How to manage the OCLogger file? - objective-c

I'm debugging a hybrid Worklight ( application in Xcode (5.1.1). I'm seeing the following message in my log:
[DEBUG] [OCLogger] Max file size exceeded for log messages.
I"m assuming that this log file is managed by Worklight, as I do not have any custom native code running or explicit references to OCLogger. I do have calls to WL.Logger.debug.
How can I manage this log file? And where is it on my file system? (Truncating it will probably do the trick at this point.)

It is enabled by default. But you can disable using native or Javascript API Calls.
[OCLogger setCapture: NO];
For more info client side log capture
client side logging in client apps


Debugging Parse Cloud-Code

What would be the best way to debug Parse Cloud Code? Currently it's a mess of logging to the console and checking logs. Does anyone have a good workable solution?
During development, you should begin by testing against a local hosted server. I.e., I use VS Code. You can set breakpoints and watch variables for their values. You can set up a tool like ngrok to get a remote URL for your local endpoint so you can test with non-local hosted clients if you'd like.
We also use Slack extensively. We've created our own slack bot, and it has several channels it reports relevant information too, triggered from our parse-server. One of these is a dev error channel. Instead of console.logs, which are hard to sift through and find what you're looking for, we push important information to Slack. We don't switch every single console.log to a slack message, just the important "Hey something went wrong here's the information" messages. This brings them to our attention so we can identify and resolve them way faster. Slack is awesome. I recommend using slack, even on a solo project.
at the moment you can access your Logs using a console.log() or console.error() for functions and all general logs of everything that happens with your app, at Back4App you can access using: Server Settings -> Logs -> Settings -> Server System Log.
Or functions and all logs generated by Parse server, they're: and request.log.error(), at Back4App you can access using: Dashboard -> Logs.

OOM Exception with MTOM client

I am working on transfer large size file, and finally ended with MTOM implementation. we created MTOM enabled web service and client, and tested the client as a plain Java program. and we were able to send 1 GB file successfully. the main point here the heap at client place were not even increasing more than 70 MB.
But when I tried to initiate the same call from web-logic container (means created web client), we end up with below OOM Exception.
at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
at $Proxy101.uploadFile(Unknown Source)
anyu one have any idea
UPDATE: it seems the MTOM settings are not effective when we run the program in web-logic container ! but still I am not able to find the solution
UPDATE 2: it seems weblogic is not supporting streaming ! I will update the weblogic version and update the ticket, till them wish me luck..
Add this additional Java/JVM Option in
switches from weblogic specific ( to sun's HTTP handler.
This solved my issue.
Changing HttpURLConnection in running jvm

PUT Stream 0 Bytes

I am using Windows Explorer to test the WebDAV implementation I am adapting to our system. The implementation is using IIS Express and is launched by Visual Studio 2013. I turned off Windows Explorer's requirement for SSL with WebDAV so I can test basic authentication (which works).
The problem I am having is with the Write method of the DavFile implementation. I connect to the web folder, navigate to a sub folder, then attempt to copy a JPG file from a folder on my computer's hard drive, into the WebDAV sub folder (using Windows Explorer).
The attempt to copy up a file (854kb) fails. When I set a break point, I notice that the "segment" stream (one of the input parameters on the "write" method, shows 0 (zero) bytes length.
Any tips on how to debug this problem? What is the most likely cause of 0 byte in the stream?
Here are some ideas about how to understand what is going wrong:
Examine the server log for exceptions. By default it is called WebDAVLog.txt and located in \App_Data\WebDAV\Logs\ folder. Are there any exceptions in it? Check your server log and make sure all requests were successful.
Examine WebDAV requests with a Fiddler tool or any other debugging proxy. While all requests that reached the WebDAV server Engine are logged, if the request failed before hitting the Engine you will not see it in a log. Usually this happens if the request failed during authentication stage.
Note that to capture requests using Fiddler on 'localhost' you must use 'localhost.fiddler' instead of 'localhost' when connecting to server, for example: http://localhost.fiddler:1234.
Exclude any client side issues. Finally there could be issues with client software that you are using, including with Microsoft miniredirector. Try to access server from any other machine. To get the idea if the problem is on the client or server side try also to reproduce the issue on
You can post a part of the WebDAVLog.txt or fiddler log here or send it to IT Hit, it may give the idea of what is wrong.

Can I ignore CWWKS3005E messages on worklight server logs?

I have an application running on Worklight 6.1 and I am seeing this messages on the log.
CWWKS3005E: A configuration exception has occurred. No UserRegistry implementation service is available
I don't need to authenticate the users on my application, can I ignore this message?
I'm not sure, but you can try to cancel logging for this specific package using following log configuration in server.xml:
<logging traceSpecification="XXX.XXX.*=off=disabled"/>
where XXX.XXX.* is the package where the error was occurred.
Here is a list of all available log levels:
I understand that you are not asked how to remove these messages from the log file, but you asked should you worry about these messages.
Anyway this log is not of Worklight server, it generated by Liberty server. It means you have something wrong in server configuration.
I found that this messages is because my server.xml configuration file of WebSphere Liberty Profile contains this feature
And I am not defining any User Registry.
I am not running the Application Center in this profile and I am securing the Worklight console using properties in the file.
So, the question is can I remove the appSecurity feature?
Add <basicRegistry></basicRegistry> to your server.xml.

Register CallBackHandler IOS application,SUP,Xcode

we are following the steps mentioned in the infocentersybase. we need to register a cal back to retrive the, the following step
**To configure an application to synchronize and retrieve MBO data you must start the client
engine, configure the physical device settings, listen for messages from the server, and
subscribe to a package.
Register a callback.
Development Task Flows
Developer Guide: iOS Native Applications 13
The client framework uses a callback mechanism to notify the application when messages
arrive from the server. Some examples of events that are sent include login success or
failure, subscription success or failure, or a change to a MBO.
Register the callback object by executing:
MyCallbackHandler* theCallbackHandler = [MyCallbackHandler new];
[SampleApp_SampleAppDB registerCallbackHandler:theCallbackhandler];
We have SUPCallBackHandler.h file and SUPDefaultCallBackHandler.h in the public directory. so Where should we write the corresponding .m files. Please help us. if question is not clear then jus read that above mentioned step and please explain what does that mean. please help us.