Simplified coding for a lot of variables in vba - vba

I have 100 boxes, (box1, box2, etc) each box has 100 rows of values. (0,1,2,etc) So I have a total of 10,000 rows of data. I am counting number of cells in each box with a specific value. I set the range because I can then change the countif value, e.g. number of cells with value of 2, 3, etc.
However, to do this, I have to Dim boxes 100 times and set box= 100 times. Is there a way to simplify this? Each box always has 100 rows, total number of boxes is always 100.
Dim box1 As Range
Dim box2 As Range
Dim box 3 As Range
Set box1 = Range("A1:A100")
Set box2 = Range("A101:200")
Set box3 = Range("A201:300")
Range("C1").formula = "=COUNTIF(box1, "1")"
Range("C2").formula = "=COUNTIF(box2, "1")"

This should get you started in the right direction:
Sub tgr()
Dim box(1 To 100) As Range
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(box)
Set box(i) = Cells(100 * (i - 1) + 1, "A").Resize(100)
Cells(i, "C").Formula = "=COUNTIF(" & box(i).Address & ",""1"")"
Next i
End Sub


VBA Excel: Different colors in one line diagram depending on value

I'm looking for a way to have three different colors in the same line chart of a diagram in Excel, depending on the values themselves or where they are from (from which sheet f.e).
Till now, I have the following code:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim i As Integer
Dim IntRow As Integer
Dim r As Range
IntRow = ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count
For i = 2 To IntRow
Set r = Cells(2, i)
If r.Value < 3000 Then
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 5
Selection.Border.ColorIndex = 9
End If
End Sub
However, the if statement is not considered and the color of the whole line changes only whenever I change the first ColorIndex. I have no idea, how to color parts of the line depending on the values in the underlying table.
Moreover, by defining IntRow as ActiveChart.ChartObjects("Cash").Count I'm not able to get the length of my array. This problem can be solved by manual counting and declaring IntRow as an Integer, however, the version above seems nicer (if that is possible of course).
I appreciate any help! Thank you.
You can read the values directly from the chart series:
Sub ChangeColor()
Dim cht As Chart, p As Point, s As Series
Dim i As Integer
Dim numPts As Long
'access the chart directly - no select/activate required
Set cht = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Cash").Chart
'reference the first series
Set s = cht.SeriesCollection(1)
'how many points in the first series?
numPts = s.Points.Count
'loop over the series points
For i = 1 To numPts
Set p = cht.SeriesCollection(1).Points(i)
p.Border.ColorIndex = IIf(s.Values(i) < 3000, 5, 9)
End Sub

Using VLookup macro to return a text value from a set range of numbers

I have converted a Vlookup formula in a macro in order to avoid filling out the cell with the formula content. The following code worked only with a table with fixed number:
Sub NumberVLookup()
Dim num As Long
num = 4
Set shData = Sheet2
Dim sRes As Variant
sRes = Application.VLookup( _
num, shData.Range("A1:B6"), 2, True)
Debug.Print sRes
Sheet2.Range("C4") = sRes
End Sub
Instead I would like to create a code that gives me more flexibility in the way
it returns its text values by using VLookup function.
For example I would like that all numbers included in the range between:
0-9 return text value Red
10-15 return text value Yellow
16-20 return text value Green
The table to which I am referring to is the following:
1 0-9 Red
2 10-15 Yellow
3 16-20 Green
For example if the value is 4 the VLookup macro will return text value "Red".
I hope the question is enough clear. Many thanks
You can use a range, with a non-Exact match.
Set up the data in three columns, with your ranges on the left in Ascending order.
Then use
Assuming your data is like this:
So for VBA (adjust as necessary):
Application.VLookup(num, shData.Range("$A$2:$C$4"), 3, True)
Edit: Or you can just follow #nutsch's great suggestion!
Sub NumberVLookup()
Dim num As Long
num = 16
Dim sRes As Variant
sRes = Application.VLookup( _
num, Sheet2.Range("A56:B58"), 2, True)
Debug.Print sRes
Sheet2.Range("J15") = sRes
End Sub

