Log the logins to the various applications that identityserver manages - claims-based-identity

We've got a lot of sites with common authentication by thinktecture identityserver v2.
Now we would like to have a log of the logins to the sites. We've got a custom IUserRepository where we could log a user login in, but how would we goahead and grab the site a user is loggin into?
And when we jump from one site to another - how could that be logged
In case there's no built in support for this, where is the best place to modify the code?
It seems like it could be done in the WSFederationController and in the Issue method I could get the realm based on the uri.
public ActionResult Issue()
Tracing.Start("WS-Federation endpoint.");
if (!ConfigurationRepository.WSFederation.Enabled && ConfigurationRepository.WSFederation.EnableAuthentication)
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
var message = WSFederationMessage.CreateFromUri(HttpContext.Request.Url);
// sign in
var signinMessage = message as SignInRequestMessage;
if (signinMessage != null)
// Is this a good place to log current user and the application the user is loggin into to db???
// or does Thinktecture have some build in functionaltiy for this?
return ProcessWSFederationSignIn(signinMessage, ClaimsPrincipal.Current);


IdentityServer4 Revoke all reference tokens for a client, except the current one

I have a single page application which is protected by IdentityServer4 reference tokens.
I expect users to login to from multiple computers/devices.
In the settings area of the app, the user can change their password. To do so, they must enter their current password, as well as the new password.
I also wish to give the user the option to "Logout all other devices and computers".
If the user ticks this option, I want to invalidate any other reference tokens that exist for this client and this user, but I do NOT want to invalidate the reference token the user is currently using.
I only want it to logout other devices and computers. The user should stay logged in on the computer they are using.
For the life of me, I cannot see a way to do this with IdentityServer4. I was thinking I could simply run a delete on the PersistedGrants table, however I have no way of knowing which of the persisted grants in this table is the one the user is currently using.
Please help!
I was finally able to solve this. Make sure you're using the latest version of IdentityServer, as it includes a session_id column on the PersistedGrants table. With that, the solution is clear.
When user changes password:
if (model.EndSessions)
var currentSessionId = User.FindFirst(JwtClaimTypes.SessionId).Value;
foreach (var grant in db.PersistedGrants.Where(pg => pg.ClientId == "the-client-name" && pg.SubjectId == user.Id.ToString() && pg.SessionId != currentSessionId).ToList())
await userManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
The user's other tokens are now revoked.
However, the user (on their other computer/devices) will likely still have an authentication cookie, so if they were to go to the authorization endpoint they would be granted a new token without having to login again.
To prevent that, we intercept the request for a new token with a CustomProfileService, like so -
public override async Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context)
//only run check for cookie authentication
if (context.Subject.Identity.AuthenticationType == IdentityConstants.ApplicationScheme)
var validationResponse = await signInManager.ValidateSecurityStampAsync(context.Subject);
if (validationResponse == null)
context.IsActive = false;
var user = await userManager.GetUserAsync(context.Subject);
context.IsActive = user.IsActive;

Logging out the user from other computers (that he logged in before) when he logs in from another computer

I have a web application that employees log in to do stuff. What Im trying to achieve is: When a user logs in from a computer, if he is already logged in on another computer, that must be logged out. The web app is MVC Asp.Net Core 2.2 Code first. I have added a signInManager in startup and edited the PasswordSignInAsync method. I login the system from two different devices. When I click something on the screen from the first computer that I loggedin, it redirects to logout. It seems like working. But Im not sure if this is the right way of doing this. The code I added is: await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user); Inside PasswordSignInAsync method.
Inside the startup class ConfigureServices method I added
'services.AddIdentity<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole>()
Then in SignInManagerX class which is inherited from SignInManager I overrided the PasswordSignInAsync
public override async Task<SignInResult>
PasswordSignInAsync(ApplicationUser user, string password,
bool isPersistent, bool lockoutOnFailure)
if (user == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(user));
var attempt = await CheckPasswordSignInAsync(user, password,
//Here is added
if (attempt.Succeeded)
await UserManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user);
//Add end
return attempt.Succeeded
? await SignInOrTwoFactorAsync(user, isPersistent)
: attempt;
Is this the right way ? or I should add a table to db for logins which holds the info if the user is already logged in on another Ip. Then Logging out that user from all computers if the last and current login attempt is true ?
Yes , the primary purpose of the SecurityStamp is to enable sign out everywhere.
The basic idea is that whenever something security related is changed on the user, like a password, it is a good idea to automatically invalidate any existing sign in cookies, so if your password/account was previously compromised, the attacker no longer has access.
Reference : https://stackoverflow.com/a/19505060/5751404
You can set validateInterval to TimeSpan.Zero for immediate logout .

