Expression Languages Example in Apache Oozie - apache

I am currently learning to use Expression Languages(EL) in Apache Oozie workflow. Although I was able to get an abstract picture of using EL in Oozie, I was not able to relate the same with practical example.
It would be helpful if you could relate to real world example and provide explanation and provide detailed explanation on using EL in oozie.

Take a look at Oozie documentation - there are some examples of using Hadoop EL functions.


what is the tool that is used to make this documentation ?

I am trying to figure out what is the tool that is used to make this documentation. as I am searching for a good documentation tool and preferably free.. any suggestions are appreciated c:
Volosoft uses its own documentation tool which is named VoloDocs
Also, it's free & open-source, you can visit VoloDocs Documentation for installation and usage info.

How to generate a sentiment report?

I have a web application (Java application) that does twitter sentiment analysis. Now my question would be, how can i generate a report that can print sentiment of a particular time? (It can be a pdf or a word)
I wasn't really sure of how to proceed. Please kindly advice.
What i have tried:
I was looking at:
and JasperReports (Although this seems promising, I still haven't found a way to make this work)
Please advice.
You haven't indicated what are the main problems you have run into with your Jasper and xdocreport. You might also like to say what your sentiment print will include so that readers can advise on technologies. Docmosis provides a Java or cloud solution which works from document templates and may be a simpler approach for your application. Please note I work for the company that created Docmosis.

How to configure KNIME/Weka to interact with my own software?

I have this task to bridge an analytics engine(like KNIME/Weka) to a software. However, I am new to KNIME and APIs and most of CSE.
Could someone possibly guide me as to how do I bridge the softwares? A brief explaining KNIME APIs would be very helpful or any other tips for that matter.
Thanks !!
Here are two links to use Weka from you Java code:
Basic tutorial 1
Basic tutorial 2
I cannot say how to use knime as I am mostly familiar with Weka.

How perform the local libgit2 test cases

I want to add an API like git_merge_octopus_bases, but how perform the local test cases? Could please show me some documents for this kind topics.
The libgit2 project relies on the Clar test framework.
You can get a first grasp of Clar features and usage in the Readme file.
The following documents should help one understand the basics of contributing to libgit2:
Contributing guidelines
LibGit2 conventions

Where to contribute Apache Pig UDF?

I have built some UDFs in Apache PIG. I want to make them available as open source. So can someone help me to find out where and how I can publish them.
piggybank is for exactly this.
Apache DataFu also has a good collection of Pig UDFs. If you have a UDF that you think will be generally useful you should open a JIRA and attach a patch ;)