VBA - check for duplicates while filling cells through a loop

I am writing a VBA code that goes through a defined matrix size and filling cells randomly within its limits.
I got the code here from a user on stackoverflow, but after testing it I realized that it does not fit for avoiding duplicate filling, and for instance when filling 5 cells, I could only see 4 cells filled, meaning that the random filling worked on a previously filled cell.
This is the code I'm working with:
Dim lRandom As Long
Dim sCells As String
Dim sRandom As String
Dim rMolecules As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim lArea As Long
lArea = 400 '20x20
'Populate string of cells that make up the container so they can be chosen at random
For i = 1 To 20
For j = 1 To 20
sCells = sCells & "|" & Cells(i, j).Address
Next j
Next i
sCells = sCells & "|"
'Color the molecules at random
For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.Min(5, lArea)
lRandom = Int(Rnd() * 400) + 1
sRandom = Split(sCells, "|")(lRandom)
Select Case (i = 1)
Case True: Set rMolecules = Range(sRandom)
Case Else: Set rMolecules = Union(rMolecules, Range(Split(sCells, "|")(lRandom)))
End Select
sCells = Replace(sCells, "|" & sRandom & "|", "|")
lArea = lArea - 1
Next i
rMolecules.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
Using this same exact code which works perfectly, WHAT can I insert and WHERE do I do that so that the code would check if a cell is previously already filled with a string or a color?
I feel as though this code I'm looking for should be right before
rMolecules.Interior.ColorIndex = 5
But I'm not sure what to type.
From the comments I realized that I should be more specific.
I am trying to randomly fill cells with the blue color (.ColorIndex = 5), but what I need to check first is if the randomizing hadn't marked a cell twice, so that for instance in this case, if I want to mark 5 different cells, it marks only 4 of them because of a duplicate and thus fills only 4 cells with the blue color. I need to avoid that and make it choose another cell to mark/fill.
I'd appreciate your help.
Keep the cells you use in a Collection and remove them as you fill the random cells:
Sub FillRandomCells(targetRange As Range, numberOfCells As Long)
' populate collection of unique cells
Dim c As Range
Dim targetCells As New Collection
' make sure arguments make sense
If numberOfCells > targetRange.Cells.Count Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError, "FillRandomCells()", _
"Number of cells to be changed can not exceed number of cells in range"
End If
For Each c In targetRange.Cells
targetCells.Add c
' now pick random 5
Dim i As Long, randomIndex As Long
Dim upperbound As Long
Dim lowerbound As Long
For i = 1 To numberOfCells
lowerbound = 1 ' collections start with 1
upperbound = targetCells.Count ' changes as we are removing cells we used
randomIndex = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound)
Set c = targetCells(randomIndex)
targetCells.Remove randomIndex ' remove so we don't use it again!
c.Interior.Color = 5 ' do what you need to do here
End Sub
Sub testFillRandomCells()
FillRandomCells ActiveSheet.[a1:t20], 5
FillRandomCells ActiveSheet.[b25:f30], 3
End Sub
EDIT: Changed to make the target range and number of changed cells configurable as arguments to a function. Also added error checking (always do that!).
Why not build a list of random numbers and place in a Scripting.Dictionary, one can use the Dictionary's Exist method to detect duplicates, loop through until you have enough then you can enter your colouring code confident that you have a unique list.

Defining cells in VBA

I'm trying to write a macro that allows a user to enter a new banknote serial number. The macro requires 3 inputs (currency, denomination and serial number). I'm a beginner to VBA, but the code I tried to write is below. Can anyone point out where I went wrong, or what needs to be changed to make it work? Thanks!
Sub TestSub()
Dim Note_Serial As Variant
Dim Note_Currency As Variant
Dim Note_Denomination As Variant
'Defining 3 inputs
Note_Currency = InputBox("Enter Currency (in 3 letter form):")
Note_Denomination = InputBox("Enter Note Denomination (with $ sign):")
Note_Serial = InputBox("Enter Serial Number:")
'Getting 3 inputs
Dim Currency_Cell As Range
Dim Denomination_Cell As Range
Dim Serial_Cell As Range
'Defining cells to write inputs
Currency_Cell = (D3)
Denomination_Cell = (E3)
Serial_Cell = (F3)
'Starting cells
Currency_Cell = Note_Currency
Denomination_Cell = Note_Denomination
Serial_Cell = Note_Serial
'Writing inputs to spreadsheet
Currency_Cell.Offset (1)
Denomination_Cell.Offset (1)
Serial_Cell.Offset (1)
'Moving all cells down 1 place
End Sub
Instead of writing Currency_Cell = (D3), you want to write Set Currency_Cell = Range("D3") (Assuming that you don't switch the active Worksheet).
EDIT: To prevent overwriting previously entered data, use instead:
Set Currency_Cell = Cells(Rows.Count, Range("D3").Column).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
This will select the first empty Cell in Column D.
To move the cell reference, you have to also use the Set keyword, and give the offset in rows and columns:
Set Currency_Cell = Currency_Cell.Offset (1, 0)

Randomly select an item from a list based on a class, repeat number of times based on different numbers

I am not familiar with using macro's, but I think that what I would like excel to perform is best handled with a macro. So I can use all the input you may have!
I have these headers;
ID Tag Pen Sex Weight Class Inside range
With 450 rows of data. Based on the distribution of the weight data, I have in two other columns (class and number) the number of rows I want to select within each class. The selected rows must have the value "Yes" in the column "Inside range".
I want to randomly select the rows, based on the number needed for each class, and copy these rows to a new sheet. It sums up to 30 rows in the new sheet.
I hope you have a suggestion how to complete this action!
can you try the following, you will need to add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime library:
Const rowCount = 450
Public Sub copyRows()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim classes As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim source As Worksheet
Dim colNumber As Integer
Dim colClassName as Integer
Dim colInsideRange As Integer
Dim allSelected As Boolean
Dim randomRow as Integer
Dim sumRemaining as Integer
allSelected = False
Set source = Worksheets("YourWorksheetName")
colClassName = 6 'this is the column number where class names are entered. I am assuming 6
colNumber = 7 'this is the column number where number of rows to be selected are entered. I am assuming 7
colInsideRange = 8 'this is the column number where "Inside Range" values are entered. I am assuming 9
For i = 2 to rowCount + 1 'assuming you have a header row
classes(CStr(source.Cells(i, colClassName))) = CInt(source.cells(i, colNumber)
Next i
Do until allSelected
randomRow = Int ((Rnd * 450) + 2) 'assuming you have a header row, + 1 if you don't
If classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = 0 Then
With classes
sumRemaining = 0
For j = 1 to .Count - 1
sumRemaining = sumRemaining + .Items(j)
If sumRemaining > 0 Then Exit For
Next j
allSelected = (sumRemaining = 0)
End With
source.Cells(randomRow, colInsideRange) = "Yes"
classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) = classes(CStr(source.Cells(randomRow, colClassName))) - 1
End If
'Enter your code to copy rows with "Inside Range" = "Yes"
End Sub
Sorry if there are some errors or typos, I wrote from my mobile phone.