Automation for Mobile Web Site by Testcomplete 10 - testing

I am trying to automate mobile web site, so i am using virtual browser in Testcomplete 10. But i couldnot able to map any child object from parent.
I can take main page screenshot only. Below steps i had done,
1) opend by using virtual browser with Apple ipad or any other
2) took screenshot for main page, Name Mapping path : Aliases.browser.BrowserWindow.Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND
3) Trying to map Google search textbox, but could not map that child objects from parent("Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND").
Can any one confirm possible solution for this?

I guess you're using Chrome 34?
You need TestComplete 10.10 with the Chrome 33 patch (it works for Chrome 34, too).
Also, make sure that the TestComplete extension version in chrome://extensions is; otherwise uninstall and reinstall both Chrome and TestComplete as explained here.


How to run test in IE browser using OxygenHQ?

I want to run a simple test using OxygenHQ, of opening wikipedia and then search for hello world. The script written is working fine for Chrome and Firefox but in case of IE mutiple windows are opening without the page and then it fails eventually.
Is there any way to fix this? I went through the docs provided at but could not get a concrete answer on why this is only happening for IE. Here is a console output and screenshot for reference.
Console Output :
Starting iteration #1
UNKNOWN_ERROR - undefined: args[0].endsWith is not a function at line 1Test finished with status --> FAILED
Browser: Internet Explorer
Version: 11.535.18362.0
OS: Windows 10
This might be connected to your internet settings
make sure that the IE screen size is 100%
make sure all Internet options in Security Tab (Internet, Local Internet etc') are either with the Enable protected mode on or off (should be the same for all)
see picture
Have a look again at the Oxygen web site, it has had a major facelift and a lot of new content

Selenium doesn't load redirect page

I have a tool which load a website, fill in the information, and save the result.
It was working fine until last week.
After debugging, I found out the reason is because the site URL "became" redirected.
The redirected sequence is like below. (for example, site url is` →\somethingbetween → (yes, the final redirected url is exactly the same as the original url)
If I open chrome and navigate to the url manually, the page is loaded fine. But if opened by selenium chromedriver, it will stop as\somethingbetween. The strange thing is if I manually enter the url inside the address bar of the browser which was opened by ChromeDirver (will have a little popup saying that the browser is currently controlled by automation tool), the browser will also stop at the second page (\somethingbetween).
I tried to use the Chrome beta version 79 (with chrome driver v79) but the problem didn't go away.
Use Chrome driver of stable version which may help you to get rid of this problem.Because under this version there is an issue of "issue 3133: window.navigator.webdriver is undefined when "enable-automation" is excluded in non-headless mode (should be true) [Pri-2].So do try with the stable versions like v78,v77.
The redirection issue occurs when "driver.get()" method is used. Please try using "driver.navigate().to()" method to navigate to the url. This may solve the issue.
Linking a related question:
How do I switch to redirected url using selenium web driver

Does Microsoft UI Automation Framework work with Chrome, Python and Java Apps?

I am working on an automation project, in which I need to capture the activities [ application launched, data entered, input type etc.] user performs on a desktop. I came across Microsoft UI Automation framework which so far works well for native windows based applications like MS Office, .NET apps etc. However I did not find any useful information / samples of capturing the information from different web browsers [Chrome is a must], Python apps, Java Apps etc. Can someone please confirm whether MS UI Automation Framework supports such apps. Any working example to extract user activities from these apps would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Chrome only supports UI Automation for toolbars, tabs, menu, buttons around the web page. Everything that's rendered as a web page is not seen by UIA.
For the web page content, the easiest way is to use Selenium (driven by the ChromeDriver), which is kind of a de facto standard for browsers, and has nothing to do with UIA.
To test if an app supports UIA, and how far it does, it's very easy, just run UIA's Inspect tool and check the UI tree over that application.
Some additions to Simon's answer...
Chrome page content can be seen by UIA if you run chrome --force-renderer-accessibility. Only for existing Chrome process it won't work. Though user can create a new tab chrome://accessibility manually and enable UIA for all or some chosen pages. This method also works for AT-SPI accessibility technology on Linux. Of course, Selenium WebDriver is an industry standard here. But another way exists. Both Mozilla and IE support UIA by default.
Inspect.exe can be simply downloaded from this GitHub repo.
Regarding Java apps it depends on the app type. Your chances is about 50/50.
WxPython or PyQt5 are good for UIA. TkInter or Kivy apps are not.
P.S. There is an example how to drag a file from explorer.exe and drop to Google Drive in Chrome using Python library pywinauto.
I'm a bit late to the party..
But Chromes accessibility features are only activated once something tries to access it's accessibility.
If you call AccessibleObjectFromWindow ([DllImport("oleacc.dll")]) with the window handle an existing chrome window will have its accessibility activated (and you'll see the actual web page content in UIA!).
If the chrome window is opened after your app is running - Chrome pings open processes for any open accessibility apps... for that you use AccessibleObjectFromEvent and the event you're responding to comes from the windows pipeline: EVENT_SYSTEM_ALERT = 0x0002 .
The bottom line is - you have to tell chrome that there's something installed that wants to access it's web page content.
Oh! and your application has to be signed!! Unsigned apps won't be able to access web content - I think that's the same in firefox too.
I hope this helps someone in the future.

Browerstack: Edge 15 on Windows 10: Localhost only performs a bing search

My app is served on localhost. I am testing it on Browserstack: see title for browser version and OS. I'm running Chrome 59 on OSX Sierra.
I've tried entering localhost:PORT, and http://localhost:PORT but am always given a Bing search result for that string, instead of directing to my development server. I know the server is up because I'm doing manual testing on Firefox, Safari, and Chrome.
I've also attempted to change Edge settings in guides like this one, but there the button to remove bing completely does not exist.
Can anyone point me at support/docs that disable this functionality? Thanks!

Blueprism - Not able to spy elements

I am using Blueprism to launch a URL in browser to spy it. I am able to launch the URL using the application modeller, but not able to spy it. The "Identify" option itself does not appear in blue prism. What is the problem and what is the solution ?
In spying a web application, key things to note for your application modeler;
1. your application modeler must be a "Browser-Based Application"
2. Launching from an executable or attaching to one. (Assuming you are launching from an executable from your question)
3. Specify url.
From your question. you are able to launch the browser from the application modeler. the most possible problem is you missing step 1 as mentioned above. Confirm your application modeler is specified as "Browser-Based Application"
Check a few things : is your modeler attached to the browser, are you in the right mode (for ease of use I would recommend using IE in HTML mode), and if that doesn't work try accessibility mode.
Try these simple steps:
Close the browser application and let the Blue Prism open your browser.
Try testing your object in Object Studio.
Now open your application modeler and launch. Check and you will find the identify option appeared.
If you launch application from Google Chrome, then you can get this error because in Google Chrome it's not possible to Spy and launch the applications. Any RPA Tools will support only Internet Explorer