Where to contribute Apache Pig UDF? - apache-pig

I have built some UDFs in Apache PIG. I want to make them available as open source. So can someone help me to find out where and how I can publish them.

piggybank is for exactly this.

Apache DataFu also has a good collection of Pig UDFs. If you have a UDF that you think will be generally useful you should open a JIRA and attach a patch ;)


Read Excel using Active JDBC in java

Can I read Excel file using active jdbc in java? I have been using Eclipse as IDE for java. Is there any jar files for active jdbc?
Can anyone help me in this?
ActiveJDBC is an ORM for database access. As such, it was not built to read Excel files. The latest version of ActiveJDBC can be pulled from Maven Central.
As You haven't given us exactly what you are trying to do. I'm suggesting another solution.
I have written a basic Excel ORM tool for these purposes. It's currently in development, but if you are looking for a basic solution you can try it.
I think it will mostly cover your basic needs.
And, feel free to contribute :)
Excel ORM GitHub Repository Link

Expression Languages Example in Apache Oozie

I am currently learning to use Expression Languages(EL) in Apache Oozie workflow. Although I was able to get an abstract picture of using EL in Oozie, I was not able to relate the same with practical example.
It would be helpful if you could relate to real world example and provide explanation and provide detailed explanation on using EL in oozie.
Take a look at Oozie documentation - there are some examples of using Hadoop EL functions.

Read excel sheet without using POI api

I am having an urgent requirement.
Reading data from excel sheet.
Is there any procedure to read data from excel sheet without using apache poi api. i have to use only struts.
Thanking you,
Vipul Kumar.
What do you mean you "only have to use Struts"? If that means you cannot use any other library (and I hope it doesn't), you only have one way: implement an Excel parser yourself.
I strongly advise you against it, though. Why would you want to reinvent the wheel?
If not, then there are a couple of alternatives to help you:
Apache POI

Is there an sql reindenter?

I'm looking to pretty print SQL code. Preferably free and/or online based.
My favorite: http://www.dpriver.com/pp/sqlformat.htm?ref=g_wangz
If you have SQLNAV you May have the formatter tools as well.
They can do the job
take a look at this lightweight javascript plugin
simply grab the code and use it.
With this plugin you can beautify not only SQL, but also XML, JSON and CSS.
Pretty useful.

Is there a quick solution to query a Lucene index from Node.js?

I'm developing a server with node.js and would like to re-use the index files I generated with Lucene. Do you guys know a quick way to query this index from node.js?
there is a node-solr module github.com/gsf/node-solr
The module that has been mentioned previously as an answer to this question points to the library named node-solr which seems to be out of date and no longer maintained according to the author.
However, there is a library named solr-node-client that is well documented and available for download via e.g npm.