Unable to use multiple select statements to insert data into a table - sql

So I'm trying to insert data into the Main_Contract_Data table from three different tables and it is producing an error that is shown below, does anyone know why?
Msg 120, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
The select list for the INSERT statement contains fewer items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns.
//SQL Server 2008 Code
INSERT INTO Main_Contract_Data
(SELECT [Client]
FROM [Internal].[dbo].[RequiredFields$])
(SELECT [Start Date]
FROM [Internal].[dbo].[RequiredFields$])
(SELECT person_id
FROM A_Manager
WHERE person_id = '5')
(SELECT person_id
FROM D_Manager
WHERE person_id = '6')

You just need to make those sub queries:
INSERT INTO Main_Contract_Data
(SELECT [Client]
FROM [Internal].[dbo].[RequiredFields$]),
(SELECT [Start Date]
FROM [Internal].[dbo].[RequiredFields$]),
(SELECT person_id
FROM A_Manager
WHERE person_id = '5'),
(SELECT person_id
FROM D_Manager
WHERE person_id = '6')
But keep in mind that each sub query can only return one row, while the overall query needs to return an entire result set. If that's only one row too, that's fine, but the overall SELECT is to return one or more while each sub query returns one row, and one value for each row in the overall query.


Trying to INSERT to based on CASE statement with SELECT VALUE

I Have a list of of SpellIDs with corresponding M values.
Given by the statement
SELECT TOP(1000) Spell_ID, MAX(Episode_Order) as M
From [dbo].[Client_MidEssex_Inpatient_Episodes_Landing]
What I want to is to INSERT on the Episode Order Column on my Inpatients_episodes_table, a value depending on the M column from the select statement, on the corresponding spell_IDs. (Each row has a spell ID and Episode order value)
The logic is:For each spell ID value in the table Check the corresponding spellID in the select statement and -> check M value. Then Compare M value from the select statement to the Episode Order value from the table. Based on this comparison, insert either a discharge or admittance code
I am trying to relate the select statement and the table both on spell_IDs, but I'm not too how.
So far I have this:
UPDATE Inpatient_Episodes_Landing SET Episode_Ward = Null;
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Inpatient_Episodes_Landing] ([Episode_Ward])
(Case when Episode_Order=01 then Admission_Ward_Code
when Episode_Order = (SELECT Spell_ID, MAX(Episode_Order) as M
From [dbo].[Client_MidEssex_Inpatient_Episodes_Landing]
where Spell_ID = (select SpellID from [dbo].[Inpatient_Episodes_Landing])
GROUP BY Spell_ID ) then Discharge_Ward_Code
else Admission_Ward_Code
FROM [dbo].[Client_MidEssex_Inpatient_Episodes_Landing]
Select TOP (1000) SpellID,Episode_Number,Episode_Ward from Inpatient_Episodes_Landing
Any help would be great, thank you!

avoiding group by for column used in datediff?

