Check Word Doc for Field Code before applying -

So I've coded a VSTO addin using to add a header to a document in Word however from historical methods we have lots of templates with field codes. My addin does not account for these and simply strips the header to add xxxxx value you choose from the pop up.
I need my code to be smart enough to 'spot' the field code and append or if it does not exist e.g. a blank document then continue running as expected. I can append this field code using the below code:
wordDocument.Variables("fieldname").Value = "xxxx"
However my tool then adds the header as normal and strips most the content from the template. So effectively my question is how would I code a check for this before proceeding. So in plain English I would need my addin to go from this:
Load pop up
Set xxxx value in header
To this:
Load pop up
Check Document for existing "fieldname"
If "fieldname" exists then
wordDocument.Variables("fieldname").Value = "xxxx" (from pop up selection)
However if "fieldname" doesn't exist then continue as normal....
Sorry if this is a little complex and/or long winded.
Thanks in advance.

Here is my code in C#, hope this might help you to code in VB.Net
foreach (Section sec in doc.Sections)
foreach (HeaderFooter headerFooter in sec.GetHeadersFooters())
doc.ActiveWindow.View.set_SeekView(headerFooter.IsHeader ? WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageHeader : WdSeekView.wdSeekCurrentPageFooter);
if (headerFooter.Range.Fields.Count > 0)
//Append to existing fields
//Add field code
Extension method to iterate through the header types
public static IEnumerable<HeaderFooter> GetHeadersFooters(this Section section)
List<HeaderFooter> headerFooterlist = new List<HeaderFooter>
return headerFooterlist;


virtual ClistCtrl with checkboxes on displayed report list style

I have an MFC SDI application to display a list of data read from a csv file. So I set up its view to be inherited from CListView and make it a virtual list control. That means I have to use LVS_OWNERDATA as one of its CListCtrl style attributes. Yet I now run into a problem when I have to include Checkboxes in each row of the displayed list. As you might know, LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES can't be used with LVS_OWNERDATA, I therefore create a bitmap file to contain 2 small images of checkbox (selected and de-selected) and toggle them every time the user clicks on the loaded image/icon. I am handling this in OnNMClick method. And I have two problems I would like to ask for your help to solve.
(1) I don't know how to update the virtual list (which is commonly handled in OnLvnGetdispinfo method) so I try this in OnNMClick and find that the check and unchecked images aren't toggled.
void CMFCSDITest::OnNMClick(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
*pResult = 0;
LVHITTESTINFO hitinfo; = pNMItemActivate->ptAction;
int nItem = pListCtrl->HitTest(&hitinfo);
if (hitinfo.flags != LVHT_ONITEMICON)
NMLVDISPINFO *pDispInfo = reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(pNMHDR);
LV_ITEM* pItem = &(pDispInfo)->item;
if (pItem->iImage == 0)
pItem->iImage = 1;
pItem->iImage = 0;
pListCtrl->UpdateWindow(); //this is wrong as nothing seems updated after all.
Given that the created imagelist is inserted into the pListCtrl already (in OnInitialUpdate method) and I set the output image index value in OnLvnGetdispinfo method.
(2) Instead of handling OnNMClick, I read somewhere people's advice that OnLvnItemchanged method could also be used. However in LPNMLISTVIEW struct, there is uNewState and uOldState variable members for which I don't know how to set up my tiny checked and unchecked icons as status images. Because I might have to do this
if (pNMLV->uChanged & LVIF_STATE)
case image1://do
case image2://do

HTML string to PDF conversion

I need to create various reports in PDF format and email it to specific person. I managed to load HTML template into string and am replacing certain "custom markers" with real data. At the end I have a fulle viewable HTML file. This file must now be printed into PDF format which I am able todo after following this link : My problem is that I do not understand how to determine the number of pages from the HTML file as the pdf renderer requires creating page-by-page.
I know this is an old thread, I would like to leave this answer here. I also used the same tutorial you've mention and here's what I did to make multiple pages. Just modify the drawPDFUsingPrintPageRenderer method like this:
func drawPDFUsingPrintPageRenderer(printPageRenderer: UIPrintPageRenderer) -> NSData! {
let data = NSMutableData()
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToData(data,, nil)
printPageRenderer.prepare(forDrawingPages: NSMakeRange(0, printPageRenderer.numberOfPages))
let bounds = UIGraphicsGetPDFContextBounds()
for i in 0...(printPageRenderer.numberOfPages - 1) {
printPageRenderer.drawPage(at: i, in: bounds)
return data
In your custom PrintPageRenderer you can access the numberOfPages to have the total count of the pages

How to check multiple PDF files for annotations/comments?

