Is it possible to weak link my own objective-c classes?
I have seen that I can weak link a function or a variable…
extern int MyFunction() __attribute__((weak_import));
extern int MyVariable __attribute__((weak_import));
I would like to have something like this…
if ([MyUploadManager class]) {
self.uploadButton.hidden = NO;
… and be able to compile even if UploadManager.m is not included in the project.
To weak link a class e.g. MyUploadManager in your own executable:
To keep the linker happy, add this to Other Linker Flags in the project:
This allows the class symbol to be undefined even if it is not built into your executable. It will be considered for dynamic lookup instead, effectively the same as a dynamic library symbol.
To keep the runtime happy, add this to your class header:
__attribute__((weak_import)) #interface MyUploadManager
When the dynamic linker runs, it substitutes a nil for the class symbol rather than crashing.
Now you can run this without either linker or runtime errors:
if ([MyUploadManager class]) {
self.uploadButton.hidden = NO;
Note: As of Xcode 7, the -U linker options conflicts with BitCode, so you may not be able to use this technique for future projects.
You can use the NSClassFromString function:
Class MyUploadManager = NSClassFromString(#"MyUploadManager");
if (MyUploadManager) {
self.uploadButton.hidden = NO;
NSClassFromString returns nil if the class cannot be found.
To weak link a class it can be included in a framework. The compiler can be told to weak link all symbols in a framework using the Other Linker Flag build setting.
-weak_framework <framework_name>
This enables MyModule.framework to weak link against Uploader.framework whilst it is being built. If someone using MyModule.framework does not links against Uploader.framework then, in the example above, the button will not be displayed.
Frameworks and Weak Linking
I have created a class in Swift (which I'm learning) that I use to hold certain values as follows:
#objc public class Book: NSObject {
var title: String = ""
var date: Date = Date()
var sku: Float = 0
I would now like to store this class in the equivalent of a property that can be accessed by my Objective-C class.
I tried creating a variable in the View Controller where the class is used as follows:
var lastBookViewed = Book()
However, when I try to save the object to the property with the followng code, I get an error:
//create instance of book
let myBook = Book()
//gather information about book
lastBookViewed = myBook //THROWS COMPILER ERROR 'Use of Unresolved Identifier lastBookViewed
Is there a way to do this?
If easier, storing the object to a property in the Objective-C file would work as well but so far I have not been able to get the Objective-C file to recognize the Book class created in Swift although I put #objc before it as recommended.
When I try to create a property or variable for storing the custom swift object in a different Swift class (the View Controller class) in the same Swift file with the following syntax:
var lastBookViewed: Book
the compiler gives a warning for the VC class "yourVC has no initializers"
Go to your project’s general settings. Select the proper target for your app. Go to “Build Settings” and switch to “All”, instead of “Basic” which is the default. Here search for the “Packaging” section. Turn on “Defines Module”, by changing “No” to “Yes”.
When this is turned on we will now be able to use swift classes inside
of objective-c files.
Before leaving the “Build Settings” look for “Product Module Name” in the “Packaging” section. This will be important so make sure to take note of and copy the “Product Module Name” exactly.
Next go to an objective-c class where you would like to be able to have access to your swift class. In the implementation or .m file of this class import a header like this:
#import "MyProjectModuleName-Swift.h"
Here the file name of the import must be the exact Project Module Name from the build settings. Any objective-c file where you want access to your swift class should include this import.
Now it is worth mentioning one potential issue that may arise when using a swift class. Objective-c cannot read top-level swift classes. So if you go to use a method or variable from your swift class directly it will not be recognized. There are one simple solution to this issue. It’s to make your class public
#objc public class myClass
I am migrating code from Objective-C to Swift 4.0. Here I have some float #define constants related to my deviceHeight in Specific Objective-C header class. While accessing this #define giving error "Use of unresolved identifier". When I use Objective-C string #define identifier it's easily accessible within Swift class.
Not accessible in Swift4
Accessible in Swift4
#define ERROR #"Some error occured. Please try later."
Help me with your comments or solution.
The reason this imports to Swift...
#define ERROR #"Some error occured. Please try later." that it’s semantically equivalent to a constant declaration. That is, it permanently associates that string-literal value with the name ERROR. The Swift compiler recognizes that you’re using the C preprocessor to define a constant, and translates it to a Swift constant.
(Even though you could—and probably should—define C global constants without the preprocessor, Swift recognizes that there’s a long tradition of using #define instead, and imports it anyway.)
The reason this doesn’t import to Swift...
#define PHONE_IPHONE10 PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT==812.0f that this is a preprocessor macro. It doesn’t statically map a name to a value. Instead, it tells C that wherever it sees your name PHONE_IPHONE10, it should substitute the expression PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT==812.0f. Presumably PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT is itself a macro, so the whole thing expands to a chain of method calls and an equality comparison.
Swift itself doesn’t do preprocessor macros, or anything like such, so it doesn’t import them from C.
