Temp DB not getting empty - sql

I have a situation where initially the space of temp db is 8mb only.I have created a temp table say #ABC. Filled with some data.Now space of temp db is 400 mb. after i dropped #ABC the temp db is not getting to 8mb.It has still 400 mb space.what i need to get it to 8mb.
I am asking this question because i am facing a situation where temp db completely takes all memory of hard drive(500GB) after deleting the temp table's in ssrs.I really need to solve this and i need to restart the sql server each time to release the space.
Thank you for any help.

Assuming you mean the operating systems files holding tempdb, these do not Auto Shrink by default and most people would think that was a bad idea.
If your process needs all that space to do it's work, then you should give it sufficient space to do so. Shrinking will only postpone the issue as next time the process runs it will need to get that same amount of space again. It might fail or go into a death spiral if free space has shrunk inbetween runs.


Fixed size database - advantage?

I have a database that needs to support many INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs.
The database keeps live data for last 3 months. The aount of data is huge - the size of the database is around 0.5TB.
Each day I run a process that archives older than 3 months data. Of course, deleting the data won't free up the resulted space. To reclaim the disk space I need to (auto)shrink the database. This of course is followed by (auto)grow when more database space is neded.
On the other hand we know that shrinking the database is evil!
One solution that crossed my mind is to set a fixed size for my database from 0.5TB to 0.8TB or even 0.9TB or whatever hoping that the free space resulted after archiving the data (that is delete older data) will be reused by the database later.
Can anyone confirm that this way I can avoid the need for (auto)shrink + (auto)growth? Of course, we assume that the fixed size is big enough.
Why don't you just set up a scheduled task to shrink the database every n days.
Fixed size is risky - easy to fill the database up, and block live access.

Running Updates on a large, heavily used table

I have a large table (~170 million rows, 2 nvarchar and 7 int columns) in SQL Server 2005 that is constantly being inserted into. Everything works ok with it from a performance perspective, but every once in a while I have to update a set of rows in the table which causes problems. It works fine if I update a small set of data, but if I have to update a set of 40,000 records or so it takes around 3 minutes and blocks on the table which causes problems since the inserts start failing.
If I just run a select to get back the data that needs to be updated I get back the 40k records in about 2 seconds. It's just the updates that take forever. This is reflected in the execution plan for the update where the clustered index update takes up 90% of the cost and the index seek and top operator to get the rows take up 10% of the cost. The column I'm updating is not part of any index key, so it's not like it reorganizing anything.
Does anyone have any ideas on how this could be sped up? My thought now is to write a service that will just see when these updates have to happen, pull back the records that have to be updated, and then loop through and update them one by one. This will satisfy my business needs but it's another module to maintain and I would love if I could fix this from just a DBA side of things.
Thanks for any thoughts!
Actually it might reorganise pages if you update the nvarchar columns.
Depending on what the update does to these columns they might cause the record to grow bigger than the space reserved for it before the update.
(See explanation now nvarchar is stored at http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/physical-database-design-consideration.html.)
So say a record has a string of 20 characters saved in the nvarchar - this takes 20*2+2(2 for the pointer) bytes in space. This is written at the initial insert into your table (based on the index structure). SQL Server will only use as much space as your nvarchar really takes.
Now comes the update and inserts a string of 40 characters. And oops, the space for the record within your leaf structure of your index is suddenly too small. So off goes the record to a different physical place with a pointer in the old place pointing to the actual place of the updated record.
This then causes your index to go stale and because the whole physical structure requires changing you see a lot of index work going on behind the scenes. Very likely causing an exclusive table lock escalation.
Not sure how best to deal with this. Personally if possible I take an exclusive table lock, drop the index, do the updates, reindex. Because your updates sometimes cause the index to go stale this might be the fastest option. However this requires a maintenance window.
You should batch up your update into several updates (say 10000 at a time, TEST!) rather than one large one of 40k rows.
This way you will avoid a table lock, SQL Server will only take out 5000 locks (page or row) before esclating to a table lock and even this is not very predictable (memory pressure etc). Smaller updates made in this fasion will at least avoid concurrency issues you are experiencing.
You can batch the updates using a service or firehose cursor.
Read this for more info:
Hope this helps
The mos brute-force (and simplest) way is to have a basic service, as you mentioned. That has the advantage of being able to scale with the load on the server and/or the data load.
For example, if you have a set of updates that must happen ASAP, then you could turn up the batch size. Conversely, for less important updates, you could have the update "server" slow down if each update is taking "too long" to relieve some of the pressure on the DB.
This sort of "heartbeat" process is rather common in systems and can be very powerful in the right situations.
Its wired that your analyzer is saying it take time to update the clustered Index . Did the size of the data change when you update ? Seems like the varchar is driving the data to be re-organized which might need updates to index pointers(As KMB as already pointed out) . In that case you might want to increase the % free sizes on the data and the index pages so that the data and the index pages can grow without relinking/reallocation . Since update is an IO intensive operation ( unlike read , which can be buffered ) the performance also depends on several factors
1) Are your tables partitioned by data 2) Does the entire table lies in the same SAN disk ( Or is the SAN striped well ?) 3) How verbose is the transaction logging . Can the buffer size of the transaction loggin increased to support larger writes to the log to suport massive inserts ?
Its also important which API/Language are you using? e.g JDBC support a batch update feature which makes the updates a little bit efficient if you are doing multiple updates .

