capture popup feature attribute in pop action - arcgis-js-api

I've got an action function for my popup and I need to access the feature attributes from the pop up within the action function. In the code below I'd like to access {SAWID} -- I dont see it in the event parameter sent to the function.
var ContactsAction = {
title: "Get Contacts",
id: "contacts-this",
var template = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{Name}",
content: "{SAWID}",
actions: [ContactsAction]
// Event handler that fires each time an action is clicked.
view.popup.on("trigger-action", lang.hitch(this, this.Contacts));
// Executes when GetContacts is clicked in pop ups
Contacts: function (event) {
if ( === "contacts-this") {
//grab SAWID

I found something that works, although its probably not the best way to do it:
there is an innerText property on the object that includes all the text in the pop up. If I parse the innerText property I can get what I need: If anyone knows of a cleaner way please let me know. Thanks
// Executes when GetContacts is clicked in pop ups
Contacts: function (event) {
if ( === "contacts-this") {
var str =;
var start = str.indexOf("Close") + 6;//"Close" always precedes my SAWID
var end = str.indexOf("Zoom") - 1;//"Zoom" is always after my SAWID
var SAWID = str.substring(start, end);


How to trigger change event on slate.js when testing with Selenium or Cypress

I'm trying to find a way to simulate a "change" event when doing E2E testing (with selenium or cypress) and slate.js
In our UI, when the user clicks on a word, we pop-up a modal (related to that word). I've been unable to make this happen as I can't get the change event to trigger
The Cypress input commands (e.g. cy.type() and cy.clear()) work by dispatching input and change events - in the case of cy.type(), one per character. This mimics the behavior of a real browser as a user types on their keyboard and is enough to trigger the behavior of most application JavaScript.
However, Slate relies almost exclusively on the beforeinput event (see here which is a new browser technology and an event which the Cypress input commands don’t simulate. Hopefully the Cypress team will update their input commands to dispatch the beforeinput event, but until they do I’ve created a couple of simple custom commands which will trigger Slate’s input event listeners and make it respond.
// commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('getEditor', (selector) => {
return cy.get(selector)
Cypress.Commands.add('typeInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, text) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'insertText', data: text }));
return subject;
Cypress.Commands.add('clearInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'deleteHardLineBackward' }))
return subject;
// slateEditor.spec.js
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor1] [contenteditable]')
.typeInSlate('Some input text ');
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor2] [contenteditable]')
If you need to support other inputTypes, all of the inputTypes supported by Slate are listed in the source code for editable.tsx
Found a solution:
1) Add a ref to the Editor
2) Add a document listener for a custom event
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
3) Create a handler that creates a custom select event
onTestSelectWord(val: any) {
let slateEditor = val.detail.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
// Events are special, can't use spread or Object.keys
let selectEvent: any = {}
for (let key in val) {
if (key === 'currentTarget') {
selectEvent['currentTarget'] = slateEditor
else if (key === 'type') {
selectEvent['type'] = "select"
else {
selectEvent[key] = val[key]
// Make selection
let selection = window.getSelection();
let range = document.createRange();
// Fire select event
this.editor.current.onEvent("onSelect", selectEvent)
4) User the following in your test code:
arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".cl-token-node"))
text = arr.filter(element => element.children[0].innerText === "*WORD_YOU_ARE_SELECTING*")[0].children[0].children[0]
var event = new CustomEvent("Test_SelectWord", {detail: text})
document.dispatchEvent(event, text)
Cypress can explicitly trigger events:
This may work for you:

Dojo ListItem with Child Inputs

I have a dojo list item that is clickable.. But at the same time we like to put input elements inside the list item. The problem is that if you click on the child element(example checkbox) the listitem onclick intercepts the call first(which seems opposite of the html bubble up format). So we cannot call stoppropagation on the child element to stop the listitem from changing the page.
In the example below you will see the listitem alert come up before the checkbox alert..
How do you handle having input elements in a listitem without triggering the listitem..
var list1 = registry.byId("myList");
var item = new ListItem ({
label: "A \"programmatic\" ListItem",
moveTo: "#",
onClick : function() {
alert("listItem clicked !" +;
var check = new cb({onClick:function(){alert("checkbox clicked");event.stopPropagation();}});
I had a similar problem a while back and noticed that the dojox/mobile/ListItem is not really great when adding extra event handlers to it (checkboxes, touch gestures, ...), so to solve that I usually extend dojox/mobile/ListItem and fix the events by myself.
For example:
var CheckedListItem = declare("dojox/mobile/CheckedListItem", [ ListItem ], {
_initializeCheckbox: function() {
this.checkbox = new CheckBox({
});, this.containerNode.firstChild, "last");
this.checkbox.onClick = this.onCheckboxClick;
onCheckboxClick: function() { },
_setOnCheckboxClickAttr: function(handler) {
this.onCheckboxClick = handler;
if (this.checkbox !== null && this.checkbox !== undefined) {
this.checkbox.onClick = handler;
_onClick: function(e) {
if ( !== this.checkbox.domNode) {
postCreate: function() {
Due to overriding _onClick() and adding additional checks I managed to get the intended behavior.
A full example can be found here:

