How to mod_rewrite redirect php-file-url to new path - apache

I want to redirect
What's wrong?
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/api\.php/.*
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /getData/$1
Also not working
RewriteRule ^/api\.php(.*)$ /getData/$1 [PT]

That did the job
RewriteRule ^api.php$ /getData/

Let me first tell you what is wrong with your two attempts:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/api\.php/.*
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /getData/$1
This translates to: If the URI part of the url (after the domain and before the query string) does not match api.php, translate ^(.*)$ to /getData/$1. You want however to do it when the uri does match that string, making the condition obsolete.
RewriteRule ^/api\.php(.*)$ /getData/$1 [PT]
You tried to match the query string here with (.*), but that is not how it works. Besides that, in per-directory context (which is what .htaccess is), the url never starts with a slash. ^/ therefore never ever matches.
If you don't define a query string in the rewritten part, then the query string of the old url is appended to the new url. The correct rewriterule would be:
RewriteRule ^api\.php$ getData [R=301,L]
Please note that \. means "a literal dot". If I wouldn't escape it, then apisphp would redirect too. The R=301 flag will make it an external permanent redirect. The L flag will say that this is the last rule to match for this run through .htaccess. This is to prevent other rules matching on the full url, causing all kind of weird behaviour.


htaccess rewrite rule from folder to folder with querystring

I am looking to include a rewrite rule for the following but can't seem to get it to work. I don't want to pass any query string in but I need to add one to the rule.
I want this URL:
to point to:
but keep the first URL in the address bar.
I need to pass in a variable called category with a value.
I tried the following but it didn't work for me:
rewriterule ^vehicles/$ search-results/?category=1 [NC, L]
Any help would be appreciated.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* ? [F,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
RewriteRule ^ad/(.*/)?([0-9]+)$ view-ad/?ad=$2 [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^vehicles/$ search-results/?category=1 [NC,L]
I managed to solve it. It was due to an Ajax load on the page.
Glad you solved your initial query, however, the following two directives in your posted .htaccess file will break your site, so presumably, these have already been removed?
RewriteRule .* ? [F,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
The first directive simply blocks all access to your site, returning a 403 Forbidden response. And the second directive will result in a redirect loop.
Now that it works is it possible to have another rewrite rule that does this and rewrite to but only display
I assume you mean (as opposed to /vehicles/) - where something=1 is appended on the end of the query string?
You wouldn't be able to make this "display as" - as this would conflict with your existing (working) directive.
However, you could potentially modify your existing directive to handle requests for /?something=1 and pass this through to the substitution. This would simply require the addition of the QSA flag (Query String Append). For example:
RewriteRule ^vehicles/$ search-results/?category=1 [QSA,NC,L]
The QSA flag results in the query string from the request being appended to the end of the query string specified in the RewriteRule substitution.
UPDATE: To redirect HTTP to HTTPS, you would need something like the following instead:
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
Note the preceding RewriteCond directive - this ensures that only HTTP requests are redirected, not everything (HTTP and HTTPS), so avoiding a redirect loop. Ultimately this should also be a 301 (permanent) redirect, so you should change R to R=301, but only when you are sure it's working OK.

301 Rewrite Rule Not working

We want to redirect Below mentioned URL.
From URL:
To URL :
We wrote 301 rules in apache configuration as below.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/itemLevelFilterPage.action?keyWordTxt=&srchTyp=CATNAV&attrFilterList=attr_brand%3A%223M%22&resultPage=0 /4G [L,R=301]
But redirection is not working as expected. Any Suggestion will be highly appreciated.
mod_rewrite will not look at query strings as part of its matching, unless you specifically ask it to:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/itemLevelFilterPage\.action$
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^keyWordTxt=&srchTyp=CATNAV&attrFilterList=attr_brand%3A%223M%22&resultPage=0$
RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L]
The first condition makes sure we're looking at the right page, the second checks the query string, and the rule will rewrite the URL to the desired one.
The trailing question mark on the rule ensures the old query string is removed. If you're on Apache 2.4 the query string discard flag is available:
RewriteRule (.*) [R=301,L,QSD]
More examples here.

