I want to make an ISO Message with a field 64 message authentication code (MAC). I want to know what to make mac with, the binary of the ISO message without field 64? or the binary of the iso message with noting set on Field 64 but a 1 in the end of bitmap showing that there is something in Field 64?
You're supposed to determine the fields you wish to use in the MAC calculation. Select specific fields and apply your MAC-ing algorithm.
Generally, you can go by the following guidlines:
Do not use the either of the MAC fields (F64/F128) in the calculation of the MAC. Those fields are supposed to contain the results of the calculation of MAC; including them in the calculation will guarantee that the MAC value will always be inconsistent
Try to use mandatory fields, i.e. fields that you (or ISO) have designated as mandatory for the message type you're looking to MAC. For some vendors (like ACI, Base24), the Message Header, Message Type Identifier (MTI) and primary bitmap are all available to be included in the MAC calculation.
Ultimately, you're supposed to just select a handful of guaranteed fields and apply your MAC-ing algorithm. What would be the point of flagging F64 as enabled without populating it?
We have phone number fields that we need to obfuscate in a UAT environment, the problem is that the number needs to be unique, and should match other data processes using other databases that are also obfuscated. I'm trying to create a function that will reliably scramble a number, and each number passed in produces the same scrambled number every time, using some kind of encryption key that we'll store safely. I haven't found a way to reliably reproduce numbers in the same 10 digit format. Any ideas?
Why not use any hash function that will give you a guid?
in python
SELECT HASHBYTES('SHA2_256', '0103203803') in t-sql
I believe Column Encryption is what you're looking for. You can encrypt the column, then pass the encrypted value.
SQLShack did a good write up as well.
Column Encryption is not what Steve is looking for, the phone number fields needs to obfuscated in the lower environment after a refresh from production in 2 separate tables and guarantee the same number of rows match before and after the process completes.
The process below seems to have worked but the before count did not match the after count.
SET [somePhone] = BINARY_CHECKSUM([somePhone])
Microsoft dynamic-data-masking may be a better option.
According to Microsoft's documentation on NEWSEQUENTIALID, the output of NEWSEQUENTIALID is predictable. But how predictable is predictable? Say I have a GUID that was generated by NEWSEQUENTIALID, how hard would it be to:
Calculate the next value?
Calculate the previous value?
Calculate the first value?
Calculate the first value, even without knowing any GUID's at all?
Calculate the amount of rows? E.g. when using integers, /order?id=842 tells me that there are 842 orders in the application.
Below is some background information about what I am doing and what the various tradeoffs are.
One of the security benefits of using GUID's over integers as primary keys is that GUID's are hard to guess. E.g. say a hacker sees a URL like /user?id=845 he might try to access /user?id=0, since it is probable that the first user in the database is an administrative user. Moreover, a hacker can iterate over /user?id=0..1..2 to quickly gather all users.
Similarly, a privacy downside of integers is that they leak information. /order?id=482 tells me that the web shop has had 482 orders since its implementation.
Unfortunately, using GUID's as primary keys has well-known performance downsides. To this end, SQL Server introduced the NEWSEQUENTIALID function. In this question, I would like to learn how predictable the output of NEWSEQUENTIALID is.
The underlying OS function is UuidCreateSequential. The value is derived from one of your network cards MAC address and a per-os-boot incremental value. See RFC4122. SQL Server does some byte-shuffling to make the result sort properly. So the value is highly predictable, in a sense. Specifically, if you know a value you can immediately predict a range of similar value.
However one cannot predict the equivalent of id=0, nor can it predict that 52DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D means the store sold at least 482 items.
The only 'approved' random generation is CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM (which wraps CryptGenRandom) but that is obviously a horrible key candidate.
In most cases, the next newsequentialid can be predicted by taking the current value and adding one to the first hex pair.
In other words:
is followed by
is followed by
Occasionally, the sequence will restart from a new value.
