CPack NSIS, generate installer for Windows - cmake

I´m trying to run packet generator within a VS project, it crashes while compiling because of the use of absolute path on installation from Targets and Files.
ABSOLUTE path INSTALL DESTINATION forbidden (by caller): ...
I checked twice and all installation directories are relative. I set quite a lot of variables as sub-folders of ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} (which should be relative) such as:
does CMAKE/CPACK interpret those variables as absolute paths?
If so, is there a way to make CPack working properly with those variables?
How do I use CPack when sub-relative path are involved?

Ok I see, the ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} is interpreted as an ABSOLUTE path, from there all sub-folder of it will be rejected.
To avoid this problem I surrounded the install variables in if else blocks, and if it is the case of packaging then a relative folder will be used as follows:
set(INSTALL_DIR bin)
set(LIB_DIR bin/lib)
set(EXT_DIR /bin/ext)
this solves it, but it is really dirty, waiting for a better function on new CPack version.

This fatal error is meant to tell you installation root should be specified at the moment when user executes the installer. I guess somewhere in your cmake config might have code like this:
If you assign SOME_INSTALL_PATH an absolute path when cmake cache is generated, you incur the CMAKE_ERROR_ON_ABSOLUTE_INSTALL_DESTINATION error, which gave you the "ABSOLUTE path INSTALL DESTINATION forbidden (by caller)" message.
To solve this problem, either always use relative path for installation DESTINATION or assign only package prefix to SOME_INSTALL_PATH variable.
For reference, following is the link to INSTALL command.
There was also a similar question asked on the CMake mailing list.


CMake/CPack: How to avoid top-level directory in zip files

I'm using cpack to create my zip file of my binaries. Everything works fine, but one thing is ugly. CPack always generate a top-level directory (with the name of the project and some other variables).
Does anybody know how i can tell cpack to get rid of this auto toplevel directory?
CMake: 3.4.x
OS: Win7 x64
Thanks in advance
found the solution myself.
If it is set to ...
ON (default) you will get a toplevel directory
OFF you will get no toplevel directory

CLion: issue with Cmake configuration types

I understand that by default, Clion creates the binary files for a project loaded in Clion in all the four configurations:
as well as one called: __default__.
I am using a third party cmake module which downloads an external project in a way that add_subdirectory() can be run on it so it would be included in the root project.
add_subdirectory(${downloaded_proj_src_dir} ${downloaded_proj_bin_dir} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
In this setup, if I decide to place the child project outside the binary directory of the root project, I get:
Error:Binary directories outside of CMake build directory are not supported. Most likely this error is caused by an add_subdirectory command with an explicitly specified binary_dir argument.
which is an understandable restriction by CMake.
now if I instead decide to set the binary directory of the downloaded project in a subdirectory of the binary directory of the parent project, ie:
set(downloaded_proj_bin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${downloaded_proj}-build")
add_subdirectory(${downloaded_proj_src_dir} ${downloaded_proj_bin_dir} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
I will get the file created in the parent binary directory of all the build configurations because ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} is different for each configuration. To avoid seeing all these directories listed on the project view sidebar, I have set the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES to be Debug. But even then, I get:
Error:Configuration Debug
The current CMakeCache.txt directory /path/Debug/downloaded_proj_bin/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory /path/__default__/downloaded_proj_bin/CMakeCache.txt where CMakeCache.txt was created. This may result in binaries being created in the wrong place. If you are not sure, reedit the CMakeCache.txt
Clearly something is going on with this __default__ configuration which I don't understand. So the question is, what is the significance of this default configuration and why should there be a conflict here?
P.s. Setting the configuration to __default__ does not solve the problem as I will have a __default__0 configuration created instead and get the same error.
Update: some further observations
My enviornment variables set in IDE don't have any effect on the cmake builds.
Cmake "options" however which presumably will be passed as arguments to cmake do seem to work.
When I specify the command line option, I get
Warning:Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:
But it clearly does have the effect of no longer creating the other build configurations. My guess is that this message relates to the __default__ build which is ignoring the argument.
Even in the case of specifying CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES in the IDE, I still get the additional __default__ build which is apparently unaffected by the CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES assignment.
Logging: message("Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} ) does not return any build_type.
Outputting message(and generator: ${CMAKE_GENERATOR} ") returns "Unix-make files" for both, so both are being generated with the same generator.
Taking a diff from the CMakeCache.txt files, I can see that they are identical.
Do you have in DownloadProject.cmake the right setting? for:
set(_DownloadProjectDir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}")
I had the same problem trying to set google test(with the help of and my _DownloadProjectDir was setted as "test". Maybe when I moved this cmake file in my project Clion changed that automatically.
So, it turns out that you can sort this out quite easily by adding the following line above line 145 in DownloadProject.cmake:
file(REMOVE "${DL_ARGS_DOWNLOAD_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt")
This seems to be because CLion copies the default across to the other configurations and doesn't clear the cache. This is a problem only because DownloadProject creates a project within the project (I think...). Anyway, deleting this file before configuring the CMakeLists.txt by-passes this issue. I'll submit a pull request to the DownloadProject repository as this doesn't seem to have any adverse effects when not using CLion.

How to pass variable to cpack?

