Appending date in FileName - -

I have got this
FileName = "Events_Data.csv"
I want to add date to this, so output required is
FileName = "Events_Data_20140521.csv"
I have got data in separate variables, just don't know how to add this before .csv in the file name.
Can anyone please help.

Chech below code
Dim FileName As String = "Events_Data.csv"
FileName = FileName.Replace(".csv", "_" & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & ".csv")
string FileName = "Events_Data.csv";
string ptest =System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
FileName = FileName.Replace(".csv", "_" + ptest + ".csv");

Dim FileName As String = "Your File Name"
FileName += DateTime.Now.ToString("ddmmyyyyHHmm") + _
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("Upload/" + FileName))
FileName = "Upload/" + FileName

You concatenate the various parts using &:
FileName = "Events_Data_" & yourDateVariable & ".csv"

Try this
if varDate is Type Date
FileName = FileName.Replace(".csv", String.Format("_{0}.csv", varDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")))
is just a String
FileName = FileName.Replace(".csv", String.Format("_{0}.csv", varDate))


Check if file exists and copy it if it does

I've been searching the net and have tried all the code found. My code should be simple but it's not working. I'm using a list to store image strings (but they do not have the extension on them). I want to test if the image file exists in a folder and if it does copy it. If it doesn't write to a file with the image name. The result I'm getting is all the files do not exists. But I checked and the files are there.
For Each image In GraphicList
ImgFile = ImgLocation & "\" & image & ".*"
Dim MoveFile As String
MoveFile = createFigFolder & "\" & image & ".*"
If Not System.IO.File.Exists(ImgFile) Then
Debug.Write("File does not exists : " & ImgFile & vbCrLf)
' file does not exist
Debug.Write("File EXISTS : " & ImgFile & vbCrLf)
System.IO.File.Copy(ImgFile, MoveFile)
End If
Here's the code that writes the GraphicList
Private Sub CreateGraphicsFunction(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim Regex = New Regex("infoEntityIdent=""(ICN.+?)[""].*?[>]")
Dim ICNFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(MoveToPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
For Each tFile In ICNFiles
Dim input = File.ReadAllText(tFile)
Dim match = Regex.Match(input)
If match.Success Then
Dim Regex2 = New Regex("<!ENTITY " & match.Groups(1).Value & " SYSTEM ""(ICN.*?[.]\w.+)")
Dim sysFileMatch = Regex2.Match(input)
If sysFileMatch.Success Then
Debug.Write("found ICN " & sysFileMatch.Groups(1).Value)
End If
End If
End Sub
New Code to cycle through array and see if its entries match strings in Graphic Lists. This code doesn't work, but I think it's similar to what I want.
Dim fileEntries As String() = Directory.GetFiles(ImgLocation, ".*")
' Process the list of files found in the directory. '
Dim fileName As String
For Each fileName In fileEntries
If ICNList.Contains(fileName) Then
Debug.Write("File EXISTS : " & fileName & vbCrLf)
Debug.Write("File does not exists : " & fileName & vbCrLf)
End If
Join the list of filenames on the source list of files, using the filename without extension as the key. Then iterate over the results and copy each one
Dim fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgLocation).Join(
Function(p) Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p),
Function(f) f,
Function(p, f) p)
' create the directory first (does nothing if it already exists)
' copy each file
For Each fileName In fileNames
System.IO.File.Copy(fileName, Path.Combine(newLocation, Path.GetFileName(fileName)))

How to get file's path created by this code?