So, it's very predictable
NewSequentialID is a wrapper around the windows function UuidCreateSequential
You can try this code:
Num int
INSERT INTO #tbl(Num) values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5)
select * from #tbl
On my machine in this time is result:
PK Num
52DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 1
53DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 2
54DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 3
55DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 4
56DE358F-45F1-E311-93EA-00269E58F20D 5
You should try it several times in different time/date to interpolate the behaviour.
I tried it run several times and the first part is changing everytime (you see in results: 52...,53...,54...,etc...). I waited some time to check it, and after some time the second part is incremented too. I suppose the incementation continues to the all parts. Basically it look like simple +=1 incementation transformed into Guid.
If you want sequential GUID and you want have control over the values, you can use Sequences.
Sample code:
select cast(cast(next value for [dbo].[MySequence] as varbinary(max)) as uniqueidentifier)
• Calculate the next value? Yes
Microsoft says:
If privacy is a concern, do not use this function. It is possible to guess the value of the next generated GUID and, therefore, access data associated with that GUID.
SO it's a possibility to get the next value. I don't find information if it is possible to get the prevoius one.
from: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189786.aspx
edit: another few words about NEWSEQUENTIALID and security: http://vadivel.blogspot.com/2007/09/newid-vs-newsequentialid.html
NewSequentialID contains the server's MAC address (or one of them), therefore knowing a sequential ID gives a potential attacker information that may be useful as part of a security or DoS attack.
from: Are there any downsides to using NewSequentialID?
I have two Tables:
Articles(artID, artContents, artPublishDate, artCategoryID, publisherID).
ArticleUpdated(upArtID, upArtContents, upArtEditedData, upArtPublishDate, upArtCategory, upArtOriginalArticleID, upPublisherID)
A user logging in to the application and update an article's
contents at (artContents) column. I want to know about:
Which Changes the user made to the article's contents?
I want to store both versions of the Article, Original version and Edited Version!
What should I do for doing above two task:
Any necessary changes into the tables?
The query for getting exact edited data of (artContents).
(The exact edited data means, that there may 5000 characters in the coloumns, the user may edit 200 characters in the middle or somewhere else in column's characters, I want exact those edited characters, before of edit and after of edit)
Note: I am using ASP.NET with C# for Developing
You are not going to be able to do the exact editing using SQL. You need an algorithm such as the Unix diff on files (which works on the line level). At the character level, the algorithm would be some variation of Levenshtein distance. If diff meets your needs, you could download it, write a stored-procedure to call it, and then use it in the database. This would be rather expensive.
The part of your question of maintaining the different versions is much easier. I would add two colmnns EffDate and EndDate onto each record. You can get the most recent version by looking for EndDate is NULL and find the version active at any given time. Merge is generally useful for maintaining such a table.
Basically this type for requirement needs custom logging.
The example what you have provided i.e. "The exact edited data means, that there may 5000 characters in the coloumns, the user may edit 200 characters in the middle or somewhere else in column's characters, I want exact those edited characters, before of edit and after of edit"
Can have a case that user updates particular words from different place from the text.
You can use http://nlog-project.org/ for logging, its a fast and robust tool that normally we use for doing .net logging.
Also you can take a look
Asp.net Event for change tracking of entities
What would be the best way to implement change tracking on an object
Above urls will clear some air, on how to do it.
You would obviously need to track down and store every change.
My java/groovy program receives table names and table fields from the user input, it queries the tables in SAP and returns its contents.
The user input may concern the tables CDPOS and CDHDR. After reading the SAP documentations and googling, I found these are tables storing change document logs. But I did not find any remote call functions that can be used in java to perform this kind of queries.
Then I used the deprecated RFC Function Module RFC_READ_TABLE and tried to build up customized queries only depending on this RFC. However, I found if the number of desired fields I passed to this RFC are more than 2, I always got the DATA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED error even if I limit the max rows.