How to Create login and logout using Vapor (Basic Authentication)

I want to create login and logout methods and routes. I've done already basic authentication but now I'm stuck how to continue. How should I do that, should I use sessions?
I'm using Vapor 3, Swift 4 and PostgreSQL and followed this tutorial https://medium.com/rocket-fuel/basic-authentication-with-vapor-3-c074376256c3. I'm total newbie so I appreciate a lot if you can help me!
my User model
struct User : Content, PostgreSQLModel, Parameters {
var id : Int?
private(set) var email: String
private(set) var password: String
extension User: BasicAuthenticatable {
static let usernameKey: WritableKeyPath<User, String> = \.email
static let passwordKey: WritableKeyPath<User, String> = \.password
UserController.swift, registering user.
private extension UserController {
func registerUser(_ request: Request, newUser: User) throws -> Future<HTTPResponseStatus> {
return try User.query(on: request).filter(\.email == newUser.email).first().flatMap { existingUser in
guard existingUser == nil else {
throw Abort(.badRequest, reason: "a user with this email already exists" , identifier: nil)
let digest = try request.make(BCryptDigest.self)
let hashedPassword = try digest.hash(newUser.password)
let persistedUser = User(id: nil, email: newUser.email, password: hashedPassword)
return persistedUser.save(on: request).transform(to: .created)
So in Basic authentication there is no 'logout' per se as there's no login. With HTTP Basic Auth you transmit the user's credentials with each request and validate those credentials with each request.
You mention sessions, but first it's important to know what type of service you are providing? Are you providing an API or a website? They are different use cases and have different (usually) methods for authentication and login.
For an API you can use Basic Authentication and generally in your login function you exchange the credentials for some sort of token. Clients then provide that token with future requests to authenticate the user. To log out you simply destroy the token in the backend so it is no longer valid.
For a website, things are a little different since you can't manipulate the requests like you can with a normal client (such as setting the Authorization header in the request). HTTP Basic authentication is possible in a website, though rarely used these days. What traditionally happens is you submit the user's credentials through a web form, authenticate them and then save the authenticated user in a session and provide a session cookie back to the browser. This authenticates the user in future requests. To log a user out you just remove the user from the session.
Vapor's Auth package provides everything you need to do both of these scenarios. See https://github.com/raywenderlich/vapor-til for examples of both

AspNet Core External Authentication with Both Google and Facebook

I am trying to implement the Form-Authentication in ASP.Net Core with Both Google and Facebook Authentications. I followed some tutorials and after some struggles, I managed to make it work both.
However, the problem is that I cannot use both authentications for the same email.
For example, my email is 'ttcg#gmail.com'.
I used Facebook authentication to log in first... Registered my email and it worked successfully and put my record into 'dbo.ASPNetUsers' table.
Then I logged out, clicked on Google Authentication to log in. It authenticated successfully, but when I tried to register it keeps saying that my email is already taken.
I tried to do the same thing for other online websites (Eg, Stackoverflow). I used the same email for both Google and Facebook and the website knows, I am the same person and both my login / claims are linked even though they come from different places (Google & Facebook).
I would like to have that feature in my website and could you please let me know how could I achieve that.
In theory, it should put another line in 'dbo.AspNetUserLogins' and should link the same UserId with multiple logins.
Do I need to implement my own SignInManager.SignInAsync method to achieve that feature? Or am I missing any configuration?
You need to link your Facebook external login to your Google external login with your email by using UserManager.AddLoginAsync, you cannot register twice using the same adresse if you use the adresse as login.
Check out the Identity sample on Identity github repo.
To link external login to a user, the Manae controller expose methods LinkLogin and LinkLoginCallback
LinkLogin requests a redirect to the external login provider to link a login for the current user
LinkLoginCallback processes the provider response
// POST: /Manage/LinkLogin
public IActionResult LinkLogin(string provider)
// Request a redirect to the external login provider to link a login for the current user
var redirectUrl = Url.Action("LinkLoginCallback", "Manage");
var properties = _signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties(provider, redirectUrl, _userManager.GetUserId(User));
return Challenge(properties, provider);
// GET: /Manage/LinkLoginCallback
public async Task<ActionResult> LinkLoginCallback()
var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();
if (user == null)
return View("Error");
var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(await _userManager.GetUserIdAsync(user));
if (info == null)
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ManageLogins), new { Message = ManageMessageId.Error });
var result = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info);
var message = result.Succeeded ? ManageMessageId.AddLoginSuccess : ManageMessageId.Error;
return RedirectToAction(nameof(ManageLogins), new { Message = message });

