Appcelerator Titanium dynamically populate optionDialog - titanium

I'm new to Titanium so maybe my question is a newbie one, but I'm trying to dynamically populate an option Dialog (use Alloy framework).
Is it possible to create a new ArrayCollection and pass it to my optionDialog like this :
<OptionDialog id="dialog" title="Choose Calendar" src=getAllCalendars>
<Option id="{calendar_id}">{calendar_name}</Option>
Where getAllCalendar is a function that return a new Array Collection.
I know I've done things like this before in Flex but I can't make it work on Titanium so maybe it isn't the right way.
Thank you for your answers.

You need to write code in js file in Appcelerator(Alloy).
For that way you can easily get that click events.
var dialog = Ti.UI.createOptionDialog({
options : options,//Array
title : 'Hi <?'
dialog.addEventListener('click', function(_d) {

I came up with this. If you opt to just create the dialog box, which works in alloy using the classic method, you can do this.
For me, the key part was to keep the order of the options with my options array. After the option was selected, you could then reference the options array with the e.index to find which was selected.
function companyDialog(){
// Build the list of options, maintaining the position of the options.
// My list of companies returns companyname, companycode, id
companies = db.listCompanies();
var options = [];
_.each(companies, function(val){
options.push(val.companyname + " (" + val.companycode + ")");
var dialog = Ti.UI.createOptionDialog({
title : 'Companies',
options : options
dialog.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var setCode = "";
var selection = "Unknown";
if(options[e.index] != "Cancel") {


Change ICN contentViewer's tab title in split pane mode?

I need to change the "title" for each document shown in ICN Viewer, dynamically, at runtime. I'll read the new viewer tab title from the document properties
ENVIRONMENT: ICN 2.0.3 CM8.5 WAS 8.5.5
I found a PARTIAL solution by hooking "ecm.model.desktop, onChange":
aspect.after(ecm.model.desktop, 'onChange', function() {
var contentViewer = dijit.byId('contentViewer');
if (contentViewer) {
var viewerTabTitleDef = new ViewerTabTitleDef ();
contentViewer.mainTabContainer.getChildren().forEach(function(child) {
child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
I was able to extend this for subsequent documents opened in the same viewer, and optimized by "removing()" the handler after this initial call. Here is the complete code:
var kill = aspect.after(ecm.model.desktop, 'onChange', function() {
var contentViewer = dijit.byId('contentViewer');
// "contentViewer" will be "unknown" unless viewer invoked
console.log('onChange: contentViewer', contentViewer);
if (contentViewer) {
console.log("new ViewerTabTitleDef()...");
var viewerTabTitleDef = new ViewerTabTitleDef ();
contentViewer.mainTabContainer.getChildren().forEach(function(child) {
// For initially opened tabs
console.log('initially opened: child', child);
viewerTabTitleDef.changeTitle(viewerTabTitleDef.self, child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
aspect.after(contentViewer.mainTabContainer, 'addChild', function(child) {
// For tabs added after the viewer was opened
console.log('subsequently opened: child', child);
viewerTabTitleDef.changeTitle(viewerTabTitleDef, child.controlButton, child.contentViewerPane.viewerItem.item);
}, true);
} // end if contentViewer
}); // end aspect.after(onChange desktop)
Q: How can I change the label for a split tab (either vertical or horizontal)?
So far, I have NOT been able to find any event for any ICN/ECM widget or object variable that I can trigger on.
Thank you in advance!
Many thanks to Ivo Jonker, for his suggestion to modify the widget prototype's
"getHtmlName()" method. It worked!
I'm invoking this code from an ICN plugin. I set event handlers in my plugin's base .js file, but it actually gets invoked in the new, separate viewer window.
The original prototype looked like this:
getHtmlName: function() {
var methodName = "getHtmlName";
var displayName = this.item.getDisplayValue("{NAME}");
if (displayName == "") {
displayName =;
var htmlName = entities.encode(displayName);
return htmlName;
Per Ivo's suggestion, I overrode the prototype method like this:
myPluginDojo.viewerTabTitleDef = viewerTabTitleDef;
ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem.prototype.getHtmlName = function () {
console.log("NEW getHtmlName()...");
var displayName = myPluginDojo.viewerTabTitleDef.getTitle(this.item);
return displayName;
If i understand you correctly, you want to show a different tab-title (instead of the document title) in the navigator viewer whenever a doc is opened?
How about this:
Every document you open in the viewer is wrapped in a ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem which exposes the getHtmlName that returns the name used in the tab.
Your solution would be to implement your own getHtmlName.
Unfortunately though, the ViewerItem is constructed in the ecm.widget.viewer.ContentViewer#_open and then passed to the ecm.widget.viewer.ContentViewer#_openTab. So you'll either violate best practice by mingling with IBM private method's, or you'll go for a generic approach and just replace the ecm.widget.viewer.model.ViewerItem.prototype.getHtmlName

