VBA "out of memory" error when Excel consume only 70MB - vba

Q: Why out of memory when my system have plenty of it left (and office is 64bit)
Q: Could it be that data when split cause such strange behavior?
Q: If splitting that string cause trouble then how to sanititize/restore it for just operations of storing/restoring that string?
Specs: Win 8.1 Pro + Office 2013 64bit, 8GB RAM in system
And here is the code, which just get single LARGE (~1-2MB) string, and split it into multiple cells, so that 32k chars per cell limit do not cause harm:
Public Sub SaveConst(str As String)
Dim i As Long
i = 0
' Clear prior data
Do While LenB(Range("ConstJSON").Offset(0, i)) <> 0
Range("ConstJSON").Offset(0, i) = ""
i = i + 1
Dim strLen As Long
With Range("ConstJSON")
.Offset(0, 0) = Left$(str, 30000)
i = 1
strLen = Len(str)
Debug.Print strLen
Do While strLen > i * 30000
.Offset(0, i) = Mid$(str, i * 30000 + 1, 30000)
Debug.Print i
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub
Right now Len(str) report ~270k characters, and i goes up to 4 iteration, and then "Out of memory" bug kick in.
Now that is n-th iteration of that bug in this place. But I have simplified/modified code so that it works sometimes. For exact same data set.
Thx to Jean code, I'm confident that its SAVING partial string to the cell that cause that error.
.Offset(0, i) = Mid$(str, i * 30000 + 1, 30000)
Range("ConstJSON").Resize(nPieces).Value2 = v
Both cause errors.
I was saving that string to single cell without any fuss. But now that string grew too big to fit, splitting sometimes cause that error "Out of the memory".
Exemplary string:

EDIT: I believe the problem with your specimen string is that some of the substrings begin with a "-". When that happens, Excel thinks the contents is a formula, and that is what causes the error. Pre-formatting the cell as text did not correct the problem, but preceding each entry with a 'single quote', which coerces the entry to text and will not show up except in the formula bar, seems to have corrected the problem in my macros, even when using your specimen string above as the "base" string.
EDIT2: What seems to be happening is that, if the string length is greater than 8,192 characters (the longest allowed in a formula), and also starts with a token that makes Excel think it might be a formula (e.g: -, +, =), the write to the cell will fail with an out of memory error EVEN IF the cell is formatted as text. This does not happen if the single quote is inserted first.
Below is some code that works on much longer strings.
The code below first creates a long string, in this case the string is slightly more than 100,000,000 characters, and then splits it into sequential columns. No errors:
Option Explicit
Sub MakeLongString()
Dim S As String
Const strLEN As Long = 100 * 10 ^ 6
S = strPAT
S = S & S
Loop Until Len(S) > strLEN
Debug.Print Format(Len(S), "#,###")
SplitString (S)
Debug.Print Range("a1").End(xlToRight).Column
End Sub
Sub SplitString(STR)
Dim R As Range
Dim strLEN As Long
Set R = [a1]
Dim I As Long
strLEN = Len(STR)
Do Until I > strLEN
R(1, I / 30000 + 1) = "'" & Mid(STR, I + 1, 30000)
I = I + 30000
End Sub
I just ran a test where the range being written to was a multi-cell range, and the target was set by the Offset method as you did, and it also ran to completion without error, filling in the first four rows.
Sub SplitString(STR)
Dim R As Range
Dim strLEN As Long
Set R = [a1:a4]
Dim I As Long
strLEN = Len(STR)
Do Until I > strLEN
R.Offset(, I / 30000) = "'" & Mid(STR, I + 1, 30000)
I = I + 30000
End Sub

This is worth a try: first split the string into an array, then slap that entire array onto the sheet at once.
Const pieceLength As Long = 3000
Dim s As String
Dim i As Long
Dim nPieces As Long
Dim v As Variant
s = ... ' whatever your string is...
nPieces = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(Len(s) / pieceLength, 1)
ReDim v(1 To nPieces, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To nPieces
v(i, 1) = Mid(s, (pieceLength * i) + 1, pieceLength)
Next i
Range("ConstJSON").Resize(nPieces).Value2 = v
I haven't tested your code, so can't say exactly what's wrong with it, but I know that writing to (or reading from) individual cells one at a time is slow and expensive; it's usually much better to read/write large swaths of cells to/from arrays, and manipulate the arrays (instead of the cells).