I'm using this code to save files in my app
Dim filePath = String.Format("image{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.png", DateTime.Now)
PictureBox1.Image.Save(IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), (filePath)))
So now I have a textbox1 and I want to show the path of last saved image in it
What I've done in the past is generate the path in one step and then use the generated variable to do the saving and to display.
So instead of:
Dim filePath = String.Format("image{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.png", DateTime.Now)
PictureBox1.Image.Save(IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), (filePath)))
'Generate the Path
Dim path As String = IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), String.Format("image{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.png", DateTime.Now))
'Save using the generated path
'Display the path
textbox1.Text = path
Thanks all I've done it successfully `
Dim filename As String = String.Format("image{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.png", DateTime.Now)
Dim filePath1 = (IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), (filename)))
Dim filePath2 = (IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), ("RMSS")))
If IO.Directory.Exists(IO.Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), (" RMSS"))) = True Then
TextBox1.Text = filePath1
TextBox2.Text = filePath2 & "\" & filename
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, True)
TextBox1.Text = filePath1
TextBox2.Text = filePath2 & "\" & filename
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, True)
End If

VB.NET not copying a folder to new destination

So I want to copy the folder at the end, But, for some reason, it doesn't copy it. I do not get an error message, so the code doesn't have errors, it's just incorrect.
Dim Log As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss"))
Process.Start("CMD", "/c robocopy.exe " & Source & " " & Destination & " /log:C:\Backup\log_" & Log & ".txt ")
Dim Copy2 As String = ("Backup_" & DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmmss"))
Dim Destination2 As String
Destination2 = Destination
Dim copy4 As String = Destination2.Substring(0, Destination2.LastIndexOf("\"))
Dim Copy3 As String = System.IO.Path.Combine(copy4, Copy2)
My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveDirectory(Destination, Copy3, True)
MsgBox("Backup ist vollendet!")
did you try to end the Process, befor accessing the just copied data ?
Try :

Path not found when creating a file-VBA

I'm trying to create a text file and write data to it, simple right.
Well it's not working and I've looked everywhere for it but can't find an answer.
When it gets to the CreateTextFile() method it throws a path not found error. But I've made sure the path is valid and exists.
'Create a text file
Private Sub OpenFile()
Dim filePath As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fullPath As String
Const ForAppending = 8, TristateFalse = 0
Dim curDate As Date
Dim strDate As String
curDate = Date
strDate = CStr(curDate)
fileName = "DCSSInputLitigation_" & "(" & strDate & ")" & ".txt"
filePath = "C:\TempFolder\"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fullPath = fs.BuildPath(filePath, fileName)
Set fWriter = fs.CreateTextFile(fullPath)
End Sub
When I hard code the path in the method it works but not when I use variables. Any Ideas?
Set fWriter = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\TempFolder\test.txt")
When you get the date as follows:
strDate = CStr(curDate)
you are adding / into the file name and the string value for fullPath which you create is:
File names cannot have / in them on Windows so you are running into problems here.
You can either format the date or replace the / like:
strDate = replace(CStr(curDate),"/","-")
strDate = Format(curDate,"dd-mm-yyyy")
Either will work.

How to declare a path of file in

I'm going to do something like this,
If txt1.Text = "A" And txt2.Text = "B" Then
"path of my file which name is = c:/A.B"
End If
If txt1.Text = "C" And txt2.Text = "D" Then
"path of my file which name is = c:/C.D"
End If
How I'm going to do something like this ? I'm using
Another approach would be to use Path.Combine.
Declare a function first:
Private Function CreatePath(ByVal fileName As String,
ByVal extension As String) As String
Return Path.Combine("C:\", fileName & "." & extension)
End Function
Then call this wherever needed.
Dim Path as string
If txt1.Text = "A" And txt2.Text = "B" Then
"path of my file which name is = c:/A.B"
Path = CreatePath("A", "B")
End If
If txt1.Text = "C" And txt2.Text = "D" Then
"path of my file which name is = c:/C.D"
Path = CreatePath("C", "D")
End If
Use the String.Format method to concatenate them together.
Dim path As String = String.Format("c:/{0}.{1}", txt1.Text, txt2.Text)
Private Function ConPath(a As String, b As String) As String
Return String.Format("c:/{0}.{1}", a, b)
End Function
you can do this by simply writing this
"path of my file which name is = c:\" & txt1.Text & "." & txt2.Text