Table Valued Parameters with Estimated Number of Rows 1 - sql

I have been searching the internet for hours trying to figure out how to improve the performance of my query using table-valued parameters (TVP).
After hours of searching, I finally determined what I believe is the root of the problem. Upon examining the Estimated Execution plan of my query, I discovered that the estimated number of rows for my query is 1 anytime I use a TVP. If I exchange the TVP for a query that selects the data I am interested in, then the estimated number of rows is much more accurate at around 7400. This significantly increases the performance.
However, in the real scenario, I cannot use a query, I must use a TVP. Is there any way to have SQL Server more accurately predict the number of rows when using a TVP so that a more appropriate plan will be used?

TVPs are Table Variables which don't maintain statistics and hence report only have 1 row. There are two ways to improve statistics on TVPs:
If you have no need to modify any of the values in the TVP or add columns to it to track operational data, then you can do a simple, statement-level OPTION (RECOMPILE) on any query that uses a table variable (TVP or locally created) and is doing more with that table variable than a simple SELECT (i.e. doing INSERT INTO RealTable (columns) SELECT (columns) FROM #TVP; does not need the statement-level recompile). Do the following test in SSMS to see this behavior in action:
INSERT INTO #TableVariable (Col1)
SELECT so.[object_id]
FROM [master].[sys].[objects] so;
-- Control-M to turn on "Include Actual Execution Plan"
SELECT * FROM #TableVariable; -- Estimated Number of Rows = 1 (incorrect)
SELECT * FROM #TableVariable
OPTION (RECOMPILE); -- Estimated Number of Rows = 91 (correct)
SELECT * FROM #TableVariable; -- Estimated Number of Rows = 1 (back to incorrect)
Create a local temporary table (single #) and copy the TVP data to that. While this does duplicate the data in tempdb, the benefits are:
better statistics for a temp table as opposed to table variable (i.e. no need for statement-level recompiles)
ability to add columns
ability to modify values


Why changing where statement to a variable cause query to be 4 times slower

I am inserting data from one table "Tags" from "Recovery" database into another table "Tags" in "R3" database
they all live in my laptop similar SQL Server instance
I have built the insert query and because Recovery..Tags table is around 180M records I decided to break it into smaller sebsets. ( 1 million recs at the time)
Here is my query (Let's call Query A)
insert into R3..Tags (iID,DT,RepID,Tag,xmiID,iBegin,iEnd,Confidence,Polarity,Uncertainty,Conditional,Generic,HistoryOf,CodingScheme,Code,CUI,TUI,PreferredText,ValueBegin,ValueEnd,Value,Deleted,sKey,RepType)
SELECT T.iID,T.DT,T.RepID,T.Tag,T.xmiID,T.iBegin,T.iEnd,T.Confidence,T.Polarity,T.Uncertainty,T.Conditional,T.Generic,T.HistoryOf,T.CodingScheme,T.Code,T.CUI,T.TUI,T.PreferredText,T.ValueBegin,T.ValueEnd,T.Value,T.Deleted,T.sKey,R.RepType
FROM Recovery..tags T inner join Recovery..Reps R on T.RepID = R.RepID
where T.iID between 13000001 and 14000000
it takes around 2 minutes.
That is ok
To make things a bit easier for me
I put the iiD in the were statement in a variable
so my query looks like this (Let's call Query B)
declare #i int = 12
insert into R3..Tags (iID,DT,RepID,Tag,xmiID,iBegin,iEnd,Confidence,Polarity,Uncertainty,Conditional,Generic,HistoryOf,CodingScheme,Code,CUI,TUI,PreferredText,ValueBegin,ValueEnd,Value,Deleted,sKey,RepType)
SELECT T.iID,T.DT,T.RepID,T.Tag,T.xmiID,T.iBegin,T.iEnd,T.Confidence,T.Polarity,T.Uncertainty,T.Conditional,T.Generic,T.HistoryOf,T.CodingScheme,T.Code,T.CUI,T.TUI,T.PreferredText,T.ValueBegin,T.ValueEnd,T.Value,T.Deleted,T.sKey,R.RepType
FROM Recovery..tags T inner join Recovery..Reps R on T.RepID = R.RepID
where T.iID between (1000000 * #i) + 1 and (#i+1)*1000000
but that cause the insert to become so slow (around 10 min)
So what I tried query A again and gave me around 2 min
I tried query B again and gave around 8 min!!
I am attaching exec plan for each one (at a site that shows an analysis of the query plan) - Query A Plan and Query B Plan
Any idea why this is happening?
and how to fix it?
The big difference in time is due to the very different plans that are being created to join Tags and Reps.
Fundamentally, in version A, it knows how much data is being extracted (a million rows) and it can design an efficient query for that. However, because you are using variables in B to define how much data is being imported, it has to define a more generic query - one that would work for 10 rows, a million rows, or a hundred million rows.
In the plans, here are the relevant sections of the query joining Tags and Reps...
... in A
... and B
Note that in A it takes just over a minute to do the join; in B it takes 6 and a half minutes.
The key thing that appears to take the time is that it does a table scan of the Tags table which takes 5:44 to complete. The plan has this as a table scan, as the next time you run the query you may want many more than 1 million rows.
A secondary issue is that the amount of data it reads (or expects to read) from Reps is also way out of whack. In A it expected to read 2 million rows and read 1421; in B it basically read them all (even though technically it probably only needed the same 1421).
I think you have two main approaches to fix
Look at indexing, to remove the table scan on Tags - ensure the indexes match what is needed and allows the query to do a scan on that index (it appears that the index at the top of #MikePetri's answer is what you need, or similar). This way instead of doing a table scan, it can do an index scan which can start 'in the middle' of the data set (a table scan must start at either the start or end of the data set).
Separate this into two processes. The first process gets the relevant million rows from Tags, and saves it in a temporary table. The second process uses the data in the temporary table to join to Reps (also try using option (recompile) in the second query, so that it checks the temporary table's size before creating the plan).
You can even put an index or two (and/or Primary Key) on that temporary table to make it better for the next step.
The reason the first query is so much faster is it went parallel. This means the cardinality estimator knew enough about the data it had to handle, and the query was large enough to tip the threshold for parallel execution. Then, the engine passed chunks of data for different processors to handle individually, then report back and repartition the streams.
With the value as a variable, it effectively becomes a scalar function evaluation, and a query cannot go parallel with a scalar function, because the value has to determined before the cardinality estimator can figure out what to do with it. Therefore, it runs in a single thread, and is slower.
Some sort of looping mechanism might help. Create the included indexes to assist the engine in handling this request. You can probably find a better looping mechanism, since you are familiar with the identity ranges you care about, but this should get you in the right direction. Adjust for your needs.
With a loop like this, it commits the changes with each loop, so you aren't locking the table indefinitely.
USE Recovery;
ON Tags (iID)
,#StepIncrement INT = 1000000;
SELECT #RowsToProcess = (
FROM Recovery..tags AS T
FROM R3..Tags AS rt
WHERE T.iID = rt.iID
WHILE #RowsToProcess > 0
SELECT TOP (#StepIncrement)
FROM Recovery..tags AS T
INNER JOIN Recovery..Reps AS R ON T.RepID = R.RepID
FROM R3..Tags AS rt
WHERE T.iID = rt.iID
SET #RowsToProcess = #RowsToProcess - #StepIncrement;

