J's # operator: why not reversed? - language-design

I've been studying J for the last few weeks, and something that has really buggered me is the dyadic case of the # operator: the only way I've used it yet is similar to the following:
(1 p: a) # a
If this were reversed, the parenthesis could be omitted:
a #~ 1 p: a
Why was there chosen not to take the reverse of the current arguments? Backwards familiarity with APL, or something I'm completely overlooking?

In general, J's primitives are designed to take "primary data" on the right, and "control data" on the left.
The distinction between "primary" and "control" data is not sharp, but in general one would expect "primary" data to vary more often than "control" data. That is, one would expect that the "control" data is less likely to be calculated than the "primary" data.
The reason for that design choice is exactly as you point out: because if the data that is more likely to be calculated (as opposed to fixed in advanced) appears on the right, then more J phrases could be expressed as simple trains or pipelines of verbs, without excessive parenthesization (given that J executed left-to-right).
Now, in the case of #, which data is more likely to be calculated? You're 100% right that the filter (or mask) is very likely to be calculated. However, the data to be filtered is almost certain to be calculated. Where did you get your a, for example?
PS: if your a can be calculated by some J verb, as in a=: ..., then your whole result, filter and all, can be expressed with primeAs =: 1&p: # ... .
PPS: Note the 1&p:, there. That's another example of "control" vs "primary": the 1 is control data - you can tell because it's forever bound to p: - and it's fixed. And so, uncoincidentally, p: was designed to take it as a left argument.
PPPS: This concept of "control data appears on the left" has been expressed many different ways. You can find one round-up of veteran Jers' explanations here: http://www.jsoftware.com/pipermail/general/2007-May/030079.html .


X and Y inputs in LabVIEW

I am new to LabVIEW and I am trying to read a code written in LabVIEW. The block diagram is this:
This is the program to input x and y functions into the voltage input. It is meant to give an input voltage in different forms (sine, heartshape , etc.) into the fast-steering mirror or galvano mirror x and y axises.
x and y function controls are for inputting a formula for a function, and then we use "evaluation single value" function to input into a daq assistant.
I understand that { 2*(|-Mpi|)/N }*i + -Mpi*pi goes into the x value. However, I dont understand why we use this kind of formula. Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value of -M*pi. Also, I don`t understand why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i. And finally, why need to add -Mpi again? If you provide any hints about this I would really appreciate it.
This is just a complicated way to write the code/formula. Given what the code looks like (unnecessary wire bends, duplicate loop-input-tunnels, hidden wires, unnecessary coercion dots, failure to use appropriate built-in 'negate' function) not much care has been given in writing it. So while it probably yields the correct results you should not expect it to do so in the most readable way.
To answer you specific questions:
Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value
We don't. We can just move the negation immediately before the last addition or change that to a subtraction:
{ 2*(|Mpi|)/N }*i - Mpi*pi
And as #yair pointed out: We are not assigning a value here, we are basically flipping the sign of whatever value the user entered.
Why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i
This gives you a fraction between 0 and 1, no matter how many steps you do in your for-loop. Think of N as a sampling rate. I.e. your mirrors will always do the same movement, but a larger N just produces more steps in between.
Why need to add -Mpi again
I would strongly assume this is some kind of quick-and-dirty workaround for a bug that has not been fixed properly. Looking at the code it seems this +Mpi*pi has been added later on in the development process. And while I don't know what the expected values are I would believe that multiplying only one of the summands by Pi is probably wrong.

J: About optimal applying of sequence of filters to a list

Let {f(i)}, i = 1,...,n be a sequence of filters (each item of a list is mapped to a boolean value) with a property: if f(i) = 1 for some item of a list, then every f(j) = 1 for j > i and the same item. Very simple example:
[ t =: i.5 NB. sample data
0 1 2 3 4
f1 =: 2&> NB. is greater than 2
f2 =: 2&> +. 0=2&| NB. is greater than 2 OR even
(f1 ,: f2) t
1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1
(#~ f1 +. f2) t
0 1 2 4
Obviously there is no need to apply f2 to first 2 items of t (that has been already accepted by f1).
Question: How to avoid applying f(j) to items that was accepted by f(i) for j > i ?
My naive implementation
I. -. f1 t - indices of those items that are not accepted by f1. So why not select them, apply f2 and amend? I think that it's a wrong way, because this approach uses a lot of memory, right?
t #~ (f1 t) (I. -. f1 t)}~ f2 (I. -. f1 t) { t
0 1 2 4
And it's harder to code for many filters.
While it is possible to avoid computation in the manner you seek here, doing so tends to run "against the grain" of J. Notably, doing so is likely to increase the time and space requirements.
One technique would be to use the result of f1 to filter the argument to f2 and then expand the result of f2 to align with the result of f1. This will involve creating a new array in memory in order to have exactly the necessary values, plus a temporary result array, and also computation over that result to make it conform to the shape of the original argument. These things are not free.
Most importantly, this sort of micro-management involves a move away from what J programmers call array-thinking. Solutions that involve working with nouns "as a whole" (and as conforming rectangles) are often amenable to concise expression in J.
For certain types of calculation on certain types of data the class of problem you have posed may well be important. In such cases it could be worth contriving some technique for communicating partial results and selectively avoiding avoidable application of a verb. I'd guess Power (^:) would be useful in many such efforts. But these solutions would all be quite specific to circumstances where actual performance problems were appearing.
I take the risk of making the following claim: there is no general answer to your question because the generalities of J do not support fine-grained intervention. I suspect you have a solid understanding that J exhibits this bias. That bias is what makes the question you posed a technically difficult question.
Since the solutions to this problem will very often not run in less time, nor less memory, nor assist brevity of expression, nor functional clarity, "optimization" seems an unlikely label for them.

