Test Automation for HTML/JS/CSS Animations [closed] - selenium

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any open source of commercial tools available for test automation of HTML/JS/CSS animations?
Is it possible to ascertain the visual artifacts by some means of image capture and comparison ( selenium offers image grab, but its more static) quickly to ascertain a test application pass/fail

Try to use Sikuli framework. Sikuli automates everything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source code.
URL - http://www.sikuli.org/
Also you can use the mix of Webdeiver and Sikuli - SikuliWebDriver. Here you can find an example of using it: http://code.google.com/p/sikuli-api/wiki/SikuliWebDriver
I prefer using the Sikuli Java API and create wrapper functions around the Sikuli functions like click, type etc.


Is there any console color contrast ratio checkers? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working on automating accessibility testing and right now I'm looking for a console color contrast ratio checker. I know there are many browser extensions, but they are all manual and have graphical interface. My idea of it would be some tool that makes a screenshot, analyses it and gives back a text or image report with a number of violations and their location. The project I'm working on is a React application and I'm using Playwright for E2E testing.
If you open your DEV-Tools [F12] you can see the text color (in Firefox a round circle, in Edge a square). Click on it and the contrast-ratio will be shown.

How to automate desktop/web applications on citrix [closed]

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Closed 6 months ago.
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I have bunch of different applications that are on Citrix. Is UiPath my only options? ..I find the tool so boring. Is there any other options?.. Thanks for your help.
Some other options are Blue Prism or Automation Anywhere, but they will probably be just as boring.
The problem with automating Citrix is that all you are getting is an image of the user interface. No elements of the application are able to be viewed or interacted with. Therefore, the only option is using OCR to scan for text or other objects and return the relative screen position (x, y) coordinates. Then, you use those coordinates to input text or click checkboxes or whatever.
If you are looking to write code, you can probably get the screen position using an OCR class library or API. There's one available here ocr.space/ocrapi. It supports several languages, and might be useful if you want to go that route.

How to test <script>alert("XSSTest")</script> [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need to pass (alert("XSSTest")) this string in all the field to test-penetration testing. even i dont have much idea about this. Presently am doing this entering this text/script manually to each and every field of my web application. Can any one suggest me is there is any tool which can ease this task. I even heard there are many plugin for FF browser available for the same.
You have many options to automate XSS testing.
You can use free and commercial softwares to acheive this. I listed some popular tools below:
Commercial (there may be a trial version)
IBM AppScan
Mozilla Firefox AddOn:
Now bear in mind that if you have the source code of the application that you want to test, you may do also static code analysis. This also depends on the technology you are using. Find below some tools for this:
IBM AppScan (Source)
Of course the lists may continue for many more other tools.

Any Open Source projects that has Selenium 2.0 tests? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm starting to use Selenium for UI testing and was wondering if there were any open source projects with decent tests that I can use for learning about how to design the Selenium tests.
Any other resources about designing the UI tests would also be appreciated.
I've read the documentation on the Selenium website which is a good start but I'm hoping to find some info/examples of how to make sure your numerous tests are maintainable in the future.
GWT Mobile Web Toolkit appears to be using Selenium. I had read that jQuery was using it, but I can't see any evidence of them using it in there source code repository.
You may also find this answer helpful.
Google Caja has some tests that can be found here
A search on Google Code Search may also help track down examples of usage.
Looks like the guys over at Atlassian are using it for Jira and some of there other projects:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
part 3 has links to the projects that they have been working on.

How to run test cases in MS Excel from Selenium IDE? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to run test cases in MS Excel from Selenium? Any books available to study Selenium test automation?
Selenium is geared up for testing web applications, so i'm struggling to see what your requirements are, or why you'd want to use it with Excel (/shudder).
You might want to consider Sikuli (http://groups.csail.mit.edu/uid/sikuli/)
You cannot use Selenium to test MS Excel. That is, Selenium supports browser automation only, not automation of thick client apps, like Excel.
However, if you are talking about using MS Excel spreadsheets to data-drive your Selenium tests - that is, use Excel as input data for Selenium tests - that is possible.
Since Selenium RC has APIs of several languages, e.g. java, PHP, ruby, c#...e.t.c
So what you can do is using "excel reader" API from the language you adapt (e.g. java), then feed the data into selenium APIs.
Furthermore, you can use test framework that have data provider (e.g. testng) that can read test data from external sources, e.g. csv, xml...e.t.c