Can't find a good enough html5 video player - html5-video

I've been on the search for html5 video players for well into 3 months trying virtually everything...
Right now my best choice is SublimeVideo as it seems to work the best, my only gripe is that when playing videos from my website over 3g/LTE data connections the videos will sometimes have trouble playing. The first 3 to 4 videos will run fine but after that it's hit and miss where 50 percent of the videos will give a connection error or not play at all..
I really have no idea as over wifi or via pc - it will work flawlessly.
I've tried jwplayer - wifi, 3g and desktop videos seem to load 75 percent of the time and freeze the rest.
I've tried flowplayer but that also is inconsistent and takes a long time to load videos in general. The three spinning circles for about 10 to 15 seconds before the video starts.
I've verified my server and everything seems fine on that end which is why it seems to work well via wifi and desktop? I'm guessing maybe there is an issue with concurrent connections over 3g? As it seems sublime does not close the video connection when it finishes it kind of leaves it where it left off..
any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

If someone has a slow connection, you need to offer those users low quality streams. The JW Player offers dynamic (adaptive) bitrate switching for this exact purpose.

Try Video.js it worked well for me


Does video.js support MPEG2-TS/UDP streams?

I am just starting to play around with video.js and really like it. I currently have some code where I have two players showing two different HLS streams in a single browser page.
However, HLS inherently has high latency and that may not work for my project. So I am wondering if video.js can receive and play MPEG2-TS/UDP streams which would have less latency (I can easily change the format of all of my source video steams).
My basic requirement is to have 2 players in a single browser page, one player showing the video stream sent from a particular network node, and the second showing how a different network node received that same stream. So the two video.js players on the browser page are showing 2 video streams that are actually the same video so they are highly correlated. This is why the latency is a critical requirement for this project.

Handle Variants in Live streaming using HLS

I was watching some videos in to be sure how variants work for live streaming.
I see that, in the beginning a master manifest is downloaded and then a playlist is selected. After this, I used tomcast to throttling network and I waited until videos resolution changes to other variant, but it did not happened never (video was lagged but continued downloading the variant video selected in the beginning).
My question is, if live-HLS adapts the streaming with the variants once it started to play.
The selection of what variant to play is done by the player. Every player is different, and Twitch uses their own. To understand why that specific player is behaving that specific way would require Twitch to comment.

How to Record and Play the video in HTML5?

I want to record and play the video. I have found the below article to capture the same. but the recorded video is playing so fast and not playing all of the actions. after 32 seconds, it gets reset to starting position.
I have used the code from ( I can share it if required.
Any clues to resolve this?
Off the top of my head, a reason why the video plays back too fast may be the fact that you are using a resolution that is to high for the current API to handle when recording.
I've tested similar attempts to record video directly in browser and had the same issue with playbacks of recording made with high resolutions.
Maybe this link could help
or for an extensive overview of the current state of webRTC you can read the following article:

Robust real-time communication between iOS App and Mac App

We're working on an exhibit ( and I'm brand new to iOS, objective-c and Xcode. The exhibit deadline is in one week and I'm stuck.
The problem I'm having seemed simple enough.
Our exhibit has a projector and an iPad. The projector will be hooked up to a mac and be playing a video. The iPad will act as a controller for those videos. More simply:
I have 50 videos on a Mac. I need to develop an application on the Mac, that, when opened will loop one of the videos.
On an iPad, I need to develop an app that can change between the videos on the mac in real time. The iOS app is already designed, we're just struggling with some code.
On the mac, when the iPad tells the Mac to change video, we'd like it to switch between videos using Core Animation, like this (
So my question: What is the most robust way to do this? It has to be able to run in a museum, for two months. Some things to consider:
We are 4,000 miles away and can't monitor it all the time. We'll
check nightly to see if it's still working, but it should run the day
without breaking.
If people unplug the iPad, it should still work.
It should be as robust as possible.
How can I best do this? Should I write to a database from the iPad onto a database running locally on the connected Mac and then monitor that database 10 times every second? Are sockets robust enough to use alone?
If you do suggest a way, can you please point me in the direction of some resources (frameworks, function names, etc) that can help me do this quickly?
Thank you for your time.
I would go for the server-in-the-middle option, because it will be easiest to debug, and requires nothing more than a working internet (wifi) connection on the client side. When having connection issues, all you need is someone who knows how to hook up an iPad or Mac to the internet. And you can see server-side which device has issues connecting.
Furthermore, using plain HTTP sounds like the best way to go for communication, and the backend can be written in any server side scripting language. Both clients should be polling the server every X seconds.
If you get this basic setup working well before your deadline, you could try to get the devices to connect to eachother directly (for a less sluggish user experience), and leave the server solution in there as a fallback method. The Mac app could function as a HTTP server, accepting the very same commands that the iPad normally sends to your server. The challenge will be to reliably know which IP to connect to. You could hardcode it or use Bonjour.

How should I integrate a live video feed onto a website?

I have a client who wants to display live 24 hour footage on their website, to show off the progress of a number of big refurbishment jobs they are carrying out.
I've looked at IP cameras and to be honest this looks like the most logical technology to use, but not sure if I'm missing something. Would it be possible to put the live feed straight from the camera onto their website (via an iFrame maybe)?
The website will be getting quite a few hits but nothing massive, so I think a regular broadband connection at each site should give them enough upload capacity to pull this off.
Am I approaching this from the right direction? Is there anything I should take into consideration before recommending a solution to the client?
Yes, that will work fine. Most IP cameras will provide a motion JPEG stream which is really just a collection of JPEG images.
This allows you to decide on what framerate you want to send up to the site.
Providing an iframe with some javascript to refresh the JPEG at your desired framerate would be an easy solution.