Is ~'' really the best way to pass a null parameter to a LESS mixin? - less

I am creating a series of mixins for LESS css where I use a mixin like this with media queries:
.animal(#color: ~'', #imgWidth: ~'')
& when not (#color = ~'')
color: #color;
& when not (#imageMargin = ~'')
width: #imgWidth;
As you can see the parameters default to ~'' and then I only output the property if a real value is passed in. This allows me to 'inherit' from the previous media query when nothing is passed in :
#media screen and (min-width: 20em)
.cat(#color: red, #imgWidth: 3em);
.tiger(#color: blue, #imgWidth: 5em);
#media screen and (min-width: 20em)
.cat(#imgWidth: 5em);
.tiger(#imgWidth: 7em);
The color doesn't need to be re-set for the second media query, only the #imgWidth parameter. So in the output CSS it isn't included.
This works fine, but its very cumbersome. It this really the only way to do optional parameters that should be ignored if not provided. Why does LESS even output parameters when they're empty? Is there a setting to disable this?


How to use the default variable for only one of a few variables in less

Here is my mixin
.test(#color:black; #width:100px; #height:50px) {
Here is where it's called later
.mydiv {.test('use-mixin-color'; 300px; 150px);}
How can I override the size of .mydiv, while using the color defined in the mixin?
Everything I have tried overrides the mixin color.
To Use mixin in LESS, pass those parameter to override mixin default value :
Soluations :
.test(#color:black; #width:100px; #height:50px) {
width : #width;
height : #height;
background : #color;
.mydiv {
.test(#width : 300px; #height : 150px);
.mydiv {
width: 300px;
height: 150px;
background: black;
Helpful :)
In addition to the accepted answer. There're multiple methods (actually infinite) but if you want your mixin to be most easy for use you can provide a "specialization" for a specific argument value or number of arguments. Like this for example:
// usage:
.foo {.test(red, 1px, 2px)}
.bar {.test(3px, 4px)}
// impl.:
.test(#color, #width, #height) {
width: #width;
height: #height;
background: #color;
.test(#width, #height) { // <- "no color" specialization
.test(black, #width, #height);
Also think twice before adding default parameter values for a mixin like:
.test(#color: black, #width: 100px, #height: 50px) { ...
People tend to overuse this feature while it's rarely really necessary (and only creates an extra code-noise) except some specific use-cases.
I.e. consider if you actually expect your mixin to be invoked as:
test(blue, 4em);
// etc.
Do you?
It's usually a good idea to start without default parameter values (at least to protect the mixin against accidental misuse), i.e.:
.test(#color, #width, #height) { ...
and add them later only where and when they are necessary.

Can whole declaration be stored as #variable value in Less?

All my Less variables are editable within a CMS-module and are assigned to the Less compiler. It works, if I only use the values like color, font-size, etc.:
body {
background-color: #bgColor;
I've created another field for custom Less, which I would like to add at the end of my Less file, like:
body {
background-color: #bgColor;
#customLess /* desired OUTPUT: body { color: white; }*/
Unfortunately this leads to an ParseError.
I'd like to avoid to merge the existing Less and custom Less. I'm not looking for mixins, I guess.
Is it possible to put whole declarations in a #variable?
It is very much possible to put whole declarations (including the selector, property + value pair) inside a variable. Those are called as detached rulesets.
While calling them, braces (()) must be added. If not, the call will fail and result in compilation error. Below is an extract from the official website.
Parentheses after a detached ruleset call are mandatory. The call #detached-ruleset; would NOT work.
#customLess: {
color: white;
#bgColor: red;
body {
background-color: #bgColor;

Set min and max breakpoints with single variable with LESS?