Run assert inside event

I have the following:
casper.then(function addToBag(){
this.evaluate(function (){
//register sub method - then emit custom event
mns.msg.sub("/ajax/success/addToCart" + $("[name=productCode]").val(), function (response) {
//trigger add to cart click
$('.product-selection input[type=submit]').click();
The click trigger activates the emit, inside the event function:
casper.on("addToCart.loaded", function checkAddToCartResponse(){
test.assert(true,'Add to cart successful');
However, it doesn't seem to run - is this the correct way of running a test when an event has finished?
The event is not emitted because there is no casper instance inside the page context (inside the evaluate context).
You would need to set some flag that the event was emitted.
casper.then(function addToBag(){
this.evaluate(function (){
//register sub method - then emit custom event
window.casperEventEmitted = null;
mns.msg.sub("/ajax/success/addToCart" + $("[name=productCode]").val(), function (response) {
window.casperEventEmitted = 'addToCart.loaded';
//trigger add to cart click
$('.product-selection input[type=submit]').click();
// wait here
and then wait for the event to be set
var timeout = 10000; // msec, some sensible timeout for your event
casper.waitFor(function check() {
return this.getGlobal('casperEventEmitted') == 'addToCart.loaded';
}, function then() {
return this.evaluate(function() {
window.casperEventEmitted = null; // reset for next time
this.test.pass("Event triggered");
}, function onTimeout(){"Event triggered");
}, timeout);
Of course it would be nicer to manage the events in a queue and not as a single string.
The good thing is that there is no break out from the control flow as it would happen with a custom event like in the case of the other answer.
Use inside the evaluate callback:
then can do it like this (not tested):
casper.on('remote.message', function(msg) {
if(msg.indexOf("casper-event:" == 0))
var event = msg.replace(/^casper-event:/, '').replace(/:.*$/, '');
var result = JSON.parse(msg.replace(/^casper-event:.*?:/, ''));
this.emit(event, result);