Optimized binary search

I have seen many example of binary search,many method how to optimize it,so yesterday my lecturer write code (in this code let us assume that first index starts from 1 and last one is N,so that N is length of array,consider it in pseudo code.code is like this:
while( L<R)
if A[m]> x
Here we assume that array is A,so lecturer said that we are not waste time for comparing if element is at middle part of array every time,also benefit is that if element is not in array,index says about where it would be located,so it is optimal,is he right?i mean i have seen many kind of binary search from John Bentley for example(programming pearls) and so on,and is this code optimal really?it is written in pascal in my case, but language does not depend.
It really depends on whether you find the element. If you don't, this will have saved some comparisons. If you could find the element in the first couple of hops, then you've saved the work of all the later comparisons and arithmetic. If all the values in the array are distinct, it's obviously fairly unlikely that you hit the right index early on - but if you have broad swathes of the array containing the same values, that changes the maths.
This approach also means you can't narrow the range quite as much as you would otherwise - this:
would normally be
... although that would reasonably rarely make a significant difference.
The important point is that this doesn't change the overall complexity of the algorithm - it's still going to be O(log N).
also benefit is that if element is not in array,index says about where it would be located
That's true whether you check for equality or not. Every binary search implementation I've seen would give that information.

find duplicates

You are given an array of elements. Some/all of them are duplicates. Find them in 0(n) time and 0(1) space. Property of inputs - Number are in the range of 1..n where n is the limit of the array.
If the O(1) storage is a limitation on additional memory, and not an indication that you can't modify the input array, then you can do it by sorting while iterating over the elements: move each misplaced element to its "correct" place - if it's already occupied by the correct number then print it as a duplicate, otherwise take the "incorrect" existing content and place it correctly before continuing the iteration. This may in turn require correcting other elements to make space, but there's a stack of at most 1 and the total number of correction steps is limited to N, added to the N-step iteration you get 2N which is still O(N).
Since both the number of elements in the array and the range of the array are variable based on n, I don't believe you can do this. I may be wrong, personally I doubt it, but I've been wrong before :-)
EDIT: And it looks like I may be wrong again :-) See Tony's answer, I believe he may have nailed it. I'll delete this answer once enough people agree with me, or it gets downvoted too much :-)
If the range was fixed (say, 1..m), you could do it thus:
dim quant[1..m]
for i in 1..m:
quant[m] = 0
for i in 1..size(array):
quant[array[i]] = quant[array[i]] + 1
for i in 1..m:
if quant[i] > 1:
print "Duplicate value: " + i
This works since you can often trade off space against time in most algorithms. But, because the range also depends on the input value, the normal trade-off between space and time is not plausible.

Why are we using i as a counter in loops? [closed]

