Junaio second quickstarts example not working - channel

Maybe this question has been asked before, but I can't seem to get the second GLUE_2_AnimationsAndGLue example from the junaio quickstarts to work. I uploaded the needed folders (ARELLibrary and GLUE_2_AnimationsAndGLue) to my webserver, NEXT to each other, as suggested (and from the code logic i can see that's the way they need to be uploaded).
But still when i validate my channel i get the following error:
XML Parsing Error: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Extra content at the end of the document in Entity, line: 3
If someone has encountered this difficulty and knows a solution, please share.
Note: I am using 000webhost.com free web hosting, if it somehow matters.

I asked the same question on the metaio forum, and a Software Engineer at metaio / junaio pointed out that my hosting provider adds additional content at the end of the response:
<!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stats.hosting24.com/count.php"></script>
<!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
You can see this if you click on the 'Show request response' when you validate your channel. It seems that this was the problem or the extra content the error was referring to. 000webhost.com gives you the possibility of disabling this analytics code very easily, and after that everything works fine. Thx metaio


MediaWiki: Getting "readapidenied" error instead of login token

That's a quite puzzling problem. I've multiple MediaWiki installations. In this specific case: Version 1.34.
Now I can login to all of these MediaWikis. Everything works fine.
Now I can access all of these MediaWikis via API --- EXCEPT ONE. The strange thing is: All of them are configured almost identical. I even copied the configuration from one wiki where everything was working to the second wiki.
To be more precise. If I send ...
... I get a very reasonable answer, e.g.:
If I send ...
... I get the following answer, e.g.:
{"error":{"code":"readapidenied","info":"You need read permission to use this module.","*":"See http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/wikiB/api.php for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list at <https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/mediawiki-api-announce> for notice of API deprecations and breaking changes."}}
This can be reproduced using any web browser.
Q: What could be the reason that on this wikiB I even can't access the normal login module? It can't be the configuration. It's almost completely identical. It can't be the source code. I ran a diff on the PHP files and found no significant differences. What could be wrong here? It seems it must be something with the database. But how do I approach this? Does anyone have an idea? I would appreciate it very much if you could help!
I analyzed the data base: No difference. I did more research using google: And found a bug report.
It's a bug in MediaWiki. They provided an official software release with THAT kind of bug.
It turnes out there is a 1.34.0 version and a 1.34.1 version. My WikiA has 1.34.1 while WikiB had 1.34.0. After copying this one single file includes/api/ApiQuery.php from WikiA to WikiB and everything worked fine.

How to get github edit history of issue and issue comments via api?

I only found api to get issue list, issue content, issue comments list and content, no issue content edit history, no issue comments edit history.
No, this cannot currently be done purely from the API.
However, if we reverse engineer the way GitHub loads past edits in the web interface, and do a bit of scraping, we can accomplish the same thing without the API. Unfortunately, this means that we don't have the reliability of an API - GitHub's web interface is liable to change at any time, breaking our code. But it's better than nothing!
So, first we need a log of all the edits for a comment. Let's do this with the comment https://github.com/seisvelas/crypsee/issues/1#issue-874033952 (from a test repo provided by the gentleman who set the bounty on this question). On order to get a log of this issue's comments, we will need to base64 encode the issue number with '05:' then the word 'Issue' at the beginning. Why '05:'? I have no idea. But it's always there and it won't work with out it. So we'll be base64 encoding the string "05:Issue874033952", which gives us MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI=
Great, now we insert MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI= into this URL scheme: https://github.com/_render_node/{BASE64 ENCODING HERE}/comments/comment_edit_history_log, resulting in a link to https://github.com/_render_node/MDU6SXNzdWU4NzQwMzM5NTI=/comments/comment_edit_history_log
Following that link, we see an edit history, but not the contents of the edits themselves:
However, this gives us the information we need! If we look at the HTML, we see that all edits prior to the current edit are defined as buttons with a link to that edit:
class="btn-link dropdown-item p-2"
The URL pointed to by the data-edit-history-url is the same URL loaded via the browser's networking tab when clicking to view a past edit in the web interface!
Unfortunately, if you attempt to view that page on it's own, you get a 404. It is intended to be viewed only from the web interface. But that's no problem, just go to the web interface, view one of the edits, and copy the headers it sends along. In my case I'm using Chromium, so I just find the request to the edit in my networking tab, right click and hit 'copy as Fetch request (nodejs)' and viola, with those headers I'm good to go!
For example, for the comment we've been using this whole time, I make that request and get back a bunch of HTML. The content of the original edit is near the end:
<ins><p class="rich-diff-level-zero">before edit</p></ins>
There it is! I could write a script to automate this, but then I'd be doing everything for you :3 Suffice it to say that with a day's work of cleverly organized scraping, this is roughly what you must to in order to view these revisions. If someone does make such a tool, the OSINT community will surely be immensely grateful!
To see the features of github api, it is better to read the following link
The best source to get the answer:
Check the issues you mentioned, ie issue comments, edit history issue, etc. in the link above
As far as I saw it is possible to receive issue comments but I did not see a section for edit history issue
I also suggest you see the following links for the edit history issue:

