SSH tunnel stops working after EC2 instance restart - ssh

I have an SSH tunnel from an EC2 instance (say A) to another with an Elastic IP (say B). It worked perfectly. Yet, B had a failure. So I had to stop it, and start a new instance with the same Elastic IP. And now the exact same SSH tunnel does not work anymore. Yet:
I can still SSH from A to B. So I know my keys are in place
I tried the exact same tunnel from another instance than A, and it works as expected.
So somehow, it is as if A detected a problem when B went down, and it is now blocking the traffic.
/usr/bin/ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i /path_to/id_dsa -f -p 22 -N -L ssh_tunnel#amazon_public_ip
And when I try Curl here is what I get:
curl -v -H "Host:" http://localhost:26/foofoo
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
* Trying
* connect to port 26 failed: Connection refused
* Failed to connect to localhost port 26: Connection refused
* Closing connection 0
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 26: Connection refused
Am I missing something?

I found the issue. I did not pay attention, but when I was SSH-ing into the instance, I was getting a warning message: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!. Since it worked anyway, I thought it was not a problem. It turns out it makes the tunnel fail.
So I just removed the offending RSA key from known_hosts and now it works.


Unable to connect to gitlab, Connection timed out

I have created ssh keys on unbuntu under id_company and, and updated config as:
#PreferredAuthentications publickey
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_company
Now, I am trying to test the connection using: ssh -T, But I am receiving ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out I don't know what might be causing it, or am I doing something wrong?
Make sure first your server is accessible through port 22:
curl -v telnet://
I know in my company, no SSH access would ever be granted: HTTPS only.

GCP- SSH connection timed out

I've been using ssh to connect to my Google Cloud Compute instance and it's been working fine. However, I left some code running on my instance and shut down my laptop. After turning it back on, I saw that the connection was disconnected with a port 22: Broken pipe error. Since then, I haven't been able to ssh into my instance. I get this error each time-
ssh: connect to host <IP> port 22: Operation timed out
I'm new to SSH (just a data scientist trying to train some models on GCP..) and not sure how to proceed. Would appreciate any pointers. Thanks!
ssh /authorized_keys using
command ls -la
if you have run this ssh -i [PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY] [USERNAME]#[EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS]
if not configure keygen to have private key

Using dispy with port forwarding via ssh tunnel

I have dispynode running on a remote server. I'm trying to open an SSH tunnel from my computer (client) and configure dispyJobCluster to use this tunnel. But it's not working. Am I not configuring this right ? Here's how I'm doing this :
( p.s . i don't have a deep knowledge in distributed & parallel computing nor networking, I'm a civil engineer so please excuse me if I don't use the right technical words sometimes)
SSH tunnel​ :
plink -v -ssh -L 61:localhost:21
This will forward connections to port 61 to localhost:21 on the server where dispynode is running
dispynode :
sudo -d --ext_ip_addr localhost -p 21 -i localhost
will listen on port 21 and transmit using localhost which leads it though the tunnel back to the client
with this dispyClient JobCluster code :
cluster = dispy.JobCluster( runCasterDispyWorker,
nodes=[('localhost',61)], \
ip_addr='localhost', \
ext_ip_addr='localhost', \
port = 61, \
node_port = 21, \
recover_file='recover.rec', \
When I launch the I get the following error in the command prompt from which I opened the SSH tunnel :
Opening connection to localhost:21 for forwarding from
Forwarded port closed
At least I guess this means that dipsy is trying to access the opened SSH tunnel but I'm not sure what's happening server side. It seems that dispynode receives nothing.
Running a quick traffic capture with TCPdump on the server confirms it. For some unknown reason, the port changes to 64027.
I have also tried to open 2 SSH tunnels simultaneously :
One for client-to-server communications
plink -v -ssh -L 61:localhost:21
One for server-to-client communications
plink -v -ssh -R 20:localhost:60
but with no luck. I'm not even sure whether it is best to use remote forwarding or local forwarding
I tried this solution that the developer of dispy himself suggested but it didn't work for me :
Is the configuration i used above wrong ? Should I use remote or local forwarding ? Why does the port change automatically, can it be because of my company's firewall blocking the connection through the ports i'm trying to use ? Has anyone managed to run dispy through an SSH tunnel before ?
This worked for me. It should work for you :
SSH tunnel ( i'm using PuTTY's plink.exe to create the tunnel ):
plink -v -ssh -R 51347:localhost:51347 [username on server]#[server's Public IP or DomainName] -pw [USER PASSWORD on server] -N
dispynode (running on the server - linux):
sudo -d --ext_ip_addr [public IP or domain name of server]
JobCluster (dipsyClient):
def Worker():
os.system('echo hello') #prints hello on the server running dispynode
return 0
import os
import dispy, logging
cluster = dispy.JobCluster( \
Worker, \
nodes=['IP public or domain name of server'], \
ext_ip_addr='localhost', \
recover_file='recoverdispy.rec', \
job = cluster.submit()
print "waiting for job completion"
print('status: %s\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s\nexception: %s' % (job.status, job.stdout, job.stderr, job.exception))
Try this piece of code .. Make sure the required ports are allowed to be used

SSH Connection Being Refused When I'm Remote, but not Local (Port Forwarding Already Enabled)

I set up SSH on my Ubuntu server (running XMonad) and generated a key for my laptop that I used to connect to my home server with. I also went on my wireless router and forward port 22 for SSH use. I can SSH fine when I'm at home using the standard:
ssh user#ipaddress
However when I'm outside of my local network I get this error:
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
Everything I read says I need to either a) check that my port 22 is forward (which it is) or b) check that sshd is actually running on my Ubuntu server (which it is).
Any ideas what is preventing my SSH from working when I'm remote?
Add the following line your ssh user config file if it doesn't exits You can create the config file as shown below.
vi ~/.ssh/config
Host *
ServerAliveInterval 300
Change the permission as below:
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config
Restart the daemon. Hope this helps.
For me this was the cause.
In your /etc/ssh/sshd_config or /etc/ssh_ssh_config check to make sure GSSAPI Auth is disabled (set to no).
GSSAPIAuthentication no
Then restart the service or machine.

can't ssh to ec2 instance connection refused?

I was working on an ec2 instance, running some simulations on it.I was able to ssh to the instance
in the office but when I came back to hostel(using ethernet in college) I was unable to ssh
I got the error:
ssh: connect to host <IP of instance> port 22: Connection refused.So what is the problem??
My ssh is running , of course openssh is installed and in college I am able to ssh to localhost.So is this a problem with proxy/network settings??
Solved the problem I had to get pass through the proxy of my college
for that I added this to my /etc/ssh/ssh_config file Host *
ProxyCommand corkscrew <put you proxy here> <port> %h %p