Run BitTorrent Sync in API mode - api

I want to use the API of BitTorrent Sync. For this I first have to run it in API mode.
I was checking the "Enabling the API" section in the following link:
But I am unable to run it.
Can anybody please share some experience with it. I am new to it.
Here is what I execute in command prompt:-
C:\Program Files (x86)\BitTorrent Sync>btsync.exe /config D:\config.api
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It was my mistake. This is the right way to run it:
BTSync.exe /config D:\config.api
The problem was with the config file. Here is the way it should be:
// path to folder where Sync will store its internal data,
// folder must exist on disk
"storage_path" : "c://Users/Folder1/btsync",
// run Sync in GUI-less mode
"use_gui" : true,
"webui" : {
// IP address and port to access HTTP API
"listen" : "",
// login and password for HTTP basic authentication
// authentication is optional, but it's recommended to use some
// secret values unique for each Sync installation
"login" : "api",
"password" : "secret",
// replace xxx with API key received from BitTorrent
"api_key" : "xxx"


How do I need to configure MongooseIM to allow registering new users? Getting error: Can't register user at node: not_allowed

I am currently trying to add chat functionality with MongooseIM to an app that already comes with users/accounts.
The idea was to add a mongooseIM chat server and register all existing (and future) users with their user ID in mongooseIM.
I am working with the mongooseIM docker container and have set up a docker compose that loads custom configuration.
In the custom configuration, I have added the admin REST API and can do requests like listing all registered users or the available commands.
Whenever a new user should be registered through the API, I get the response:
Can't register user at node: not_allowed and a 500 status code.
Trying to register a user through mongooseimctl returns Error: account_unprivileged.
What I tried
I think I have been reading through the documentation and google results for about 6 hours by now.
Testing with the standard docker container (and no extra configuration) works from the command line, but I failed testing the API because I do not know how to access the API then (or if it is enabled at all). Maybe someone has a hint on this for me?
One idea was that the action really is not allowed, but the /commands route of the admin interface contains the register_user action in the results, so I think its enabled/allowed:
"action" => "create",
"category" => "users",
"desc" => "Register a user",
"name" => "register_user"
When using the default docker container and trying to register a user for a non-existent domain also results in "not_allowed", so this could be a configuration problem. I have a host name configured in my mongooseim.toml config file:
loglevel = "warning"
hosts = ["myhost"]
default_server_domain = "myhost"
language = "en"
I am quite positive I am missing some configuration/setup somewhere and would appreciate any hints/help.
Edit 1
I added dummy authorization (== no authorization) to the config file:
methods = ["dummy"]
Now, I no longer get a "not_allowed" error.
Instead, the response always states the user already exists, while requesting the user list always returns an empty list.
I tried sending messages between made-up user jids, i get no errors, but also no messages are returned for any users.
"dummy" method is for testing only. It makes any user to exist (check ejabberd_auth_dummy.erl code, it is really just a dummy without any implementation).
You should use internal or rdbms auth_methods instead.
rdbms method would need an rdbms connection configured.
internal method is used to store users in Mnesia (but Mnesia backends are not recommended because RDBMS just works more reliably and efficiently).

How do I add Google Application Credentials/Secret to Vercel Deployment?

I am using Vercel Deployments with a NextJS app. Deployments are automatically run when I push to master, but I don't want to store keys in GitHub. My serverless functions are reliant on my database. When run locally, I can simply use Google's Default Authentication Credentials, but this is not possible when deployed to Vercel. As such, I created a Service Account to enable the server to have access.
How do I load the service account credentials without pushing they key itself to GitHub?
I tried adding the key as described in this issue, but that didn't work.
AFAIK setting an environment variable in Vercel is not helpful because Google environment variables require a path/JSON file (vs. simply text).
Rather than using a path to a JSON file, you can create an object and include environment variables as the values for each object key. For example:
credential: admin.credential.cert({
client_email: process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
private_key: process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY,
project_id: 'my-project'
databaseURL: ''
Then, you can add the environment variables inside your project settings in Vercel.
Adding to #leerob's answer, I found that putting quotes around the FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable in my .env file fixed an error I kept getting relating to the PEM file when making a request. I didn't need any quotes around the key for calls to the standard firebase library though.
This was the config I used to access the Google Cloud Storage API from my app:
const { Storage } = require('#google-cloud/storage');
const storage = new Storage({ projectId: process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
credentials: { client_email: process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
private_key: process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY_WITH_QUOTES
I had this problem too but with google-auth-library. Most of Googles libraries provide a way to add credentials through a options object that you pass when initializing it. To be able to get information from Google Sheets or Google Forms you can for example do this:
const auth = new GoogleAuth({
client_id: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
client_email: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
project_id: process.env.GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID,
private_key: process.env.GOOGLE_PRIVATE_KEY
scopes: [
You can just copy the info from your credentials.json file to the corresponding environment variables. Just take care that when your working on localhost you will need to have the private_key in double quotes but when you put it into Vercel you should not include the quotes.