As the database is currently constructed, I can only use a Date Field of a certain table in a datediff-function that is also part of a count aggregation (not the date field, but that entity where that date field is not null. The group by in the end messes up the counting, since the one entry is counted on it's own / as it's own group.
In some detail:
Our lead recruiter want's a report that shows the sum of applications, and conducted interviews per opening. So far no problem. Additionally he likes to see the total duration per opening from making it public to signing a new employee per opening and of cause only if the opening could already be filled.
I have 4 tables to join:
table 1 holds the data of the opening
table 2 has the single applications
table 3 has the interview data of the applications
table 4 has the data regarding the publication of the openings (with the date when a certain opening was made public)
The problem is the duration requirement. table 4 holds the starting point and in table 2 one (or none) applicant per opening has a date field filled with the time he returned a signed contract and therefor the opening counts as filled. When I use that field in a datediff I'm forced to also put that column in the group by clause and that results in 2 row per opening. 1 row has all the numbers as wanted and in the second row there is always that one person who has a entry in that date field...
So far I haven't come far in thinking of a way of avoiding that problem except for explanining to the colleague that he get's his time-to-fill number in another report.
table1.col1 as NameOfProject,
table1.col2 as Company,
table1.col3 as OpeningType,
table1.col4 as ReasonForOpening,
count (table2.col2) as NumberOfApplications,
sum (case when table2.colSTATUS = 'withdrawn' then 1 else 0 end) as mberOfApplicantsWhoWithdraw,
sum (case when table3.colTypeInterview = 'PhoneInterview' then 1 else 0 end) as NumberOfPhoneInterview,
...more sum columns...,
table1.finished, // shows „1“ if opening is occupied
DATEDIFF(day, table4.colValidFrom, **table2.colContractReceived**) as DaysToCompletion
table2 left join table3 on table2.REF_NR = table3.REF_NR
join table1 on table2.PROJEKT = table1.KBEZ
left join table4 on table1.REFNR = table4.PRJ_REFNR
and all other columns except the ones in aggregate (sum and count) functions go in the GROUP BY section
ORDER BY table1.NameOfProject
Here is a short rebuild of what it looks like. First a row where the opening is not filled and all aggregations come out in one row as wanted. The next project/opening shows up double, because the field used in the datediff is grouped independently...
project company; no_of_applications; no_of_phoneinterview; no_of_personalinterview; ... ; time_to_fill_in_days; filled?
2018_312 comp a 27 4 2 null 0
2018_313 comp b 54 7 4 null 0
2018_313 comp b 1 1 1 42 1
I'd be glad to get any idea how to solve this. Thanks for considering my request!
(During the 'translation' of all the specific column and table names I might have build in a syntax error here and there but the query worked well ecxept for that unwanted extra aggregation per filled opening)
If I've understood your requirement properly, I believe the issue you are having is that you need to show the date between the starting point and the time at which an applicant responded to an opening, however this must only show a single row based on whether or not the position was filled (if the position was filled, then show that row, if not then show that row).
I've achieved this result by assuming that you count a position as filled using the "ContractsRecevied" column. This may be wrong however the principle should still provide what you are looking for.
I've essentially wrapped your query in to a subquery, performed a rank ordering by the contractsfilled column descending and partitioned by the project. Then in the outer query I filter for the first instance of this ranking.
Even if my assumption about the column structure and data types is wrong, this should provide you with a model to work with.
The only issue you might have with this ranking solution is if you want to aggregate over both rows within one (so include all of the summed columns for both the position filled and position not filled row per project). If this is the case let me know and we can work around that.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
declare #table1 table (
REFNR int,
NameOfProject nvarchar(20),
Company nvarchar(20),
OpeningType nvarchar(20),
ReasonForOpening nvarchar(20),
KBEZ int
declare #table2 table (
NumberOfApplications int,
Status nvarchar(15),
REF_NR int,
ReturnedApplicationDate datetime,
ContractsReceived bit,
declare #table3 table (
TypeInterview nvarchar(25),
REF_NR int
declare #table4 table (
StartingPoint datetime
insert into #table1 (REFNR, NameOfProject, Company, OpeningType, ReasonForOpening, KBEZ)
values (1, '2018_312', 'comp a' ,'Permanent', 'Business growth', 1),
(2, '2018_313', 'comp a', 'Permanent', 'Business growth', 2),
(3, '2018_313', 'comp a', 'Permanent', 'Business growth', 3);
insert into #table2 (NumberOfApplications, Status, REF_NR, ReturnedApplicationDate, ContractsReceived, PROJEKT)
values (27, 'Processed', 4, '2018-04-01 08:00', 0, 1),
(54, 'Withdrawn', 5, '2018-04-02 10:12', 0, 2),
(1, 'Processed', 6, '2018-04-15 15:00', 1, 3);
insert into #table3 (TypeInterview, REF_NR)
values ('Phone', 4),
('Phone', 5),
('Personal', 6);
insert into #table4 (PRJ_REFNR, StartingPoint)
values (1, '2018-02-25 08:00'),
(2, '2018-03-04 15:00'),
(3, '2018-03-04 15:00');
select * from
RANK()OVER(Partition by NameOfProject, Company order by ContractsReceived desc) as rowno,
table1. NameOfProject,
case when ContractsReceived >0 then datediff(DAY, StartingPoint, ReturnedApplicationDate) else null end as TimeToFillInDays,
ContractsReceived Filled
#table2 table2 left join #table3 table3 on table2.REF_NR = table3.REF_NR
join #table1 table1 on table2.PROJEKT = table1.KBEZ
left join #table4 table4 on table1.REFNR = table4.PRJ_REFNR
group by NameOfProject, Company, OpeningType, ReasonForOpening, ContractsReceived,
StartingPoint, ReturnedApplicationDate
) x where rowno=1

