What should I use as a login and password while connecting to the bitcoin daemon - bitcoin

I'm creating a pool, right now I'm trying to connect to bitcoin daemon, it responses with error "401", "HTTP Error 401 Unauthorized".
What should I enter in "login" and "password" fields?
Btw: should I ask here on maybe on https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/? It's the same company, isn't it?

Do you have a bitcoin.conf file with the credentials in there? You need to make one and put it in ~/.bitcoin/


RabbitMQ, PLAIN login refused: user 'guest'

I'm trying to run the RabbitMQ receive files from a different machine than the sender. In the sender side, everything is fine and I can see the message sent to the queue. However, When running the receiver, I get the below error message
pika.exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError: ConnectionClosedByBroker: (403) 'Access_Refused - login was refused using authentication mechanism PLAIN
When I checked the log file, I found the following:
PLAIN login refused: user 'guest' can only connect via localhost
But the thing is, I'm not using guest, I created a new user and give it permissions. I'm not sure why it keeps showing the user "guest".
Is this information saved somewhere which makes RabbitMQ uses guest rather than any other created user?

Gmail sending problems

So i try smtplib to send gmail automatically, however it fail because of a error, after some checking, my username and pass are True. So i want to ask if there were any mistakes that can lead to this error.
Here is my code, the port is 465 and i don't want anyone know my pass and my username.
The error message "username and password not accepted" is the standard error message you get from the smtp server when sending the users actual google password.
This method of authentication is not acceptable by the SMTP server after (May 30, 2022). Partially due to the removal of Less secure apps & your Google Account mostly because client login is not considered to be secure.
Your options are to to enable 2fa on our google account and use and create an apps password. Simply use it in place of the password in your code.
smtp.login(username, appsPasswrod)
Or to use XOauth2 and authenticate the application.
Create a sendEmail() function, which will help to send emails to one or more than one recipient by calling the function.
def sendEmail(to, content):
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
server.login('youremail#gmail.com', 'your-password')
server.sendmail('youremail#gmail.com', to, content)
content = "Message to send"
to = "useremail#gmail.com"
sendEmail(to, content)
NOTE: Do not forget to make sure that the smtplib requires 'enable the less secure apps' feature in your Gmail account. Otherwise, the sendEmail function will not work properly..
Create App Password: App Passwords

Automating a Password Reset flow with Testcafe

My goal is to somehow send the email and click the link to reset the password, access that link and write a new password. Don't really know if this is possible or could only be mocked.
I would also like to catch the content of the email and check it. Is there a way within TestCafe to do this?
You can use TestCafe to fill out and submit the password recovery form that will initiate a request to your backend. After that, you can use either of the following solutions:
Intercept this request to the backend using TestCafe features for Intercepting HTTP Requests. Then, make sure that the "an email with a retrieval link was sent" message was shown, navigate to the known in advance retrieval link and log in with a new password.
Make this request to the backend actually initiate sending an email. Then, in your test, connect to an email service (using some of the Node.js email clients), receive the email, and navigate TestCafe to the link.
The first approach seems to be more robust because it doesn't rely on any third-party services.

fail to authenticate after deployment

I have a web application using glassfish and form authentication (j_security_check). All the passwords and usernames are stored in a javaDB (derby). I was able to log into the system while developing on the localhost and now that I deployed the app to AWS whenever I try to log in with a user (I have checked that the user actually exists in the DB), I always get the same error (that i normally get when entering wrong details) i.e. WEB9102: Web Login Failed: com.sun.enterprise.security.auth.login.common.LoginException: Login failed.
Any ideas what it might be? I don't even know what info to provide since the issue doesn't even throw an exception or something. thanks

Unable to connect to CloudBees through Eclipse

I am trying to follow the tutorial here: http://wiki.cloudbees.com/bin/view/Documentation/CloudBeesEclipseToolkit that describes how to configure your eclipse to use the CloudBees subversion respository. When I get to step 2, and try to validate my account username and password, I get:
Failed to validate your account.
Failed to get account services info.
Authentication of user: xxxx failed.;
Details -
Unexpected response code:400. Message: Bad Request
I did use my google account (and oauth?) to create my cloudbees account. I am using my google username and password to try to validate.
The account name is what you see when you enter in cloudbees on the top right.
Regarding your missing password this is due to the fact that google and github sign in don't ask user to define a password - that's why you get an authentication failure.
Users can use https://grandcentral.cloudbees.com/account/forgot_password to request password reset and define the password.
I was able to fix this by clicking on the builds sectio of my account. This led me to some pages that told me I didn't have a password with cloudbees, and prompted me to create one.
When I used this password, instead of my gmail one, validation worked.
Also, I had to use my account name minus #gmaail.com to perform svn checkins, which wasn't the most intuative - it's not clear what un/ow and where