Not to follow the links on page - seo

Please suggest me, By writing <meta name="robots" content="nofollow">in the submaster page will include the links of master page or not? Thanks.
These both are two different URLs therefore no-following links on one page will not effect the links on the other page.
You will have to include the no-follow meta tags on both the pages separately to make external links no-follow on both the pages:
<meta name="robots" content="nofollow"/>

Every page identified by a unique URL is unique and crawlers index each URL separately. Considering this fact and logic, your meta tag on sub page will not affect the parent page.


Can I put Open Graph tags out of the head tag of my page?

I am talking about the Open Graph tag here. Can I put the og meta tag anywhere on the page?
I want to use my detail page image for the og tag, the easiest solution is putting the og:image tag in the body of my page.
Open Graph meta tags should always be nested between <head> tags.
To turn your web pages into graph objects, you need to add basic
metadata to your page. We've based the initial version of the protocol
on RDFa which means that you'll place additional <meta> tags in the
<head> of your web page.
Additionally, keep in mind that order of the tags matters, especially when dealing with array tags (which includes og:image).
Open Graph Tag should be always always be placed on header tag until knowledge goes.. People please correct me if I am wrong..

How to use meta refresh to an Ajax based URL?

I'm trying to relocate a few select posts from my blogger URL to my new blog located in a Wix website.
I'm trying to use the meta refresh tag to get my SEO transfered for each of my blogger posts.
Blogger does not provide 301 redirects outside of the blogger domain. Hence I'm using the meta refresh tags.
I notice that Wix's blog pages have Ajax based URL links. Should I be providing the URL (of the Wix post) in the Meta Refresh tag (in the blogger post) with the "#!" or should the URL in the meta refresh be the one with "?_escaped_fragment_"?
Which of these URLs will transfer the SEO from the blogger post to the Wix post?
If you intend to preserve the link profile and search engine optimisation value of the posts, then a Meta refresh cannot quite replace a 301 redirect.
To answer your question, though, Google can deal with hashbang (#!) as well as escaped fragments, depending on how the Wix site is coded. You should definitely refer to Google's guide to making AJAX crawlable:
Use the following code in head tag:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="3;url=yourpage.html">
Google can understand #! sign. That would not be a problem.
If you query site:www.[something-made-with-wix].com on Google, You'll see all the links in the form of #! in the results.
You can try this one as an example.
After many trial and error I have found the answer to my own question.
Here's what happened when I did this on the old/url
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=new/url/#!BlogPost" />
This did the redirection after 2sec, but after weeks of waiting, the old/url continued to show on google and the new/url never showed up.
Then I tried this on the old/url:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=new/url/?_escaped_fragment_=BlogPost" />
This did nothing as well.
Then I figured that if content=n (n is a number other than 0) , this is treated as a 302 redirect. Which is a temporary redirect.
So I tried the following:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=new/url/?_escaped_fragment_=BlogPost" />
This was a weird reaction that google gave. The old/url got removed from the search results and the new/url too was nowhere to be found. This is bad, never do this.
The final option was:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; URL=new/url/#!=BlogPost" />
This finally did the trick. The link juice passed on from the old/url to the new/url after a few days. It is important however to go to google webmaster and get the old/url re-crawled. Only then will the link juice be passed on.
Please can you look into this, it may be useful for you:
<html xmlns="">
Welcome Back
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="2; URL=/wwstore/Profile.aspx" />
You can add this into an ASP.NET page with code like this:
// *** Create META tag and add to header controls
HtmlMeta RedirectMetaTag = new HtmlMeta();
RedirectMetaTag.HttpEquiv = "Refresh";
RedirectMetaTag.Content = string.Format("{0}; URL={1}", this.Context.Items["ErrorMessage_Timeout"], NewUrl);
But I never put 2 and 2 together to realize that the meta tag is actually mapping an HTTP header. A much easier way to do this is to simply add a header:
Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "4");
Or refresh and go off to another page:
Response.AppendHeader("Refresh", "4; url=profile.aspx");
For more details please look here :

Can meta tag description be declared dynamically in a web page

I have a dynamic page, where the contents and title will change based on the parameters in the URL. I want the same to be done for meta tag description. As I don't have a sound knowledge of SEO, I don't know whether it will be valid or not.
Say suppose URL contains word "test"
I will do,
if("test" is present)
<meta decription="test"/>
<meta decription="test1"/>
Can I do this? Does giving two meta tag descriptions for same page work.
It is best practice to have different, on the page content based values of the title element and the meta description for each web page. It is not forbidden by the the HTML5 specification to have multiple <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> elements but I would guess that search engines process only the first appearance of the element. So my recommendation would be use one <meta name="description" content="YOUR DESCRIPTION"> element for each page.
As long as you code it server-side (eg in PHP) when the page is generated rather than client-side (javascript) after the page has loaded, then it will be fine. That's how most CMS systems work already.
Done server-side, only one of the description tags will actually appear in the code Google see.
Done client-side, it is likely that they will see no description at all as I don't think many search engines render javascript.

How prevent indexing of contents of a page, not the page itself?

How can I make front-page and category pages of my CMS being indexed just by their meta description tag not by their contents (posts, navigation, ...)?
edit: Contents on these pages are generated dynamically and change frequently, so I want to prevent users don't find what they saw in search result summary
edit: Can nosnippet help for this or does it prevent the display of meta description content too?
Also How I can prevent indexing of contents of particular tag in a page?
Add this between your head tags:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"/>
But, Yandex does not care about this which is not respectful.

Should I include paginated results in my sitemap.xml?

I have listing pages that take a page argument on the url like the following:
Should I just include the URL without params or should I list all pages in my sitemap.xml?
Paginated content are listings, like an index. Therefore their content is also (in more detail) found in detail pages. But these paginated ones are the only way to reach detail pages.
I really wanted to find you a reliable source for this one, but I couldn't. Which means you'll have to make do with my intuition:
If the articles exist only in their paginated form, and you want them to be indexed as separate pages, list them all. They'll all have distinct content on them, so you won't be penalised for duplication.
I found details of one exception; including page 1 twice. Basically you need to choose whether the first page will be /foo/bar/?page=1 or just /foo/bar/, then do a 301 redirect from the version you don't want to use.
Hope this helps (even just a little).
NO!: You should add Meta-Tags to you paginated sites. This helps google to understand your pagination system.
On page 1 you would add into <head>:
<link rel="next" href="" />
On page 2 you would add:
<link rel="prev" href="" />
<link rel="next" href="" />
On page 3 you would add:
<link rel="prev" href="" />
<link rel="next" href="" />
And on page 4 you would add:
<link rel="prev" href="" />
See this document: Pagination with rel=“next” and rel=“prev”
In this case the ?page=7 probably relates to the content management systems page. In you site map file you can add this. In the site map if you want each of these pages to be displayed in what ever uses this file yes you should add them.