Enter Specific data depending on row criteria

Afternoon, I have the following SQL command:
WHERE ORDER_NO = '*1007';
This pulls out the following information:
[enter image description here][1]
There is a specific Criteria that I want to reach and that is the following:
On Order No: *1007, If client state on all lines = PaidPosted then I need another column to show 'PaidPosted' on all lines.
However On Order No: *1007, If Client State on 4 Lines = 'PaidPosted' but 1 or more lines = 'PostedAuth' then I need another column where all lines to show 'PostedAuth'. However if all of the lines are NULL I need a column where all lines show 'No Invoice'.
Hopefully this makes more sense.
I think this will get you what you need.
You can create a Temporary Table that has your sort order:
(myOrder INT,
VALUES(1, 'Preliminary')
VALUES(2, 'PostedAuth')
VALUES(3, 'PaidPosted')
Then you can just join it to your table and run a RANK function on it like so:
ORDER BY B.myOrder ASC) AS OrderRank
FROM #Temp A
This will give you results by RANK and you can use a WHERE statement to filter on only RANK = 1
If your data has multiple rows of the same Client State, you will need to do some kind of DISTINCT or GROUP BY.

SQL 'GROUP BY' to filter an array of 'text' data type

I am new to SQL and I an trying to understand the GROUP BY statement.
I have inserted the following data in SQL:
CREATE TABLE table( id integer, type text);
INSERT INTO table VALUES (1,'start');
INSERT INTO table VALUES (2,'start');
INSERT INTO table VALUES (2,'complete');
INSERT INTO table VALUES (3,'complete');
INSERT INTO table VALUES (3,'start');
INSERT INTO table VALUES (4,'start');
I want to select those IDs that do not have a type 'complete'. For this example I should get IDs 1, 4.
I have tried multiple GROUP BY - HAVING combinations. My best approach is:
SELECT id from customers group by type having type!='complete';
but the resulted IDs are 4,3,2.
Could anyone give me a hint about what I am doing wrong?
You are close. The having clause needs an aggregation function and you need to aggregate by id:
select id
from table t
group by id
having sum(case when type = 'complete' then 1 else 0 end) = 0;
Normally, if you have something called an id, you would also have a table with that as primary key. If so, you can also do:
select it.id
from idtable it
where not exists (select 1
from table t
where t.type = 'complete' and it.id = t.id

Oracle SQL: Returning a Record even when a specific value doesn't exist

I have a query where I'm trying to pull some values from a table where a specific ID is queried for. If that value doesn't exist, I would still like the query to return a record that only has that ID value I was looking for. Here's what I've tried so far.
Select attr.attrval, attr.uidservicepoint, sp.servicepointid
From bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
Join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype AND
type.attrtype IN ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW') and TO_CHAR( attr.starttime , 'mm/dd/yyyy')in ('05/01/2011')
Right Outer Join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
Where sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382') Order By sp.servicepointid ASC
In this example, I'm trying to look for RGE_R01000051574382. If that doesn't exist in table SP.servicepointid, I want it to still return the 'RGE_R01000051574382' in a record with nulls for the other values I'm pulling. Normally, when I'm running this, I will be pulling about 1000 specific values at a time.
If anyone has any insight that they can give on this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
If I understand correctly, you just need to move the WHERE clause into the JOIN clause.
select attr.attrval,
from bilik.lssrvcptmarketattr attr
join bilik.lsmarketattrtype type on attr.uidmarketattrtype = type.uidmarketattrtype
and type.attrtype in ('CAPACITY_REQUIREMENT_KW')
and TO_CHAR(attr.starttime, 'mm/dd/yyyy') in ('05/01/2011')
right outer join bilik.lsservicepoint sp on attr.uidservicepoint = sp.uidservicepoint
and sp.servicepointid in ('RGE_R01000051574382')
order by sp.servicepointid
I think you're saying you want to have a record returned, with the servicepointid column populated, but all others null?
In that case, use a union.
select ...your query without order by...
and sp.servicepointid = 'RGE_R010000515743282'
select null, null, 'RGE_R010000515743282'
from dual
where not exists (select 'x' from (...your query without order by...))
Here's a complete example:
create table test (id number, val varchar2(10));
insert into test (id, val) values (1, 'hi');
select id,
from test
where id = 1
select 1,
from dual
where not exists (select 'x'
from test
where id = 1)