I am not authorized to be an ABAP developer in the SAP system and can not add any FM to existing systems, so I can only write code to accomplish this requirement in JAVA.
Am I doing something wrong? Could you give me some hints on that issue?
DATA_BUFFER_EXCEEDED only happens if the total width of the fields you want to read exceeds the width of the DATA parameter, which may vary depending on the SAP release - 512 characters for current systems. It has nothing to do with the number of rows, but the size of a single dataset.
So the question is: What are the contents of the FIELDS parameter? If it's empty, this means "read all fields." CDHDR is 192 characters in width, so I'd assume that the problem is CDPOS which is 774 characters wide. The main issue would be the fields VALUE_OLD and VALUE_NEW, both 245 Characters.
Even if you don't get developer access, you should prod someone to get read-only dictionary access to be able to examine the structures in detail.
Shameless plug: RCER contains a wrapper class for RFC_READ_TABLE that takes care of field handling and ensures that the total width of the selected fields is below the limit imposed by the function module.
Also be aware that these tables can be HUGE in production environments - think billions of entries. You can easily bring your database to a grinding halt by performing excessive read operations on these tables.
PS: RFC_READ_TABLE is not released for customer use as per SAP note 382318, and the note 758278 recommends to create your own function module and provides a template with an improved logic.
There is a way around the DATA_BUFFER_EXCEED error. Although this function is not released for customer use as per SAP OSS note 382318, you can get around this issue with changes to the way you pass parameters to this function. Its not a single field that is causing your error, but if the row of data exceeds 512 bytes this error will be raised. CDPOS will have this issue for sure!
The work around if you know how to call the function using Jco and pass table parameters is to specify the exact fields you want returned. You then can keep your returned results under the 512 byte limit.
Using your example of table CDPOS, specify something like this and you should be good to go...(be careful, CDPOS can get massive! You should specify and pass a where clause!)
In Java it can be expressed as..
listParams.setValue(this.getpObjectclas(), "OBJECTCLAS");
By limiting the fields you are returning you can avoid this error.
Is there a list of best practice MySQL data types for common applications. For example, the list would contain the best data type and size for id, ip address, email, subject, summary, description content, url, date (timestamp and human readable), geo points, media height, media width, media duration, etc
Thank you!!!
i don't know of any, so let's start one!
numeric ID/auto_increment primary keys: use an unsigned integer. do not use 0 as a value. and keep in mind the maximum value of of the various sizes, i.e. don't use int if you don't need 4 billion values when the 16 million offered by mediumint will suffice.
dates: unless you specifically need dates/times that are outside the supported range of mysql's DATE and TIME types, use them! if you instead use unix timestamps, you have to convert them to use the built-in date and time functions. if your app needs unix timestamps, you can always convert the standard date and time data types on the way out using unix_timestamp().
ip addresses: use inet_aton() and inet_ntoa() since it easily compacts an ip address in to 4 bytes and gives you the ability to do range searches that utilize indexes.
Integer Display Width You likely define your integers something like this "INT(4)" but have been baffled by the fact that (4) has no real effect on the stored numbers. In other words, you can store numbers like 999999 just fine. The reason is that for integers, (4) is the display width, and only has an effect if used with the ZEROFILL modifier. Further, this is for display purposes only, so you could define a column as "INT(4) ZEROFILL" and store 99999. If you stored 999, the mysql REPL (console) would output 0999 when you've selected this column.
In other words, if you don't need the ZEROFILL stuff, you can leave off the display width.
Money: Use the Decimal data type. Based on real-world production scenarios I recommend (19,8).
EDIT: My original recommendation was (19,4); however, I've recently run into a production issue where the client reported that they absolutely needed decimal with a "scale" of "8"; thus "4" wasn't enough and was causing improper tax calculations. I now recommend (19,8) based on a real-world scenario. I would love to hear stories needing a more granular scale.