How do I display invalid form Dijits inside closed TitlePanes?

I have a large Dijit-based form with many Dijits in collapsible TitlePanes.
When the form validates, any invalid items hidden inside closed TitlePanes (obviously) cannot be seen. So it appears as though the form is just dead and won't submit, though, unbeknownst to the user, there's actually an error hidden in a closed TitlePane which is preventing the form processing.
What's the solution here? Is there an easy way to simply open all TitlePanes containing Dijits that are in an error state?
If validation is done by following, it will work:-
function validateForm() {
var myform = dijit.byId("myform");
var isValid = myform.validate();
var errorFields = dojo.query(".dijitError");
var titlePane = getParentTitlePane(fieldnode);
//write a method getParentTitlePane to find the pane to which this field belongs
if(titlePane) {
return isValid;
function getParentTitlePane(fieldnode) {
var titlePane;
//dijitTitlePane is the class of TitlePane widget
while(fieldnode && fieldnode.className!="dijitTitlePane") {
fieldnode= fieldnode.parentNode;
if(fieldnode) {
mynode = dijit.getEnclosingWidget(fieldnode);
return titlePane;
Lets say if the following is the HTML and we call the above validateForm on submit of form.
<form id="myform" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Form" onSubmit="validateForm();">
Here's what I ended up doing (I'm not great with Javascript, so this might sucked, but it works -- suggestions for improvement are appreciated):
function openTitlePanes(form) {
// Iterate through the child widgets of the form
dijit.registry.findWidgets(document.getElementById( {
// Is this a title pane?
if (item.baseClass == 'dijitTitlePane') {
// Iterate the children of this title pane
dijit.registry.findWidgets(document.getElementById( {
// Does this child have a validator, and -- if so -- is it valid?
if (!(typeof child.isValid === 'undefined') && !child.isValid()) {
// It's not valid, make sure the title pane is open
item.set('open', true);

Calling member functions on click/tap within sencha touch 2 templates

I am rather new to sencha touch, I've done a lot of research and tutorials to learn the basics but now that I am experimenting I have run into a problem that I can't figure out.
I have a basic DataList which gets its data from a store which displays in a xtemplate.
Within this template I have created a member function which requires store field data to be parsed as a parameter.
I would like to make a thumbnail image (that's source is pulled from the store) execute the member function on click/tap.
I can't find any information on this within the docs, does anyone know the best way to go about this?
Here is a code example (pulled from docs as I can't access my actual code right now).
var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<p>Name: {name}</p>'
tapFunction: function(name){
tpl.overwrite(panel.body, data);
I want to make the paragraph clickable which will then execute the tapFunction() member function and pass the {name} variable.
Doing something like onclick="{[this.tapFunction(]} " does not seem to work.
I think functions in template are executed as soon as the view is rendered so I don't think this is the proper solution.
What I would do in your case is :
Add a unique class to your < p > tag
tpl : '<p class="my-p-tag">{name}</p>'
Detect the itemtap event on the list
In your dataview controller, you add an tap event listener on your list.
refs: {
control: {
myList: {
itemtap: 'listItemTap'
Check if the target of the tap is the < p > tag
To do so, implement your listItemTap function like so :
listItemTap: function(list,index,target,record,e){
var node =;
if (node.className && node.className.indexOf('my-p-tag') > -1) {
Hope this helps