TableView 'click' listener being ignored

I am dynamically building a TableView in my controller, which works fine: The initial table displays the initial collections data as expected.
The problem is that the TableView's 'click' event listener is ignored when I click on the table rows. I am testing in the browser, and I never even see the console event file (see comments in controller file). All relevant code snippets below:
In my alloy.js I setup a backbone collection:
function defaultTodo(name) { return {name: name, done: false}; }
function doneTodo(name) { return {name: name, done: true}; }
Alloy.Collections.todos = new Backbone.Collection();
defaultTodo('Apples'), // create not yet done todo
defaultTodo('Paper Towels'),
doneTodo('Beans'), // create already done todo
doneTodo('Stir Fry')
Here is my index.js controller:
var todos = Alloy.Collections.todos;
function redrawTable() {
// clear all the old data
// See
// Create and add the TableViewSections
var alreadyDone = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Already Done" });
var needsDoing = Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Needs Doing" });
// Add the todo to the appropriate sections
todos.forEach(function(todo) {
var section = todo.get('done') ? alreadyDone : needsDoing;
addEntry(todo, section);
// Add the click listener
// THIS LISTENER IS IGNORED ********************************
$.table.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
console.log(e);'done', true);
// Helper function to add a row to a section
function addEntry(todo, section) {
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
title: todo.get('name'),
className: "row"
// Redraw our table each time our todos collection changes
todos.on('change', redrawTable);
// Trigger a change event to draw the initial table
And here is index.xml view file:
<Window class="container">
<Label id="test" class="header">My Grocery List</Label>
<TextField id="newItem"/>
<TableView id="table">
UPDATE: Working Code
In addition to the changes below, I also added onClick="markDone" to the xml.
function markDone(e) {
e.row.todo.set('done', true);
function redrawTable() {
// clear all the old data
// See
var rows = [];
var done = [];
var doing = [];
// Add the todo to the appropriate sections
todos.forEach(function(todo) {
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
title: todo.get('name'),
className: "row"
row.todo = todo;
todo.get('done') ? done.push(row) : doing.push(row);
// Create and add the TableViewSections
rows.push(Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Needs Doing" }));
rows = rows.concat(doing);
rows.push(Ti.UI.createTableViewSection({ headerTitle: "Already Done" }));
rows = rows.concat(done);
I created brand new project using files which you provided and eventListener is working perfectly fine. However there are couple other bugs:
Creating listener inside redrawTable() function, which is executed every time you click on something in TableView. As a result at the beginning you have one eventListener but after every click all listeners are duplicated.
Using index property in event handler to find index of Backbone model object to update. index property is indicating at which place given row was displayed in your TableView. When you are moving rows between sections their index are changing. In your case it's better to check property and use Backbone.Collection.findWhere() method. If user can have two items with the same name on the list, then you have to create additional property to determine which object in model should be changed.
You should add rows to section before section are added to table. In your case table is very simple so instead of doing loops you can just create one simple array of objects (with title and optional header properties) and pass it to $.table.setData().
It's good to wait for postlayout event triggered on main view before triggering any custom events to make sure that the whole view was created and all objects are initiated.
Check rewrote index.js code below to see how it could be done.
var todos = Alloy.Collections.todos;
function redrawTable() {
var done = todos.where({done: true}).map(function(elem) {
return { title: elem.get('name') };
if (done.length > 0) {
done[0].header = 'Already Done';
var notdone = todos.where({done: false}).map(function(elem) {
return { title: elem.get('name') };
if (notdone.length > 0) {
notdone[0].header = 'Needs Doing';
$.table.setData( done.concat(notdone) );
$.table.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
todos.where({ name: e.row.title }).forEach(function(elem){
elem.set('done', !elem.get('done'));
todos.trigger('change'); // Redraw table
// Redraw our table each time our todos collection changes
todos.on('change', redrawTable);
// Trigger a change event to draw the initial table
$.index.addEventListener('postlayout', function init(){
// Remove eventListener, we don't need it any more.
$.index.removeEventListener('postlayout', init);
redrawTable() could have a little more refactor but I left it so it's easier to read.
To read more about manipulating TableView check this Appcelerator documentation page.

Dojo Exception on hiding a dijit.Dialog

I have a Dialog with a form inside. The following code is just an example of what I'm trying to do. When you close a dijit.Dialog, if you dont't destroy recursively his children, you just can't reopen it (with the same id).
If you don't want to destroy your widget you can do something like that :
var createDialog = function(){
// try to show the hidden dialog
var dlg = dijit.byId('yourDialogId');;
} catch (err) {
// create the dialog
var btnClose = new dijit.form.Button({
onClick: function(){
}, document.createElement("button"));
var dialog = new dijit.Dialog({
I hope this can help but with this code the error thrown is :
exception in animation handler for: onEnd (_base/fx.js:153)
Type Error: Cannot call method 'callback' of undefined (_base/fx.js:154)
I have to say I'm a little lost with this one ! It is driving me crazy ^^
PS : sorry for my "French" English ^^
I'll introduce you to your new best friend: dojo.hitch()
This allows you to bind your onClick function to the context in which it was created. Chances are, when you push the button in your code, it is calling your .show() .hide() form the context of the global window. var dlg was bound to your createDialog function, so it's insides are not visible to the global window, so the global window sees this as undefined.
Here's an example of what I changed to your code:
var createDialog = function(){
// try to show the hidden dialog
var dlg = dijit.byId('yourDialogId');;
// create the dialog
var btnClose = new dijit.form.Button({
onClick: function(){
dojo.hitch(this, dlg.hide());
}, document.createElement("button"));
var btnShow = new dijit.form.Button({
label : 'Open',
onClick : function() {
}, document.createElement("Button"));
dojo.ready(function() {
Note the use of dojo.hitch() to bind any future calls or clicks of the various buttons to the context in which the dlg was created, forever granting the button's onclick method access to the inside of the createDialog function, where var dlg exists.
hi if i understand correctly, you didn't need to destroy dijit.Dialog every time. E.g.:
HTML: define simple button:
<button id="buttonTwo" dojotype="dijit.form.Button" onclick="showDialog();" type="button">
Show me!
// required 'namespaces'
// creating dialog
var secondDlg;
dojo.addOnLoad(function () {
// define dialog content
var content = new dijit.form.Button({
label: 'close',
onClick: function () {
// create the dialog:
secondDlg = new dijit.Dialog({
id: 'formDialog',
title: "Programatic Dialog Creation",
style: "width: 300px",
content: content
function showDialog() {;
See Example and reed about dijit.dialog