How can I run my app without zip files? - node-webkit

I'm coding a app for manage my projects SQL and I want put my files in a folder and execute without zip, just for easy edit. It's possible?

Just use nodebob
Make your html/js/css files in \nodebob\buildTools\nw folder .. And nw.exe to run it


IntelliJ IDEA - Directories appearing in Project Files but not in Project

So I created an empty project, but when I create a new directory in the Project window, it does not show up. The directory is actually created, and if I navigate to the Project Files list I can see it there, but as far as I can tell there is no way to make even my src folder part of the actual project. This creates all kinds of problems when I have to move/refactor files, and I'm amazed that something so common and simple is so difficult.
You've created a folder, not a package. If ur using maven or grade, can I suggest u use them to generate an intelij project for you. The command escapes me but a quick Google should tell you
You can manually mark your directory as a sources root:

React native - exclude compiling folder content

I am thinking of putting my folder with design files in my open source project but being afraid that they will be used within compiling for ios or android app.
Is there a way to exclude this folder?
Thank you in advance.
If it's an open source project, I think you should keep resources in your repo and add them to your projects .npmignore file. This way, when you get the module via npm install, the resource files won't even be in node_modules folder and users that use your open source project won't need to change anything in their config files.

Can node webkit build in a single windows .exe file

I have a project that need to run in a pen drive, the content is updated daily, and i need a automated way to generate a single file (.exe) to be downloaded by users.
I use this tool, but when build for windows, the build generate multiple files ( dlls, dat ,exe ).
This break my automation because the content need to be downloaded (single file).
Any help?
As far as I know, it can't. You could try making a 7zip SFX archive and running your own program instead of an installer.
This needs to create temporal files when run (which are deleted when the program quits) and I don't think you can remove the initial prompt. If you're okay with that, it might be what you need.
Edit: You can get the necessary SFX modules here.

Windows Form VB.Net - Attaching empty Directories for Deployment

I'm creating a GUI in order to launch a batch file which then kicks off a Powershell script. The GUI compiles fine and everything works great, however when I go to deploy the file it doesn't actually include any of the empty directories my script relies on.
How can I add empty directories to be included in my published VB form during install?
I don't think you can. Why don't you just do
If Not Directory.Exists(dir) Then
End If
for each directory? I would create a list of directories over which to enumerate and run this each time the application is run.
You can always use the post build step to either create the directories you need or do other logic that your program may need such as run a batch file or power-shell script
See the example below. It will create a directory Test in the output directory where the .exe is placed.

How do i navigate through folders in code behind?

I need to address a file in my code. this file isn't located in my main project, but in a library project. When i call AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, i end up in the start project's (let's call it mainproject) debug folder. What i want to to is call and go up 3 levels, so i leave debug, then bin and then mainproject. Then i would navigate to libraryproject and to folder where file is located.
What i've tried so far is do AD.CD.BD\..\.. or AD.CD.BD/../..
I thought i remembered those, but it's a no go.
Does anyone know how to do this.
Thanks in advance
It is concerning to see you wanting to codify paths based on project build paths. What happens when you release the project and these project directories don't exist.
I would recommend that if there is a file your project needs to execute is from a library project that doesn't get copied across during the build that you use a post build step to copy this file to the same location as your assembly. Alternatively you may be able to set the build action on the file in your project which might get this file to your main project build output directory.
Three levels up would be ../../../ wouldn't it?