Using Hashicorp Packer with Vault Secret Engine KV2

I'm trying to use packer with vault secret engine kv2, but so far I'm hitting an auth/permission error. I'm trying to read a secret from vault, as shown in the examples. In my test.json file I have a variables object, and inside I have an access_key and a secret_key keys. Each one of those contain {{ vault/secret/data/Foo/testaccess_key}}.
"variables": {
"access_key": "{{ vault `/secret/data/Foo/test` `access_key`}}",
"secret_key": "{{ vault `/secret/data/Foo/test` `secret_key`}}"
In vault, I created a token (which I use with packer), and the token has a policy such that:
path "secret/*" {
capabilities = ["list"]
path "secret/data/Foo/test" {
capabilities = ["read"]
According to docs, this should be enough for packer to be able to read the secret, but when I run packer I get
Error initializing core: error interpolating default value for 'access_key':
template: root:1:3: executing "root" at <vault `/secret/data/...>:
error calling vault: Error reading vault secret: Error making API request.
Permission denied.
Code: 403. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* permission denied
If I understand correctly, the cause of the problem is the policy not granting enough permissions to packer in order to allow it to read my secret. Am I right? If "yes", how should I modify my policy?
Try something like this for your Packer token policy (don't forget to remake the token with the new policy, you can't update policies on preexisting tokens):
path "secret/*" {
capabilities = ["list"]
path "secret/data/Foo/*" {
capabilities = ["read"]
I've been in the process of learning Vault and have found that whenever I specifically hardcode any path in a policy, to a particular secret, I run into the same error. Hopefully this helps you out. This guide details how to use AppRole authentication with tokens, it may help.

Meteor: setup accounts-github not working

I'm trying to setup authentication using github.
I followed the documentation. I've installed the packages:
$> meteor add accounts-github
$> meteor add service-configuration
And my code in server/github.js looks like:
service: "github"
service: "github",
clientId: '****',
secret: '*************'
requestPermissions: ['user', 'public_repo']
}, function (err) {
if (err)
Session.set('errorMessage', err.reason || 'Unknown error');
When I start meteor now I get the following error:
TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'loginWithGithub'
at app/server/github.js:11:8
at app/server/github.js:18:3
So it seems the Meteor object doesn't have the loginWithGithub method. Any suggestions why?
You are running the code in the /server directory of your app.
Usually you call this code from the web browser to make Meteor display the Github OAuth login dialog.
This is not available on the server since its only meant to work on the browser side. This is why you see this error.
You would usually fire Meteor.loginWithGithub() in the event listener for when they click a button or some UI element to begin the login process.
Another thing to keep in mind is Session (Session.get, Session.set, etc) only work on the client too.
To see which methods run where use the Meteor documentation. In the top corner of each method it shows where the code can run: Client, Server or Anywhere.

xsodata service without authentication

I am trying to create some xsodata services using SAP Hana XS Engine. I have created a .xsaccess file at global folder level which has the following content:
"exposed": true,
"authentication" : null
I have a services folder inside my parent folder where I have created a test service. The content of the service is
service namespace "" {
"TESTUSER1"."testdb" as "testdb";
But when I hit this url: /example/services/example.xsodata/testdb I get a 403 error. To verify if my .xsaccess if working fine, I created a dummy html file in the same folder as example.xsodata service. If I hit that link, it works fine and does not ask me any authentication.
To extend it further, I added .xsaccess file in services folder and added the same content as that mentioned above. It still gives 403 error to my example.xsodata service. To try this even further, I made the services/.xsaccess to have this content
"exposed": true,
"authentication" : [{"method":"Basic"}]
This prompted me for username/password and when i entered the values, it showed me the correct data as I expected.
I am utterly confused here because I want to make the services without authentication (for which i set authentication as null) and it is not working.
Please help me understand what am I missing here. Any help is really appreciable.
Answering my own question. Please follow this link from sap community network to get answer: