Using Browserify, it appears I need this thing called "shim"? All I want to do, is make a global variable "_" for lodash so that each reference to _ in the bundle is defined.
Surely someone else has done this for something like jQuery?
I've tried virtually every possible config permutation with browser-shim, browser-global-shim, and nothing seems to work. Can someone please post their config that they used to make this type of thing work?
I just ended up doing this in my entry point file...
window._ = require('lodash');
That worked. Whenever someone with some knowledge comes along, please help.
I tried looking at this, but it did not help much because I already have the file in my classes folder.
Anyone else have any suggestions? Maybe there is a variable somewhere that I changed by mistake?
I use a package called SVGO to minify svg files like many others. Unfortunately when it minifies it generates generic id's that cause issues when you inline them on the same page as they use the same id.
In comes the plugin in question, it's supposed to fix this issue by prefixing the id's so they're unique and wont overwrite each other.
Problem is, I have no idea how it works. It says
new SVGO({
plugins: [{
uniqueID: require('svgo-unique-id'),
Now I don't know if I'm supposed to add this anywhere, if it's automatically added, if I need to create a new file for this or anything.
So my question really is, how do I go about using this. I think it should be straight forward but I've never used a plugin for a package before so I don't know anything about how it works.
Any pointers are much appreciated.
I am really struck and trying to find a way to remove all unused methods in Angular project
Basically I am restructuring the whole project and changing logic to accommodate the new structure. Above is the example screenshot.
Upon hitting Alt + Enter > I did not find anything to remove all unused methods at a go.
Tried the code -> code cleanup. But no luck
Kindly help
There is currently no way to do this (likely because such quick fix would be rather unsafe, because not all methods that are not called explicitly in your code are actually unused - like different lifecycle hooks). Anyway, if you miss it, please feel free to file a feature request to youtrack,
I've run into this problem several times when trying to import external libraries to run with a Power BI custom visual, and I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. This current attempt is recreating the Card Visual in the latest API, and it's been a painstaking effort that hopefully someone else can help me out with. I can't point at any one reason why this is happening though it appears to be caused by using statements like:
import valueFormatter = powerbi.extensibility.utils.formatting.valueFormatter;
and I get error, in the browser:
Unable to get property 'valueFormatter' of undefined or null reference
visualSandboxMinimal.html (626,17)
when I tried removing these things I instead run into the error:
HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).
I can't really resolve either of these errors, to make the project work. The project will build fine and display in the application, but not show any information. Something isn't setup with the API or the project where it just doesn't put the pieces together properly or something. I really don't know and there's so little information out there about this thing, that it's kind of like shouting in the dark at this point.
I am including the whole source project, hopefully so that anyone who can help will be able to, and if anyone wants to take my effort and build their own "Card" like Power BI visual: . This is based on the source available at, specifically related to the Card visual.
If anyone figures this out, it would be a huge help to me, though I will continue to do my own research and if I find anything about it I will update the information here.
I figured out what was happening here, I had included the index.d.ts files in the tsconfig.json file, but forgot to include the index.js files in the pbiviz.json file and in some cases forgot to include the css files in the .less file.
I'm trying to get DOH testing working for my company's upcoming platform, but I can't figure out the right combination of paths. Our file structure looks like this:
This was created by our contractors, so unfortunately there are some things I have to figure out as I'm going along.
The "release" directory is what is used on our pages.
The "util" directory doesn't exist in our release directory. (I'd like to avoid having to make a copy of it there.)
I'm not entirely sure what they did with dojoExt.js there, but it seems to be required. I was able to make a simple "hello world" sort of test, but once I did dojo.require(js.mainLib), I got an error that dojo.behavior.add is not a method. So it seems to be they made a stripped-down dojo.js and put other required code in dojoExt.js.
My guess is that DOH is using the dojo in dojo15/dojo, but I need to include dojo15/release/dojo/dojo/dojoExt.js. I've tried every combination of dojoUrl, testModule, registerModulePath I can think of...also saw "boot" and "path" from other SE questions, even though I can't see in runner.html where they would even be used, but I tried throwing them in to see if they'd magically help anyway.
At the moment I don't really have the option to move code around, so I'm hoping to work this out with files where they currently are.
Did you try the bits I suggested over at a related question? We use the bits I detailed there to pull together a completely custom layout of dojo + util. Take a look at both boot and dojoUrl. I think it's runner.js that does most of the cunning stuff, rather than runner.html.
Is the problem that you can't arrange for dojoExt.js to get loaded? How does your other code arrange for it to get loaded? Is tests/base.js your test module?