Im trying set a media query breakpoint with LESS so I can have something like this:
#media (max-width: 1000px) {
// something
#media (min-width: 1001px) {
// something
I want a single place to control the breakpoint. The following isnt working. Is this just a syntax issue or am I going about this the wrong way?
#breakpoint: 1000;
#breakpoint-max: #breakpoint;
#breakpoint-min: #breakpoint + 1;
#media (max-width: #breakpoint-max) {
// something
#media (min-width: #breakpoint-min) {
// something
I not sure why the media query to try to compile should not work, except for the missing unit as mentioned by #SLaks already.
In you example situation you can apply 'mobile first':
#breakpoint: 1000px;
#breakpoint-max: #breakpoint;
#breakpoint-min: (#breakpoint + 1);
p {
#media (min-width: #breakpoint-min) {
// something
The above compiles into the code shown below by default:
p {
color: red;
#media (min-width: 1001px) {
p {
color: green;
The color is always red, unless the screen width is wider that 1000 px.
Also notice the brackets in #breakpoint-min: (#breakpoint + 1);. The requirement of brackets in this case depend on the sm option:
-sm=on|off Turns on or off strict math, where in strict mode, math.
--strict-math=on|off Requires brackets. This option may default to on and then
be removed in the future.
You never specified a unit.
You need to set your variable to 1000px.

Overriding mixins in LESS

when defining a mixin multiple times in LESS, and later calling that mixin as follows
.background-color() {
background: red;
.background-color() {
background: yellow;
body {
the result will be a combined output from all the defined mixins
body {
background: red; // << output from mixin #1
background: yellow; // << output from mixin #2
while when you apply the same scenario in both Sass & Stylus ( using their own syntax of course ), when you call a mixin that is defined multiple times across your stylesheets, Only the last defined one will be executed ( it will override all previously defined mixins ) as follows.
result Sass and Stylus
body {
background: yellow; // << output from mixin #2
how can I override a mixin in LESS so that the output will be from the last defined mixin ?
You can not override them, alternatively use a variable to define the 'background-color'. For Less variables the last declared win.
Also read Pattern-matching
In Less all matching mixins are compiled in the source. You can use namespace to prevent name collisions, for instance:
#ns1 {
.background-color() {
background: red;
#ns2 {
.background-color() {
background: yellow;
than you can use:
body {
#ns2 > .background-color;
Double properties are also not removed to make some browser hacks possible, example:
#myElement {
width: 300px;
width: 500px\9;
To find a solution for your use case you should reformulate your question and explain why you have these same named mixins in the first place.

LESS condition based on CSS class to set a LESS variable

I need to set a Less variable to match the website's active theme, ie, each theme has a different color.
I'd like to set #themeColor to the right color, based on the HTML's body CSS class that defines the theme.
For example:
body.themeBlue { #themeColor: blue; }
body.themeRed { #themeColor: red; }
This way I'd only need to use the #themeColor variable inside the other Less files.
Can anyone help?
According to this ( it is possible to do something like that, but I can't make it work. what is going on here?
The LESS file cannot read the actual class applied to the html body element at run time (you would probably need to implement a javascript solution to do something like that).
If you just want to have all themed css ready for use based on the body class, the best way to implement this to have all the necessary theme based css in a mixin, then apply it under the theme classes. This reduces code duplication. For example:
//mixin with all css that depends on your color
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
#contrast: lighten(#themeColor, 20%);
h1 {color: #themeColor;}
p {background-color: #contrast;}
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
CSS Output
body.themeBlue h1 {
color: #0000ff;
body.themeBlue p {
background-color: #6666ff;
body.themeRed h1 {
color: #ff0000;
body.themeRed p {
background-color: #ff6666;
For some other answers that deal with aspects or ways of theming, see:
LESS CSS - Change variable value for theme colors depending on body class
LESS.css variable depending on class
LESS CSS: abusing the & Operator when nesting?
Variables in Less are actually constants and will only be defined once.
Scope works within its code braces, so you would need to nest your CSS within each theme you want (which means duplication).
This is not ideal as you would need to do this:
body.themeBlue {
#color: blue;
/* your css here */
body.themeRed {
#color: red;
/* your css here AGAIN :( */
You could, however, try to use variables like this:
#color: black;
#colorRed: red;
#colorBlue: blue;
h1 {
color: #color; // black
body.themeRed & {
color: #colorRed; // red
body.themeBlue & {
color: #colorBlue; // blue
You would only need to declare the colours once, but you would need to constantly do the "body.themeRed" etc. prefixes where the colour varies depending on the theme.
You could actually use #import to load your theme! So common.less would contain all your default styles and #themeColor will be applied to it.
.mainThemeDependentCss() {
//file with all themed styles
#import 'common.less';
//use the mixin in the themes
body.themeBlue {
#themeColor: blue;
body.themeRed {
#themeColor: red;
BTW you should avoid using body selector in your common.less, because it wouldn't work.