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I know this might seem like an absolutely silly question to ask, yet I am too curious not to ask...
Why did "i" and "j" become THE variables to use as counters in most control structures?
Although common sense tells me they are just like X, which is used for representing unknown values, I can't help to think that there must be a reason why everyone gets taught the same way over and over again.
Is it because it is actually recommended for best practices, or a convention, or does it have some obscure reason behind it?
Just in case, I know I can give them whatever name I want and that variables names are not relevant.
It comes ultimately from mathematics: the summation notation traditionally uses i for the first index, j for the second, and so on. Example (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Summation):
It's also used that way for collections of things, like if you have a bunch of variables x1, x2, ... xn, then an arbitrary one will be known as xi.
As for why it's that way, I imagine SLaks is correct and it's because I is the first letter in Index.
I believe it dates back to Fortran. Variables starting with I through Q were integer by default, the others were real. This meant that I was the first integer variable, and J the second, etc., so they fell towards use in loops.
Mathematicians were using i,j,k to designate integers in algebra (subscripts, series, summations etc) long before (e.g 1836 or 1816) computers were around (this is the origin of the FORTRAN variable type defaults). The habit of using letters from the end of the alphabet (...,x,y,z) for unknown variables and from the beginning (a,b,c...) for constants is generally attributed to Rene Descartes, (see also here) so I assume i,j,k...n (in the middle of the alphabet) for integers is likely due to him too.
i = integer
Comes from Fortran where integer variables had to start with the letters I through N and real variables started with the other letters. Thus I was the first and shortest integer variable name. Fortran was one of the earliest programming languages in widespread use and the habits developed by programmers using it carried over to other languages.
EDIT: I have no problem with the answer that it derives from mathematics. Undoubtedly that is where the Fortran designers got their inspiration. The fact is, for me anyway, when I started to program in Fortran we used I, J, K, ... for loop counters because they were short and the first legally allowed variable names for integers. As a sophomore in H.S. I had probably heard of Descartes (and a very few others), but made very little connection to mathematics when programming. In fact, the first course I took was called "Fortran for Business" and was taught not by the math faculty, but the business/econ faculty.
For me, at least, the naming of variables had little to do with mathematics, but everything due to the habits I picked up writing Fortran code that I carried into other languages.
i stands for Index.
j comes after i.
These symbols were used as matrix indexes in mathematics long before electronic computers were invented.
I think it's most likely derived from index (in the mathematical sense) - it's used commonly as an index in sums or other set-based operations, and most likely has been used that way since before there were programming languages.
There's a preference in maths for using consecutive letters in the alphabet for "anonymous" variables used in a similar way. Hence, not just "i, j, k", but also "f, g, h", "p, q, r", "x, y, z" (rarely with "u, v, w" prepended), and "α, β, γ".
Now "f, g, h" and "x, y, z" are not used freely: the former is for functions, the latter for dimensions. "p, q, r" are also often used for functions.
Then there are other constraints on available sequences: "l" and "o" are avoided, because they look too much like "1" and "0" in many fonts. "t" is often used for time, "d & δ" for differentials, and "a, s, m, v" for the physical measures of acceleration, displacement, mass, and velocity. That leaves not so many gaps of three consecutive letters without unwanted associations in mathematics for indices.
Then, as several others have noticed, conventions from mathematics had a strong influence on early programming conventions, and "α, β, γ" weren't available in many early character sets.
I found another possible answer that could be that i, j, and k come from Hamilton's Quaternions.
Euler picked i for the imaginary unit.
Hamilton needed two more square roots of -1:
ii = jj = kk = ijk = -1
Hamilton was really influential, and quaternions were the standard way to do 3D analysis before 1900. By then, mathematicians were used to thinking of (ijk) as a matched set.
Vector calculus replaced quaternionic analysis in the 1890s because it was a better way to write Maxwell's equations. But people tended to write vector quantities as like this: (3i-2j+k) instead of (3,-2,1). So (ijk) became the standard basis vectors in R^3.
Finally, physicists started using group theory to describe symmetries in systems of differential equations. So (ijk) started to connote "vectors that get swapped around by permutation groups," then drifted towards "index-like things that take on all possible values in some specified set," which is basically what they mean in a for loop.
by discarding (a little biased)
a seems an array
b seems another array
c seems a language name
d seems another language name
e seems exception
f looks bad in combination with "for" (for f, a pickup?)
g seems g force
h seems height
i seems an index
j seems i (another index)
k seems a constant k
l seems a number one (1)
m seems a matrix
n seems a node
o seems an output
p sounds like a pointer
q seems a queue
r seems a return value
s seems a string
t looks like time
u reserved for UVW mapping or electic phase
v reserved for UVW mapping or electic phase or a vector
w reserved for UVW mapping or electic phase or a weight
x seems an axis (or an unknown variable)
y seems an axis
z seems a third axis
One sunny afternoon, Archimedes what pondering (as was usual for sunny afternoons) and ran into his buddy Eratosthenes.
Archimedes said, "Archimedes to Eratosthenes greeting! I'm trying to come up with a solution to the ratio of several spherical rigid bodies in equilibrium. I wish to iterate over these bodies multiple times, but I'm having a frightful time keeping track of how many iterations I've done!"