How to improve performance of select queries from table with lots of columns

I have a table with almost 100 columns. The type for most of the columns is Nvarchar(50).
When I select rows by query, it takes a long time, depending on the number of rows. Now, the table includes 250,000 rows. It takes a a full minute to get all the rows when I execute:
I tried to add indexes, but it didn't shorten the time.
How can I build this table in a better way, so that the query's execute time will be shorter?
I'm using SQL Server 2014.
Try to reduce the size of the table by adjusting the data types to the minimum requirements. Don't use a bigint where an int will suffice, or Unicode types if you are not holding Unicode text and keep data lengths to the minimum requirement. If there are nvarchar(50) columns with a great deal of Nulls, set Sparse to True in the column properties to reduce the amount of data that has to be loaded.
You can use an index with includes. If you make sure that the include contains only the columns you select, SQL server can run the query exclusively on the index, which improves performance.
For example a table...
Column1 INT,
Column2 INT,
Column100 INT
...with a query on a subset of the columns:
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3
WHERE Column1 > 1000
You can create the index
ON Example(Column1)
INCLUDE (Column2, Column3)
Since SQL Server can get all the information it needs from the index, it won't touch the table. However, you will need more space for index than without includes, because the data from the table is now stored redundandly in the index.
Your Execution plan will give you answer, check it
If you're using 'SELECT * FROM Table1' then Indexes won't make any difference. SQL will need to read the entire table from Disk to Buffer. If you can't get away from Selecting all columns then look at what record-sets are most often returned, i.e. Transactions from 2016. If this is the case, then you can introduce Partitioning (Enterprise), or if you are on SQL Standard create a 'Filtered Covering Index' (including all columns) that only contains records from 2016. If you can afford the extra update overhead then SQL will use the smaller index to fulfill the bulk of user demand.

Poor performance of SQL query with Table Variable or User Defined Type

I have a SELECT query on a view, that contains 500.000+ rows. Let's keep it simple:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Document WHERE MemberID = 578310
The query runs fast, ~0s
Let's rewrite it to work with the set of values, which reflects my needs more:
SELECT * FROM dbo.Document WHERE MemberID IN (578310)
This is same fast, ~0s
But now, the set is of IDs needs to be variable; let's define it as:
DECLARE #AuthorizedMembers TABLE
UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (MemberID) -- and index, as if it could help...
INSERT INTO #AuthorizedMembers SELECT 578310
The set contains the same, one value but is a table variable now. The performance of such query drops to 2s, and in more complicated ones go as high as 25s and more, while with a fixed id it stays around ~0s.
FROM dbo.Document
WHERE MemberID IN (SELECT MemberID FROM #AuthorizedMembers)
is the same bad as:
FROM dbo.Document
FROM #AuthorizedMembers
WHERE [#AuthorizedMembers].MemberID = Document.MemberID)
or as bad as this:
FROM dbo.Document
INNER JOIN #AuthorizedMembers AS AM ON AM.MemberID = Document.MemberID
The performance is same for all the above and always much worse than the one with a fixed value.
The dynamic SQL comes with help easily, so creating an nvarchar like (id1,id2,id3) and building a fixed query with it keeps my query times ~0s. But I would like to avoid using Dynamic SQL as much as possible and if I do, I would like to keep it always the same string, regardless the values (using parameters - which above method does not allow).
Any ideas how to get the performance of the table variable similar to a fixed array of values or avoid building a different dynamic SQL code for each run?
P.S. I have tried the above with a user defined type with same results
The results with a temporary table, defined as:
CREATE TABLE #AuthorizedMembers
INSERT INTO #AuthorizedMembers SELECT 578310
have improved the execution time up to 3 times. (13s -> 4s). Which is still significantly higher than dynamic SQL <1s.
Your options:
Use a temporary table instead of a TABLE variable
If you insist on using a TABLE variable, add OPTION(RECOMPILE) at the end of your query
When the compiler compiles your statement, the TABLE variable has no rows in it and therefore doesn't have the proper cardinalities. This results in an inefficient execution plan. OPTION(RECOMPILE) forces the statement to be recompiled when it is run. At that point the TABLE variable has rows in it and the compiler has better cardinalities to produce an execution plan.
The general rule of thumb is to use temporary tables when operating on large datasets and table variables for small datasets with frequent updates. Personally I only very rarely use TABLE variables because they generally perform poorly.
I can recommend this answer on the question "What's the difference between temporary tables and table variables in SQL Server?" if you want an in-depth analysis on the differences.

SQL "WITH" Performance and Temp Table (possible "Query Hint" to simplify)

Given the example queries below (Simplified examples only)
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717; -- yes this is an INT
WITH LargeData AS (
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
FROM mydata
), Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM LargeData
and ...
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717;
BEGIN TRY DROP TABLE #LargeData END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; -- dump any possible table.
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
INTO #LargeData -- put smaller results into temp
FROM mydata
WITH Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM #LargeData
Both produce the same results, which is a limited and ranked list of values from a list based on a fields data.
When these queries get considerably more complicated (many more tables, lots of criteria, multiple levels of "with" table alaises, etc...) the bottom query executes MUCH faster then the top one. Sometimes in the order of 20x-100x faster.
The Question is...
Is there some kind of query HINT or other SQL option that would tell the SQL Server to perform the same kind of optimization automatically, or other formats of this that would involve a cleaner aproach (trying to keep the format as much like query 1 as possible) ?
Note that the "Ranking" or secondary queries is just fluff for this example, the actual operations performed really don't matter too much.
This is sort of what I was hoping for (or similar but the idea is clear I hope). Remember this query below does not actually work.
DECLARE #DT int; SET #DT=20110717;
WITH LargeData AS (
SELECT * -- This is a MASSIVE table indexed on dt field
FROM mydata
), Ordered AS (
, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY valuefield DESC) AS Rank_Number
FROM LargeData
EDIT: Important follow up information!
If in your sub query you add
TOP 999999999 -- improves speed dramatically
Your query will behave in a similar fashion to using a temp table in a previous query. I found the execution times improved in almost the exact same fashion. WHICH IS FAR SIMPLIER then using a temp table and is basically what I was looking for.
TOP 100 PERCENT -- does NOT improve speed
Does NOT perform in the same fashion (you must use the static Number style TOP 999999999 )
From what I can tell from the actual execution plan of the query in both formats (original one with normal CTE's and one with each sub query having TOP 99999999)
The normal query joins everything together as if all the tables are in one massive query, which is what is expected. The filtering criteria is applied almost at the join points in the plan, which means many more rows are being evaluated and joined together all at once.
In the version with TOP 999999999, the actual execution plan clearly separates the sub querys from the main query in order to apply the TOP statements action, thus forcing creation of an in memory "Bitmap" of the sub query that is then joined to the main query. This appears to actually do exactly what I wanted, and in fact it may even be more efficient since servers with large ammounts of RAM will be able to do the query execution entirely in MEMORY without any disk IO. In my case we have 280 GB of RAM so well more then could ever really be used.
Not only can you use indexes on temp tables but they allow the use of statistics and the use of hints. I can find no refernce to being able to use the statistics in the documentation on CTEs and it says specifically you cann't use hints.
Temp tables are often the most performant way to go when you have a large data set when the choice is between temp tables and table variables even when you don't use indexes (possobly because it will use statistics to develop the plan) and I might suspect the implementation of the CTE is more like the table varaible than the temp table.
I think the best thing to do though is see how the excutionplans are different to determine if it is something that can be fixed.
What exactly is your objection to using the temp table when you know it performs better?
The problem is that in the first query SQL Server query optimizer is able to generate a query plan. In the second query a good query plan isn't able to be generated because you're inserting the values into a new temporary table. My guess is there is a full table scan going on somewhere that you're not seeing.
What you may want to do in the second query is insert the values into the #LargeData temporary table like you already do and then create a non-clustered index on the "valuefield" column. This might help to improve your performance.
It is quite possible that SQL is optimizing for the wrong value of the parameters.
There are a couple of options
Try using option(RECOMPILE). There is a cost to this as it recompiles the query every time but if different plans are needed it might be worth it.
You could also try using OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR #DT=SomeRepresentatvieValue) The problem with this is you pick the wrong value.
See I Smell a Parameter! from The SQL Server Query Optimization Team blog