I have a cmake project which one of the install targets is a collection of files. This files change depending on the configuration (Release, Debug...).
I would like to be able to install the files like so:
But cmake does not support that. Generator variables do not apply to DIRECTORY. So I was wondering if there is a way to either save the directory somewhere. Either the cache or a file and then load it into cpack.
So I guess the question is how to pass a variable from cmake to cpack?
This is a rather late answer, but I happened upon this question trying to solve a somewhat different problem that could also be summarized as: "How do I pass a variable to CPack?" In my case, I was making this call from a customized version of CPackDeb.cmake copied to my workspace:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${OPKG_HINT}")
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^
# This is what I wanted to pass to CPack
I was setting OPKG_HINT in a file included from my top-level CMakeLists.txt, but it was not getting passed through to cpack; the above find_program() invocation was seeing an empty string for OPKG_HINT.
The solution turned out to be stupid simple: just prepend CPACK_ to the variable name!
If I do this in CMakeLists.txt:
set(CPACK_OPKG_HINT "${_sysroot_top}/aarch64-poky-linux/usr/bin")
then I can put this in my CPackDeb.cmake file and it works fine:
find_program(OPKG_CMD NAMES opkg-build HINTS "${CPACK_OPKG_HINT}")
Anyway, this wound up being a bit of an X-Y problem for the OP, but... if you really need to set a variable at CMake time in such a way that it's accessible to cpack, prefixing the variable name with CPACK_ seems to do the trick nicely...
The following setup work if you use a "single-configuration generators (such as make and Ninja)" and call CMake with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release <source_dir>
You can define the ${dir} variable in another way if you like.
SET(dir release_dir)
SET(dir debug_dir)
Until now this seems to be the best answer (from someone on the cmake mail list)
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Debug/dir
install(DIRECTORY path/to/Release/dir
CMake 3.5 supports generator expressions for the DIRECTORY arguments. See installing directories.

CMake find package files, how are the config files used?

I have a project that uses a 3rd party library (let's call it somelib) for which I wrote a cmake file to search for it.
This is the somelibConfig.cmake file I wrote and placed in /usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/:
FIND_LIBRARY(somelib_LIBRARY somelib
PATHS /usr/local/lib
SET(somelib_LIBRARIES ${somelib_LIBRARY})
FIND_PATH(somelib_INCLUDE_DIR somelib.hpp
PATHS /usr/local/include/somelib
SET(somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS ${somelib_INCLUDE_DIR})
Then, if I do find_package(somelib REQUIRED) it works ok.
However, if I move and rename somelibConfig.cmake to myproject/CMakeModules/Findsomelib.cmake (this directory is added to CMAKE_MODULE_PATH), after find_package I see that variables somelib_INCLUDE_DIRS and somelib_LIBRARY are correctly filled, but somelib_FOUND is not set (and even so, find_package does not abort the compilation).
Is that *Config.cmake valid for a Find*.cmake?
How is it possible that all the variables but the *_FOUND one are set?
Why does not find_package with REQUIRED abort the compilation if *_FOUND is not set?
Config files and find-modules are fundamentally different.
Only the developers of somelib ship a config file (if they do). If they don't, then you need to write a find-module to find somelib. Such a find-module should not be copied to /usr/local as you did. Just keep it with your project and ask the somelib developers to ship a config file instead. config files shipped by upstream is superior to find modules written by you. It doesn't matter if somelib upstream does not use cmake. Both Qt and LLVM ship config files when using non-cmake buildsystems.
One example of inferiority is that when writing a find-module you need to set the _FOUND variable. More information about writing find-modules is here:
If you are searching in default library folder your parameters should not contain NO_DEFAULT_PATH.
Try this,
SET(libraryName "") #in linux .a or .so
PATHS "/usr/local/lib/cmake/somelib/"
MESSAGE("library path ${LIBRARY})
If this was successful, LIBRARY_FOUND will be set.
P.S: Note the quotes

Installed library cannot be found by CMake

I have the following problem when running CMake.
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /u/menie482/workspace/AtariTEXPLORE
used as include directory in directory /u/menie482/workspace/AtariTEXPLORE/rl_common
used as include directory in directory /u/menie482/workspace/AtariTEXPLORE/rl_agent
used as include directory in directory /u/menie482/workspace/AtariTEXPLORE/rl_env
linked by target "experiment" in directory /u/menie482/workspace/AtariTEXPLORE
Actually, I have checked that the DirectFB is already installed when running
locate libdirectfb
So, what shall I do to let CMake know where DIrectFB is? An inconvenient constraint is that I cannot do sudo on this machine..
I guess, you are trying to use something like find_package(directfb) in your CMakeLists.txt file. That can only run if you have /usr/share/cmake/Modules/directfb.cmake (Ubuntu 12.04).
My second guess is you are using something like pkg_module(directfb) in your CMakeLists.txt file. That can only run if you have directfb.pc somewhere.
Where are you setting the variables DIRECTFB_INCLUDE_DIR and DIRECTFB_LIBRARY.
As an alternate step, try using find_library(). You will have to give exact path of and do something like
find_library(DIRECT_FB NAMES directfb PATHS path/ )
target_link_libraries( MyLibraryOrMyExecutable ${DIRECT_FB} )