Bits change when passing wire bus to module - module

I am simulating a MIPS processor in Verilog for class, I am having the strangest problem. When I pass an instruction (a 32-bit bus) to the main module, it somehow changes. For example, when I set the instruction to 00100000000010000000000000000001, inside the module I print out the instruction as 00101001111010000000000000000001, which is clearly different. No inner modules directly interact with the inside instruction, as it just gets broken up into various other parts. What could be causing the bits to change simply by passing the bus to a module?
Here is the main processor code and test bench:
module SingleCycleProc(clk, instruction);
// input Reset_L, clk;
// input [31:0] startPC;
// output [31:0] dmemOut;
// reg [31:0] dmemOut;
input clk;
input [31:0] instruction;
//Fetch instruction and get new program counter
//wire [31:0] instruction, PC_out;
//reg [31:0] PC;
//InstrMem(PC, instruction);
wire [31:0] sign_extended;
//ProgramCounter(PC, PC_out, zero, sign_extended);
//Break up instruction into basic components
reg [5:0] opcode;
reg [5:0] funct;
reg [15:0] immediate;
reg [25:0] address;
reg [4:0] RSAddr, RTAddr, RDAddr;
wire [31:0] RSData, RTData, RDData;
SIGN_EXTEND(immediate, sign_extended);
//Generate CPU and ALU control bits
wire regDST, ALUSrc, memToReg, regWrite, memRead, memWrite, branch;
wire [1:0] ALUOp;
CPU_Control_unit(opcode, regDST, ALUSrc, memToReg, regWrite, memRead, memWrite, branch, ALUOp);
wire [3:0] alu_control;
ALU_Control_Unit(alu_control, funct, ALUOp);
//Generate the input addresses to the regfile, and retrieve data from regfile
wire [4:0] out;
MUX5_2to1(RTAddr, RDAddr, regDST, out);
RegFile(RSData, RTData, RSAddr, RTAddr, RDData, RDAddr, regWrite, clk);
//select intputs to the ALU and do calculation
wire [31:0] alu_in1;
MUX32_2to1(RTData, sign_extended, ALUSrc, alu_in1);
wire [31:0] alu_out;
wire overflow, cin, cout, zero, PCSrc;
wire [31:0] result;
and(PCSrc, branch, zero);
ALU_behav(RSData, alu_in1, alu_control, result, overflow, cin, cout, zero);
wire [31:0] memReadData;
DataMem(result, clk, memRead, memWrite, RTData, memReadData);
MUX32_2to1(result, memReadData, memToReg, RDData);
always #(negedge clk) begin
// assign PC = PC + 4;
assign opcode = instruction[31:26];
assign funct = instruction[5:0];
assign immediate = instruction[15:0];
assign address = instruction[25:0];
assign RSAddr = instruction[25:21];
assign RTAddr = instruction[20:16];
assign RDAddr = instruction[15:11];
// assign dmemOut = RDData;
// always #(~Reset_L) assign PC = startPC;
//Monitor changes in the program counter
// always #(PC)
// #10 $display($time," PC=%d Instr: op=%d rs=%d rt=%d rd=%d imm16=%d funct=%d",
// PC,instruction[31:26],instruction[25:21],instruction[20:16],instruction[15:11],instruction[15:0],instruction[5:0]);
//Monitors memory writes
always #(clk)
#1 $display($time, " clk=%b instruction=%b", clk, instruction);
// #1 $display($time " clk=%b opcode=%b", clk, opcode);
// #1 $display($time,
// " clock=%b RSAddr=%d RSData=%d RTAddr=%d RTData=%d",
// clk, RSAddr, RSData, RTAddr, RTData);
// #1 $display($time, " clk=%b regDST=%b regWrite=%b ALUSrc=%b memRead=%b memWrite=%b memToReg=%b branch=%b ALUOp=%b ", clk, regDST, regWrite, ALUSrc, memRead, memWrite, memToReg, branch, ALUOp);
module testCPU(clk, Reset_L, startPC, testData);
input clk;
input [31:0] testData;
output Reset_L;
output [31:0] startPC;
reg Reset_L;
reg [31:0] startPC;
reg [31:0] instruction;
SingleCycleProc(clk, instruction);
initial begin
// Your program 1
// Reset_L = 0; startPC = 0 * 4;
// #101 // insures reset is asserted across negative clock edge
// Reset_L = 1;
// #10000; // allow enough time for program 1 to run to completion
// Reset_L = 0;
// #1 $display("Program 1: Result: %d", testData);
//addi $8, $0, 1
instruction = 00100000000010000000000000000001;
//add $8, $8, $8
instruction = 00000001000010000100000000100000;
endmodule // testCPU
module TopProcessor;
wire reset, clk, Reset_L;
wire [31:0] startPC;
wire [31:0] testData;
m555 system_clock(clk);
testCPU(clk, Reset_L, startPC, testData);
//SingleCycleProc SSProc(clk, Reset_L, startPC, testData);
endmodule // TopProcessor

You are not telling Verilog that the instruction is a binary number, so it is interpreting it as decimal. You need this:
instruction = 32'b00100000000010000000000000000001;
//add $8, $8, $8
instruction = 32'b00000001000010000100000000100000;
Additionally, you should not be putting assign statements inside an always block. If you want these to be registers, use the verilog non-blocking assignment operator <= rather than the assign statement. Or if you want them to be wires, you can keep the assign just move them outside the always block.
Also, try not to mix posedge and negedge. Stick to posedge.


Continuous assignment with 0 delay not getting the expected value after a signal positive edge

I have implemented an 8 bit serial-in parallel-out register in SystemVerilog and I'm trying to test it. I'm using Icarus Verilog as simulator.
In the test bench, I send 8 bits and wait for the rising edge of a signal, then check the obtained parallel buffer. The problem is that, after waiting for the rising edge, the parallel buffer has not the expected value. However, if I add a #0 delay to the assert it does work.
The signal on which I'm waiting the rising edge, and the buffer that should contain the expected value are assigned as:
assign rdy = (i == 7) & was_enabled;
assign out_data = {8{rdy}} & buff;
I know buff contains the right value, then, how is that on the rising edge of rdy, rdy is effectively 1 but out_data is still 0?
Wave dump
Note: See how when rdy goes high out_data is 0xaa.
Serial-in parallel-out register
module sipo_reg(
input wire in_data,
output wire [7:0] out_data,
output wire rdy,
input wire en,
input wire rst,
input wire clk
reg [7:0] buff;
reg [2:0] i;
reg was_enabled;
wire _clk;
always #(posedge _clk, posedge rst) begin
if (rst) begin
buff <= 0;
i <= 7;
was_enabled <= 0;
end else begin
was_enabled <= 1;
buff[i] <= in_data;
i <= i == 0 ? 7 : (i - 1);
assign _clk = en | clk; // I know this is a very bad practice, I'm on it...
assign rdy = (i == 7) & was_enabled;
assign out_data = {8{rdy}} & buff;
Test bench:
module utils_sipo_reg_tb;
reg clk = 1'b1;
wire _clk;
always #2 clk = ~clk;
assign _clk = clk | en;
reg in_data = 1'b0, rst = 1'b0, en = 1'b0;
wire [7:0] out_data;
wire rdy;
sipo_reg dut(in_data, out_data, rdy, en, rst, clk);
integer i = 0;
initial begin
$dumpvars(1, utils_sipo_reg_tb);
en = 1;
#4 rst = 1;
#4 rst = 0;
assert(out_data === 8'b0);
assert(rdy === 1'b0);
// read 8 bits works
#4 en = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i = i + 1) begin
#(negedge _clk) in_data = ~in_data;
en = 1;
#(posedge rdy);
assert(rdy === 1'b1);
assert(out_data === 8'haa); // <-- This fails, but works if I add a '#0' delay.
I have tried to replace these lines
assign rdy = (i == 7) & was_enabled;
assign out_data = {8{rdy}} & buff;
by these
assign rdy = (i == 7) & was_enabled;
assign out_data = {8{((i == 7) & was_enabled)}} & buff;
because I suspected the simulator was 'calculating' out_data after rdy because the former depends on the latter. However, they are still continuous assignments with 0 delay, I would expect them to get their value at the exact same time (unless a delay is added).
Would it be a good design practice to add a few picoseconds of delay after each #(posedge signal) to make sure everything is settled by the simulator?
You have a race condition in your testbench because you are trying to sample a signal at a time where it is changing. All digital systems have inherent race conditions, and the way to deal with them is to only sample your signals when you know they are stable.
In your case, you could use a small numeric delay as you have suggested. However, since you have a clock signal, if you know that changes to signals only occur on the posedge of the clock, you could sample signals at the negedge:
#(posedge rdy);
#(negedge clk);
assert(rdy === 1'b1);
assert(out_data === 8'haa);
This is a more robust approach than using a numeric delay since it scales better (no need to worry about picking the best numeric delay value).
This is a synchronous design and your assertion should synchronous as well. That means only using one edge, the (positive) clock edge. Once you start using other signal edges, you run into race conditions between statements waiting for the signal to change, which includes both the #(posedge rdy) procedural delay and the assign out_data = {8{rdy}} & buff; continuous assignment.
There are two approaches to fixing this in your testbench:
Do not use #(posedge rdy) in your prodedural code. Use
#(posedge clk iff (rdy === 1'b1));
assert(out_data === 8'haa);
Since i and was_enabled are both updated with nonblocking assignments, rdy gets sampled with its old value, as well as out_data in the assertion that follows.
Another option is using a concurrent assertion which is outside of any procedural code
assert property (#(posedge clk) $rose(rdy) |-> out_data === 8'haa);
This reads "When rdy has risen, this implies on the same cycle that out_data must be 8'haa"

Checker not found. promblem in verilog modelsim

module Vr_ALU (A, B, ALUCtrl, ALUOut, Zero);
input [31:0] A;
input [31:0] B;
input [2:0] ALUCtrl;
output [31:0] ALUOut;
output Zero;
wire [31:0] sig_a;
wire [31:0] sig_b;
wire [31:0] sig_sum;
wire sig_cin;
wire sig_cout;
always #(*) begin
Vr_ripple_adder_M_bits U1(.A(sig_a), .B(sig_b), .CIN(sig_cin), .S(sig_sum), .COUT(sig_cout));
else if(ALUCtrl==2'b110)
Vr_ripple_adder_M_bits U2(.A(sig_a), .B(~sig_b), .CIN(~sig_cin), .S(sig_sum), .COUT(~sig_cout));
else ALUOut = 2'bx;
assign Zero = (ALUCtrl==2'b110 && ALUOut==0)? 1:0;
at this code, I try to make module work as adder when ALUCtrl is 010, and as subtractor when ALUCtrl is 110. But I'm having 'checker not found. Instantiation must be of a visible checker' problem.
Need help.
You cannot instantiate modules in always blocks. You cannot instantiate module conditionally. Modules represent hardware and as such they are always present.
Instead you can use muxes to switch inputs in your module. For example,
reg[31:0] sig_b_temp;
reg sig_cin_temp;
reg sig_cout_temp;
reg sig_cout; // uou need 'reg' for this example.
// muxes
always #(*) begin
if(ALUCtrl==2'b010) begom
sig_cin_temp = sig_sin;
sig_b_temp = sig_b;
sig_cout = sig_cout_temp;
else begin
sig_cin_temp = ~sig_sin;
sig_b_temp = ~sig_b;
sig_cout = ~sig_cout_temp;
//single module instance
Vr_ripple_adder_M_bits U1(.A(sig_a),
Note, the code above will not compile with

Unexpected high impedance state

I've encountered a problem of unexpected high impedance state on output ports of my modules. Code of the module that instantiates other modules is following:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module column(
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire trigger,
input wire [7:0] latency
localparam AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS = 3;
wire [24:0] o_data [0:AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1];
wire [1:0] up_in [0:AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1];
//same declarations for do_in, up_out, do_out
assign up_in[0] = 0;
assign do_in[AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1] = 0;
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS; i = i + 1) begin : multiple_regions_instantiation
if ((i == 0) || (i == AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1)) begin
region tmp(
else begin
region tmp(
Port declaration of instantiatable modules is like this:
module region(
input wire clk,
input wire reset,
input wire trigger,
input wire [7:0] latency,
input wire [1:0] up,
input wire [1:0] do,
output reg [1:0] to_up,
output reg [1:0] to_do,
output reg [24:0] odata
Assignment of an output is made in initial block and looks like this:
initial begin
latency_cnt = 255;
start_cnt = 0;
preset = 0;
read_out = 0;
begin: hit_generation
cnt = 0;
forever begin
cnt = cnt + 1;
#20 hit0 = ($random > 0) ? 1 : 0;
#20 hit1 = ($random > 0) ? 1 : 0;
#20 hit2 = ($random > 0) ? 1 : 0;
#20 hit3 = ($random > 0) ? 1 : 0;
to_up = {hit1, hit0};
to_do = {hit3, hit2};
if (cnt == 10000) disable hit_generation;
So, now the problem is, if it AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS == 3 or 2 then everything works fine, but if i'm trying to increase its value then for all the regions that are between 1 and AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-2 (including), their inputs and outputs are messed up (2'bzz). But 0 region sends info to region 1 pretty well, and AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1 region sends the info properly to it's neighbor.
Test bench is just instantiating a column and generates a trigger and clk signals. I've read that if there are only wires connections without attachment to the registers that can cause high impedance state, but as far as i can see, i'm connecting wires to the output registers...Dear all, what could be a problem of it? I'm using Icarus Verilog, if it matters.
Accidentally, i've found the root of my problem. I will leave an answer, may be it will help some day to somebody who will be stuck in situation like this.
I made the wrong port assignment, so, i guess, they was cycled or something like that. The problem was that here:
region tmp(
I assigned input ports of module to output of another and it was the mistake...
So the proper way of assigning ports in such situation is like this (full code of instantiation cycle):
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS; i = i + 1) begin : multiple_regions_instantiation
if (i == 0) begin
region tmp(
up_in[i+1], //CHANGED
else if (i == AMOUNT_OF_REGIONS-1) begin
region tmp(
do_in[i-1], //CHANGED
else begin
region tmp(
up_in[i], //CHANGED
do_in[i], //CHANGED
Hope it will help somebody!

How to enable the instantiated modules in sequence in verilog

I have different modules instantiated in one single module. I want to execute them in sequence, I have enable and acknowledgement signals of all modules how can I do this?
Following is the code:
module memorycontroller(
input [7:0] A,
input [7:0] B,
input [1:0] adrress,
input clk,
output [7:0] A_mem,
output [7:0] B_mem
reg LMwrEnable, localmemEnable;
integer LMwrack, localmemack;
reg [7:0] A1, B1;
LMwrEnable = 1;
localmemEnable = 0;
memorywrite LMwr (
.clk ( clk ),
.A ( A ),
.B ( B ),
.adr ( adrress ),
.enable ( LMwrEnable ),
.ack ( LMwrack )
bram_tdp localmem (
.a_clk ( clk ),
.a_wr ( 1'b0 ),
.a_addr ( adrress ),
.a_din ( A1 ),
.a_dout ( A_mem ),
.b_clk ( clk ),
.b_wr ( 1'b0 ),
.b_addr ( adrress+1'b1 ),
.b_din ( B1 ),
.b_dout ( B_mem ),
.enable ( localmemEnable ),
.ack ( localmemack )
always#(posedge clk)
localmemEnable = 1;
In initial statement I've enabled only LMwr module in initial block and on its ack signal I have enabled localmem module in always block but this is giving me wrong result. Can you tell me how to execute different modules in sequence?
Following is the memorywrite module
module memorywrite(
input clk,
input [7:0] A,
input [7:0] B,
input [1:0] adr,
input enable,
output ack
wire [7:0] C,C1;
bram_tdp localmem (
This above code writes to the memory.
Following is the actual memory module which is being written by 2nd code stated above and read by 1st code stated above
module bram_tdp #(
parameter DATA = 8,
parameter ADDR = 2
) (
input enable,
output ack,
// Port A
input wire a_clk,
input wire a_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] a_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] a_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] a_dout,
// Port B
input wire b_clk,
input wire b_wr,
input wire [ADDR-1:0] b_addr,
input wire [DATA-1:0] b_din,
output reg [DATA-1:0] b_dout
// Shared memory
reg [DATA-1:0] mem [(2**ADDR)-1:0];
// Port A
always #(posedge a_clk) begin
if(enable) begin
a_dout <= mem[a_addr];
if(a_wr) begin
a_dout <= a_din;
mem[a_addr] <= a_din;
// Port B
always #(posedge b_clk) begin
if(enable) begin
b_dout <= mem[b_addr];
if(b_wr) begin
b_dout <= b_din;
mem[b_addr] <= b_din;
assign ack=1;
Here is testbench:
module mmTesting;
// Inputs
reg [7:0] A;
reg [7:0] B;
reg [1:0] adrress;
reg clk;
// Outputs
wire [7:0] A_mem;
wire [7:0] B_mem;
// Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
memorycontroller uut (
initial begin
// Initialize Inputs
A = 0;
B = 0;
adrress = 0;
clk = 0;
// Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish
A = 5;
B = 5;
adrress = 0;
#100 A = 6;
B = 2;
adrress = 1;
// Add stimulus here
always #5 clk=!clk;
Result should be same as what I am writing to the memory.
Just to clarify that Verilog is a hardware description and that both instantiations (not modules, as an uninstantiated module does not exist) can be executed and exist in parallel, unlike the C equivalent which would execute one then the other.
If you have instance A and B, you just need a FSM (Finite State Machine) to enable A wait for its completion signal, then disabling A enable B, waiting for B to complete and repeat.
NB: if the commented out code is not relevant to the question can it be removed, it is good practise to reduce your question to the minimum amount of code required to reproduce the problem.

How can I use module inside another module?

I am trying to design a simple 8-bit 2's complementor. Here is my code:
//`include "complementor.v"
module twos_complement_of_8bits(output [7:0] out, input [7:0] in);
integer i;
for(i = 0; i <= 7; i = i + 1)
complementor C(out[i], in[i]);
assign out = out + 1;
I got an error at this line:
complementor C(out[i], in[i]);
Syntax error near 'C' found.
How can I fix it?
I think you can eliminate your complementor module, then change your twos_complement_of_8bits as follows:
module twos_complement_of_8bits (output [7:0] out, input [7:0] in);
assign out = ~in + 1;
If that doesn't give you the output you want, please show some expected output values.
In more complicated situations, you can place arrays of instances of modules or use a generate block.
Here is an example of how to use a generate block:
module twos_complement_of_8bits (output [7:0] out, input [7:0] in);
wire [7:0] out_ones;
genvar i;
for (i=0; i<=7; i=i+1) begin
complementor C[i] (out_ones[i], in[i]);
assign out = out_ones + 1;