How to run test cases in MS Excel from Selenium IDE? [closed] - testing

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How to run test cases in MS Excel from Selenium? Any books available to study Selenium test automation?

Selenium is geared up for testing web applications, so i'm struggling to see what your requirements are, or why you'd want to use it with Excel (/shudder).
You might want to consider Sikuli (

You cannot use Selenium to test MS Excel. That is, Selenium supports browser automation only, not automation of thick client apps, like Excel.
However, if you are talking about using MS Excel spreadsheets to data-drive your Selenium tests - that is, use Excel as input data for Selenium tests - that is possible.

Since Selenium RC has APIs of several languages, e.g. java, PHP, ruby, c#...e.t.c
So what you can do is using "excel reader" API from the language you adapt (e.g. java), then feed the data into selenium APIs.
Furthermore, you can use test framework that have data provider (e.g. testng) that can read test data from external sources, e.g. csv, xml...e.t.c


What will be the best tool to automate a Single Page Application test cases [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have a new website to test which is a Single page application (SPA) and I'm not sure which tool shall I use to automate it. I thought of Selenium and Protractor but Protractor would not be a good idea as my site has nothing to do with AngularJS and in that case is it like Selenium WebDriver is the only option or there are any other tool available in market?
If selenium is the only good option then what sort of challenge I can face?
I'd go for Watir-Webdriver and Ruby! Main benefits - easy to read and understand code, ruby flexibility, power and irb debugger, speed and reliability. As for challenges - one would be of integrating technologies (if your site uses C# as the backend - i would definitely go with C# and Selenium-Webdriver)
Yes you can go with selenium webdriver with a framework like POM(Page object Model).
Page object model gives flexibility and maintainability for you scripts.
Hope it will help you :)
In case of one page application its will be bad idea to use selenium.
add all the dll's to your project, run the webDriver in your code and so on ...
The best idea will be using (.Net webBrowser + MSHtml) [in case that your test will be on internet explorer web browser]
The Benefits:
Speed !
Build in Framework.

How to test <script>alert("XSSTest")</script> [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I need to pass (alert("XSSTest")) this string in all the field to test-penetration testing. even i dont have much idea about this. Presently am doing this entering this text/script manually to each and every field of my web application. Can any one suggest me is there is any tool which can ease this task. I even heard there are many plugin for FF browser available for the same.
You have many options to automate XSS testing.
You can use free and commercial softwares to acheive this. I listed some popular tools below:
Commercial (there may be a trial version)
IBM AppScan
Mozilla Firefox AddOn:
Now bear in mind that if you have the source code of the application that you want to test, you may do also static code analysis. This also depends on the technology you are using. Find below some tools for this:
IBM AppScan (Source)
Of course the lists may continue for many more other tools.

Test Automation for HTML/JS/CSS Animations [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there any open source of commercial tools available for test automation of HTML/JS/CSS animations?
Is it possible to ascertain the visual artifacts by some means of image capture and comparison ( selenium offers image grab, but its more static) quickly to ascertain a test application pass/fail
Try to use Sikuli framework. Sikuli automates everything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI's internal or source code.
Also you can use the mix of Webdeiver and Sikuli - SikuliWebDriver. Here you can find an example of using it:
I prefer using the Sikuli Java API and create wrapper functions around the Sikuli functions like click, type etc.

Good Selenium WebDriver Extension? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I noticed that the webdriver doesnt have much support for .net. There are plenty of functions for java and ruby but C# is kinda lagging far... behind.
Does anybody know of any extensions classes or libraries that help C# testers. Currently converting tests from Watin to Selenium and I'm starting to realize selenium does not have a ton of support for things like the table class, select lists, ect.
You could also try. We use it, and love it.
Selenium WebDriverSEd Nuget
Selenium WebDriverSEd GitHub
Shameless self-plug (because I'm on the dev team for this framework):
Have you downloaded the C# Client Driver from Selenium?
I'm using it and I can use XPath with it as well:
IWebElement queryBox = _ieWebDriver.FindElement(By.Name("q"));
For Table Class with Selenium, you may like to have a look at FITNESSE to be used with Selenium.

i am a newbie in automation testing using Selenium. What do I need to run an automation test? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know Selenium IDE should be needed to record/playback a test. What are the other things in selenium i need, to automate test cases. I am not sure about anything other that recording and playing back. How does this selenium actually works. Do i need to code any programs like developing? or only recording the test will be enough? Share you knowledge about Selenium test.
Where can i get best tutorial for Selenium?
Do i need to code any programs like developing? or only recording the
test will be enough?
This largely depends on what you require your tests to do. If you only need to record a very straightforward set of tests, using the Selenium IDE and recording tests will probably be sufficient. If you are trying to make a robust and extensible test suite, with varied input and/or varied test conditions, you will probably need to do some development to fully tap into the power of Selenium.
The best resources that I know of are the official Selenium documentation, which is well-written and even comes with a bunch of pictures to help walk you through starting with Selenium. For more detailed or technical questions, I would refer to the Selenium google group, which is pretty active.
I recommend these high rating Selenium video tutorial (duration : 2.5 hours in 3 parts) :
Although its title is Selenium + JUnit, but actually it is all about Selenium IDE