Application.Match not exact value

Have a piece of code that looks for matches between 2 sheets (sheet1 is customer list and rData is copied pdf with invoices). It usually is exact match but in some cases I'm looking for 6 first characters that matches rData
Dim rData As Variant
Dim r As Variant
Dim r20 As Variant
Dim result As Variant
Dim i As Long
rData = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("A1:A60000")
r20 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("C2:C33")
For Each r In r20
result = Application.Match(r, rData, 0)
If Not IsError(result) Then
For i = 1 To 5
If (result - i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result - i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result - i, 1)
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 15
If (result + i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result + i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result + i, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
Only part of this that is giving me a headache is this part result = Application.Match(r, rData, 0). How do it get match for not exact match?
Sample of Sheet1
This is what more or less looks like. Matching after CustomerNumber# is easy because they are the same every invoice. BUT sometimes invoice does not have it so I'm searching after CustomerName and sometimes they have uppercase letters, sometimes there is extra stuff behind it and therefore it cannot find exact match.
Hope it makes sense.
To match the customer name from your customer list to the customer name in the invoice even if it has extra characters appended, you can use the wildcard * in Match().
You also have a typo in the Match() function. r20 should be rData.
This is your code with the fixes applied:
Sub Test()
Dim rData As Variant
Dim r As Variant
Dim r20 As Variant
Dim result As Variant
Dim i As Long
rData = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(2).Range("A1:A60000")
r20 = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("C2:C33")
For Each r In r20
result = Application.Match(r & "*", rData, 0) ' <~ Fixed here
If Not IsError(result) Then
For i = 1 To 5
If (result - i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result - i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result - i, 1)
End If
End If
For i = 1 To 15
If (result + i) > 0 Then
If (Left(Trim(rData(result + i, 1)), 3) = "418") Then
MsgBox "customer: " & r & ". invoice: " & rData(result + i, 1)
End If
End If
End If
Next r
End Sub
Match() is case insensitive, so it works with different capitalisations.
The data in Sheets(2) must all be text for Match() to work correctly with wildcards.
EDIT1: New better version
EDIT2: Refactored constants and made data ranges dynamic
EDIT3: Allows for any prefix to an invoice number of a fixed length
The following is a better, rewritten version of your code:
Sub MuchBetter()
Const s_InvoiceDataWorksheet As String = "Sheet2"
Const s_InvoiceDataColumn As String = "A:A"
Const s_CustomerWorksheet As String = "Sheet1"
Const s_CustomerStartCell As String = "C2"
Const s_InvoiceNumPrefix As String = "418"
Const n_InvoiceNumLength As Long = 8
Const n_InvScanStartOffset As Long = -5
Const n_InvScanEndOffset As Long = 15
Dim ƒ As Excel.WorksheetFunction: Set ƒ = Excel.WorksheetFunction ' Shortcut
With Worksheets(s_InvoiceDataWorksheet).Range(s_InvoiceDataColumn)
With .Parent.Range(.Cells(1), .Cells(Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Dim varInvoiceDataArray As Variant
varInvoiceDataArray = ƒ.Transpose(.Cells.Value2)
End With
End With
With Worksheets(s_CustomerWorksheet).Range(s_CustomerStartCell)
With .Parent.Range(.Cells(1), .EntireColumn.Cells(Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
Dim varCustomerArray As Variant
varCustomerArray = ƒ.Transpose(.Cells.Value2)
End With
End With
Dim varCustomer As Variant
For Each varCustomer In varCustomerArray
Dim dblCustomerIndex As Double
dblCustomerIndex = Application.Match(varCustomer & "*", varInvoiceDataArray, 0)
If Not IsError(dblCustomerIndex) _
And varCustomer <> vbNullString _
Dim i As Long
For i = ƒ.Max(dblCustomerIndex + n_InvScanStartOffset, 1) _
To ƒ.Min(dblCustomerIndex + n_InvScanEndOffset, UBound(varInvoiceDataArray))
Dim strInvoiceNum As String
strInvoiceNum = Right$(Trim$(varInvoiceDataArray(i)), n_InvoiceNumLength)
If (Left$(strInvoiceNum, Len(s_InvoiceNumPrefix)) = s_InvoiceNumPrefix) Then
MsgBox "customer: " & varCustomer & ". invoice: " & strInvoiceNum
End If
End If
Next varCustomer
End Sub
It is a good idea to use constants so all literal values are typed once only and kept grouped together.
Using the RVBA naming convention greatly increases the readability of the code, and reduces the likelihood of bugs.
Using long, appropriately named variables makes the code essentially self-documenting.
Using .Value2 whenever reading cell values is highly recommended (it avoids implicit casting, making it slightly faster as well as eliminating certain issues caused by the casting ).
Surprisingly, in VBA there are good reasons to put a variable declaration as close as possible to the first use of the variable. Two such reasons are 1) it improves readability, and 2) it simplifies future refactoring. Just remember that the variable is not reinitialised every time the Dim is encountered. Initialisation only occurs the first time.
The twin loops have been rolled into one according to the DRY principle.
Whilst the check for an empty customer name/number is not strictly necessary if you can guarantee it will never be so, it is good defensive programming as an empty value will cause erroneous results.
The negative index check inside the loop has been removed and replaced with the one-time use of the Max() worksheet function in the For statement.
The Min() worksheet function is also used in the For statement to avoid trying to read past the end of the array.
Always use worksheet functions on the WorksheetFunction object unless you are explicitly checking for errors, in which case use the Application object.