Free space in MySQL after deleting tables & columns?

I have a database of around 20GB. I need to delete 5 tables & drop a few columns in some other 3 tables.
Dropping 5 tables with free some 3 GB and dropping columns in other tables should free another 8GB.
How do I reclaim this space from MySQL.
I've read dumping the database and restoring it back as one of the solution but I'm not really sure how that works, I am not even sure if this only works for deleting the entire database or just parts of it?
Please suggest how to go about this. THanks.
From the comments, it sounds like you're using InnoDB without the file per table option.
Reclaiming space from the innodb tablespace is not generally possible in this mode. Your only course of action is to dump the whole database, turn on file-per-table mode, and reload it (with a completely clean mysql instance). This is going to take a long time with a large database; mk-parallel-dump and restore tools might be a bit quicker, but it will still take a while. Be sure to test this process on a non-production server first.
EDIT: Doesn't apply without file_per_table, Mark is right there.
What's going on is that once MySQL takes space, it won't give it back. This is so that if you delete 500 rows and then immediately insert 500, it doesn't have to give that space back to the file system and then request it back. It's an optimization to avoid filesystem overhead, and it works well when you delete little bits.
If you delete a large amount, it will take a long time to end up using all that space again, which can be annoying. This can be fixed two ways: dropping the table and reloading the contents, or optimizing the table (which I believe basically reloads the table internally).
All you have to do to get space back from a table is:
OPTIMIZE TABLE my_big_table;
Note that this can take a while, it's not a near instant operation. Basically, plan for a some downtime. If your tables are just a few gigs, it shouldn't be too long (probably a few minutes). This also rebuilds the indexes and does some other housekeeping.
You can see more about optimize on the MySQL site. Here is it's advice:
OPTIMIZE TABLE should be used if you have deleted a large part of a table or if you have made many changes to a table with variable-length rows (tables that have VARCHAR, VARBINARY, BLOB, or TEXT columns). Deleted rows are maintained in a linked list and subsequent INSERT operations reuse old row positions. You can use OPTIMIZE TABLE to reclaim the unused space and to defragment the data file.