Unexpected #temp table performance

Bounty open:
Ok people, the boss needs an answer and I need a pay rise. It doesn't seem to be a cold caching issue.
I've followed the advice below to no avail. How ever the client statistics threw up an interesting set of number.
#temp vs #temp
Number of INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements
0 vs 1
Rows affected by INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statements
0 vs 7647
Number of SELECT statements
0 vs 0
Rows returned by SELECT statements
0 vs 0
Number of transactions
0 vs 1
The most interesting being the number of rows affected and the number of transactions. To remind you, the queries below return identical results set, just into different styles of tables.
The following query are basicaly doing the same thing. They both select a set of results (about 7000) and populate this into either a temp or var table. In my mind the var table #temp should be created and populated quicker than the temp table #temp however the var table in the first example takes 1min 15sec to execute where as the temp table in the second example takes 16 seconds.
Can anyone offer an explanation?
declare #temp table (
id uniqueidentifier,
brand nvarchar(255),
field nvarchar(255),
date datetime,
lang nvarchar(5),
dtype varchar(50)
insert into #temp (id, brand, field, date, lang, dtype )
select id, brand, field, date, lang, dtype
from view
where brand = 'myBrand'
-- takes 1:15
select id, brand, field, date, lang, dtype
into #temp
from view
where brand = 'myBrand'
-- takes 16 seconds
I believe this almost completely comes down to table variable vs. temp table performance.
Table variables are optimized for having exactly one row. When the query optimizer chooses an execution plan, it does it on the (often false) assumption that that the table variable only has a single row.
I can't find a good source for this, but it is at least mentioned here:
Other related sources:
Run both with SET STATISTICS IO ON and SET STATISTICS TIME ON. Run 6-7 times each, discard the best and worst results for both cases, then compare the two average times.
I suspect the difference is primarily from a cold cache (first execution) vs. a warm cache (second execution). The output from STATISTICS IO would give away such a case, as a big difference in the physical reads between the runs.
And make sure you have 'lab' conditions for the test: no other tasks running (no lock contention), databases (including tempdb) and logs are pre-grown to required size so you don't hit any log growth or database growth event.
This is not uncommon. Table variables can be (and in a lot of cases ARE) slower than temp tables. Here are some of the reasons for this:
SQL Server maintains statistics for queries that use temporary tables but not for queries that use table variables. Without statistics, SQL Server might choose a poor processing plan for a query that contains a table variable
Non-clustered indexes cannot be created on table variables, other than the system indexes that are created for a PRIMARY or UNIQUE constraint. That can influence the query performance when compared to a temporary table with non-clustered indexes.
table variables use internal metadata in a way that prevents the engine from using a table variable within a parallel query (this means that it wont take advantage of multi-processor machines).
A table variable is optimized for one row, by SQL Server (it assumes 1 row will be returned).
I'm not 100% that this is the cause, but the table var will not have any statistics whereas the temp table will.
SELECT INTO is a non-logged operation, which would likely explain most of the performance difference. INSERT creates a log entry for every operation.
Additionally, SELECT INTO is creating the table as part of the operation, so SQL Server knows automatically that there are no constraints on it, which may factor in.
If it takes over a full minute to insert 7000 records into a temp table (persistent or variable), then the perf issue is almost certainly in the SELECT statement that's populating it.
Have you run DBCC FREEPROCCACHE and DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS before profiling? I'm thinking that maybe it's using some cached results for the second query.