VBA - check for duplicates while filling cells through a loop

I am writing a VBA code that goes through a defined matrix size and filling cells randomly within its limits.
I got the code here from a user on stackoverflow, but after testing it I realized that it does not fit for avoiding duplicate filling, and for instance when filling 5 cells, I could only see 4 cells filled, meaning that the random filling worked on a previously filled cell.
This is the code I'm working with:
Dim lRandom As Long
Dim sCells As String
Dim sRandom As String
Dim rMolecules As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim lArea As Long
lArea = 400 '20x20
'Populate string of cells that make up the container so they can be chosen at random
For i = 1 To 20
For j = 1 To 20
sCells = sCells & "|" & Cells(i, j).Address
Next j
Next i
sCells = sCells & "|"
'Color the molecules at random
For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.Min(5, lArea)
lRandom = Int(Rnd() * 400) + 1
sRandom = Split(sCells, "|")(lRandom)
Select Case (i = 1)
Case True: Set rMolecules = Range(sRandom)
Case Else: Set rMolecules = Union(rMolecules, Range(Split(sCells, "|")(lRandom)))
End Select
sCells = Replace(sCells, "|" & sRandom & "|", "|")
lArea = lArea - 1
Next i
rMolecules.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Using this same exact code which works perfectly, WHAT can I insert and WHERE do I do that so that the code would check if a cell is previously already filled with a string or a color?
I feel as though this code I'm looking for should be right before
rMolecules.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
But I'm not sure what to type.
From the comments I realized that I should be more specific.
I am trying to randomly fill cells with the blue color (.ColorIndex = 5), but what I need to check first is if the randomizing hadn't marked a cell twice, so that for instance in this case, if I want to mark 5 different cells, it marks only 4 of them because of a duplicate and thus fills only 4 cells with the blue color. I need to avoid that and make it choose another cell to mark/fill.
I'd appreciate your help.
Keep the cells you use in a Collection and remove them as you fill the random cells:
Sub FillRandomCells(targetRange As Range, numberOfCells As Long)
' populate collection of unique cells
Dim c As Range
Dim targetCells As New Collection
' make sure arguments make sense
If numberOfCells > targetRange.Cells.Count Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError, "FillRandomCells()", _
"Number of cells to be changed can not exceed number of cells in range"
End If
For Each c In targetRange.Cells
targetCells.Add c
' now pick random 5
Dim i As Long, randomIndex As Long
Dim upperbound As Long
Dim lowerbound As Long
For i = 1 To numberOfCells
lowerbound = 1 ' collections start with 1
upperbound = targetCells.Count ' changes as we are removing cells we used
randomIndex = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
Set c = targetCells(randomIndex)
targetCells.Remove randomIndex ' remove so we don't use it again!
c.Interior.Color = 5 ' do what you need to do here
End Sub
Sub testFillRandomCells()
FillRandomCells ActiveSheet.[a1:t20], 5
FillRandomCells ActiveSheet.[b25:f30], 3
End Sub
EDIT: Changed to make the target range and number of changed cells configurable as arguments to a function. Also added error checking (always do that!).
Why not build a list of random numbers and place in a Scripting.Dictionary, one can use the Dictionary's Exist method to detect duplicates, loop through until you have enough then you can enter your colouring code confident that you have a unique list.

