Clear all cells in column who = ""? - vba

So, I have a script that is plotting data points for me, and I'm running into an issue where there are several blank spots in the data. Of of my columns is calculated, and I have a formula that sets it equal to "" if more than 0 cells that are used in the calculation are blank. The plots that use the blank cells work fine to show gaps in the data, but Excel doesn't evaluate a cell that has a formula that results in "" as blank.
Therefore, I need to set up some code that can search the entire column of data and clear the formula out of the cells whose value equal "", thereby making them blank and displaying as gaps in the plot.
I know I can use the Find and What commands to find the first cell that is evaluated as "", but how can I use it to find all the cells in the column?
The row range for the data is always constant, between 4 and 243, and the column number I am searching (within a loop) evaluates as 3*(iCounter - 1) + 2, if that helps anyone.
(The range I am searching is equal to Range(Cells(4, 3*(iCounter - 1) + 2), Cells(243, 3*(iCounter - 1) + 2))

Click on any cell in the column you wish to cleanup and run this:
Sub ClearThem()
Dim BigR As Range, r As Range
Set BigR = Intersect(ActiveCell.EntireColumn, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
For Each r In BigR
If r.Value = "" Then r.Clear
Next r
End Sub


Excel VBA deleting certain rows with certain conditions

I found a code online which works but I am failing to change it for my purpose. Each entry in my spreadsheet contains different formulas as well as an Iferror function with the aim of making cells with error messages appear as blank. For example lets say a cell E3 is dependent on cell F3 with a certain formula (for clarification lets say F3/2.5). It is obvious if there is no entry in cell F3 then an error message would display in cell E3. For this reason, I use the IFERROR function to display the cell as blank. The difficulty arises when I want to delete blank rows after a click on the macro button. However, since that cell does have an entry (a formula which in turn returns an error message), that cell does not delete. Also I need to run this code over 3 different selection ranges. Please can someone help! The code I found was from a different thread on this forum and is:
`sub foo()
dim r As Range, rows As Long, i As Long
Set r = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:Z50")
rows = r.rows.Count
For i = rows To 1 Step (-1)
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(r.rows(i)) = 0 Then r.rows(i).Delete
End Sub`
Thanks Alot!
EDIT: If statement added to the autofilter as it was deleting a row when there were no blanks
You will want to set up a column in the spreadsheet with the following sumproduct:
This is calculating how many cells' values have a length more than 0 hence are not blank, you will need to adjust cell references accordingly as I tested on a small sample of fake data.
Following this you can just loop:
For i = rows To 1 Step (-1)
If Cells(i,"G") = 0 Then r.rows(i).Delete 'My formula is in column "G"
Or set up an auto-filter and delete entire rows of the visible cells:
Dim lrow As Integer
If Not WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("G:G"), "0") = 0 Then
Range("A1:G1").AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="0"
lrow = Cells(rows.Count, 7).End(xlUp).Row + 1
Range("G2:G" & lrow).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
End If
The only problem with using a leading column to calculate for this is if you have a lot of data coming and going as you will need to replenish the formula, though you could use auto complete in the code i guess.

Excel VBA - Extract Multiple Values from a Single Cell and Associate Values in Source Cell's Row

To preface this, I have very little experience in Excel VBA, but have used some VBA in Access.
I have a file which may contain multiple values in a single cell that need to be extracted out onto individual rows, and then have the data in multiple columns from the source row re-associated with the extracted values.
The multiple values in the single cell that need to be extracted are always in a uniform format. The cell may contain any number of sets of (), but the value I need to extract is always between the 2nd : and the closing ). This is the 'Identifier'.
For example:
Would need to extract these values onto individual rows:
All remaining values from the Source Row the value was extracted from then need to be re-associated with the value.
For example, my file may look like this:
Original File Format
I then need the file to appear as follows, on a new tab:
New File Format
I believe that a module making use of a loop, or multiple loops, is likely what is needed, but I have no idea of how to go about doing this in Excel. I'm open to all solutions. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Without writing it for you, here are some pointers to get you started.
You'll need to loop through each cell in the column that contains the information you're looking for. For this, look into Worksheet.Range.
As you go through each cell, you'll need to examine the data that is actually entered into that cell. Using the Worksheet.Range.Value you can extract the contents of the cell.
Use excels string functions to parse the cell value into the values your looking for. Ex: InStr, InStrRev, etc... See this link for your options and usage for each function.
Finally you'll need to insert a row for each value that you find. Lookup Worksheet.Rows.Insert.
This should be the basic framework for what you need to do.
you may want to start with this code:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim cell As Range
Dim iRow As Long, nArr As Long
With Worksheets("batches").Range("A1").CurrentRegion '<--| change "batches" with your actual sheet name
For iRow = .Rows.Count To 2 Step -1 '<--|loop through data rows backwards, not to process rows multiple times
Set cell = .Cells(iRow, 3) '<--| 3rd column of current row is being processed
cell = Mid(cell, 2, Len(cell) - 2) '<--|get the cell value between first and last bracket
myArr = Split(cell, ")(") '<--|parse the resulting string with ")(" as delimiter and obtain and array
nArr = UBound(myArr) '<--| calculate the array size
If nArr > 0 Then '<--| if more than one element in array...
With .Rows(iRow) '<--|... then refer to entire current row
.Offset(1).Resize(nArr).Insert '<--| ...insert n-1 rows...
.Resize(nArr + 1).Value = .Value '<--|...duplicate current row into newly inserted ones
End With
cell.Resize(nArr + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(myArr) '<--|fill 3rd column of current and newly inserted rows with array elements
End If
Next iRow
For iRow = 2 To .Rows.Count '<--|loop through data rows
With .Cells(iRow, 3) '<--| 3rd column of current is being processed
.Value = Right(.Value, Len(.Value) - InStrRev(.Value, ":")) '<--| "finish" it
End With
Next iRow
End With
End Sub
As per your example, it assumes that your data start from cell "A1" and there's no blank row or column between it and the bottom-right cell of your data