apache query string rewrite rules

I am setting up Query string redirect : to
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)expo\.com
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} slide=ost-2016-tank
RewriteRule  ^/en/general/campaigns/on-second-thought.html?$ [R=301,L,NC]
redirect happening but its appending ?slide=ost-2016-tank like below
slide=ost-2016-tank parameter is added to redirected page
Since your rule does not define a new query string, the default behavior of Apache is to copy the old query string to the new URL. To get rid of it, append a ? to the address you rewrite/redirect to:
RewriteRule ^/en/general/campaigns/on-second-thought\.html?$ [R=301,L,NC]
Or, for Apache >= 2.4, you can also use the flag QSD (Query String Discard):
RewriteRule ^/en/general/campaigns/on-second-thought\.html?$ [R=301,L,NC,QSD]
Simply add a blank query string when redirecting:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)expo\.com
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^slide=(ost-2016-tank)$
RewriteRule ^(/?en/general/campaigns/on-second-thought)\.(html)$ $1/%1.$2? [R=301,L,NC]
No need to mention again when redirecting. It'll automatically redirect to the same hostname because of R flag. No need to repeat same strings over and over. Using match groups and referencing them later works.
Your pattern had .html?$ in it, which actually means that it'll match .html as well as .htm. You do not receive query strings in RewriteRule context.

removing directory in apache mod_rewrite

I have a PHP site which replaces an ASP site, so the path structure is different.
In the URLs, I need to match & redirect to another location. What is the correct syntax to match that URL fragment?
I've already tried
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} CartV3/results1.asp?Category=60
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ home-study/A-Levels/1/page-1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^CartV3/Details\.asp?ProductID=1004 home-study/A-Levels/1/page-1 [R=301,L]
You meed to read more about mod_rewrite. Remember RewriteRule doesn't match query string. You attempt needs to be rewritten as:
Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^Category=60$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^CartV3/results1\.asp$ /home-study/A-Levels/1/page-1? [R=302,L,NC]
Once you verify it is working fine, replace R=302 to R=301. Avoid using R=301 (Permanent Redirect) while testing your mod_rewrite rules.
PS: ? after page-1 is a special mod_rewrite syntax to strip original query string. If you want to keep original query string in rewritten URL then take out ? in the end.
The problem here is that you are trying to match the query string, which has to be done by a separate RewriteCond. If you want the match specifically "Category=60", then you can add it as a Condition:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} Category=60
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /CartV3/results1.asp
RewriteRule .* home-study/A-Levels/1/page-1?
This will match and redirect. The ? at the end of the rule stops "?Category=60" being to the resulting URI.
If you don't care about the value in the query string, then you can remove the first condition.

mod_rewrite weird problem

I have a strange problem with mod_rewrite, the rules that are relevant here are:
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/igre\-(.*)\.php\?Page=([0-9]+)$ game.php?GameUrl=$2&Page=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/igre\-(.*)\.php$ game.php?GameUrl=$2&Page=1 [L]
And a corresponding URL might look something like this:
The problem is that the first rule has no effect. If I use the first URL from the example I always get 1 into the Page variable, which shows that the second rule is used.
So what's wrong with the first one? And why is the second rule even matching a URL with ".php?Page=XYZ" at the end, if I said that the URL ends with ".php"?
ps: other rules in the .htaccess file are working fine...
The query string is not part of the URI path that is being processed by the RewriteRule directive. You have to use the RewriteCond directive to process the query string.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^Page=[0-9]+$
RewriteRule ^[^/]+/igre-([^/]+)\.php$ game.php?GameUrl=$1&%0 [L]
RewriteRule ^[^/]+/igre-([^/]+)\.php$ game.php?GameUrl=$1&Page=1 [L]
But you can still simplify this by using the QSA flag (query string append):
RewriteRule ^[^/]+/igre-([^/]+)\.php$ game.php?GameUrl=$1 [L,QSA]
mod_rewrite is not using the query in it's rewriting process. Therefor you first RewriteRule is ignored. You could combine it with a RewriteCond (haven't tested it though) like so:
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} Page=([0-9]+)
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/igre\-(.*)\.php\?Page=([0-9]+)$ game.php?GameUrl=$2 [L, qsappend]
# qsappend appends the original query, in this case (Page=xx)
Ah, like Gumbo said; you can also use %1 to back reference to the page numer.
Is it just me or are your arguments back-to-front?
Do you mean:
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)\-igre\.php\?Page=([0-9]+)$ game.php?GameUrl=$2&Page=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)\/(.*)\-igre\.php$ game.php?GameUrl=$2&Page=1 [L]
You wanted to match miselne-igre not igre-miselne.
Obviously this doesn't address the main issue, but thought I'd throw that in.