Sencha Touch - switching between views

i am trying to make the same app with the miamicode, i am at step 3
i try to make the button that goes to new note (switch to a new screen and create a new note)
the code at the example is this:
onNewNoteCommand: function () {
var now = new Date();
var noteId = (now.getTime()).toString() + (this.getRandomInt(0, 100)).toString();
var newNote = Ext.create("NotesApp.model.Note", {
id: noteId,
dateCreated: now,
title: "",
narrative: ""
the activateNotesList function is this :
activateNotesList: function () {
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getNotesListView(), this.slideRightTransition);
on my own example i try just to go the editview without passing data.
so i try this:
var noteEditor = this.getNoteEditor();
// Ext.Viewport.add(noteEditor); also tried this.
that code runs with no errors but the screen doesn't change.
any suggestion? whats the difference on add ?
how do i set the viewport (haven't created any custom viewport) to card? is this the problem that setactiveitem doesn't work? any other way to switch between views?
Are there some errors in google chrome browser's console? Ctrl+Shift+J to open.
Also you have to check if noteEditor equals Object or Number.
From sencha docs: setActiveItem( Object/Number activeItem )

Dojo: Can't update drop down list after adding a new group

I've been playing around with IBM's tutorial at this link.
I've done very well so far, but I can't seem to get the drop down list to populate the new group entry. Even the original code isn't working.
//Refresh the data store for the groups dropdown (in case groups added, edited or deleted)
function refreshGroupDropDown() {
var theStore = dijit.byId("edit_contact_group").store;
theStore.url = "data/groups.php";
Update: Still having trouble. I tried this below and still nothing. The function refreshGroupDropDown() is called when the user opens the edit contact windows or new contact window.
//Refresh the data store for the groups dropdown (in case groups added, edited or deleted)
function refreshGroupDropDown() {
var new_store = new ItemFileReadStore({url: 'data/groups.php' , clearOnClose: true});
var theStore = dijit.byId("edit_contact_group"); = new_store;
//Clears the "Edit Contact" form, sets it up for adding a new contact
function newContact() {
var contact = contactsGrid.selection.getSelected()[0];
dojo.byId("edit_contact_real_id").value = "";
dojo.byId("edit_contact_id").value = "[NEW]";
dijit.byId("editContactDialog").set("title", "New Contact");
//Process the adding of a new group to the database
function doNewGroup(e) {
dojo.byId("new_group_ajax").value = "1";
if(this.isValid()) {
form: this.domNode,
handleAs: "json",
load: function(data) {
if(data.success) {
okDialog.set("title","Group created successfully");
okDialogMsg.innerHTML = "The group <strong>""</strong> was created successfully.";
groupsStore.newItem({"id","name"}, {"parent": groupsModel.root, "attribute":"groups"});;
else {
okDialog.set("title","Error creating group");
okDialogMsg.innerHTML = data.error;;
error: function(error) {
okDialog.set("title","Error creating group");
okDialogMsg.innerHTML = error;;
Hopefully this helps! I'm a beginner so any help is appreciated.
I figured it out! The issue was with the index.html. The input tag for the groups drop-down list looks like this
<input dojoType="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" name="move_contact_new" store="groupsStore" searchAttr="name" query="{type:'node'}" id="move_contact_new" required="true" style="margin-bottom: 6px" />
The query attribute was never set correctly. Once I deleted query="{type:'node'}" the groups re-populate after adding, editing, or deleting groups.
A beginner answer for a beginner question.
Hope this can help any beginners out there.
Based on what you've posted, the only problem I see is with the line var theStore = dijit.byId("edit_contact_group").store;because it doesn't acutally create a dataStore. You need to make sure you also include something like `var edit_contact_group = new;or an equivalent. Othewise, have you connected the refreshGroupDropDown() function to the appropriated event ('onclick' or whatever) using dojo.connect()? Have you loaded the function refreshGroupDropDown() using dojo.ready? ie. dojo.ready(function(){refreshGroupDropDown();});Those are always the first things that come to mind...