VB6 comparing only numeric characters in srings

I need to compare phone numbers from a CSV file to phone numbers in an SSMS database in VB6 without using the .Net Library. One may have a number as 555-555-5555 and the other may have the same number as (555) 555-5555 which obviously kicks back as different when strings are compared.
I know I can use for loops and a buffer to pull out only numeric characters like:
Public Function PhoneNumberNumeric(PhoneNumberCSV As String) As String
Dim CharNdx As Integer
Dim buffer As String
For CharNdx = 1 To Len(PhoneNumberCSV) Step 1
If IsNumeric(Mid(PhoneNumberCSV, CharNdx, 1)) Then
buffer = buffer + Mid(PhoneNumberCSV, CharNdx, 1)
End If
PhoneNumberNumeric = buffer
End Function
but this is expensive. Is there a less expensive way to do this?
This should be a bit quicker:
Private Function Clean(ByRef Original As String) As String
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim Char As Long
Clean = Space$(10)
For I = 1 To Len(Original)
Char = AscW(Mid$(Original, I, 1))
If 48 <= Char And Char <= 57 Then
J = J + 1
If J > 10 Then Exit For 'Or raise an exception.
Mid$(Clean, J, 1) = ChrW$(Char)
End If
End Function
It avoids string concatenation, ANSI conversions, and VBScript-form "pigeon VB" (use of slow Variant functions).

