Virtual Keyboard and Mouse - windows-8

I got Samples from MSDN for show virtual keyboard and all works at fine.
But if i'm connecting a Mouse to the device (Microsoft Surface ARM/x86) by USB, then in all samples is not showing virtual keyboard after touch by mouse.
If mouse is available, then virtual keyboard must not showing? If this is true, how i can input any words, if device have only 1 USB port, where already connected a mouse and i can't connect a Keyboard?

Use USB hub and a USB keyboard or use a Surface keyboard.


USB Headset Microphone Mute Button is not Synchronized with System Device Microphone Mute Checkbox in Both Directions Using and NAudio

I have a Dell Inspiron 3650 desktop running Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0.18363 Build 18363.
I am using NAudio to mute and unmute my USB headset microphone programmatically using:
MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = True
MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = False
First, I need to show some screen captures that will help in understanding the problem and at the very bottom of this post I will ask questions so please bear with me.
In my system tray I have a speaker icon for “Dell Audio” which allows access to the adjustments of USB Headset with microphone.
This will display the dialog with the “Mute Checkbox”.
NAudio will check or uncheck the checkbox above without any problem using the following code:
MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = True
MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = False
So far so good, so let’s look now at the Headset’s Mute button:
The Behaviors
When NAudio mutes the Microphone the checkbox is checked rendering the Headset’s microphone mute button totally useless until NAudio is told to unmute which unchecks the checkbox and returns control to the Headset’s Mute Button. This is behavior I expect.
The problem is that when I Mute or Unmute with the Headset’s Mute Button it does not turn the checkbox on and off. This is what I would call unidirectional control of muting. What I need is Bidirectional muting.
You may ask: Why Do I Need Bidirectional Muting?
I am working on a voice driven program for the blind and I can't expect them to be able to turn off a checkbox in settings no more than I can have a visual queue showing them if the microphone is on or off. The only feedback I can give is sound effects and the computer talking to them.
Use Case Scenario
The mute checkbox is unchecked, headset mute button is muted.
The User is currently dictating a document.
The User un-mutes microphone and says “Hello World” pauses for a second.
The User says, “Stop Dictation”.
The User mutes the microphone with the headset button (this is the last action the user makes because he/she is done speaking).
The code wants to mute the microphone just in case the user forgot to mute it while the computer speaks to inform the user that it has in fact stopped dictation. The computer says “Dictation was Stopped” (we don’t want the microphone to pick up the computer’s voice in the event that the Headset Speaker volume is too high so we mute).
The code wants to keep the microphone muted until the user un-mutes the microphone with the headset button.
Oops the code can’t keep it muted because the Headset’s Mute Button will remain useless. The only choice the code has is to unmute the microphone.
This is a problem because the last thing the user did or intended to do was to mute the microphone with the Headset Button. As far as the user knows the microphone is still muted. In fact, the microphone is picking up everything in the room because the code had no choice but to unmute the microphone to return control to the Headset.
I know that was a mouth full but nevertheless an actual case I have run into.
Here is some very simplified code
Private Sub SpeechRecognition_SpeechRecognized(sender As Object, e As SpeechRecognizedEventArgs) Handles SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognized
MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = True
My.Computer.Audio.Play(SoundsPath & "speaking.wav", AudioPlayMode.Background)
ModuleSystemVoice.Speak("Dictation has been stopped", 3)
''''''' If you uncomment the line below the microphone is unconditionally un-muted until
''''''' the user mutes it with the headset's mute button but in the mean time background
'''''''noise in the room could falsely trigger another SpeechRecognition_SpeechRecognized
'''''''MicrophoneDevice.AudioEndpointVolume.Mute = False
End Sub
My Questions
Is there some code Win32 API or whatever that could handle intercepting the Headset’s mute Button?
Is this a fault in the Dell Driver?
Is this a design flaw in Windows 10 driver’s specification for USB devices?
I have a workaround using Microphone Volume 0-31 where:
Muted = 0
Unmuted = My.Settings.LastVolumeLevel
I would like your advice or opinion even if the result is “It’s Impossible using Headset Mute Button”
Thank you all in advance.
Found this trying to solve similar problem.
I suspect your headset, like mine, has an inline mute button (image is blocked from work computer). That button mutes your microphone at the headset controller, not via Windows control. This makes the headset plug-and-play for any OS, rather than requiring drivers.
I'm trying to work around it by creating another hardware mute button to toggle Windows mic mute (easy) and a mute light that shows Windows mic mute status (near impossible).

Is Desktop Mode Accessible When Using Bluetooth Keyboards in ChromeOs v69?

I just found a great bluetooth keyboard by Brydge for the Pixel Slate and am wondering if current ChromeOs devices can manually transfer from "tablet" to "desktop" mode when you attach a bluetooth keyboard?
It seems like this is feasible by enabling a setting in developer mode. Thanks to #Skawtnyc's response on Reddit!
You can switch back and forth on the fly. Enable chrome://flags/#ash-debug-shortcuts and then you can use CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+T to switch back and forth between desktop and tablet mode.
If you connect a mouse it will automatically switch to desktop mode, but using this method you can still switch back and forth.
#Skawtnyc also points out a bug to watch out for when using an external display such as a monitor.
Keep in mind that when connected to a dock with an external display, this setup can trigger a crash/restart error. The cause is the virtual keyboard. Anything that causes the virtual keyboard to appear on screen will trigger it. The workaround is to go into Accessibility settings and turn off the on-screen keyboard. You don't need it anyway when using a physical keyboard.

Still pin capture on Linux. Is this possible?

A. I have a general understanding question about the "still pin" or "snapshot" functionality on some web cameras: how does this work ? It must be one of the following possibilities:
The camera is on and video is streaming to the host. When the snap button is pressed, a signal is sent to the host's camera driver (/dev/input/event0 on linux), the driver extracts a frame from the stream, and sends it up in the stack.
The camera is on and video is streaming (or not) to the host. When the snap button is pressed, the on board firmware puts aside the current frame, and tells the host a new "still" is available.
B. I have 4 usb cameras attached on a R-Pi (single usb host). All cameras have a still pin. I don't care about the video, no need for streaming, I want to take 4 simultaneous photos. My idea is to trigger all 4 cams to capture a frame using the still pin. How can I capture those 4 images without streaming video (bandwidth issues) ?
Note: I have already experimented a lot and I am capable of capturing a frame from a video stream. My cameras are unknown brands but exposes "video capture" as device caps. When using AMCap on windows, the snap button triggers a snapshot.
Thanks for any help.

two USB touch display not recognized Linux Kernel

I have two USB touch display connected to separate ports.
When both are connected, only one touch display shall be active. I can monitor touch events by seeing /dev/input/eventX. Where as other touch event is never recognized and there is no event in /dev/input/..
When I connect only one touch display, both will get recognized, touch events are fired.
I know this is 100% kernel issue. Can anyone suggest how to debug.

How can i create an keyboard button press event programmatically OSX

I want to create an remote ios app. So if i press any key like up arrow in ios device. Then how can i fire same event of key board in Mac os. I am rrecive data in mac through wifi using bonjour. But the problem is can not create the event. Try to learn Quartz Event Services. But did not get Any sample.