Eratosthenes said, "Why Archimedes, you ripe plum of a kidder, you could merely mark successive rows of lines in the sand, each keeping track of the number of iterations you've done within iteration!"
Archimedes cried out to the world that his great friend was undeniably a shining beacon of intelligence for coming up with such a simple solution. But Archimedes remarked that he likes to walk in circles around his sand pit while he ponders. Thus, there was risk of losing track of which row was on top, and which was on bottom.
"Perhaps I should mark these rows with a letter of the alphabet just off to the side so that I will always know which row is which! What think you of that?" he asked, then added, "But Eratosthenes... whatever letters shall I use?"
Eratosthenes was sure he didn't know which letters would be best, and said as much to Archimedes. But Archimedes was unsatisfied and continued to prod the poor librarian to choose, at least, the two letters that he would require for his current sphere equilibrium solution.
Eratosthenes, finally tired of the incessant request for two letters, yelled, "I JUST DON'T KNOW!!!"
So Archimedes chose the first two letters in Eratosthenes' exclamatory sentence, and thanked his friend for the contribution.
These symbols were quickly adopted by ancient Greek Java developers, and the rest is, well... history.
i think it's because a lot of loops use an Int type variable to do the counting, like
for (int i = 0; etc
and when you type, you actually speak it out in your head (like when you read), so in your mind, you say 'int....'
and when you have to make up a letter right after that 'int....' , you say / type the 'i' because that is the first letter you think of when you've just said 'int'
like you spell a word to kids who start learning reading you spell words for them by using names, like this:
WORD spells William W, Ok O, Ruby R, Done D
So you say Int I, Double d, Float f, string s etc. based on the first letter.
And j is used because when you have done int I, J follows right after it.
I think it's a combination of the other mentioned reasons :
For starters, 'i' was commonly used by mathematicians in their notation, and in the early days of computing with languages that weren't binary (ie had to be parsed and lexed in some fashion), the vast majority of users of computers were also mathematicians (... and scientists and engineers) so the notation fell into use in computer languages for programming loops, and has kind of just stuck around ever since.
Combine this with the fact that screen space in those very early days was very limited, as was memory, it made sense to keep shorter variable names.
Possibly historical ?
FORTRAN, aurguably the first high level language, defined i,j,k,l,m as Integer datatypes by default, and loops could only be controlled by integer variable, the convention continues ?
do 100 i= j,100,5
100 continue
i = iterator, i = index, i = integer
Which ever you figure "i" stands for it still "fits the bill".
Also, unless you have only a single line of code within that loop, you should probably be naming the iterator/index/integer variable to something more meaningful. Like: employeeIndex
BTW, I usually use "i" in my simple iterator loops; unless of course it contains multiple lines of code.
i = iota, j = jot; both small changes.
iota is the smallest letter in the greek alphabet; in the English language it's meaning is linked to small changes, as in "not one iota" (from a phrase in the New Testament: "until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law" (Mt 5:18)).
A counter represents a small change in a value.
And from iota comes jot (iot), which is also a synonym for a small change.
cf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iota
Well from Mathematics: (for latin letters)
a,b: used as constants or as integers for a rational number
c: a constant
d: derivative
e: Euler's number
f,g,h: functions
i,j,k: are indexes (also unit vectors and the quaternions)
l: generally not used. looks like 1
m,n: are rows and columns of matrices or as integers for rational numbers
o: also not used (unless you're in little o notation)
p,q: often used as primes
r: sometimes a spatial change of variable other times related to prime numbers
s,t: spatial and temporal variables or s is used as a change of variable for t
u,v,w: change of variable
x,y,z: variables
Many possible main reasons, I guess:
mathematicians use i and j for Natural Numbers in formulas (the ones that use Complex Numbers rarely, at least), so this carried over to programming
from C, i hints to int. And if you need another int then i2 is just way too long, so you decide to use j.
there are languages where the first letter decides the type, and i is then an integer.
It comes from Fortran, where i,j,k,l,m,n are implicitly integers.
It definitely comes from mathematics, which long preceded computer programming.
So, where did if come from in math? My completely uneducated guess is that it's as one fellow said, mathematicians like to use alphabetic clusters for similar things -- f, g, h for functions; x, y, z for numeric variables; p, q, r for logical variables; u, v, w for other sets of variables, especially in calculus; a, b, c for a lot of things. i, j, k comes in handy for iterative variables, and that about exhausts the possibilities. Why not m, n? Well, they are used for integers, but more often the end points of iterations rather than the iterative variables themselves.
Someone should ask a historian of mathematics.
Counters are so common in programs, and in the early days of computing, everything was at a premium...
Programmers naturally tried to conserve pixels, and the 'i' required fewer pixels than any other letter to represent. (Mathematicians, being lazy, picked it for the same reason - as the smallest glyph).
As stated previously, 'j' just naturally followed...
I use it for a number of reasons.
Usually my loops are int based, so
you make a complete triangle on the
keyboard typing "int i" with the
exception of the space I handle with
my thumb. This is a very fast
sequence to type.
The "i" could stand for iterator, integer, increment, or index, each of which makes
logical sense.
With my personal uses set aside, the theory of it being derived from FORTRAN is correct, where integer vars used letters I - N.
I learned FORTRAN on a Control Data Corp. 3100 in 1965. Variables starting with 'I' through 'N' were implied to be integers. Ex: 'IGGY' and 'NORB' were integers, 'XMAX' and 'ALPHA' were floating-point. However, you could override this through explicit declaration.