Can't upload new product image backend prestashop

I need a little help here, i hope someone here can help me for a hint or clue.
First of all, I'm not programmer. I'm just web admin who can use cms and basic html.
I was using PrestaShop for my online shop. In the backend, I can't upload new product image anymore.
The error just blank without any sign for me. Here for the screenshot:
I appreciate it, if someone can help me, thanks, and sorry for my english.
#PanjiWiyono This errors don't really give us a quality information, but this is a start. In your JS code should be a ajax query that has an error when converting results to json (first error). You should check what's the exact error that this request is returning by inspecting in browser developer console.
If you detect that the second error is in fact, the response of this ajax query, well now we almost have the problem.
The second error should be related to data size. Check this: Error while sending QUERY packet
Anyway, you should check DbPDO.php class. You can use debug_backtrace function to display the complete stack, but definitly if error is related to a basic PHP class issue you will have not help knowing wich classes are in calling stack.
Good luck.
Simple solution
maybe a extra module is in a conflict with the prestashop core files. go to advanced parameters, performance and disable third party modules and try again.
other option is reupload admin folder with other name and
js folder check again
hope it will work for you

LinkedIn button XMLHttpRequest cannot load

I am using the LinkedIn developer button on a live server. I'm getting the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I understand generally what that problem is. But I wouldn't expect there to be an issue when using something as popular and as big as linkedIn. Am I doing something wrong here or should everyone who uses the linked developer buttons be receiving the same error?
I've tried just the basic apply button default code on one of my pages and it works fine. I get no errors. But there is another page I have and it brings up this error. I'm not sure why, surely it either works for my site on a whole or it doesn't?
I have solved this issue. Hopefully my naivety will save others time. I had an inline javascript statement that referenced 'token'. Something the linkedIn script also used.

Authorize.net SIM Process w/Master Pages using VB.NET returns Error 13 Invalid User

I am trying to use Authorize.net's SIM payment gateway process and am using the base code provided on the developer site. The problem is I am using Master Pages with my site and the hidden field names are getting concatenated with the nested control IDs as an example:
This is what the field should look like:
<input type="hidden" runat="server" name="x_login" id="x_login" />
The output ends up looking like:
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$x_login" type="hidden" id="ctl00_MainContent_x_login" value="MyCode" />
Normally that would not be a problem except Authorize.net is picky about field names apparently since I keep getting Error 13 invalid user. I went through their forums and opened a customer support ticket a week ago, no response other than the automated check our forums email. The closest thing I found on their forums is other people with Master Pages having the same problem with no answers.
I also used their developer response site to check out the values that I am sending them and they all seem to be correct, including the field names. I am at a loss. I can post the entire subset of code but it is the code from their site pasted into my contentholder.
The other work around I have is since my Masterpage already has a form I added these lines of code:
Me.Form.Action = "https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll"
'Me.Form.Action = "https://developer.authorize.net/tools/paramdump/index.php" This link will show all of the form elements that are submitted.
Me.Form.Method = "Post"
The above lines seem to work properly as the output code looks correct.
Finding no help anywhere else I thought I would ask the people who have not let me down yet.
Here is the answer. After trying a lot of different paths, it is definitely the MasterPage that frags the post to Authorize.net. I tried re-"name"ing the controls among several other things and for time conisderations I gave up trying to resolve the issue and just reformatted the page to not use my masterpage file. I am also building a silverlight e-commerce solution and I am a little concerned that I will not be able to use authorize.net for the same reason.