Problem: I routinely receive PDF reports and annotate (highlight etc.) some of them. I had the bad habit of saving the annotated PDFs together with the non-annotated PDFs. I now have hundreds of PDF files in the same folder, some annotated and some not. Is there a way to check every PDF file for annotations and copy only the annotated ones to a new folder?
Thanks a lot!
I'm on Win 7 64bit, I have Adobe Acrobat XI installed and I'm able to do some beginner coding in Python and Javascript
Please ignore the following suggestion, since the answers already solved the problem.
EDIT: Following Mr. Wyss' suggestion, I created the following code for Acrobat's Javascript console to be run only once at the beginning:
counter = 1;
// Open a new report
var rep = new Report();
rep.size = 1.2;
rep.color =;
rep.writeText("Files WITH Annotations");
Then this code should be applied to all PDFs:
annots = this.getAnnots();
path = this.path;
if (annots) {
rep.color =;
rep.writeText(" ");
rep.writeText(counter.toString()+"- "+path);
rep.writeText(" ");
if (counter% 20 == 0) {
And, at last, one code to be run only once at the end:
//Now open the report
var docRep ="files_with_annots.pdf");
There are two problems with this solution:
1. The "Action Wizard" seems to always apply the same code afresh to each PDF (that means that the "counter" variable, for instance, is meaningless; it will always be = 1. But more importantly, var "rep" will be unassigned when the middle code is run on different PDFs).
2. How can I make the codes that should be run only once run only at the beginning or at the end, instead of running everytime for every single PDF (like it does by default)?
Thank you very much again for your help!
This would be possible using the Action Wizard to put together an action.
The function to determine whether there are annotations in the document would be done in Acrobat JavaScript. Roughly, the core function would look like this:
this.syncAnnotScan() ; // updates all annots
var myAnnots = this.getAnnots() ;
if (myAnnots != null) {
// do something if there are annots
} else {
// do something if there are no annots
And that should get you there.
I am not completely positive, but I think there is also a Preflight check which tells you whether there are annotations in the document. If so, you would create a Preflight droplet, which would sort out the annotated and not annotated documents.
Mr. Wyss is right, here's a step-by-step guide:
In Acrobat XI Pro, go to the 'Tools' panel on the right side
Click on the 'Action Wizard' tab (you must first make it visible, though)
Click on 'Create New Action...', choose 'More tools' > 'Execute Javascript' and add it to right-hand pane > click on 'Execute Javascript' > 'Specify Settings' (uncheck 'prompt user' if you want) > paste this code:
var annots = this.getAnnots();
var fname = this.documentFileName;
fname = fname.replace(",", ";");
var errormsg = "";
if (annots) {
try {
cPath: "/c/folder/"+fname,
bPromptToOverwrite: false //make this 'true' if you want to be prompted on overwrites
} catch(e) {
for (var i in e)
{errormsg+= (i + ": " + e[i]+ " / ");}
cMsg: "Error! Unable to save the file under this name ('"+fname+"'- possibly an unicode string?) See this: "+errormsg,
cTitle: "Damn you Acrobat"
annots = 0;
Save and run it! All your annotated PDFs will be saved to 'c:\folder' (but only if this folder already exists!)
Be sure to enable first Javascript in 'Edit' > 'Preferences...' > 'Javascript' > 'Enable Acrobat Javascript'.
VERY IMPORTANT: Acrobat's JS has a bug that doesn't allow Docs to be saved with commas (",") in their names (e.g., "Meeting with suppliers, May 11th.pdf" - this will get an error). Therefore, I substitute in the code above all "," for ";".

Create new paragraph with Docx4j

I'm having problem creating a Paragraph with docx4j. Well, actually not the paragraph itself, but it's contents. I'm putting together a new document from paragraphs (actually "blocks" made of paragraphs) and everything is working fine. I'm appending them to a list, and when all needed paragraphs are there, I assemble the document. Now, between these blocks, I need new paragraphs, with custom text added. I'm using this function to create the paragraph:
private P createParagraph(String content) {
P result = factory.createP();
R run = factory.createR();
Text text = factory.createText();
System.out.println("HEADER : " + result.toString());
return result;
The print only prints "HEADER : ", the result.toString() is an empty string. Why is that?
BONUS question : I did not want to open a new thread for this. Is it possible, to add an id for a paragraph, which will appear in the generated html? (like p id="xyz" ...>
Thank you very much!
If you want to see the XML your P object will become, use:
XmlUtils.marshaltoString(result, true, true) );
org.docx4j.wml.P is a class generated by JAXB's xjc.
There are a couple of plugins listed at which we could have used to generate a toString method, but we didn't.
If you want the text content of the paragraph, you can use TextUtils

Require a textbox to have value in FIllable PDF

I have a fillable PDF file. I would like to require that a TextBox has a value when the user saves the PDF document i.e. the value is not blank.
Here is what I tried:
(1) Setting the "Required" field on the "TextBox".
PROBLEM: That didn't do much except color the textbox red.
(2) I tried to use the following code in the "onBlur" event:
f = getField(
if (f.value.length == 0)
//Optional Message - Comment out the next line to remove
app.alert("This field is required. Please enter a value.")
PROBLEM: If the user never clicks this box there is no problem
(3) I tried to use the "Validation" tab and run a custom JavaScript.
PROBLEM: If you don't click on the box there is no validation so it is perfectly happy to leave the textbox blank if the user forgets to fill it in
OK, I am out of ideas... Anyone?
Since you are using Acrobat JavaScript I assume you use a viewer that supports and executes Acrobat JavaScript. In this situation you can set the document's WillSave action to a custom JavaScript action and perform validation here. I'm not sure if you can cancel the save operation but at least you can display an alert if the validation fails.
UPDATE: This script will loop through all the fields and display and alert if the field value is empty.
for ( var i = 0; i < this.numFields; i++) {
var fieldName = this.getNthFieldName(i);
var field = this.getField(fieldName);
if (field.value.length == 0)
app.alert("Field " + fieldName + " is required. Please enter a value.")
Put the script in document's Will Save action and it will run every time the user saves the form. In Acrobat you set this in Tools > JavaScript > Set Document Actions and select Document Will Save.