titanium, which I could find is titanium-xmpp on GitHub.


Running html only if running in Electron.js [duplicate]

I'm trying to serve real react app on electron app. It doesn't mean I'm developing electron app with react. I've created a react app and injected it into electron app. (Like slack, it will serve as a web application and desktop application.) But I'm confused that send desktop notifications.
Now the main question is:
How can I get the application type. I mean, is user using my app on web or on desktop. How can I get this?
Thank you :)
There are many ways to detect whether you are running in a desktop environment or not.
You can check the User-Agent and you can set the userAgent value in Electron when you call loadURL.
Another way is declaring a global variable using a preload script.
// main process
new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
preload: "preload.js",
// preload.js
// you don't need to use contextBridge if contextIsolation is false
// but it's true by default in Electron 12
const { contextBridge } = require("electron");
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("IN_DESKTOP_ENV", true);
// renderer process (your React world)
if (globalThis.IN_DESKTOP_ENV) {
// do something...

twilio react native integration

I'm trying to create a react native app that allows the user to click a button and a call to their phone will be placed using the TWILIO API. I have it working from terminal by typing node make_call.js(name of file) but i want the user to be able to make the call when they want to by inputing their phone number and clicking a call button. Heres my code. the credentials are fake. Is this possible??
var accountSid = 'AC76d99966f35141f7c8585e31ed740480'
var authToken = '6470ce0905736f0f9da91456f088e97cc2'
var client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
url: '',
to: '7781234564',
from: '6042322056',
}, function(err, call) {
if(err) {
} else {
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can actually build phone calling directly into your application using the Twilio Voice SDK.
There is already available to, built by the community, a React Native wrapper for the Twilio Voice SDK.
Let me know if that helps at all.

React Native: How to open a Bitcoin URL?

How do you open a Bitcoin URL in a react native app? I am using React Native Linking to detect if there are any apps on the phone that can open a Bitcoin URL formatted according to BIP21. I have 3 apps installed that should handle it:
1) Coinbase
2) Breadwallet
3) wallet
But it's not opening. Here's the code:
async _openWallet() {
const coinURL = 'bitcoin:15bMc6sQTiQ5jSqoRX3JzatAbQqJaffqup';
try {
const supported = await Linking.canOpenURL(coinURL);
if (supported) {
} else {
console.log('Could not find a compatible wallet on this device.');
} catch (error) {
supported keeps returning false, which causes "Could not find a compatible wallet..." to execute. The weird thing is if I click on a Bitcoin URL on any random website via the Chrome / Safari browser, I get a popup that asks me if I want to open the URL in one of the above apps. So only URLs on websites are opening, but not URLs from inside react native code.
Any ideas?
Looks like every URI scheme you want to use at runtime must be defined up-front in Info.plist. Found the answer here: React Native: Linking API not discovering Uber app

How do I share an action using react-native-fbsdk?

We're doing this in the web version of our react application and our native Android app so our setup and everything is working fine. I'm trying to implement sharing an action in react-native using react-native-fbsdk. I'm following the Android code because it looks the closest to the react-native-fbsdk code.
Should I be using ShareApi.share or something else?
I tried creating an instance of ShareOpenGraphContent to use with ShareApi.share, but there's no constructor.
I wish they would provide more thorough documentation :s
Based on the code my colleague used for the ShareApi on Android it seems like react-native-fbsdk is missing a few things related to sharing actions.
ShareOpenGraphContent isn't directly exported from react-native-fbsdk so this
import { ShareOpenGraphContent } from 'react-native-fbsdk';
Actually doesn't work. There must be some way to use the ShareApi in react-native-fbsdk to share an action...I'm just missing something.
Someone help...please.
I figured it out! I had to manually create an instance of the ShareOpenGraphContent object which has 3 mandatory properties: contentType, action and previewPropertyName. The react-native-fbsdk doesn't currently have a constructor for this object type.
ShareApi.canShare isn't mandatory, but it checks to ensure you have the correct permissions before trying to share. This would allow you to get the user logged in before trying in case their token expired, or the user hasn't agreed to the needed permissions yet.
const ogAction = new ShareOpenGraphAction('<your_facebook_namespace>' + ':' + '<your_facebook_action>');
ogAction.putString('song', 'https://<url_to_your_song_app_etc>');
ogAction.putString('place', '<fbPlacePageID>'');
ogAction.putNumber('fb:explicitly_shared', 1); // Normally this is a boolean, but putNumber with a value of 1 works
// Manually create an instance of ShareOpenGraphContent (no constructor in the API)
const ogContent = {
contentType: 'open-graph',
action: ogAction,
previewPropertyName: 'song',
ShareApi.canShare(ogContent).then((canShare) => {
if (canShare)
return ShareApi.share(ogContent, '/me');
function(result) {
// Shared successfully
function(error) {
// Failed to share

Using react native with Optimizely

I try to follow documentation in Optimizely to get my react native app (#22.2) working but getting such bug. error: cannot find symbol
Optimizely.startOptimizelyWithApiToken("xxxxxx", getApplication());
symbol: method startOptimizelyWithApiToken(String,Application)
location: class Optimizely
1 error
What is wrong and how can I debug . I try
adb logcat ReactNative:V ReactNativeJS:V
but it's not giving me any information
I an on the engineering team at Optimizely and we've released a brand new product called FullStack that is more geared towards developers. As part of the product we now offer a JavaScript SDK for running experiments in all JavaScript clients, including React Native.
To use you would install our SDK:
npm install optimizely-client-sdk
And then you can split traffic using our activate and track methods.
Here is an example:
var optimizely = require('optimizely-client-sdk');
// Initialize an Optimizely client
var optimizelyClientInstance = optimizely.createInstance({ datafile: datafile });
// ALTERNATIVELY, if you don't use CommonJS or npm, you can install the minified snippet and use the globally exported varible as follows:
var optimizelyClientInstance = window.optimizelyClient.createInstance({ datafile: datafile });
// Activate user in an experiment
var variation = optimizelyClientInstance.activate("my_experiment", userId);
if (variation === 'control') {
// Execute code for variation A
} else if (variation === 'treatment') {
// Execute code for variation B
} else {
// Execute default code
// Track conversion event
optimizelyClientInstance.track("my_conversion", userId);
For more information please checkout our developer docs:
i sorted problem is more about reading docs and using legacy:
compile ('com.optimizely:optimizely-legacy:+#aar') {
transitive = true
and then:
Optimizely.startOptimizely("xxxx", getApplication());