Listen for Drive Mount Event / Notification [duplicate] - objective-c

This question already has answers here:
Detect when a volume is mounted on OS X
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm very new when it comes to Mac OS development and have some experience with Objective C for iOS and need some help getting started on a new project. I need to create something that listens for a drive mount and then lists the files from the drive in a list on the app. Unfortunately, there seems to be very limited tutorials on the subject and I just need help getting this off the line.
I've heard limited things about NSWorkspace but haven't found any tutorials on how to use that.
Also, If it helps, I'm looking for a DICOM-specific filetype (.dcm).

You'll want to listen for the NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification notification, which is issued by the shared NSWorkspace's NSNotificationCenter.
This is pretty straightforward Cocoa stuff. These references may help:
Receiving Workspace Notifications
Notification Programming Topics


How Get Frontmost Sequence of Processes ? - Applescript / Swift / Objetive-C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Getting the list of running applications ordered by last use
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
In Objective-C on macOS, the method [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] runningApplications] can be used to get a list of the running applications on the system.
However, per Apple's documentation, the order of applications in the returned array is undefined.
I'd like to get a list of the running applications in the order in which they would appear if the user were to press Cmd+Tab; that is, in the "Z-order" of how recently each application was the frontmost application.
How can this be done?
I think the best you can do is key-value observe NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace's frontmostApplication property over time and maintain the order of the list yourself. Of course, that only works for the apps which have been made frontmost since your app was launched. Other apps would continue to be unordered.

Using live tiles inside a windows 8 metro application [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Unable to create live tile inside Windows 8 application
is it possible to use live tiles inside a page? I know how to configure tiles for start menu, but I don't know how to obtain a similar effect inside my app. Thank you
You can use the LiveTile control that comes with Callisto.
You could create the effect within an application, but the specific mechanism used for the Start screen is not directly available within the context of an application.
From another post in StackOverflow, you may be able to reuse/port code from the Windows Phone 7 toolkit. There's a number of applications in the Windows Store as well (search for "tile") that provide interfaces for designing tiles, and some may have incorporated similar functionality.
Also from this post, looks like Telerik may have a solution.

Core Audio Filters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Can I use Core Audio effects on the iPhone?
you know where to begin to change the audio stream with different filters? as Voices2 app. I can store and play audio files, but I have no idea how to filter the sound. I know that I have to start from Core Audio, but I do not know exactly where to direct me. Do you know if there are tutorials, or mac app that help?
Thank you!
You can learn more about it here.
Here are the developer docs.

New to Ipad, familiar with SQL, how to get started

I have been a SQL writer using MS Access some years ago and have been given an IPad upon my retirement. I want to create simple database driven apps using SQL. I have downloaded SQL Lite editor from the Apps Store but it seems to have a big chunk of something missing.
Question. Do I need to have an Apple computer as a workstation and then copy to the iPad, or can I use my Windows 7 PC as the authoring tool.
Where do I find the tools for creating the graphics to enhance database search results?
Do I need to use C or C++ to create the application, as I never got around to learning it.
Odd questions I know, but google searches seem to leave me totally in the dark on this topic, yet I geel that most app's seem to revolve around some database manipulation. Would be helpful if I could find a series fo links somehwere.
best regards
In order to develop native applications to ios devices you need the XCode environment and knowledge in objective c, its a bit odd and there are examples.
for that you will need a mac or run the mac os on a virtual box.
You can also create a non native app such as webapp using HTML5 and js and then import it to the XCode using Phonegap.
By using this method you will be able to create apps for many devices such as android and more and all you will have to do is to import your HTML5 and js into the supporting environment.
Just to warn you about these kind of apps, app store allows only native apps and its better to make native app because it will pass every inspection they make.
yes, to develop on Apple's engine, you have to had an Apple computer. However, you can mount a virtual machine running OS X, but it's illegal and very complicated (but doable).
The "bible" for mac developers is here :
It's recommanded to write your application in Objective C.

AirPlay API for Mac OS X

Is there currently any API (public or private) that will allow a 3rd party Mac OS X application to stream audio to AirPlay receivers? Airfoil by Rogue Amoeba Software seems to be able to do this, same goes for Erica Sadun's AirFlick, but I was unable to find any source code that would demonstrate how to do this. Any pointers are appreciated!
Here is an open source ruby implementation. It's pretty straight forward.
It turns out AirPlay audio streaming is possible as of OS X 10.8 using public APIs, but wasn't really documented anywhere. Joris Kluivers wrote a great blog post on how to get it going.
There are a couple of open-source RAOP players available; I haven't tried them, so I don't know if Apple has broken them since they were written.
Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) has added AirPlay support in the sound settings. The user can choose to send the local sound output to an AirPlay device. However, I don't think that you have access to any API within your app.
There are some libraries available to implement AirPlay, but know that Apple will reject your app if you try to publish it on the App Store. At least, that's what happened to me.
I wrote a node.js module to support AirPlay. Even if you don't use node, you can just pipe your audio data through stdin.
I don't think it's available. At least not in versions prior to 10.7.
I'm guessing that Airfoil uses something like DVD John did a while ago when he cracked the Airport Express key payload. He released the code (C#) you should be able to find it but it's pretty cryptic.
I'm not aware of what AirFlick uses but you could always try pinging Erica, she usually shares her stuff.
Someone recently managed to obtain the AirPlay private key which allows you to have your program listed in the AirPlay menus on devices on your network.
You can read about it here. There is also an open source project linked from that page.
Be aware that obviously any application you create will never be approved by apple and the private key could potentially be changed in a firmware/software update.