Word VBA: iterating through characters incredibly slow

I have a macro that changes single quotes in front of a number to an apostrophe (or close single curly quote). Typically when you type something like "the '80s" in word, the apostrophe in front of the "8" faces the wrong way. The macro below works, but it is incredibly slow (like 10 seconds per page). In a regular language (even an interpreted one), this would be a fast procedure. Any insights why it takes so long in VBA on Word 2007? Or if someone has some find+replace skills that can do this without iterating, please let me know.
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim char As Range
Debug.Print "starting " + CStr(Now)
With Selection
total = .Characters.Count
' Will be looking ahead one character, so we need at least 2 in the selection
If total < 2 Then
End If
For x = 1 To total - 1
a_code = Asc(.Characters(x))
b_code = Asc(.Characters(x + 1))
' We want to convert a single quote in front of a number to an apostrophe
' Trying to use all numerical comparisons to speed this up
If (a_code = 145 Or a_code = 39) And b_code >= 48 And b_code <= 57 Then
.Characters(x) = Chr(146)
End If
Next x
End With
Debug.Print "ending " + CStr(Now)
End Sub
Beside two specified (Why...? and How to do without...?) there is an implied question – how to do proper iteration through Word object collection.
Answer is – to use obj.Next property rather than access by index.
That is, instead of:
For i = 1 to ActiveDocument.Characters.Count
'Do something with ActiveDocument.Characters(i), e.g.:
Debug.Pring ActiveDocument.Characters(i).Text
one should use:
Dim ch as Range: Set ch = ActiveDocument.Characters(1)
'Do something with ch, e.g.:
Debug.Print ch.Text
Set ch = ch.Next 'Note iterating
Loop Until ch is Nothing
Timing: 00:03:30 vs. 00:00:06, more than 3 minutes vs. 6 seconds.
Found on Google, link lost, sorry. Confirmed by personal exploration.
Modified version of #Comintern's "Array method":
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim chars() As Byte
chars = StrConv(Selection.Text, vbFromUnicode)
Dim pos As Long
For pos = 0 To UBound(chars) - 1
If (chars(pos) = 145 Or chars(pos) = 39) _
And (chars(pos + 1) >= 48 And chars(pos + 1) <= 57) Then
' Make the change directly in the selection so track changes is sensible.
' I have to use 213 instead of 146 for reasons I don't understand--
' probably has to do with encoding on Mac, but anyway, this shows the change.
Selection.Characters(pos + 1) = Chr(213)
End If
Next pos
End Sub
Maybe this?
Sub FixNumQuotes()
Dim MyArr As Variant, MyString As String, X As Long, Z As Long
Debug.Print "starting " + CStr(Now)
For Z = 145 To 146
MyArr = Split(Selection.Text, Chr(Z))
For X = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
If IsNumeric(Left(MyArr(X), 1)) Then MyArr(X) = "'" & MyArr(X)
MyString = Join(MyArr, Chr(Z))
Selection.Text = MyString
Selection.Text = Replace(Replace(Selection.Text, Chr(146) & "'", "'"), Chr(145) & "'", "'")
Debug.Print "ending " + CStr(Now)
End Sub
I am not 100% sure on your criteria, I have made both an open and close single quote a ' but you can change that quite easily if you want.
It splits the string to an array on chr(145), checks the first char of each element for a numeric and prefixes it with a single quote if found.
Then it joins the array back to a string on chr(145) then repeats the whole things for chr(146). Finally it looks through the string for an occurence of a single quote AND either of those curled quotes next to each other (because that has to be something we just created) and replaces them with just the single quote we want. This leaves any occurence not next to a number intact.
This final replacement part is the bit you would change if you want something other than ' as the character.
I have been struggling with this for days now. My attempted solution was to use a regular expression on document.text. Then, using the matches in a document.range(start,end), replace the text. This preserves formatting.
The problem is that the start and end in the range do not match the index into text. I think I have found the discrepancy - hidden in the range are field codes (in my case they were hyperlinks). In addition, document.text has a bunch of BEL codes that are easy to strip out. If you loop through a range using the character method, append the characters to a string and print it you will see the field codes that don't show up if you use the .text method.
Amazingly you can get the field codes in document.text if you turn on "show field codes" in one of a number of ways. Unfortunately, that version is not exactly the same as what the range/characters shows - the document.text has just the field code, the range/characters has the field code and the field value. Therefore you can never get the character indices to match.
I have a working version where instead of using range(start,end), I do something like:
Set matchRange = doc.Range.Characters(myMatches(j).FirstIndex + 1)
matchRange.Collapse (wdCollapseStart)
Call matchRange.MoveEnd(WdUnits.wdCharacter, myMatches(j).Length)
matchRange.text = Replacement
As I say, this works but the first statement is dreadfully slow - it appears that Word is iterating through all of the characters to get to the correct point. In doing so, it doesn't seem to count the field codes, so we get to the correct point.
Bottom line, I have not been able to come up with a good way to match the indexing of the document.text string to an equivalent range(start,end) that is not a performance disaster.
Ideas welcome, and thanks.
This is a problem begging for regular expressions. Resolving the .Characters calls that many times is probably what is killing you in performance.
I'd do something like this:
Public Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotesFast()
Dim expression As RegExp
Set expression = New RegExp
Dim buffer As String
buffer = Selection.Range.Text
expression.Global = True
expression.MultiLine = True
expression.Pattern = "[" & Chr$(145) & Chr$(39) & "]\d"
Dim matches As MatchCollection
Set matches = expression.Execute(buffer)
Dim found As Match
For Each found In matches
buffer = Replace(buffer, found, Chr$(146) & Right$(found, 1))
Selection.Range.Text = buffer
End Sub
NOTE: Requires a reference to Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 (or late binding).
The solution without using the Regular Expressions library is still avoiding working with Ranges. This can easily be converted to working with a byte array instead:
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotes()
Dim chars() As Byte
chars = StrConv(Selection.Text, vbFromUnicode)
Dim pos As Long
For pos = 0 To UBound(chars) - 1
If (chars(pos) = 145 Or chars(pos) = 39) _
And (chars(pos + 1) >= 48 And chars(pos + 1) <= 57) Then
chars(pos) = 146
End If
Next pos
Selection.Text = StrConv(chars, vbUnicode)
End Sub
Benchmarks (100 iterations, 3 pages of text with 100 "hits" per page):
Regex method: 1.4375 seconds
Array method: 2.765625 seconds
OP method: (Ended task after 23 minutes)
About half as fast as the Regex, but still roughly 10ms per page.
EDIT 2: Apparently the methods above are not format safe, so method 3:
Sub FixNumericalReverseQuotesVThree()
Dim full_text As Range
Dim cached As Long
Set full_text = ActiveDocument.Range
full_text.Find.MatchWildcards = True
cached = full_text.End
Do While full_text.Find.Execute("[" & Chr$(145) & Chr$(39) & "][0-9]")
full_text.End = full_text.Start + 2
full_text.Characters(1) = Chr$(96)
full_text.Start = full_text.Start + 1
full_text.End = cached
End Sub
Again, slower than both the above methods, but still runs reasonably fast (on the order of ms).

