Game Center Turn Based matches. Multiple type match inside one game? - objective-c

Im extending my game with Game Center turn based matches. However my game got 4 game mode and I woud like to make a Multiplayer mode for all. I have successfully made the first mode however if I try to load an another GKTurnBasedMatchMakerViewController I get the same matches and same game as in the first mode. Is there any way to make different type of matches inside one game?

This is possible with the playerGroup property of a GKMatchRequest. When you assign it to the request it will create a match only if it can find another player with a match request of the same group. Read GKMatchRequest Class Reference for more information.


How to create a list which sorts its self like games with the animation

I am creating a game in flutter in which I want to create my leader board page in which I want to achieve the list like Reorderable widget but in that we drag the tile manually but I need to get it automate ,it should elevate and lower another tiles same animation like Reorderable list but it should be automated
I hope I will find some solution with large community
You can take a look at the AnimatedList in Flutter:
When a new value is inserted (or removed), it is automatically animated (and you can of course customize this animation to suit your needs).
I'm not sure how you would handle moving an item from one place to the next in the list, though.
I found this other SO thread which mentions the great_list_view package, in which you can just update your underlying list (with the new score, or sort it again) and it will automatically animate it for you. That sounds like a good option, and the package has recently been updated and has a decent amount of likes on pub.

adding support for gamepads to a spritekit program objective c

I'm sure I must be asking the wrong questions in Google because I just cannot find what I'm looking for here. I have no code to show because I don't know where to begin with this one. I have a USB NES controller I wish to use with a Spritekit game I've recently finished. However I have no idea how to add gamepad support to my program. I'm not really looking to add custom user defined keys as such, I just want to be able to get the keycodes from the controller I have. How do I go about getting this to work?

How do we get Qt to render to memory rather than a device?

I have an application that uses Qt 5.6 for various purposes and that runs on an embedded device. Currently I have it rendering via eglfs to a Linux frame buffer on an attached display but I also want to be able to grab the data and send it to a single-color LED display unit (a device will either have that unit or a full video device, never both at the same time).
Based on what I've found on the net so far, the best approach is to:
turn off anti-aliasing;
set Qt up for 1 bit/pixel display device;
select a 1bpp font, no grey-scale allowed; and
somehow capture the graphics scene that Qt produces so I can transfer it to the display unit.
It's just that last one I'm having issues with. I suspect I need to create a surface of some description and inject that into the Qt display "stack", but I cannot find any good examples on how to do this.
How does one do this and, assuming I have it right, is there a synchronisation method used to ensure I'm only getting complete buffers from the surface (i.e., no tearing)?

QuickGame in google play games multiplayer - necessarily inside my google circle?

Does the quickgame option, in the multiplayer google play games, match random players who are in (i) one's google plus circle or (ii) any online player.
I want to implement quickgame with anyone who is online, and I could not find anything in documentation or elsewhere that clarifies if a "random player" can be outside my circle.
Realtime Quick game option selects from random players according to the documentation.
Quick Game option - When the player selects the Quick Game option, your
game should create a virtual room object to join players, auto-match
the player to randomly selected opponents without displaying the
player picker UI, and immediately start the game.
We can safely assume that it selects “Any online player”. You can also make specific criterias during selection by using the exclusiveBitMask
parameter of the createAutoMatchCriteria function

How to get User Location with auto complete in iOS 9? [duplicate]

For example, when I input several letters, the corresponding words will show up automatically and then I can select them. But how to implement this kind of function? Which kind of UI element should I use ? Should I also input all countries in the world in cord data so that I can get the corresponding results ?
The image you've shown appears to be simply a UITableView that appears and is populated in response to what the user types in a UITextField.
If you're working with a table view similar to your screen shot, you can use a UISearchController. Here's a tutorial about it.