phpStorm 7 Code completion stopped working - ide

I have been working with phpStorm and it had suddenly stopped showing suggestions for code completion. When i do Ctrl + space its behaving correctly by showing all the possible options in a drop down.
I have followed the below link and have did invalidate cache but still of no use.
PhpStorm code completion doesn't show core classes/extensions
My Setup is:
OS: Mac - 10.9.2 (Mavericks)
PHPStorm: 7.1.3

I just had the same problem, fixed it when I realized I mistakenly put PHPStorm in Power Save Mode. Click the little fellow on the bottom right of your PHPStorm window and switch that off

Indeed, the Power saving mode (File > Power Saving Mode) allow you to disable the code inspection functionnality.
However sometimes the PhpStorm code analysis failed and you lost your code completion. In this case you juste have to ask for a new code analysis (File > Synchronize [CTRL+ALT+Y]) or invalid the cache and force a restart (File > Invalid cache / Restart).
Hope that helps.

Invalidating the cache did not work for me, but this did:
Enable power save mode (File > Power Save Mode), then disable it.

If your are using a Linux distro (Ubuntu, Debian, Centos) etc, it is due to ibus.
Just change the Shortcut (run: ibus-setup and change to Super+Ctrl+Space for instance) and everything will be fine again.
Or (my favorite): uninstall ibus if you are not using it.
In a Debian/Ubuntu distro should be:
sudo apt-get remove ibus
Ctrl+Space autocompletion should be back.

It was power saving mode for me too. It's an option at the bottom of the File menu.

install a previous version
Worked for me after I tried everything.

I struggled with this for a few hours this morning. After invalidation of caches, a complete reinstall, etc.. nothing worked.
I closed phpstorm and removed the .idea folder in the filesystem. I then renamed the project folder and reopened it. Autocomplete was now working!
I noticed that phpstorm then created the old project directory in the background, even though I did not open it and put a .idea folder in it. Something is obviously corrupted here.

" ... stopped showing suggestions for code completion".
On mac you can invoke it by fn+ctrl+space.
Going to php-storm -> Settings -> Keymap -> Set Active Changelist you can see it is associated with ^+space.
on windows ctrl+space


GraphDB Failed to create JVM after attempting to change java options

Running GraphDB on windows.
I right clicked the icon, clicked settings. Tried to set Xmx512Mb, (so I mistyped, should have been Xmx512M). Now trying to run GraphDB says "Failed to create JVM", even after uninstalling and re installing.
Where can I find and undo what I typed in the settings if the UI is not starting up?
In other words, where is this configuration stored?
I removed AppData/Roaming/GraphDB and AppData/Local/GraphDB Free
Just to generalize it, If you set an invalid Java option parameter, GraphDB Free may fail to start after the application restart. The only way to solve this problem is to remove the invalid line from the file:
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\\packager\jvmuserargs.cfg (Windows)
~/Library/Application Support/ (Mac OS)
~/.local/ (Linux).
In addition to Damyan's answer there is a GraphDB Free.cfg file in C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\GraphDB Free\app\ which you can edit.

How do I remove my IntelliJ 2019.1 license?

I went through How do I remove my IntelliJ license? and follow all the steps as mentioned here.
For .IntelliJIdea2019.1 in Windows 10
locate the folder .IntelliJIdea2019.1
move the location .IntelliJIdea2019.1\config\eval
remove the file idea191.evaluation.key
But just after couple of mins, I'm getting below error and it causing the IDE to close out.
How to solve this issue ?
You can solve the issue by buying a license for IntelliJ IDEA. If you need an extended evaluation, you can obtain one by emailing
Uninstall intellij app from the system
Remove the entire folder .IntelliJIdea2019.1
Get rid of JavaSoft folder with all subfolders from the registry
If you want your intellij's back, restart the system and install version 2019.1 again.
Goto bellow location
windows key+R tyepe %appdata% or
and delete everything and restart the app will allow you to use evaluate again.

WebStorm on Mac : No administrative area found under /Users/[Name]

After a while, using WebStorm, when I try to rename a folder or a file I get this error in the Rename pop up window. : com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException: No administrative area found under /Users/[Name]/..../[ProjectName]
To fix the issue I have to use Invalidate Caches and restart... option but it is not very convenient.
Can anyone explain what is going on?
Just delete all of your .idea. folders and reopen IntelliJ.

Wamp server cant enable/disable modules (for apache)

I cant enable APACHE modules on WAMP-Server.
After i click the module name (which is not-checked), then server restarts, but when i go to modules, then module is not still enabled.
I even manually opened httpd.conf and enabled module, restarted server, but module is not still enabled!
Has anyone faced similar problem ? what's solution?
A couple of tips.
WAMPServer must be installed as an Administrator so when you launch the install right click the .exe and select "Run as Administrator"
WAMPServer must also be Run As Administrator
When you attempt to include or exclude a new Apache or PHP extension, WAMPserver will attempt to restart Apache so the changes takes effect. If the changes do not show up, it may just be that the menu just skipped a beat, then try a refresh by doing
right click wampmanager -> refresh
If you install WAMPServer using the "Run as Administrator" but attempt to run WAMPServer without using the "Run As Administrator" it will not have the rights to amend some of its own files. This can cause problems like this one, and many others.
solution seemed to EXIT WampServer, then modify httpd.conf manually, and starting Wamp again.
I has this same issue (drove me crazy for a while!), and in my case I had to increase the memory_limit setting in php.ini (make sure it's the right one - open from Wampmanager - it's actually in the apache folder). I set it to 512M and it worked on 2 of the 3 servers I was having issues with.
For the other one I has to add this line:
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
to the top of file:
And then run the Refresh from Wampmanager (right-click the icon). DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT IT OUT/REMOVE THE LINE ONCE IT COMPLETES. This disables the limit which can cause issues if it loads a script with a memory leak, etc.
The problem is that the refresh.php script is supposed to automatically update the wampmanager.ini file (found in [wamprootfolder]) after each change, or when you run it from Wampmanager itself. With the memory setting too low, it caused the function to exit without changing the .ini file, which is why you keep seeing the same settings, version # (after an update), etc.
To test, you can load the default wamp homepage in a browser to confirm version, and then click on phpinfo() to verify what modules, etc. are actually loading. OR just look at the modified date of your wampmanager.ini file!
Once it's working right, your wampmanager.ini should update itself when you run the Refresh (or make a change).

Intellij Idea Code Completion not working

I just started Intellij Idea ( version 13.1.4 )today and noticed code completion with ctrl + space doesnt work anymore.
If i'm typing like a class the automatic popup still appears and i can autocomplete this way, but if i close the popup with esc i cannot open it with ctrl + space anymore.
My settings:
So Basic Completion is activated.
I tryed:
file-> invalid caches and restart
power mode off and one
No difference. Any help appreciated cause it kinda makes me mad :)
I had this same problem. Ended up being caused by me not having a directory marked as Sources Root.
To fix: right click on your src directory > Mark Directory As > Sources Root.