Can't find the workflow source code of a list or library on SharePoint Designer - sharepoint-2010

I'm new using SharePoint. I am having trouble with find the code or workflow structure of a list or a library. In the left menu i can see the "Workflows" button but all workflows are not there.
There is a workflow section In the "List and libraries" view showing the running workflows in these list, but when i click on one of them it just move me to its settings in the browser and no to the structure or code that is what i'm looking for.
Is there a way to find the code or structure of my running workflows?
PD: I am working in place of the previous developer who build the entire site, however, he didn't show me anything about.

If these are workflows created using SharePoint Designer then:
Open SharePoint Designer
Open the site
Click on Lists and Libraries
Click on the list name
There will be a heading titled "Workflows"
Click on the workflow you are wanting to look at
Click "Edit Workflow" to view it
Go From there
If you are wanting to see the status of a workflow in regards to the item:
Go to the list
I recommend creating a personal view (so only you see it)
You can select the fields you are interested in and each workflow should have a column in the list associated with it. Include the column in your view
Go to your new view and you can click on the link to view the current status of the workflow

Go to All Files > Workflows Folder. Then select the workflow you want to work with. Right Click on the "xoml" file then select "Open With" > "SharePoint Designer (open as workflow)"
Once it's opened, published it again. Then it will show up again in the Workflow tab.

The workflow was a visual studio sequential workflow deployed in the site as a feature. It was not a SharePoint Designer one. Thanks


Customize existing menu/toolbar Item

I am building a netbeans platform application. This application is project based. I need to customize existing menu/toolbar items.
For instance, when a java project is selected, the "New File" button on the toolbar brings a standard wizard. But when a custom project (my project type) is selected, I would like that same button to bring my own dialog/wizard.
How do I achieve this?
I have been struggling with this for quite some time, any pointer would be greatly appreciated.

Using a 3rd party control

Please excuse the noobness that is probably about to follow...
I'm making an 2010 app which needs to have a calendar system in which the user can add appointments and events etc.
I've downloaded the source for a control which looks promising ( but I have no idea how to add this in to my project. I've googled for help on adding the control but have had no luck.
If I right click on my toolbox, go 'choose items...' and try and add it there, it tells me it couldnt be opened.
Any help is appreciated!
Well you've downloaded the source code.
Place the source code in a specific location on your pc and then compile it 9If your planning to use this control in your own project then compile it in release mode. Assuming that there are no compile errors close visual studio and then open up the project of your own that you want to use this control in.
Right click on the general tab in the toolbox and click choose items. Using the bowse button in the choose items dialog navigate to the folder in which you placed the source code for the control you want to use.
Now locate the 'Bin' folder and in that locate the 'release' folder. Inside that you will see a dll (named presumably something like MothCalendar.dll. Select that dll and then click add and OK (Button sequence will vary according to vs version). The control should then appear in your toolbox under the general tab and you should then be able to drag it onto your forms for use in your project.

How to delete Project from Google Developers Console

Seems like Google services are increasingly harder to manage.
Now i want to delete a project ID that was previously created in another test account.
Assuming that I could recreate it in another account. The main reason for this is that the Google+ app is connected/created in this test account and the email address will be shown when someone is confronted with the login credentials.
Google says that this is possible (
Deleting a project
Deleting a project from the Console releases all
resources used within the project itself. Please note that in order
to delete a project, you must first disable billing on the project.
Additionally, please note that the time it takes to delete a project
may vary based on the number or kind of services in use within the
When I go to billing, it shows that no billing profile has been set up.
The delete button is right there where the help page says it is.
To shut down a project using the Cloud Platform Console:
Open the Settings page in the Google Cloud Platform Console.
Click Select a project.
Select a project you wish to delete, and click
Click Shut down.
Enter the Project ID and click Shut down.
Please note that there is a 7-day grace period before the project is actually purged from the system. Which means you won't be able to immediately create another project with the same name.
Simply go to you must be signed in of course. There you will see the all your projects google console projects so just select the project you want to delete, and click delete project option which is shown at the top of the table. I have provided the screenshot
Go to Google Cloud Console, select the project then IAM and Admin and Settings
Then you have to wait for the project deletion.
Select the projects you want to remove
Click 'Remove'
As of this writing, it was necessary to:
Select 'Manage all projects' from the dropdown list at the top of the Console page
Click the delete button (trashcan icon) for the specific project on the project listing page
Click "Utilities and more" near the upper right corner of the screen after choosing your project
Choose "Project settings" from the drop down of the "Utilities and more" icon.
Now you may see trash icon and DELETE PROJECT button.
Go to the developers console and pick the application from the
Select the utilities icon (see image below) and click
project settings
Click on the the Delete Project link
Enter the project ID and click Shutdown, project will be deleted in 7 days
I found when I accessed here
Then I got redirected to my active project, which was something like{THE_ID_OF_YOUR_PROJECT}
Then right bellow the project info, there was this Manage Options (note: I'm using Portuguese language here "Gerenciar as configurações do projeto" means "Manage project settings")
Then, finally, the delete option ("Excluir Projeto" means Delete Project)
Yep, it was hard
You can try delete project via Google Cloud Platform
Select required project and click DELETE PROJECT.
The project will be completely deleted after 7 days
For me only way to delete project was switch language to English (UK) - from Polish and then button "DELETE" worked.
If anyone have problem with not working or missing options in Google Cloud Platform I suggest switching to english after that everything works like charm...

Display QuickLaunch on WebPartPage in sharepoint 2010

I'm trying to work out how to get sharepoint 2010 to display the quicklaunch on a web part page, the default.master trick I used in 2007 doesn't appear to work any more.
In my 2007 install, I simply edited the default.master and moved the quicklaunch code outside of the PlaceHolderLeftNavBar element but this doesn't have any effect in SP2010.
A simple way to eneble Quick Launch Menu on WebPartPages is remove tags UIVersionedContentUIVersionedContent and PlaceHolderLeftNavBar using SharePoint Designer 2010.
See this article:
If you really want to place another copy of the quicklaunch on a web part here is the steps
Using Sharepoint Designer 2010 go to your site and navigate to Master Pages -> v4.master
Click edit file copy everything in the <div class="ms-quickLaunch"> that should copy everything you need for the quicklaunch to run. For best result use the code view and hover over the quicklaunch and you should see the div, click on it and copy (Ctrl + C)
Now you can paste that on another web part page and it should work, I tried it by creating a new test page and it worked
You need to make changes in v4.master (in masterpage library), not in default.master.
For details on SharePoint 2010 master pages, please, follow this link:
Your masterpage trick on my SharePoint Foundation 2010 environment works fine.
Anyway, I don't think, that moving any standard code from placeholder is a good idea. If you want change position of quicklaunch menu, you should move the leftnavbar placeholder itself, including all the contents.
Placeholders are generally used to allow some pages, for example application pages, replace placeholder contents. So, if you hide the placeholder, and move it's contents out, these changes will be lost, and the standard menu will be shown. (and if you do not hide the placeholder, you can get two menus on one page :) )
Hope it helps!

Why are some Siebel objects read only?

I want to add some extensions to an existing Siebel application, but the objects which I need to change remain (partially) read only, despite I have locked the respective parent projects.
Add a Menu item to the application main menu. => I can edit existing items, but I cannot add new items (Tool's menu "New record" is disabled.)
Add a custom applet to view "Sales Home Page View". It's read only (Warning displayed by Tools when I click "Edit web layout").
Any ideas, why?
Seems to be a bug in Siebel Tools. After a restart of Tools I was able to perform the desired changes.