A close equivalent would be to redefine this logic using a computed property or function (and the idiomatic way to do that in Swift would be as a static member on a type, not a global symbol). Something like this:
extension UIDevice {
class var isMaybeiPhoneX: Bool {
return false // or some logic based on UIScreen.main.size
But be warned, the whole idea of conditionally changing your app’s UI or behavior based on a specific screen height check is fraught with peril. Tried Auto Layout?
To achieve similar functionality I created Constants.swift file with this structure:
struct Constants {
struct phoneHeights {
static let PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT = 812.0
//some others consts
struct iPhoneX {
static let statusBarHeight: CGFloat = 44
//some others consts
Or simply:
struct Constants {
static let PHONE_UISCREEN_HEIGHT = 812.0
static let statusBarHeight: CGFloat = 44
And for type safety in Swift, you can read here.
Could you briefly explain what #objc and dynamic mean in Swift 4 using Xcode 9.x?
With tries and errors and following articles in the stackoverflow, I have eventually achieved this snippet to work. But I would like to know a little bit about those magical keywords.
class SampleViewController: NSViewController {
#objc class Parameters : NSObject {
#objc dynamic var value1: Double = 0 // bound to Value of a NSTextfield with NumberFormatter
#objc dynamic var value2: Double = 0 // as "parameters.value1" for the Model Key Path
#objc dynamic var parameters = Parameters()
#objc dynamic var value3: Double { // in the similar way as "value3" for the Model Key Path
get {
return parameters.value1 + parameters.value2
override class func keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey key: String) -> Set<String> {
switch key {
case "value3" :
return Set(["parameters.value1", "parameters.value2"])
return super.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey: key)
Having fun with Xcode and its disassembler, I have found some. Thanks to Mike Henderson's comment.
Firstly, adding a #objc modifier seems to have the compiler write its corresponding symbol name in a __OBJC segment of executables and/or library files, which will be then used by the Objective-C run-time system.
otool -o filename command shows us the contents of __OBJC segment.
Secondly, adding a dynamic modifier seems to have the compiler insert additional assembler codes to interact with the Objective-C run-time system. The additional code realizes that accessing dynamic properties will be done through objc_msgSend() and its related functions. Similarly, calling dynamic methods also will be done through objc_msgSend().
Now, in my understandings, the jargon dynamic dispatch implies use of objc_msgSend() while static dispatch does no use of it. In the latter case, both accessing variables and calling functions will be done without intervention of the Objective-C run-time system, which is in the similar, but not exactly same, way of C++ ABI.
Apparently, static one is faster than dynamic one. But static one is incapable of Objective-C's magical benefits, though. With the programming language Swift, we have opportunities to utilize both aspects by choosing either static or dynamic dispatch depending on the situation, by omitting or adding those magical keywords, respectively.
Further readings:
Objective-C Runtime
Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4.0.3)
#objc means you want your Swift code (class, method, property, etc.) to be visible from Objective-C.
dynamic means you want to use Objective-C dynamic dispatch.
Swift 3 - dynamic vs #objc
When you implement a class MyGreatClass in Swift its fully qualified name will by <MyPackageName>.MyGreatClass. This is different to Objective-C, where the fully qualified name of that same class is MyGreatClass.
Unfortunately this introduces a problem for me. When I am using NSUnarchiver and the archive was written with Objective-C objects I cannot unpack it with Swift-classes(see below for a detailed description).
This means I need to find a way to rename the namespace for my Swift classes. How do I do that?
Any help would be great!
Background: Why can't NSUnarchiver see/load my swift class?
I have implemented a small program to read a file, which was archived with NSArchive.
These are my files:
import Foundation
// parse command line - total path to *.trace file (from Apple's Instruments app)
var traceFilePath = Process.arguments[1]
var traceFile = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: traceFilePath)
var error:NSError?
// check if the file exists
if (traceFile?.checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError(&error) == false){
// file does not exist or cannot be accessed
var rawData = NSData(contentsOfURL: traceFile!)
var data = NSUnarchiver(forReadingWithData: rawData!)
var decodedObject: AnyObject? = data?.decodeObject()
import Foundation
class XRObjectAllocRun: NSObject {
// class to be implemented
When I now run my application on an Instruments-file I am getting the following error: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSArchiverArchiveInconsistency', reason: '*** class error for 'XRObjectAllocRun': class not loaded'.
This is really strange because when I add the exact same class in an Objective-C file with a bridging header file I have no issues.
trace file reader-Bridging-Header.h: is empty.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface XRObjectAllocRun : NSObject
#import "XRObjectAllocRun.h"
#implementation XRObjectAllocRun
What am I missing? Why is my Objective-C class found, whereas my Swift class is not?
Swift has no issues for example with var x = XRObjectAllocRun() in main.swift, but yet the NSUnarchiver still complaints about a missing XRObjectAllocRun class when I stay purely within Swift. Is the NSUnarchiver looking in the wrong places - does it for some reason only accept Objective-C classes?
