Run assert inside event - testing

I have the following:
casper.then(function addToBag(){
this.evaluate(function (){
//register sub method - then emit custom event
mns.msg.sub("/ajax/success/addToCart" + $("[name=productCode]").val(), function (response) {
//trigger add to cart click
$('.product-selection input[type=submit]').click();
The click trigger activates the emit, inside the event function:
casper.on("addToCart.loaded", function checkAddToCartResponse(){
test.assert(true,'Add to cart successful');
However, it doesn't seem to run - is this the correct way of running a test when an event has finished?

The event is not emitted because there is no casper instance inside the page context (inside the evaluate context).
You would need to set some flag that the event was emitted.
casper.then(function addToBag(){
this.evaluate(function (){
//register sub method - then emit custom event
window.casperEventEmitted = null;
mns.msg.sub("/ajax/success/addToCart" + $("[name=productCode]").val(), function (response) {
window.casperEventEmitted = 'addToCart.loaded';
//trigger add to cart click
$('.product-selection input[type=submit]').click();
// wait here
and then wait for the event to be set
var timeout = 10000; // msec, some sensible timeout for your event
casper.waitFor(function check() {
return this.getGlobal('casperEventEmitted') == 'addToCart.loaded';
}, function then() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
window.casperEventEmitted = null; // reset for next time
this.test.pass("Event triggered");
}, function onTimeout(){"Event triggered");
}, timeout);
Of course it would be nicer to manage the events in a queue and not as a single string.
The good thing is that there is no break out from the control flow as it would happen with a custom event like in the case of the other answer.

Use inside the evaluate callback:
then can do it like this (not tested):
casper.on('remote.message', function(msg) {
if(msg.indexOf("casper-event:" == 0))
var event = msg.replace(/^casper-event:/, '').replace(/:.*$/, '');
var result = JSON.parse(msg.replace(/^casper-event:.*?:/, ''));
this.emit(event, result);


capture popup feature attribute in pop action

I've got an action function for my popup and I need to access the feature attributes from the pop up within the action function. In the code below I'd like to access {SAWID} -- I dont see it in the event parameter sent to the function.
var ContactsAction = {
title: "Get Contacts",
id: "contacts-this",
var template = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{Name}",
content: "{SAWID}",
actions: [ContactsAction]
// Event handler that fires each time an action is clicked.
view.popup.on("trigger-action", lang.hitch(this, this.Contacts));
// Executes when GetContacts is clicked in pop ups
Contacts: function (event) {
if ( === "contacts-this") {
//grab SAWID
I found something that works, although its probably not the best way to do it:
there is an innerText property on the object that includes all the text in the pop up. If I parse the innerText property I can get what I need: If anyone knows of a cleaner way please let me know. Thanks
// Executes when GetContacts is clicked in pop ups
Contacts: function (event) {
if ( === "contacts-this") {
var str =;
var start = str.indexOf("Close") + 6;//"Close" always precedes my SAWID
var end = str.indexOf("Zoom") - 1;//"Zoom" is always after my SAWID
var SAWID = str.substring(start, end);

How to trigger change event on slate.js when testing with Selenium or Cypress

I'm trying to find a way to simulate a "change" event when doing E2E testing (with selenium or cypress) and slate.js
In our UI, when the user clicks on a word, we pop-up a modal (related to that word). I've been unable to make this happen as I can't get the change event to trigger
The Cypress input commands (e.g. cy.type() and cy.clear()) work by dispatching input and change events - in the case of cy.type(), one per character. This mimics the behavior of a real browser as a user types on their keyboard and is enough to trigger the behavior of most application JavaScript.
However, Slate relies almost exclusively on the beforeinput event (see here which is a new browser technology and an event which the Cypress input commands don’t simulate. Hopefully the Cypress team will update their input commands to dispatch the beforeinput event, but until they do I’ve created a couple of simple custom commands which will trigger Slate’s input event listeners and make it respond.
// commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('getEditor', (selector) => {
return cy.get(selector)
Cypress.Commands.add('typeInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, text) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'insertText', data: text }));
return subject;
Cypress.Commands.add('clearInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'deleteHardLineBackward' }))
return subject;
// slateEditor.spec.js
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor1] [contenteditable]')
.typeInSlate('Some input text ');
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor2] [contenteditable]')
If you need to support other inputTypes, all of the inputTypes supported by Slate are listed in the source code for editable.tsx
Found a solution:
1) Add a ref to the Editor
2) Add a document listener for a custom event
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
3) Create a handler that creates a custom select event
onTestSelectWord(val: any) {
let slateEditor = val.detail.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
// Events are special, can't use spread or Object.keys
let selectEvent: any = {}
for (let key in val) {
if (key === 'currentTarget') {
selectEvent['currentTarget'] = slateEditor
else if (key === 'type') {
selectEvent['type'] = "select"
else {
selectEvent[key] = val[key]
// Make selection
let selection = window.getSelection();
let range = document.createRange();
// Fire select event
this.editor.current.onEvent("onSelect", selectEvent)
4) User the following in your test code:
arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".cl-token-node"))
text = arr.filter(element => element.children[0].innerText === "*WORD_YOU_ARE_SELECTING*")[0].children[0].children[0]
var event = new CustomEvent("Test_SelectWord", {detail: text})
document.dispatchEvent(event, text)
Cypress can explicitly trigger events:
This may work for you:

Data table on click on dynamic controls

I have a jquery data table that I am populating from a drop down on change event. I have two check boxes in the data table and I am running an onclick on the check boxes. But on the first click the jquery does not fire only when I click it a second time does the jquery fire, also happens on switching pages.I added the .on() for the click, because I researched and saw that dynamic controls would work that way. Is there something I'm missing also to get this click function to work on first click? Below is some of my code.
data table click on check box control no jquery click event on first click
data table click on check box control on second click
$('#my-table').on('click', function () {
var i = -1;
$("input[id*='secondary']:checkbox").on("click", function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
i = selectedIds.indexOf($(this).val());
if (i === -1) {
else {
jQuery(this).closest("tr").css("background-color", "");
if (selectedIds.length > 0) {
i = selectedIds.indexOf($(this).val());
if (i != -1) {
selectedIds.splice(i, 1);
if (!primaryChecked)
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).attr('disabled', false);
$("#my-table").find("input[id*='primary']:checkbox").on("click", function () {
if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
primaryChecked = true;
primaryID = this.value;
else {
primaryID = "";
primaryChecked = false;
$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).attr('disabled', false);
$('input:checkbox[id^="primary"]').each(function () {
if (!$(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="checkbox"]').is(':checked'))
$(this).attr('disabled', false);
jQuery(this).closest("tr").css("background-color", "");
You're attaching click handler inside another click handler which doesn't make sense.
Remove first click handler:
$('#my-table').on('click', function () {
Attach the click handler to the checkboxes as follows:
$('#my-table').on('click', "input[id*='secondary']:checkbox", function () {
$('#my-table').on('click', "input[id*='primary']:checkbox", function () {

MelonJS trigger event manually

I'm making an HTML5 game with melonjs.
One of my entitie (called ET1) needs to listen on 2 events : pointerup & pointerdown. My events are registered in my game.js file, as follow :
me.input.registerPointerEvent("pointerup",, function (event) {
me.event.publish("pointerup", [ event ]);
me.input.registerPointerEvent("pointerdown",, function (event) {
me.event.publish("pointerdown", [ event ]);
In my ET1 entitie, i'm listening for both of the events :
this.handler = me.event.subscribe("pointerup", function (event) {
this.handlerDown = me.event.subscribe("pointerdown", function (event) {
When the pointerdown event is triggered, i'm updating a local property, and if this property reach a certain value, i would like to trigger the pointerup event manually from the update method :
update : function (dt) {
this.handler = me.event.subscribe("pointerup", function (event) {
this.handlerDown = me.event.subscribe("pointerdown", function (event) {
if(localVar > 10){
// trigger pointerup event
I now it's possible with event.publish from withing a registerPointerEvent callback, but i hav no idea how to do this from the entitie update method.
Any idea ?
if you don't do anything with the Event object, you can just manually publish the "pointerup" message, same way as you subscribe to them :
me.event.publish("pointerup", [{}]);
{} here meaning to replace the Event object, although you could pass it as well since it's available in the global scope

dojo1.8 - Need on.pausable(fire, 'change', function()) to trigger select toggleDropdown and focus methods

Hi I have a problem and the error stated:- "Error: Target must be an event emitter."
If there is a change in fire variable and selectHandler is resumed, shouldn't the methods be triggered - toggleDropDown and focus?
Here's my code below:-
var fire = false;
var toggle1, toggle2 = true;
var select = new Select
}, 'node_Select');
fire = true;
var switchStore = new button
onClick: function()
{if (toggle1)
toggle1 = false;
toggle1 = true;
fire = true;
}, 'node_switchStore');
var selectHandler = on.pausable(fire, 'change' function()
var switchPause = new button
onClick: function()
{if (toggle2)
toggle2 = false;
toggle2 = true;
}, 'node_switchPause');
What is event emitter? Only input change, button and DOM elements' events?
It seems that the fire variable is not event emitter, isn't it?
Please advise
It has to do with this line:
var selectHandler = on.pausable(fire, 'change' function()
You're trying to listen to one of javascripts primitive types, Boolean. In order for "dojo/on" to work, it has to listen to something that can fire off events. From what I'm seeing in your code sample, what you probably need is a function that handles the changing of the "fire" variable. How about something like this:
var openFire = function() {
fire = false;
now instead of setting
you can just call