Get maximum number of characters that a cell can contain

Excel specifications and limits says:
Total number of characters that a cell can contain: 32,767 characters
Is there a way to get this number programatically?
I'm asking because hardcoding constants should, in general, be avoided if and when feasible. This number may conceivably change by Office version (It hasn't changed between 2003 and 2013, but who knows what Microsoft has in store for us).
It's pretty easy to get the maximum number of rows in a worksheet:
Sheet1.Rows.Count ' returns 65,536 in Office 2003 and 1,048,576 in Office 2007-2013
but apparently, getting the maximum number of characters that a cell can contain isn't as straightforward.
Note that writing too many characters to a cell will not result in an error; it will silently fail and truncate the string — so proper error handling isn't an option here.
In a loop, append characters one by one to the cell contents. Each time, read cell contents, check if the last character added is present. If it isn't then that's the limit.
Upside: Works and is 100% reliable.
Downside: Really slow. It takes 10-15 seconds to complete, due to the many read-writes to/from sheet.
Obviously, this could be optimised by using a good guess (e.g. 32,767) as the initial condition, and using a hunt & bisect search algorithm rather than incrementing by 1. However if the answer is far enough away from the initial guess, this might still take ~1 second to run — not something you would want to call repeatedly.
Function MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain(r As Range)
'NB: Range r will be overwritten.
Dim sIn As String
Dim sOut As String
Dim i As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
i = i + 1
sIn = sIn & Chr(97 + (i - 1) Mod 26)
r.Cells(1, 1).Value = sIn
sOut = r.Cells(1, 1).Value
If Right(sOut, 1) <> Right(sIn, 1) Then Exit Do
'If Len(sOut) <> Len(sIn) Then Exit Do
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain = i - 1
End Function
Example usage:
MsgBox MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain(Range("A1"))
Alternative: Loop appending a chunk until the assigned length is not whats expected
Const INT_MAX As Integer = 32767
Dim i As Long
ActiveCell.Value = ""
Dim buff As String: buff = Space$(INT_MAX)
i = i + 1
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & buff
If Len(ActiveCell.Value) <> (i * INT_MAX) Then
MaxLen = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
Exit Function
End If
Or even
ActiveCell.Value = Space$(A_BIG_NUMBER)
MaxLen = Len(ActiveCell.Value)
Here's a variant where we take exponential steps (larger and larger steps whose size increases by a factor stepFactor each time).
Function MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain(r As Range, _
Optional ByVal stepFactor As Double = 2)
Dim n As Double
Dim nActual As Long
Dim l As Long
n = 1
n = n * stepFactor
nActual = CLng(n)
r.Cells(1, 1).Value = Space$(nActual)
l = Len(r.Cells(1, 1).Value)
If l <> nActual Then
MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain = l
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Example usage:
Debug.Print MaximumNumberOfCharactersACellCanContain(Range("A1"), 8)
The choice of stepFactor is a compromise between:
Reducing the number of iterations (larger factor is better), and
Limiting down the cost of the last iteration (the one that fails). If stepFactor is too large, then you're writing a very long string to the cell and this is quite slow.
Making sure the last iteration will never hit the out of memory ceiling (~130 million characters on my system). (Could add error handling do deal with this eventuality.)
stepFactor somewhere between 2 and 8 should be robust and quick.