Selecting every Nth row, Excel. Replace with nothing or original cell content

I've got an Excel sheet with my variables listed in column E and their values listed in column G
I would like to test if E contains the word "text" (my variable). If so then I want to replace the corresponding cell in column G with "This is my successful if statement text".
If not -- I want the cell to either be left alone (impossible in excel) or keep the value it originally had (I think the issue is its populated with text not numbers).
So far ive tried
=if(e2="text", "Replace with this", G2)
as well as
=if(e2="text", "replace with this", "")
The top returns a number while the bottom returns an empty cell which deletes the contents I had there.
Any suggestions? I think this can be done with VB but that's out of my league.
The proper way to solve this is as so.
In column H (or any that doesn't contain any information) place the formula
=IF(E2 = "text", "This is the true part", G2) and drag down.
This will test E2 for the word "text" and then replace with "this is true.." If the conditions are not met, the original text from G2 is pulled into the new column.
Once this is complete, the desired results should have taken effect. You can then copy the row and use "Paste Special" and select "Values" from the pop up menu to paste in your new data. Selecting Values allows the user to paste the actual field data, not the formula that generated it!
Try this.
Sub g()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") 'change sheet name as applicable
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To lastRow
With ws
If .Cells(i, 5) = "text" Then
.Cells(i, 7) = "The text you want"
End If
End With
End Sub
It seems like you are trying to get four values from column E that you want to parse (cut up) and place in Column G.
By creating four parses { =mid(e2,16,10), =mid(e3, 9, 15), =mid(e4,5,3), =mid(e5,10,22) } in cells G2, G3, G4, and G5, respectively, you can select the block of four G cells (G2:G5), select the block at the bottom right, and drag it down throughout the file.
Optionally, you can use modulo math and case statements to loop through the file and perform the required function at each point:
myCount = 0
myLoop = 0
endMyLoop = false
myLoop = myCount mod 4
select case myLoop
case 0
code for description_tag
case 1
code for title_tag
case 2
code for headline
case 3
code for text
end select
if activecell.value = "" then endMyLoop = true
loop until (endMyLoop = true)
You stated that every fourth row the value in E is text. So, it should just be a matter of copying the formula every fourth row or performing your function every fourth iteration (modulo returns the remainder) in the G column.
One other option would be to nest your if loops (=if(e2="text","Its text",if(e2="title_tag","Its a title",if(e2="headline","Its headline","Its description")))) to account for the four different options. Of course you would fill the text with the function that you actually want to perform.

If Statement to check Excel column for a match value

I want to use an If statement (VBA code) to check the cell range in a column for a given numeric parameter. For the cell that matches the given value, the cells at the right (in the same row) should change the background color.
Pseudocode Example:
If cell in Range(F1:F10) has value=A1 Then
(random matched cell: F7=5,7)
Range (G7:M7) = Background Blue
The part to change the background I know how to do it, but what is the best way to check the given range?
I think you want something like
for i = 1 to 10 'rows in column f to loop through
if cells(i,6) = cells(1,1) then 'column a is 1, column f is 6, etc.
range(cells(i,7), cells(i,13)).interior.colorindex = 'number for that color
end if
next i
I'm guessing you may have multiple rows in F1:F10 that have a match on A1. I would iterate through the cells in the range with:
For each rngCell in Range("F1:F10")
If rngCell.value = Range("A1").value
Range("G" & rngCell.row, "M" & rngCell.row).Interior.ColorIndex = 5
End If

Changing values in a specific cell based on other cell/row inputs

Hi I'm fairly new to formulas and excel but this is one of the problems I have encountered.
I have been using 2 conditional formatting formulas as follows
Where the first formula simply highlights the row grey if del is in the I column of that row, is there also a way of making it change say the K column to 0 if column H in that row is 0?
And for the second formula which also highlights the row another color based on sum input in the given column of that row, is it also possible to change K column of that row to match the value of H column of the given row.
I know they would be similar but I needed to make it so formula one would only zero the K column in the given row if I column had "del" and H column of the row had Zero.
And for the second formula the values would only change in column k of the given row if "sum" was in the I column. Anything else needs to stay unformatted unless these changes are implemented.
I am unable to add a formula the the cells in question as these are overwritten with an button clicked event which inputs data into this field.
any information is appreciated, formula or VBA.
a) use =$I2="Del" instead of INDIRECT (where 2 is the first row of the range your conditional format applies to, e.g. =$A$2:$Z$9999, or the row of the firstly selected cell of the range when you are inserting the conditional format)
b) if you can use a new column that won't be overwritten, the formula in this new column can be:
P.S.: use , instead of ; if your Windows > Control Panel > Region and Language > Additional settings... > List separator is set to a comma
Just adjust the Offset accordingly to change the column(s) you want.
Dim firstCell As Range
Dim FoundCell As Range
Dim lastrow As Long
With ActiveSheet
lastrow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "H").End(xlUp).Row
With Range("H2:H" & lastrow)
Set FoundCell = .Find(What:="3")
Set firstCell = FoundCell
Do Until FoundCell Is Nothing
'.offset(0,-1) would be the same row in Column "G"
FoundCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = 0
'if you wanted to assign the same value then do this:
' FoundCell.Offset(0, -1).Value = FoundCell.Value
Set FoundCell = .FindNext(FoundCell)
If FoundCell.Address = firstCell.Address Then
Exit Do
End If
End With
End With