DatePicker xaml Windows Phone 8.1 disable dates - xaml

I need to disable several dates to be picked with the DatePicker in Windows.Ui.Xaml.Controls. Also I need to make only specific values selectable, for example only the minutes 1, 15, 30 and so on.
Is this possible soemhow?
Thanks in advance

Using the built in controls in Windows Phone 8.1, you cannot disable certain dates with the DatePicker. As the UI isn't necessarily linear in that the date can be selected in any order by the user, building a user experience that then prevented certain dates may be confusing. (It's much easier to visualize a disabled date when the full calendar is shown).
You can use the TimePicker to set a minute interval to force selection on 15 minute intervals for example using the property MinuteIncrement.
If you need more complex date and time selection, you may need to investigate third party options.


automatic date picking selenium

I am working on automating some web related task. For that I am using selenium. However, After trying hours I could not figure out to automate date picking. I have two calendars. See the figure to understand better.
What I am trying to achieve is to choose two dates from the left and right calendar. I want to send two dates and set those dates( also month and year) on those two calendars. I tried to do something like that. I took the xpath for "k-calendar k-first-month" class.
calender_left = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[#id="filter-section-timeFilters"]/div/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div/div[1]')
However, no luck on that.
This is how the css elements looks like for the left calendar.
Update: I decided to click month and year button using xPath.
Is there any input field to enter date through keyboard?
If YES take xPath or clasName or cssSelector of that element and use sendkeys.
Refer the link it will be helpfull.

XAML Table with sorting by column clicking in C++ UWP App - design and binding problems

I'm just beginning to build a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) C++ app using VS2015. I've worked in Android before and in .NET, but not UWP (and before you suggest using .NET, I'm using this as a project to get more C++ experience). I'm trying to add a screen to the app that will basically have a table with data that can be sorted by clicking on the corresponding column (one click for ascending, another to reverse. Click a different column header to sort by it instead).
Searching for help on this is a mass of craziness however. Half of the results recommend gridview but when I try to implement them parts of gridview turn out to be unavailable in the UWP platform and I can't seem to make it clickable. Others recommend listview but I want to have multiple columns that get sorted together on clicking of one, and keeping them in sync seems like it could get complicated. There are a variety of other options but I'm getting lost in the mix, particularly when some are then unavailable for UWP and MSFT seems to often have out of date documentation.
I'm also new to this XAML/binding approach and a bit lost with it. With an Android app version of this application I had an sqlite database from which I pulled a table that could be displayed to the screen. I was planning on a similar approach here but in that case what do I bind to? Do I query the database, build a table in memory, and then bind to that? That seems clunky and problematic if columns have different data types. And if gridview doesn't work, in what do I then display it?
That's a kind of vague and wide question I know, but this seems to be one of those instances where further research makes me more lost rather than bringing clarity so after a few hours of searching I thought I'd just ask for advice. This seems like it should be such a simple task that I must be doing something wrong. Any recommendations you have are most welcome!
There is no Control as you said in UWP.
Also it seems the data grid control to display data in a table is that you want. Please refer the DataGrid in this link: When we click the corresponding column the column can be changed.
We should be able to bind the date to the ItemsSource of the DataGrid and set the head name to DataGridTextColumn.
There is a sample for it, you should be able to see it in

Update MenuBar text daily on OS X

Hello I want to create app with changing MenuBar text everyday at 00:00 from some system call.
For example in menu bar will be text Today celebrating Martin ... tomorrow will be : Today celebrating Michael ...
if I understand correctly, you want something that has separate "days" at the top of your screen?
I am developing an app right now that requires something similar.
You're going to want to create a calendar day reference that uses the device's calendar and location. Once you have this, compare that reference to a set day-- say, 1-Jan-1970.
I've used the NSTimer controller for making a changes on MenuBar everyday ...

How to highlight specific dates in datepicker on Android

I need to develop an application that checks a database and highlights the dates which have any record on this database (something like this). I have done some research about it but the method that I found is colorizing background of day manually.

Formatting an entered time string on the user's behalf

I want to record a user-entered time, but I don't want the user to have to worry about entering things such as ":" or ".". The only times entered will be around 7-8 minutes, and any number of seconds with a possible decimal point, but I would like the user to just be able to enter something like 7234 and have it format to 7:23.4.
Any ideas or hints would be great!
You can do this with a clever use of
– textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:
(see the documentation for the UITextFieldDelegate Protocol).
If you know for certain that the time will always be <10 minutes, then after the first numeric entry, add : and after the next two add .. However, it may be easier to use different fields for minutes and seconds. For instance, what if the user enters 713... how would you parse this? 7:13 or 7:1.3?
I am going to recommend an alternate approach. Since you can't predict where the : and . should go if the user enters a continuous piece of text. You should rather present a picker view when the user taps on the text field and let the user pick the time. This works by setting a UIPickerView object as the inputView of the UITextField. Ideally an easier tool would have been a UIDatePicker but it doesn't have seconds in any of its modes. So you will have to create a picker view with 3 components - minutes, seconds and milliseconds. You will have to become its data source and the delegate and provide all the possible values for the three components. You will also need to add a view (a UIToolbar perhaps) with a button that resignsFirstResponder for the text field.
Personally I am biased towards this approach but it is only available since iOS 3.2 which should be a part of your consideration.
If it is not absolutely necessary to use only one textfield, you could perhaps use more?
From left to right, the first one represents the minutes, the second one has 2 places and represents seconds and the third (and last) one represents numbers beyond the decimal point. Then simply switch between them as the user enters the numbers.
You might also want to check out how it's cleverly done for money (which has similar problems to time 100 could be 1.00, or 10.0 or 100) in a Slovenian app called Toshl - when adding expenses.