How to copy a 110GB table with BLOBs from one schema to another on ORACLE

I have a table containing 110GB in BLOBs in one schema and I want to copy it to another schema to a different table.
I only want to copy a column of the source table so I am using an UPDATE statement, but it takes 2,5 hours to copy 3 GB of data.
Is there a faster way to do this?
The code I am using is very simple:
update schema1.A a set blobA = (select blobB from schema2.B b where b.IDB = a.IDA);
ida and idb are indexes.
Check to see if there are indexes on the destination table that are causing the performance issue, if so, temporarily disable them then recreate them after the data is copied from one column in the source table to the column in the destination table.
If you are on Oracle 10 or 11, check ADDM to see what is causing problems. It is probably I/O or transaction log problem.
What kind of disc storage is this? Did you try to copy 110 GB file from one place to another on that disc system? How long it takes?
I don't know if oracle automatically grows the database size or not. If it does, then increase the amount of space allocated to the database to exceed the amount you are about to grow it prior to running your query.
I know in SQL server, under the default setup it will automatically allocate an additional 10% of the database size as you start filling it up. When it fills up, then it stops everything and reallocates another 10%. When running queries that do bulk loading of data, this can seriously slow the query down.
Also, as zendar pointed out, check the disk IO. If it has a high queue length then you may be constrained by have fast the drives work.

Persistent temp tables in SQL?

Is it possible to have a 'persistent' temp table in MS-SQL? What I mean is that I currently have a background task which generates a global temp table, which is used by a variety of other tasks (which is why I made it global). Unfortunately if the table becomes unused, it gets deleted by SQL automatically - this is gracefully handled by my system, since it just queues it up to be rebuilt again, but ideally I would like it just to be built once a day. So, ideally I could just set something like set some timeout parameter, like "If nothing touches this for 1 hour, then delete".
I really don't want it in my existing DB because it will cause loads more headaches related to managing the DB (fragmentation, log growth, etc), since it's effectively rollup data, only useful for a 24 hour period, and takes up more than one gigabyte of HD space.
Worst case my plan is to create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself.
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
If you create a table as tempdb.dbo.TempTable, it won't get dropped until:
a - SQL Server is restarted
b - You explicitly drop it
If you would like to have it always available, you could create that table in model, so that it will get copied to tempdb during the restart (but it will also be created on any new database you create afterwards, so you would have to delete manually) or use a startup stored procedure to have it created. There would be no way of persisting the data through restarts though.
I would go with your plan B, "create another DB on the same drive as tempdb, call it something like PseudoTempDB, and just handle the dropping myself."
How about creating a permanent table? Say, MyTable. Once every 24 hours, refresh the data like this:
Create a new table MyTableNew and populate it
Within a transaction, drop MyTable, and use rename_object to rename MyTableNew to MyTable
This way, you're recreating the table every day.
If you're worried about log files, store the table in a different database and set it to Recovery Model: Simple.
I have to admit to doing a double-take on this question: "persistent" and "temp" don't usually go together! How about a little out-of-the-box thinking? Perhaps your background task could periodically run a trivial query to keep SQL from marking the table as unused. That way, you'd take pretty direct control over creation and tear down.
After 20 years of experience dealing with all major RDBMS in existence, I can only suggest a couple of things for your consideration:
Note the oxymoronic concepts: "persistent" and "temp" are complete opposites. Choose one, and one only.
You're not doing your database any favors writing data to the temp DB for a manual, semi-permanent, user-driven basis. Normal tablespaces (i.e. user) are already there for that purpose. The temp DB is for temporary things.
If you already know that such a table will be permanently used ("daily basis" IS permanent), then create it as a normal table on a user database/schema.
Every time that you delete and recreate the very same table you're fragmenting your whole database. And have the perverse bonus of never giving a chance for the DB engine optimizer to assist you in any sort of crude optimization. Instead, try truncating it. Your rollback segments will thank you for that small relief and disk space will probably still be allocated for when you repopulate it again the next day. You can force that desired behavior by specifying a separate tablespace and datafile for that table alone.
Finally, and utterly more important: Stop mortifying you and your DB engine for a measly 1 GB of data. You're wasting CPU, I/O cycles, adding latency, fragmentation, and so on for the sake of saving literally 0.02 cents of hardware real state. Talk about dropping to the floor in a tuxedo to pick up a brown cent. 😂