If you want to know what I am trying to do check this stackoverflow question out.
This is what apple writes:
Swift classes are namespaced based on the module they are compiled in, even when used from Objective-C code. Unlike Objective-C, where all classes are part of a global namespace
Further more:
For example, when you create a document–based Mac app, you provide the name of your NSDocument subclass in your app’s Info.plist file. In Swift, you must use the full name of your document subclass, including the module name derived from the name of your app or framework.
Yikes, trying to figure out the mess now...
Try this when you declare your class:
#objc(XRObjectAllocRun) class XRObjectAllocRun: NSObject {
// class to be implemented
That will give this class the same name as the archived class, namely XRObjectAllocRun, instead of the namespaced Swift name trace_file_reader.XRObjectAllocRun.
This is always a concern when you're translating from Objective-C to Swift and you've got an existing archive to deal with. See Apple's documentation:
Note the discussion under "Exposing Swift Interfaces in Objective-C".
I'm attempting to use Swift classes in my Objective-C code, however my Swift classes don't seem to appear in the generated header. As a result, my build fails with "Use of undeclared identifier 'HelloWorld'".
I used the templates to create a project called TestApp.
I have the following Build Settings in my target:
Product Name : TestApp
Product Module Name : TestAppModule
Defines Module : Yes
Apple's documentation says to use #import <TestApp/TestAppModule-Swift.h> but this doesn't work.
Instead, I'm using #import "TestAppModule-Swift.h" in my ".m" file. It seems to find this.
I'm able to navigate to it, and it looks like this...
// Generated by Swift version 1.0 (swift-600.
#if defined(__has_include) && __has_include(<swift/objc-prologue.h>)
# include <swift/objc-prologue.h>
but no classes defined in there.
I have a Swift file in the project that looks like this...
class HelloWorld {
func hello() {
println("hello world")
Why isn't this working using the standard header file location #import <TestApp/TestAppModule-Swift.h>?
How can I get my swift classes in that header file, so I won't get the "undeclared identifier" error?
Here's how I have gotten it to work. You can see a more large-scale answer here.
Change this:
class HelloWorld {
func hello() {
println("hello world")
#objc class HelloWorld {
class func newInstance() -> HelloWorld {
return HelloWorld()
func hello() {
println("hello world")
Then, In your ObjC file:
#import "TestApp-Swift.h"
And call like this:
HelloWorld * helloWorld = [HelloWorld newInstance];
[helloWorld hello];
tl;dr Ensure you have a bridging header if you're doing any cross-calling between Objective-C and Swift.
I had the exact same problem: I could see the -Swift.h file in DerivedData but it made no mention of my Swift classes. I was importing the header file correctly, the Defines Module setting was YES, and the Product Module Name was correct. I tried deleting and re-adding the Swift files, clean buiild, quitting XCode, etc, with no luck.
Then I realised I had no -Bridging-Header.h file in my project, presumably due to the way I'd cobbled it together from a previous project. Shouldn't be a problem because I was not (yet) calling Objective-C from Swift. But when I added a bridging header, and referred to its path in the build settings (Swift Compiler - Code Generation -> Objective-C Bridging Header), it magically fixed the problem - my -Swift.h file was suddenly full of SWIFT_CLASS() goodness!
So I'm guessing the bridging header is fundamental to the process, even if you're NOT using Objective-C from Swift.
UPDATE: I finally understand this. It is related to public/internal access modifiers. Not sure if I missed this originally or if it's an addition to the Apple docs, but it now clearly states:-
By default, the generated header contains interfaces for Swift
declarations marked with the public modifier. It also contains those
marked with the internal modifier if your app target has an
Objective-C bridging header.
It is proper to use #import "TestAppModule-Swift.h" in your .m files. If you need to reference a class in a .h, use the #class forward declaration.
Further, if you want to use a Swift class from Objective-C, the Swift class must be marked with the #objc attribute. Xcode will only include classes with that attributed in the generated header. See also this documentation.
Class should be declared as #objc public class
A more convenient way would be to inherit from NSObject. Like so:
class HelloWorld: NSObject {
func hello() {
println("hello world")
In my case, by following Apple guidelines, it did not work until I ran the project. The xcode editor kept flagging the unknown swift class, until i clicked "run". The build succeeded, and the swift method worked.
In my case the class was not being compiled, because I first added it to my test target only... After adding it to my main target (Build Phases -> Compile Sources), it was actual compiled and added to the header file.
So much for TDD ;-)
Maybe you defined a Swift class with the same name as an existing Objective-C class which wouldn't be unusual if you want to refactor your Objective-C code to Swift.
As long as you have a class defined simultaneously in Swift and Objective-C the compiler quietly stops updating the bridging header altogether ("ProductModuleName-Swift.h") - which also affects subseqeuent changes in other bridged Swift files.
For general reference how to import Swift into Objective-C see:
Importing Swift into Objective-C | Apple Developer Documentation