Why is my implementation of SSO using Ember-Simple-Auth with Auth0 getting stuck in a redirect loop?

I have an ember application that uses the Auth0 Ember Simple Auth addon to use the Ember-Simple-Auth functionality with Auth0's Lock.js. Recently I have been trying to implement single-sign-onfunctionality, such that if a user logs into a login portal application, their session will be preserved for other applications on the same domain, and they will not need to log in repeatedly. However my implementation of SSO is resulting in an infinite redirect loop between my login logic and Auth0's endpoint.
I have enabled SSO in the Auth0 application settings. My login is implemented in a few blocks.
My route.js contains a beforeModel() method which contains:
if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')){
// Forward to the login action
My login action:
login() {
var session = get(this, 'session');
session.authenticate('authenticator:myauthenticator', { authParams: { scope: 'openid' } });
This grabs the session object, and calls my custom authenticator. So far, this is basically just ember-simple-auth boilerplate, and complies with the examples supplied in the Auth0 Ember-Simple-Auth documentation.
Where I run into trouble is my custom authenticator. The base authenticator is here. You can see that it handles basic login logic easily, including showing the Auth0 lock when a user isn't authenticated. However it has no logic for handling the kind of SSO-session checking that I want to implement. So I implemented a custom authenticator as below, using examples provided by Auth0 for (basically) this exact scenario (you can see their examples [here], I'm using a slightly altered version)3:
authenticate(options) {
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((res) => {
// the callback that will be executed upon authentication
var authCb = (err, profile, jwt, accessToken, state, refreshToken) => {
if (err) {
} else {
var sessionData = { profile, jwt, accessToken, refreshToken };
this.afterAuth(sessionData).then(response => res(this._setupFutureEvents(response)));
var lock = this.get('lock');
// see if there's a SSO session available
lock.$auth0.getSSOData(function(err, data) {
if (!err && data.sso) {
// there is! redirect to Auth0 for SSO
options.authParams.callbackOnLocationHash = true;
lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb);
} else {
// regular login
lock.show(options, authCb);
This behaves mostly as I would expect it to. When I log in with an existing session from another SSO-enabled app on the same domain, if (!err && data.sso) resolves to true, and lock.$auth0.signin(options.authParams, authCb) is called. However, this signin logic is not working as intended. Auth0.signin calls the Auth0.authorize method, which generates a target URL that looks something like:
My application is then redirected to this URL for authorization. I get a 302 and am redirected back to the callback URL (my root page). Because there is a new page transition, if (!get(session, 'isAuthenticated')) is hit again. It returns false, and so the same logic repeats itself, looping indefinitely.
Does anyone have any insight on what I might be doing incorrectly here? The authorize endpoint seems to behave as if I were being authenticated, but then the authentication is never actually triggered. I've debugged through this code fairly extensively but seen no obvious red flags, and I've followed provided examples closely enough that I'm not sure what I would change. I'm not entirely sure where the failure to authenticate is happening such that get(session, 'isAuthenticated') is false.